957 resultados para flooding irrigation
The Missouri River floods of 2011 will go down in history as the longest duration flooding event this state has seen to date. The combination of above normal snowfall in the upper Missouri River basin followed by the equivalent of nearly one year’s worth of rainfall in May created an above normal runoff situation which filled the Missouri River and the six main reservoirs within the basin. Compounding this problem was colder than normal temperatures which kept much of the snow pack in the upper basin on the ground longer into the spring, setting the stage for this historic event.
Being prepared means making an emergency plan, building an emergency kit and being aware of the hazards that can impact you. Whether you are at home or at work, emergencies like tornadoes, flooding or winter storms can occur quickly and without warning. We can’t prevent emergencies, but we can prepare for them.
Whether it’s tornadoes, flooding, winter storms or an act of terrorism, emergencies can occur quickly and without warning. Although we cannot prevent emergencies, we can prepare for them. Teachers and administrators need to take special care as they are responsible for the students in their care. Putting together and having on hand a crisis kit can be invaluable in times of emergency.
The Duck Creek Watershed, the recipient of a 2009 DNR Watershed Management Planning Grant and a focus of an upcoming City of Davenport master plan, is characterized by relatively flat grades and highly impervious areas. Plagued by issues such as high bacteria loads, stream bank erosion and flooding, solving these problems may take generations. The City of Davenport has taken a microwatershed approach to identify the significant contributors to water quality and flooding issues that affect Duck Creek, its tributaries and the surrounding landscape to make inroads into the larger issues. This project is the next phase of a multi-phased project that addresses the microwatershed that includes St Ambrose University. Work here will improve water quality within Duck Creek and address major flooding issues on campus while also reducing downstream flooding. This project will convert an existing parking lot into a green parking area by removing the hard surface and installing below ground facilities for storm water infiltration, detention, and reuse. Permeable pavement, bio swales and infiltration areas will be constructed on top of the infiltration facilities. We estimate that this project will capture and treat 1,110,000 gallons (3.5 acre feet) of storm water runoff which accounts to the runoff volume from a 10-year storm event while reducing pollutants by 30-100%.
A lysimeter experiment was carried out with sugarcane aiming to evaluate the leaching of nitrogen derived from either urea (15N) or the soil/sugarcane crop residues. The leaching of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ was also evaluated. The experiment was a factorial 2x4. The influencing factors were: firstly, the differential addition of two kinds of sugarcane remains to the soil, simulating conditions of cane- plantation renewal after the cane crop harvest, with and without previous straw removal by burning; secondly, four doses of N: 0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1. During the experimental period the total volume of water received by the sugarcane-soil system was 2,015 mm, with 1,255 mm as precipitation and 760 mm as irrigation. The loss of N by leaching from the fertilizer (15N) was not detected. In the first three weeks the largest losses of N by leaching occurred, originating from the soil/sugarcane remains-N. The mean of leached N during the experimental period of 11 months was of 4.5 kg ha-1. The mean losses of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ were of 13, 320 and 80 kg ha-1, respectively.
En el presente trabajo se simula la introducción de diferentes métodos de reparto del agua en la agricultura, y se aplican a una zona de regadío del valle central del Ebro. En concreto, se han escogido tres métodos diferentes de asignación con el fin de comparar su eficiencia económica. Además del actual sistema proporcional y el sistema de mercado, se simulará la introducción de la regla de reparto uniforme, desarrollada en la teoría de la elección social. Los resultados permiten concluir que aunque el mercado de agua conduzca a mejores resultados globales en todos los casos, la regla uniforme puede resultar una alternativa interesante cuando las dotaciones de agua se encuentran en el intervalo habitual, mientras que en situaciones de escasez severa de agua, el mercado presenta una ventaja más clara con respecto a cualquier otro sistema de asignación. Asimismo, los resultados demuestran que los niveles superiores de heterogeneidad entre los usuarios y altos precios administrativos del agua representan situaciones más ventajosas para la aplicación de la regla de asignación uniforme en comparación con el actual sistema proporcional
The objective of this work was to evaluate the water flow computer model, WATABLE, using experimental field observations on water table management plots from a site located near Hastings, FL, USA. The experimental field had scale drainage systems with provisions for subirrigation with buried microirrigation and conventional seepage irrigation systems. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growing seasons from years 1996 and 1997 were used to simulate the hydrology of the area. Water table levels, precipitation, irrigation and runoff volumes were continuously monitored. The model simulated the water movement from a buried microirrigation line source and the response of the water table to irrigation, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and deep percolation. The model was calibrated and verified by comparing simulated results with experimental field observations. The model performed very well in simulating seasonal runoff, irrigation volumes, and water table levels during crop growth. The two-dimensional model can be used to investigate different irrigation strategies involving water table management control. Applications of the model include optimization of the water table depth for each growth stage, and duration, frequency, and rate of irrigation.
The main environmental variables determining the community structure and the functioning of Mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems are described. These ecosystems are characterized by the unpredictability of their water inputs and the high variability in their water level and physical and chemical composition. Variations in flooding, salinity, and water turnover are determinant in species composition and nutrient dynamics. Taxon-based and size-based approaches to the study of the community structure of aquatic organisms that colonise these ecosystems are also compared. The conventional taxonomic approach, based on the determination of species composition, has been used for the identification of patterns in species richness, distribution and temporal dynamics, and for ecological requirements of species and their potential use as ecological indicators. This taxonbased approach has been compared with a size-based approach, where individuals are classified by their size. Size-based approach gives complementary information about community structure and dynamics, especially when communities are dominated by a single species. The use of size diversity combined with species diversity is suggested for a more complete understanding of community structuring in this type of ecosystem. Detailed examples of two Mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems, the salt marshes of the Empordà wetlands and the Espolla temporary karstic pond, which differ in hydrology and water origin, are used to discuss the suitability of these different approaches
This issue review examines the flooding experienced by the University of Iowa and, to a much lesser degree, by Iowa State University and the University of Northern Iowa.
Plagued for nearly a century by the perennial flooding of Indian Creek, the City begins construction on a massive channelization project designed to confine the creek to its banks. Funded largely through a grant from the recently established Public Works Administration (PWA), the Indian Creek Channel, upon its completion two years later, would become the largest PWA undertaking in the State of Iowa. Though it did not completely end flooding in Council Bluffs, construction of the Indian Creek Channel did substantially reduce both the number and severity of the city's subsequent floods. It also profoundly impacted the residential and commercial development of Council Bluffs, as well as the city's sanitary conditions. The effects of the Indian Creek channelization, both practical and historical, are still realized today. In 2009, plans for a City road and bridge construction project at the intersection of North Broadway Street and Kanesville Boulevard proposed to replace a 221-foot-long segment of the Indian Creek Channel with a concrete box culvert. In compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, a cultural resources study was conducted at the proposed construction site, the findings of which concluded that the historic character of the Indian Creek Channel would be compromised by the impending construction. As a means of mitigating these damages, an agreement was reached among the City, the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office, and the Federal Highway Administration that resulted in detailed research and documentation of the historical significance of the Indian Creek Channel. The findings of that study are summarized in this publication.
The end-Permian mass extinction greatly affected the sedimentary record, but the sedimentary response was not limited to the Permian-Triassic boundary interval. This transformation extended to sedimentation that spanned the entire Early Triassic. Calcimicrobialites play an important role throughout this time interval, and at least four main events of anomalous carbonate deposition can be shown. A post-extinction calcimicrobial unit occurs above the extensive Permian skeletal carbonate platform exposed in the Taurus Mountains (southern Turkey), in south Armenia, north-west north and Central Iran along the Zagros Mountains. The calcimicrobial unit formed during the flooding of the platform that took place during the earliest Triassic. A similar calcimicrobialite formed during late Griesbachian to Dienerian time atop the shallow Permian skeletal carbonate platform largely exposed in south China. A third event occurred during the Early Olenekian on the first Mesozoic isolated pelagic plateau (Baid seamount, Oman Mountains). Here the change in carbonate sedimentation is reflected in the occurrence of thrombolites and carbonate seafloor fans. Near the end of Early Triassic time, unusual carbonate deposition is recorded both on an isolated pelagic plateau of the Western Tethys (Halstatt limestone of Dobrogea, Romania) and on the eastern Panthalassa margin of the western United States. In the western United States, the event is represented by stromatolites and thrombolites in the Virgin Limestone of the Moenkopi Formation and by seafloor fans in the middle and upper members of the Union Wash Formation. These unusual episodes of anomalous carbonate deposition illustrate a fundamental change in sedimentation that occurred in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction.
In June 2008, the University of Iowa (UI) campus experienced severe flooding and major damage to campus facilities. This report summarizes information provided by the UI on flood recovery as of August 2012.
Aquest projecte pretén satisfer la demanda del Celler Lavinyeta, que vol instaurar unsistema de reg per degoteig en una parcel•la de 8,5 ha. Es vol millorar la producció deraïm per a la vinificació però principalment es vol aconseguir obtenir una producció elmés estable possible en el temps.El celler Lavinyeta es troba al terme municipal de Mollet de Peralada, a la comarca del’Alt Empordà. De totes maneres, algunes parcel•les de la finca pertanyen al municipide Sant Climent de Sescebes
En el marc dels cabals ambientals o “ecològics”, el coneixement de la regulació del règim de cabals mínims o baixos per part de les infraestructures hidràuliques pren especial importància. En aquest treball, es contrasta la hipòtesi de que la regulació del règim fluvial per part dels embassaments de regadiu i per part dels embassaments destinats a la producció d’energia hidroelèctrica produeix una alteració diferent en el règim de cabals mínims. Per fer-ho, es realitza l’anàlisi comparatiu del grau d’assoliment històric dels cabals mínims ecològics, determinats en el nou Pla de Conca de l’Ebre 2010-15, en 30 trams fluvials representatius de l’efecte d’aquests tipus d’embassaments. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la tipologia d’ús dels embassaments és determinant en la regulació dels cabals mínims. Els embassaments de reg produeixen una major alteració del règim de cabals mínims i presenten una diferent distribució i una major variabilitat intraanual en aquesta alteració que els embassaments hidroelèctrics.
Crop seasonal sensitivity to water stress is concerned with how to control water stress levels to optimise yield or profitability. It deals with when we can reduce irrigation and impose moderate water deficits without affecting our target, and when we can apply water to avoid too much stress.