925 resultados para frequency-domain spectroscopy, photon migration, absorption, reduced scattering, Intralipid, temperature measurement


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AIMS The Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb BVS) provides similar clinical outcomes compared with a durable polymer-based everolimus-eluting metallic stent (EES) in stable coronary artery disease patients. ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) lesions have been associated with delayed arterial healing and impaired stent-related outcomes. The purpose of the present study is to compare directly the arterial healing response, angiographic efficacy and clinical outcomes between the Absorb BVS and metallic EES. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 191 patients with acute STEMI were randomly allocated to treatment with the Absorb BVS or a metallic EES 1:1. The primary endpoint is the neointimal healing (NIH) score, which is calculated based on a score taking into consideration the presence of uncovered and malapposed stent struts, intraluminal filling defects and excessive neointimal proliferation, as detected by optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) six months after the index procedure. The study will provide 90% power to show non-inferiority of the Absorb BVS compared with the EES. CONCLUSIONS This will be the first randomised study investigating the arterial healing response following implantation of the Absorb BVS compared with the EES. The healing response assessed by a novel NIH score in conjunction with results on angiographic efficacy parameters and device-oriented events will elucidate disease-specific applications of bioresorbable scaffolds.


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MRSI grids frequently show spectra with poor quality, mainly because of the high sensitivity of MRS to field inhomogeneities. These poor quality spectra are prone to quantification and/or interpretation errors that can have a significant impact on the clinical use of spectroscopic data. Therefore, quality control of the spectra should always precede their clinical use. When performed manually, quality assessment of MRSI spectra is not only a tedious and time-consuming task, but is also affected by human subjectivity. Consequently, automatic, fast and reliable methods for spectral quality assessment are of utmost interest. In this article, we present a new random forest-based method for automatic quality assessment of (1) H MRSI brain spectra, which uses a new set of MRS signal features. The random forest classifier was trained on spectra from 40 MRSI grids that were classified as acceptable or non-acceptable by two expert spectroscopists. To account for the effects of intra-rater reliability, each spectrum was rated for quality three times by each rater. The automatic method classified these spectra with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.976. Furthermore, in the subset of spectra containing only the cases that were classified every time in the same way by the spectroscopists, an AUC of 0.998 was obtained. Feature importance for the classification was also evaluated. Frequency domain skewness and kurtosis, as well as time domain signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) in the ranges 50-75 ms and 75-100 ms, were the most important features. Given that the method is able to assess a whole MRSI grid faster than a spectroscopist (approximately 3 s versus approximately 3 min), and without loss of accuracy (agreement between classifier trained with just one session and any of the other labelling sessions, 89.88%; agreement between any two labelling sessions, 89.03%), the authors suggest its implementation in the clinical routine. The method presented in this article was implemented in jMRUI's SpectrIm plugin. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Recent publications have questioned the origin of the MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cell line and have suggested that it is of melanocyte origin rather than breast epithelial origin. The data presented herein show unequivocally that MDA-MB-435 does express breast epithelial markers and produces milk-specific lipids. The data also indicated that MDA-MB-435 does express some melanocyte proteins but this expression occurs in the same MDA-MB-435 cells that express breast epithelial proteins. Although MDA-MB-435 does not strictly adhere to a breast lineage, it does retain breast specific markers and is thus valid as an experimental cell line in breast cancer studies. ^ Heregulinβ1 (HRGβ1) has been shown to both stimulate and inhibit breast tumorigenic and metasastasic phenotypes. Some studies used only the EGF-like domain of the extracellular domain of HRGβ1 while others used bacterially-expressed HRGβ1. Our in vitro data demonstrated that the full-length extracellular domain of human HRGβ1 reduced clonal growth of MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells but stimulated apoptosis in MDA-MB-435 and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. In addition, mammalian-expressed HRGβ1 did not dramatically affect matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity but did inhibit cell motility of MDA-MB-435 and MCF-7 cells. Taken together, the in vitro data indicated that HRGβ1 inhibits metastasis-associated properties. ^ The in vivo data demonstrated that inducible expression of the full-length extracellular domain of human HRGβ1 in MDA-MB-435 cells reduced tumor volume and cell proliferation but increased apoptosis of cells injected at the mammary fat pad in nude mice. More importantly, HRGβ1 reduced the number of metastases observed by a spontaneous metastasis assay. Taken together, these data indicate that the full-length extracellular domain of human HRGβ1 has the net effect of inhibiting breast cancer metastasis. ^


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Continuous condensation particle (CP) observations were conducted from 1984 through 2009 at Neumayer Station under stringent contamination control. During this period, the CP concentration (median 258 1/cm**3) showed no significant long term trend but exhibited a pronounced seasonality characterized by a stepwise increase starting in September and reaching its annual maximum of around 10**3/cm**3 in March. Minimum values below 10**2/cm**3 were observed during June/July. Dedicated time series analyses in the time and frequency domain revealed no significant correlations between inter-annual CP concentration variations and atmospheric circulation indices like Southern Annular Mode (SAM) or Southern Ocean Index (SOI). The impact of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption and strong El Niño events did not affect CP concentrations. From thermodenuder experiments we deduced that the portion of volatile (at 125 °C) and semi-volatile (at 250 °C) particles which could be both associated with biogenic sulfur aerosol, was maximum during austral summer, while during winter non-volatile sea salt particles dominated. During September through April we could frequently observe enhanced concentrations of ultrafine particles within the nucleation mode (between 3 nm and 7 nm particle diameter), preferentially in the afternoon.


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For the first time, annually resolved accumulation rates have been determined in central Antarctica by means of counting seasonal signals of ammonium, calcium, and sodium. All records, obtained from three intermediate depth ice cores from Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, show rather constant accumulation rates throughout the last 9 centuries with mean values of 63, 61, and 44 mm H2O yr**-1 and a typical year-to-year variation of about 30%. For the last few decades, no trend was detected accounting for the high natural variability of all records. A significant weak intersite correlation is apparent only between two cores when the high-frequency part with periods less than 30 years is removed. By analyzing the records in the frequency domain, no persistent periods were found. This suggests that the snow accumulation in this area is mainly influenced by local deposition patterns and may be additionally masked by redistribution of snow due to wind. By comparing accumulation rates over the last 2 millennia a distinct change in the layer thickness in one of the three cores was found, which might be attributed either to an area upstream of the drilling site with lower accumulation rates, or to deposition processes influenced by surface undulations. The missing of a clear correlation between the accumulation rate histories at the three locations is also important for the interpretation of small, short time variations of past precipitation records obtained from deep ice cores.


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Detailed stable isotopic and calcium carbonate records (with a sampling resolution of 3000 yr.) from the middle Miocene section of hydraulic piston corer (HPC) Hole 574A provide a sequence that records the major shift in the oxygen isotopic composition of the world's oceans that occurred at about 14 Ma. The data suggest that this transition was rapid and spans about 30,000 yr. of sediment deposition. In intervals before and after the shift, the mean d18O values are characterized by a constant mean with a high degree of variability. The degree of variability in both the d18O and d13C records is comparable to that observed for the Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene and does not show a significant change before or after the major shift in the d18O record. Whereas the oxygen isotopic record is characterized by relatively stable mean values before and after the middle Miocene event, the d13C record shows a number of significant offsets in the mean value separated by intervals of high-frequency variations. Time and frequency domain analysis of all records from Hole 574A indicate that the frequency components shown to be related to orbital changes in the Pleistocene record are also present in the middle Miocene. The high variability observed in the Site 574 isotopic records places important constraints on models describing the role of formation of the Antarctic ice sheet during the middle Miocene climatic transitions. Thus, HPC Hole 574A provides a valuable sequence for detailed study of climatic variability during an important time in the Earth's history, although we cannot provide a definitive explanation of the major oxygen isotopic event of the middle Miocene.


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High-resolution palynological analysis on annually laminated sediments of Sihailongwan Maar Lake (SHL) provides new insights into the Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China. The robust chronology of the presented record is based on varve counting and AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plant macro-remains. In addition to the qualitative interpretation of the pollen data, we provide quantitative reconstructions of vegetation and climate based on the method of biomization and weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS) technique, respectively. Power spectra were computed to investigate the frequency domain distribution of proxy signals and potential natural periodicities. Pollen assemblages, pollen-derived biome scores and climate variables as well as the cyclicity pattern indicate that NE China experienced significant changes in temperature and moisture conditions during the Holocene. Within the earliest phase of the Holocene, a large-scale reorganization of vegetation occurred, reflecting the reconstructed shift towards higher temperatures and precipitation values and the initial Holocene strengthening and northward expansion of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). Afterwards, summer temperatures remain at a high level, whereas the reconstructed precipitation shows an increasing trend until approximately 4000 cal. yr BP. Since 3500 cal. yr BP, temperature and precipitation values decline, indicating moderate cooling and weakening of the EASM. A distinct periodicity of 550-600 years and evidence of a Mid-Holocene transition from a temperature-triggered to a predominantly moisture-triggered climate regime are derived from the power spectra analysis. The results obtained from SHL are largely consistent with other palaeoenvironmental records from NE China, substantiating the regional nature of the reconstructed vegetation and climate patterns. However, the reconstructed climate changes contrast with the moisture evolution recorded in S China and the mid-latitude (semi-)arid regions of N China. Whereas a clear insolation-related trend of monsoon intensity over the Holocene is lacking from the SHL record, variations in the coupled atmosphere-Pacific Ocean system can largely explain the reconstructed changes in NE China.


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Passive chambers are used to examine the impacts of summer warming in Antarctica but, so far, impacts occurring outside the growing season, or related to extreme temperatures, have not been reported, despite their potentially large biological significance. In this review, we synthesise and discuss the microclimate impacts of passive warming chambers (closed, ventilated and Open Top Chamber-OTC) commonly used in Antarctic terrestrial habitats, paying special attention to seasonal warming, during the growing season and outside, extreme temperatures and freeze-thaw events. Both temperature increases and decreases were recorded throughout the year. Closed chambers caused earlier spring soil thaw (8-28 days) while OTCs delayed soil thaw (3-13 days). Smaller closed chamber types recorded the largest temperature extremes (up to 20°C higher than ambient) and longest periods (up to 11 h) of above ambient extreme temperatures, and even OTCs had above ambient temperature extremes over up to 5 consecutive hours. The frequency of freeze-thaw events was reduced by ~25%. All chamber types experienced extreme temperature ranges that could negatively affect biological responses, while warming during winter could result in depletion of limited metabolic resources. The effects outside the growing season could be as important in driving biological responses as the mean summer warming. We make suggestions for improving season-specific warming simulations and propose that seasonal and changed temperature patterns achieved under climate manipulations should be recognised explicitly in descriptions of treatment effects.


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Ten ODP sites drilled in a depth transect (2164-4775 m water depth) during Leg 172 recovered high-deposition rate (>20 cm/kyr) sedimentary sections from sediment drifts in the western North Atlantic. For each site an age model covering the past 0.8-0.9 Ma has been developed. The time scales have a resolution of 10-20 kyr and are derived by tuning variations of estimated carbonate content to the orbital parameters precession and obliquity. Based on the similarity in the signature of proxy records and the spectral character of the time series, the sites are divided into two groups: precession cycles are better developed in carbonate records from a group of shallow sites (2164-2975 m water depth, Sites 1055-1058) while the deeper sites (2995-4775 m water depth, Sites 1060-1063) are characterized by higher spectral density in the obliquity band. The resulting time scales show excellent coherence with other dated carbonate and isotope records from low latitudes. Besides the typical Milankovitch cyclicity significant variance of the resulting carbonate time series is concentrated at millennial-scale changes with periods of about 12, 6, 4, 2.5, and 1.5 kyr. Comparisons of carbonate records from the Blake Bahama Outer Ridge and the Bermuda Rise reveal a remarkable similarity in the time and frequency domain indicating a basin-wide uniform sedimentation pattern during the last 0.9 Ma.


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With various low-temperature experiments performed on magnetic mineral extracts of marine sedimentary deposits from the Argentine continental slope near the Rio de la Plata estuary, a so far unreported style of partial magnetic self-reversal has been detected. In these sediments the sulphate-methane transition (SMT) zone is situated at depths between 4 and 8 m, where reductive diagenesis severely alters the magnetic mineral assemblage. Throughout the sediment column magnetite and ilmenite are present together with titanomagnetite and titanohematite of varying compositions. In the SMT zone (titano-)magnetite only occurs as inclusions in a siliceous matrix and as intergrowths with lamellar ilmenite and titanium-rich titanohematite, originating from high temperature deuteric oxidation within the volcanic host rocks. These abundant structures were visualized by scanning electron microscopy and analysed by energy dispersive spectroscopy. Warming of field-cooled and zero-field-cooled low-temperature saturation remanence displays magnetic phase transitions of titanium-rich titanohematite below 50 K and the Verwey transition of magnetite. A prominent irreversible decline characterizes zero-field cooling of room temperature saturation remanence. It typically sets out at ~210 K and is most clearly developed in the lower part of the SMT zone, where low-temperature hysteresis measurements identified ~210 K as the blocking temperature range of a titanohematite phase with a Curie temperature of around 240 K. The mechanism responsible for the marked loss of remanence is, therefore, sought in partial magnetic self-reversal by magnetostatic interaction of (titano-)magnetite and titanohematite. When titanohematite becomes ferrimagnetic upon cooling, its spontaneous magnetic moments order antiparallel to the (titano-)magnetite remanence causing an drastic initial decrease of global magnetization. The loss of remanence during subsequent further cooling appears to result from two combined effects (1) magnetic interaction between the two phases by which the (titano-)magnetite domain structure is substantially modified and (2) low-temperature demagnetization of (titano-)magnetite due to decreasing magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The depletion of titanomagnetite and superior preservation of titanohematite is characteristic for strongly reducing sedimentary environments. Typical residuals of magnetic mineral assemblages derived from basaltic volcanics will be intergrowths of titanohematite lamellae with titanomagnetite relics. Low-temperature remanence cycling is, therefore, proposed as a diagnostic method to magnetically characterize such alteration (palaeo-)environments.


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Energy availability and local adaptation are major components in mediating the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine species. In a long-term study, we investigated the effects of food availability and elevated pCO2 (ca 400, 1000 and 3000 µatm) on growth of newly settled Amphibalanus (Balanus) improvisus to reproduction, and on their offspring. We also compared two different populations, which were presumed to differ in their sensitivity to pCO2 due to differing habitat conditions: Kiel Fjord, Germany (Western Baltic Sea) with naturally strong pCO2 fluctuations, and the Tjärnö Archipelago, Sweden (Skagerrak) with far lower fluctuations. Over 20 weeks, survival, growth, reproduction and shell strength of Kiel barnacles were all unaffected by elevated pCO2, regardless of food availability. Moulting frequency and shell corrosion increased with increasing pCO2 in adults. Larval development and juvenile growth of the F1 generation were tolerant to increased pCO2, irrespective of parental treatment. In contrast, elevated pCO2 had a strong negative impact on survival of Tjärnö barnacles. Specimens from this population were able to withstand moderate levels of elevated pCO2 over 5 weeks when food was plentiful but showed reduced growth under food limitation. Severe levels of elevated pCO2 negatively impacted growth of Tjärnö barnacles in both food treatments. We demonstrate a conspicuously higher tolerance to elevated pCO2 in Kiel barnacles than in Tjärnö barnacles. This tolerance was carried-over from adults to their offspring. Our findings indicate that populations from fluctuating pCO2 environments are more tolerant to elevated pCO2 than populations from more stable pCO2 habitats. We furthermore provide evidence that energy availability can mediate the ability of barnacles to withstand moderate CO2 stress. Considering the high tolerance of Kiel specimens and the possibility to adapt over many generations, near future OA alone does not seem to present a major threat for A. improvisus


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This paper shows that today’s modelling of electrical noise as coming from noisy resistances is a non sense one contradicting their nature as systems bearing an electrical noise. We present a new model for electrical noise that including Johnson and Nyquist work also agrees with the Quantum Mechanical description of noisy systems done by Callen and Welton, where electrical energy fluctuates and is dissipated with time. By the two currents the Admittance function links in frequency domain with their common voltage, this new model shows the connection Cause-Effect that exists between Fluctuation and Dissipation of energy in time domain. In spite of its radical departure from today’s belief on electrical noise in resistors, this Complex model for electrical noise is obtained from Nyquist result by basic concepts of Circuit Theory and Thermo- dynamics that also apply to capacitors and inductors.


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Application of the spectrum analyzer for illustrating several concepts associated with mobile communications is discussed. Specifically, two groups of observable features are described. First, time variation and frequency selectivity of multipath propagation can be revealed by carrying out simple measurements on commercial-network GSM and UMTS signals. Second, the main time-domain and frequency-domain features of GSM and UMTS radio signals can be observed. This constitutes a valuable tool for teaching mobile communication courses.


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The electroencephalograph (EEG) signal is one of the most widely used signals in the biomedicine field due to its rich information about human tasks. This research study describes a new approach based on i) build reference models from a set of time series, based on the analysis of the events that they contain, is suitable for domains where the relevant information is concentrated in specific regions of the time series, known as events. In order to deal with events, each event is characterized by a set of attributes. ii) Discrete wavelet transform to the EEG data in order to extract temporal information in the form of changes in the frequency domain over time- that is they are able to extract non-stationary signals embedded in the noisy background of the human brain. The performance of the model was evaluated in terms of training performance and classification accuracies and the results confirmed that the proposed scheme has potential in classifying the EEG signals.


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This paper shows a physically cogent model for electrical noise in resistors that has been obtained from Thermodynamical reasons. This new model derived from the works of Johnson and Nyquist also agrees with the Quantum model for noisy systems handled by Callen and Welton in 1951, thus unifying these two Physical viewpoints. This new model is a Complex or 2-D noise model based on an Admittance that considers both Fluctuation and Dissipation of electrical energy to excel the Real or 1-D model in use that only considers Dissipation. By the two orthogonal currents linked with a common voltage noise by an Admittance function, the new model is shown in frequency domain. Its use in time domain allows to see the pitfall behind a paradox of Statistical Mechanics about systems considered as energy-conserving and deterministic on the microscale that are dissipative and unpredictable on the macroscale and also shows how to use properly the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem.