819 resultados para fernando de la torre farfán
The work presented in this document shows the complete simulation of a Butler matrix. This circuit will be used in the feeding of a steerable on board antenna in X band. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array. This terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (7.25 – 7.75 GHz) and transmission (7.9–8.4 GHz), are included simultaneously. The whole antenna reaches 31 dBi, with a beam width smaller than 10º and a dual circular polarization. This antenna also includes the capability of electronic steering in elevation ±45º and mechanically motorized junction 360º in azimuth.
The antenna presented in this article will be developed for satellite communications onboard systems based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 and ITU-R S.465-5. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, this terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (14.7% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (7.25 - 7.75 GHz) and transmission (7.9 - 8.4 GHz), are included simultaneously. The antenna reaches a gain about 31 dBi, and it has a radiation pattern with a beamwidth smaller than 10° and a dual circular polarization. The antenna has the capability to steer in elevation from 90° to 40° electronically and 360° in azimuth with a motorized junction.
This work provides the development of an antenna for satellite communications onboard systems based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 [1] and ITU-R S.465-5 [2]. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, working in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth). In this working band, transmission and reception are included simultaneously. The antenna reaches a gain about 31 dBi, has a radiation pattern with a beam width smaller than 10oand dual circular polarization. It has the capability to steer in elevation through a Butler matrix to 45
In this document a microstrip constrained lens device for Ku band, for microwave purpose, is presented. This paper offers an overview of artificial lens-type devices and the proposed transmitarray lens is thoroughly studied in terms of design and manufacturing, with architecture discussion and selection, along with the design, manufacturing and validation of all the forming components of the transmitarray (transmission circuits, radiating elements, etc.). Each element is properly characterized and assembled properly in the complete transmitarray prototype. Eventually, radiation pattern measurements as well as gain and directivity values, are provided to show the proper behaviour of the proposed transmitarray lens.
La evaluación de la seguridad de estructuras antiguas de fábrica es un problema abierto.El material es heterogéneo y anisótropo, el estado previo de tensiones difícil de conocer y las condiciones de contorno inciertas. A comienzos de los años 50 se demostró que el análisis límite era aplicable a este tipo de estructuras, considerándose desde entonces como una herramienta adecuada. En los casos en los que no se produce deslizamiento la aplicación de los teoremas del análisis límite estándar constituye una herramienta formidable por su simplicidad y robustez. No es necesario conocer el estado real de tensiones. Basta con encontrar cualquier solución de equilibrio, y que satisfaga las condiciones de límite del material, en la seguridad de que su carga será igual o inferior a la carga real de inicio de colapso. Además esta carga de inicio de colapso es única (teorema de la unicidad) y se puede obtener como el óptimo de uno cualquiera entre un par de programas matemáticos convexos duales. Sin embargo, cuando puedan existir mecanismos de inicio de colapso que impliquen deslizamientos, cualquier solución debe satisfacer tanto las restricciones estáticas como las cinemáticas, así como un tipo especial de restricciones disyuntivas que ligan las anteriores y que pueden plantearse como de complementariedad. En este último caso no está asegurada la existencia de una solución única, por lo que es necesaria la búsqueda de otros métodos para tratar la incertidumbre asociada a su multiplicidad. En los últimos años, la investigación se ha centrado en la búsqueda de un mínimo absoluto por debajo del cual el colapso sea imposible. Este método es fácil de plantear desde el punto de vista matemático, pero intratable computacionalmente, debido a las restricciones de complementariedad 0 y z 0 que no son ni convexas ni suaves. El problema de decisión resultante es de complejidad computacional No determinista Polinomial (NP)- completo y el problema de optimización global NP-difícil. A pesar de ello, obtener una solución (sin garantía de exito) es un problema asequible. La presente tesis propone resolver el problema mediante Programación Lineal Secuencial, aprovechando las especiales características de las restricciones de complementariedad, que escritas en forma bilineal son del tipo y z = 0; y 0; z 0 , y aprovechando que el error de complementariedad (en forma bilineal) es una función de penalización exacta. Pero cuando se trata de encontrar la peor solución, el problema de optimización global equivalente es intratable (NP-difícil). Además, en tanto no se demuestre la existencia de un principio de máximo o mínimo, existe la duda de que el esfuerzo empleado en aproximar este mínimo esté justificado. En el capítulo 5, se propone hallar la distribución de frecuencias del factor de carga, para todas las soluciones de inicio de colapso posibles, sobre un sencillo ejemplo. Para ello, se realiza un muestreo de soluciones mediante el método de Monte Carlo, utilizando como contraste un método exacto de computación de politopos. El objetivo final es plantear hasta que punto está justificada la busqueda del mínimo absoluto y proponer un método alternativo de evaluación de la seguridad basado en probabilidades. Las distribuciones de frecuencias, de los factores de carga correspondientes a las soluciones de inicio de colapso obtenidas para el caso estudiado, muestran que tanto el valor máximo como el mínimo de los factores de carga son muy infrecuentes, y tanto más, cuanto más perfecto y contínuo es el contacto. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el interés de desarrollar nuevos métodos probabilistas. En el capítulo 6, se propone un método de este tipo basado en la obtención de múltiples soluciones, desde puntos de partida aleatorios y calificando los resultados mediante la Estadística de Orden. El propósito es determinar la probabilidad de inicio de colapso para cada solución.El método se aplica (de acuerdo a la reducción de expectativas propuesta por la Optimización Ordinal) para obtener una solución que se encuentre en un porcentaje determinado de las peores. Finalmente, en el capítulo 7, se proponen métodos híbridos, incorporando metaheurísticas, para los casos en que la búsqueda del mínimo global esté justificada. Abstract Safety assessment of the historic masonry structures is an open problem. The material is heterogeneous and anisotropic, the previous state of stress is hard to know and the boundary conditions are uncertain. In the early 50's it was proven that limit analysis was applicable to this kind of structures, being considered a suitable tool since then. In cases where no slip occurs, the application of the standard limit analysis theorems constitutes an excellent tool due to its simplicity and robustness. It is enough find any equilibrium solution which satisfy the limit constraints of the material. As we are certain that this load will be equal to or less than the actual load of the onset of collapse, it is not necessary to know the actual stresses state. Furthermore this load for the onset of collapse is unique (uniqueness theorem), and it can be obtained as the optimal from any of two mathematical convex duals programs However, if the mechanisms of the onset of collapse involve sliding, any solution must satisfy both static and kinematic constraints, and also a special kind of disjunctive constraints linking the previous ones, which can be formulated as complementarity constraints. In the latter case, it is not guaranted the existence of a single solution, so it is necessary to look for other ways to treat the uncertainty associated with its multiplicity. In recent years, research has been focused on finding an absolute minimum below which collapse is impossible. This method is easy to set from a mathematical point of view, but computationally intractable. This is due to the complementarity constraints 0 y z 0 , which are neither convex nor smooth. The computational complexity of the resulting decision problem is "Not-deterministic Polynomialcomplete" (NP-complete), and the corresponding global optimization problem is NP-hard. However, obtaining a solution (success is not guaranteed) is an affordable problem. This thesis proposes solve that problem through Successive Linear Programming: taking advantage of the special characteristics of complementarity constraints, which written in bilinear form are y z = 0; y 0; z 0 ; and taking advantage of the fact that the complementarity error (bilinear form) is an exact penalty function. But when it comes to finding the worst solution, the (equivalent) global optimization problem is intractable (NP-hard). Furthermore, until a minimum or maximum principle is not demonstrated, it is questionable that the effort expended in approximating this minimum is justified. XIV In chapter 5, it is proposed find the frequency distribution of the load factor, for all possible solutions of the onset of collapse, on a simple example. For this purpose, a Monte Carlo sampling of solutions is performed using a contrast method "exact computation of polytopes". The ultimate goal is to determine to which extent the search of the global minimum is justified, and to propose an alternative approach to safety assessment based on probabilities. The frequency distributions for the case study show that both the maximum and the minimum load factors are very infrequent, especially when the contact gets more perfect and more continuous. The results indicates the interest of developing new probabilistic methods. In Chapter 6, is proposed a method based on multiple solutions obtained from random starting points, and qualifying the results through Order Statistics. The purpose is to determine the probability for each solution of the onset of collapse. The method is applied (according to expectations reduction given by the Ordinal Optimization) to obtain a solution that is in a certain percentage of the worst. Finally, in Chapter 7, hybrid methods incorporating metaheuristics are proposed for cases in which the search for the global minimum is justified.
In this work, a dual circular polarized steering antenna for satellite communications in X band is presented. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array. This terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 GHz up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (RX) and transmission (TX) are included simultaneously and Left Handed Circular Polarization (LHCP) and Right Handed Circular Polarization (RHCP) are interchangeable. The antenna is compact, narrow bandwidth and reaches a gain of 16 dBi. It has the capability to steer in elevation to 45±, 75±, 105± and 135± electronically with a Butler matrix and 360± in azimuth with a motorized junction.
La investigación actual parte de la organización tecnosocial como clave de la productividad. Se avanzan así modelos constructivos para optimizar la implantación y la transferencia de tecnología, puentes para nuevos paradigmas tecnológicos y empresariales.
In this letter, a dual circular polarized steering antenna for satellite communications in X-band is presented. This antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, able to work from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz in both polarizations: left-handed circular polarization (LHCP) and right-handed circular polarization (RHCP). The module antenna is compact, with narrow beamwidth, and reaches a gain of 16 dBi. It has the capability to steer in elevation to and electronically with a Butler matrix. In order to reduce the mutual coupling between adjacent patches, electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures are introduced. These EBGs combine double-layer and edge location via in order to reduce the size, without changing the low-permittivity substrate, and therefore maintaining the high radiation efficiency of the antenna.
Double layer and edge-location via techniques are combined for electromagnetic band gap (EBG) size reduction. The study of the required number of elements and their dimensions is carried out in order to suppress the surface wave propagation modes and consequently to reduce the mutual coupling between radiating elements in low-permittivity substrates. By applying these techniques, the size of the EBG mushroom is reduced by 30%; however, the bandwidth operation maintains its value, and these structures can be integrated between radiating elements in broad bandwidth antennas.
Se presenta el algoritmo implementado para probar la estabilidad de pilas de puente de forma global, es decir, integradas en la estructura más general del puente. El método planteado constituye una alternativa más general al método habitual de leyes momento-curvatura. Se describe su aplicación al puente atirantado de Bucaramanga de 292 m de luz y pilas de 50 y 70 m de altura (altura total de la torre mayor de 133 m). Su aplicación, considerando confinamiento en determinadas secciones de pilas permite tener en cuenta la generación de rótulas plásticas y demostrar el grado de ductilidad alcanzado en la estructura, constituyendo una aplicación practica del método de calculo sísmico por capacidad o push-over a pilas de puente.The relevance of this article is threefold: 1st It presents in detail the algorithm used to test the stability of bridge piers in a global model, i.e., integrated in the most general structure of the bridge. 2nd The method put forward represents a more general alternative to the commonly used moment-curvature method of sectional analysis for biaxial bending under constant axial force. 3rd It describes the algorithm’s application to a 292 m span cable-stayed bridge with piers of 50 and 70 m in height (total height of the biggest tower 133 m). Its application, considering confinement in some particular cross-sections of piers permits the taking into account of “plastic hinges” phenomena due to earthquakes and demonstrates the degree of ductility achieved in the structure. This constitutes a practical application of the push-over method to bridge piers.
Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) based on Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) [1] are one type of metamaterials [2] with electrical properties [3]. This EBG are used in mutual coupling reduction, back lobe radiation reduction, etc. In this work not only new shapes for the mushroom-type are presented, but also multilayered configurations were studied in order to reduce the patch size and the necessary number of elements.
This review of Electromagnetic Band Gap (EGB) metamaterials and steering integrated antennas was carried out in IMST GmbH under a short collaboration stay. This activity is in line with Coordinating the Antenna Research in Europe (CARE). The aim is to identify the newest trends, and suggest novel solutions and design methodologies for various applications.
Social issues in sustainable supply chain networks: state of the art and further research directions
The study of supply networks sustainability is a field with a long path behind. Nonetheless, most studies to date are focused on the environmental sub dimension of sustainability, while the social perspective in supply chain networks research still shows a potential for pioneering contri butions. Moreover, from the development standpoint we have observed a paradigm shift advancing from a narrow concept of development, centered on purely economic dimensions, towards more refined issues such as inclusive business, shared value or poverty footprint, all of which are highly related to supply chain activities. In this paper we present a review of the current state of the art on social sustainability of supply chains and we identify the main existing trends in this field. After conducting this study, we can state that a new sphere of knowledge is emerging at the interface between sustainable supply chain networks and development research. The academic community is called to play an important dovetailing role in this scenario by advancing both conceptual and methodological contributions.
Increased globalization and outsourcing to developing countries is fostering the interest in supply chain sustainability. From the academic point of view, while environmental impacts of supply chains have been largely analysed, the research on social issues has been scattered and fragmented. This paper thereby sets out to close this gap. We have identified an emerging sphere of knowledge at the interface between sustainable supply chain management, business strategy and international development literature, which seeks to propose innovative strategies for poverty alleviation. The incorporation of impoverished farmers into supply chains is presented here as one of those strategies, and illustrated through a case study on the integration of these farmers in the Senegalese horticulture supply chain.
Este proyecto, recoge el estudio de diferentes simuladores sobre comunicaciones móviles, que se encargan de analizar el comportamiento de las tecnologías UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), 3G y LTE (Long Term Evolution),3.9G, centrándose principalmente en el caso de los simuladores LTE, ya que es la tecnología que se está implantando en la actualidad. Por ello, antes de analizar las características de la interfaz radio más importante de esta generación, la 3.9G, se hará una overview general de cómo han ido evolucionando las comunicaciones móviles a lo largo de la historia, se analizarán las características de la tecnología móvil actual, la 3.9G, para posteriormente centrarse en un par de simuladores que demostrarán, mediante resultados gráficos, estas características. Hoy en día, el uso de estos simuladores es totalmente necesario, ya que las comunicaciones móviles, avanzan a un ritmo vertiginoso y es necesario por lo tanto conocer las prestaciones que pueden producir las diferentes tecnologías móviles utilizadas. Los simuladores utilizados por este proyecto, permiten analizar el comportamiento de varios escenarios, ya que existen diferentes tipos de simuladores, tanto a nivel de enlace como a nivel de sistema. Se mencionarán una serie de simuladores correspondientes a la tercera generación UMTS, pero los simuladores en cuestión que se estudiarán y analizarán con más profundidad en este proyecto fin de carrera son los simuladores “Link-Level” y “System-Level”, desarrollados por el “Institute of Communications and Radio-Frecuency Engineering” de la Universidad de Viena. Estos simuladores permiten realizar diferentes simulaciones, como analizar el comportamiento entre una estación base y un único usuario, para el caso de los simuladores a nivel de enlace, o bien analizar el comportamiento de toda una red en el caso de los simuladores a nivel de sistema. Con los resultados que se pueden obtener de ambos simuladores, se realizarán una serie de preguntas, basadas en la práctica realizada por el profesor de la universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Pedro García del Pino, tanto de tipo teóricas como de tipo prácticas, para comprobar que se han entendido los simuladores analizados. Finalmente se citarán las conclusiones que se obtiene de este proyecto, así como las líneas futuras de acción. PROJECT ABSTRACT This project includes the study of different simulators on mobile communications, which are responsible for analyzing the behavior of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), 3G and LTE (Long Term Evolution), 3.9G, mainly focusing on the case of LTE simulators because it is the technology that is being implemented today. Therefore, before analyzing the characteristics of the most important radio interface of this generation, 3.9G, there will give a general overview how the mobile communications have evolved throughout history, analyzing the characteristics of current mobile technology, the 3.9G, later focus on a pair of simulators that demonstrate through graphical results, these characteristics. Today, the use of these simulators is absolutely necessary, because mobile communications advance at a high rate, and it is necessary to know the features that can produce different mobile technologies that are used. The simulators used for this project, allow to analyze the behavior of several scenarios, as there are different types of simulators, both link and system level. It mentioned a number of simulators for the third generation UMTS, but the simulators in question to be studied and analyzed in this final project are the simulators "Link-Level" and "System-Level", developed by the "Institute of Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering" at the University of Vienna. These simulators allow realize different simulations, analyze the behavior between a base station and a single user, in the case of the link-level simulators or analyze the performance of a network in the case of system-level simulators. With the results that can be obtained from both simulators, will perform a series of questions, based on the practice developed by Pedro García del Pino, Professor of “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)”. These questions will be both of a theoretical and practical type, to check that have been understood the analyzed simulators. Finally, it quotes the conclusions obtained from this project and mention the future lines of action.