960 resultados para fish feeding
Among plant protein ingredients,ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leafmeal (ILLM) is considered the most nutritive plant protein source after soybean meal in aquatic feeds. That was proven in a 21-day experiment conducted to assess the response of juvenile Monosex Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus with four iso-nitrogenous formulated diets: One control diet was formulated based on fishmeal, one on soybean meal and one on rice bran, ipil ipil leafmeal was also included in experimental diets.
Abstract Growth and condition of fish are functions of available food and environmental conditions. This led to the idea of using fish as a “consumption sensor” for the measurement of food intake over a defined period of time. A bio-physical model for the estimation of food consumption was developed based on the von Bertalanffy model. Whereas some of the input variables of the model, the initial and final lengths and masses of a fish and the temperature within the time period considered can easily be measured, internal characteristics of the species have to be determined indirectly. Three internal parameters are used in the model: the maintenance consumption at 0°C, the temperature dependence of this consumption and the food efficiency, the percentage of the ingested food utilized. Estimates of the parameters for a given species can be determined by feeding experiments. Here, data from published feeding experiments on juvenile cod, Gadus morhua L., were used to validate the model. The average of the relative error for the food intake predicted by the model for individual fish was about 24 %, indicating that fish used the food with different efficiencies. However, grouping the fish according to size classes and temperature lowered the relative error of the predicted food intake for the group to typically 5 %. For a group containing all fish of the feeding experiment the relative prediction error was about 2 %. Zusammenfassung Wachstum und Kondition der Fische sind von der verfügbaren Nahrung und von Umweltbedingungen abhängig. Dies führte zur Idee, Fisch als „Konsum-Sensor“ für die Messung der Nahrungsaufnahme über einen definierten Zeitraum zu verwenden. Auf Grundlage des von Bertalanffy-Modells wurde ein bio-physikalisches Modell zur Schätzung der Futteraufnahme entwickelt. Während einige der Eingangsgrößen des Modells leicht gemessen werden können (Anfangs- und Endlänge und -körpermasse der Fische und die Temperatur innerhalb des betrachteten Zeitraum), können interne Parameter der betrachteten Art nur indirekt bestimmt werden. Drei interne Parameter werden in dem Modell verwendet: Die Erhaltungskonsumtion bei 0° C, die Temperaturabhängigkeit dieser Rate und der Wirkungsgrad der Nahrung (der Anteil der Nahrung ,der aufgenommen und verwendet und nicht ungenutzt wieder ausgeschieden wird). Die Modellparameter für eine bestimmte Art können durch Fütterungsversuche bestimmt werden. Um das Modell zu validieren wurden Daten aus veröffentlichten Fütterungsversuchen mit juvenilen Kabeljau (Gadus morhua L.) verwendet. Modell und Wirklichkeit weichen in der Regel voneinander ab. Der durchschnittliche relative Fehler der durch das Modell vorhergesagten Nahrungsaufnahme betrug für Einzelfische etwa 24%, was darauf hinweist, dass einzelne Fisch die Nahrung mit unterschiedlichen Wirkungsgraden verwerten. Allerdings senkte die Gruppierung der Fische nach Größenklassen und Temperatur den relativen Vorhersagefehler für die Nahrungsaufnahme der Gruppe auf etwa 5%. Für alle Fische im Fütterungsversuch ist der relative Vorhersagefehler etwa 2%.
Wales is important for fish conservation in Britain. In much of Wales, atchments are small (median catchment size = 121 km2 ) and frequently eparated by areas of upland (> 600 m altitude), creating a highly agmented habitat for freshwater fish. Consequently, fish communities onsist mainly of diadromous species such as trout, eel and sticklebacks hat were able to recolonise freshwaters via the sea following the retreat of he ice sheets ca. 10 000 years BP. This review aims to (i) update the former work of Lyle and Maitland, taking into account new National Nature Reserves (NNRs)and additional data collected since 1991; (ii) assess the different fish communities represented on Welsh NNRs with respect to their naturalness; (iii) examine the use of NNRs for angling; (iv) evaluate opportunities for expanding the NNR series to conserve fish populations of conservation importance. The paper provides a table of freshwater fish occurrence by water body in Wales.
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The author summarises observations on the behaviour of Polyphemus pediculus and functions of its extremities in the process of feeding. The crustacean Polyphemus pediculus seizes its prey, kills it and pulverises its food with the help of its extremities. Therefore for a study of its feeding method was necessary not only to have been acquainted in detail with the structure of its extremities, but also to have observed their interaction for the accomplishment of the stated functions.
The feeding of freshwater copepods, especially cyclopoida, has been poorly covered in research so far. The majority of existing special works on the feeding of cyclopoida illustrate this question only from the qualitative side. The food content of the nauplius of freshwater cyclops has not been studied at all, as also the feeding of adult entomostracans on bacteria. Moreover the question of the suitability of vegetable food for Cyclops is not clear enough. This article aims to elucidate as fully as possible the nutrition of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur.) - a large cyclops, inhabiting the mass of demersal layers of the open parts of the Rybinsk reservoir and its foreshore. The present work is devoted only to the predatory feeding of A. viridis, and includes data from the content of the intestines of cyclops, collected in natural conditions, and also the results of experimental observations carried out in a laboratory during 1958.
Cyclopids, exactly in the same way as daphnids, significant component in the nutrition of plankton-f and the young of the majority of fishes. It is established that the food spectrum of cyclopids is extremely broad: daphnids, planarians, Copepodite stages of copepods (cannibalism), rotifers, protists, bacteria, phytoplankton and so on. It is clear that the problem of studying these or other components of feeding in the general food spectrum can be definitely resolved only after obtaining exact quantitative data on the feeding of cyclopids. This article attempts to fill the gap in the study of the quantitative side of the feeding of cyclopias; in it is investigated the size of the 24-hour ration of cyclopids feeding on protists, the dependence of the ration on some factors of the external medium, and the difference of 24-hour consumption per unit weight of tody with two species of cyclopids (Cyclops strenuus and Cyclops viridis).
Neste trabalho tivemos como objetivo caracterizar a dieta, uso do habitat e padrões comportamentais de Astyanax taeniatus da bacia do Rio Mato Grosso, que encontra-se na porção leste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (22 52 S; 42 40 W e 22 53 S; 42 34 W). Para a análise da dieta, os exemplares foram coletados bimestralmente entre março de 2006 e janeiro de 2007 em três localidades que diferiram pelas variáveis físicas. As observações de uso dos recursos do habitat foram realizadas por observação subaquática, na posição focal dos exemplares avistados, enquanto a quantificação da disponibilidade foi realizada em 50 quadrats de 20x20cm (400cm2) ao longo dos mesmos 50m onde foi realizada a observação sub-aquática. A análise do conteúdo estomacal de 651 exemplares foi realizada sob microscópio estereoscópico de acordo com métodos qualitativos e quantitativos (Freqüência de Ocorrência e Volumétrica). A participação relativa de cada item registrado nos estômagos em relação à totalidade da dieta foi analisada através do Índice Alimentar (IAi). Para verificar possíveis diferenças entre as proporções dos itens de origem animal e vegetal, autóctone e alóctone, os valores proporcionais foram testados pelo 2 de contingência. A partir dos dados de comprimento padrão e comprimento do intestino, foi calculado o valor do quociente intestinal. Os itens de origem vegetal tiveram maior contribuição na dieta da espécie para as localidades com maior altitude, enquanto os itens animais tiveram maior contribuição na localidade baixa. A diferença na contribuição dos itens de origem autóctone e alóctone também foi significativa. Na dieta de jovens e adultos, houve diferença significativa na contribuição de itens de origem vegetal e animal somente na localidade mais alta, onde os adultos consumiram maior quantidade de matéria vegetal. Os valores médios de quociente intestinal em jovens e adultos foram significativamente diferentes nas localidades de maior altitude, com valores maiores para indivíduos adultos. Observamos 52% dos indivíduos em profundidades entre 30 e 45 cm, 72% em áreas de rápido, 72% em velocidades entre 0 e 0,5km/h, 66% encontravam-se distantes da margem entre 40 e 120 cm, 37,6% em substrato do tipo areia e 34,4% em substrato do tipo pedra. De todos os padrões comportamentais observados, aquele que mais se destacou foi o forrageamento, onde 70,91% dos indivíduos estavam forrageando no meio da coluna dágua. Os resultados da dieta reforçam a idéia de as espécies de Astyanax têm hábito alimentar onívoro e oportunista, onde a espécie alimentou-se dos recursos disponíveis no ambiente evidenciando sua alta plasticidade alimentar ao longo do riacho. Espécies do gênero Astyanax são consideradas generalistas em relação ao uso do habitat e altamente ativas, corroborando com os resultados do presente estudo.
Sensitivity of sturgeons to environmental hypoxia: a review of physiological and ecological evidence
In this essay, three lines of evidence are developed that sturgeons in the Chesapeake Bay and elsewhere are unusually sensitive to hypoxic conditions: 1. In comparison to other fishes,sturgeons have a limited behavioral and physiological capacity to respond to hypoxia. Basal metabolism, growth, feeding rate, and survival are sensitive to changes in oxygen level, which may indicate a relatively poor ability of sturgeons to oxyregulate. 2. During summertime, temperatures >20°C amplify the effect of hypoxia on sturgeons and other fishes due to a temperature oxygen "squeeze" (Coutant 1987). In bottom waters, this interaction results in substantial reduction of habitat; in dry years, sturgeon nursery habitats in the Chesapeake Bay may be particularly reduced or even eliminated. 3. While evidence for population level effects due to hypoxia is circumstantial, there are corresponding trends between the absence of Atlantic sturgeon reproduction in estuaries like the Chesapeake Bay where summertime hypoxia predominates on a system-wide scale. Also, the recent and dramatic recovery of shortnose sturgeon in the Hudson River (4-bid increase in abundance from 1980 to1995) may have been stimulated by improvement of a large portion of the nursery habitat that was restored from hypoxia to normoxia during the period 1973-1978.
The behaviour in the feeding process and the functional morphology of Lathonura rectirostris O.F. Muller - one of the widely distributed species of macrothricids - is studied. The current work is an attempt at morpho-functional analysis of the apparatus of the trunk appendages of Lathonura rectirostris O.F. Muller. This highly specialized species, the method of feeding of which basically comes to the mechanical scraping-off and collection of epiphytic single-celled algae and particles deposited on the surface of aquatic plants.
The significance of detritus in the nutrition of aquatic animals, especially of the small representatives of the zooplankton, has been studied very slightly. Research so far has established that in M. rectirostris with feeding on protococcal and single-celled green algae and bacteria the beginning of formation of eggs takes place in 2 - 4 days. The young appear in 4 - 6 days. In this study M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula are fed on detritus of natural origin in laboratory conditions. In order to determine the assimilability and productive: effect of detritus, the author set up experiments, permitting to characterize the rate of growth, speed of maturing and fertility of M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula with feeding of them on detritus of different composition and age.
The feeding methods of macrothricids was investigated in three species — Ophryoxus gracilis G.O. Sars, Ilyocryptus sordidus (Lievin) and Lathonura rectirostris O.F.Muller. The procuring of food in those species follows two methods: filtration of dispersed particles or scraping off and collecting food from the surface of the substrate. When collecting food by scraping off is the sole method of feeding (as in Lathonura rectirostris), movement along the substrate and feeding are combined so intimately that they appear as parts of one and the same mechanism.
The amphipods are major food items for many commercial fishes, and they are used as protein food for agricultural animals. In the present paper are presented the results of four-year observations on the feeding of Gammarus balcanicus in nature and in an aquarium. Among the studied aspects were the dependence of daily food ration on sex and physiological state (with and without eggs) and feeding on different kinds of plant food. The study concludes that Gammarus balcanicus willingly feed on soft half-decayed plant residues; into their ration also enters food of animal origin. In contrast to other amphipods, G. balcanicus eats representatives of its own species very rarely, and only dead or immobile ones.