995 resultados para ez konparatzeko


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Devoted to chemical interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere in the Pacific and Indian Oceans measured in 1955-1960.


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This study investigated the impact of photon flux and elevated CO2 concentrations on growth and photosynthetic electron transport on the marine diatom Chaetoceros muelleri and looked for evidence for the presence of a CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM). pH drift experiments clearly showed that C. muelleri has the capacity to use bicarbonate to acquire inorganic carbon through one or multiple CCMs. The final pH achieved in unbuffered cultures was not changed by light intensity, even under very low photon flux, implying a low energy demand of bicarbonate use via a CCM. In short-term pH drift experiments, only treatment with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor ethoxyzolamide (EZ) slowed down the rise in pH considerably. EZ was also the only inhibitor that altered the final pH attained, although marginally. In growth experiments, CO2 availability was manipulated by changing the pH in closed flasks at a fixed dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration. Low-light-treated samples showed lower growth rates in elevated CO2conditions. No CO2 effect was recorded under high light exposure. The maximal photosynthetic capacity, however, increased with CO2 concentration in saturating, but not in subsaturating, light intensities. Growth and photosynthetic capacity therefore responded in opposite ways to increasing CO2 availability. The capacity to photoacclimate to high and low photon flux appeared not to be affected by CO2treatments. However, photoacclimation was restricted to growth photon fluxes between 30 and 300 µmol photons m-2 s-1. The light saturation points for photosynthetic electron transport and for growth coincided at 100 µmol photons m-2 s-1. Below 100 µmol photons m-2 s-1 the light saturation point for photosynthesis was higher than the growth photon flux (i.e. photosynthesis was not light saturated under growth conditions), whereas at higher growth photon flux, photosynthesis was saturated below growth light levels.


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El presente trabajo es el resultado de una asistencia técnica en materia de análisis y diseño bioclimático de los espacios libres realizada por encargo del del Instituto Politécnico de Bragança dentro del proyecto BIOURB, en el marco del Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza España - Portugal que se desarrolla con el apoyo de la UE y la cofinanciación comunitaria de Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza Portugal España (POCTEP). El trabajo fue realizado entre 2012 y 2013 por investigadores del GIAU+S de la UPM a través del Instituto Juan de Herrera de la ETSAM. Para la definición de los contenidos, aporte de datos y traducción contribuyeron además distintos investigadores del Centro de Investigação da Montanha (CIMO) del Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.


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La autoignición de sustancias pulverulentas sigue siendo un gran problema hoy en día, causando una gran cantidad de pérdidas humanas y en las instalaciones. Este proceso es muy común y ocurre en todas las industrias en las que se generan y almacenan productos en forma de polvo, pero especialmente en la industria del carbón. Un factor importante en la autoignición de parvas de almacenamiento de carbón es la emisión de gases que se produce debido a su calentamiento, por lo que es importante conocer qué tipo de gases se emiten y qué tipo de almacenamiento puede hacer que esta emisión disminuya, almacenamiento compactado o no compactado. Para contestar a estas cuestiones se han analizado las emisiones de CO, CO2 y SO2 en muestras de coque y carbón a diferentes temperaturas y con diferentes pesos y compactación. Los resultados de este estudio concluyen la gran influencia de estos factores en estas emisiones. Gracias a estos resultados se ha propuesto un método de extrapolación para determinar la cantidad de sustancias emitidas y sus caudales en volúmenes reales de almacenamiento.


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The self-ignition of all kind of powdery substances is a topic studied over the years, especially if the dusty substance is coal or substances related with coal because it may be a cause of energetic materials and human losses. But it is important to note that this is not the only risk in industrial plants that generate or store solid substances. Every combustible powders are potentially explosive and they may cause serious consequences if all the necessary factors are developed. Due to this potentially risk, it is essential a good characterization and knowledge of all the parameters involved in those processes.


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Dry sewage sludge are being considered as a possible energy source for direct firing. They have interesting properties to be used as an alternative fuel, but also other characteristics must be considered from the point of view of its safe operation: the most important are ignition sensitivity, explosion severity, thermal sensitivity and thermal stability. The aim of this study was to determine if sewage sludge have different characteristics due to different locations or seasons and how this influences their flammability properties. To study these characteristics sludge samples were selected from different locations in Spain, taken during different seasons. In addition, relationships between flammability parameters and chemical analysis were observed. Some parameters can be controlled during normal operation, such as granulometry or humidity, and may mean a decrease in the risk of explosion. Those relationships are well known for other dusts materials, like coal, but not yet for sewage sludge dusts. Finally, properties related to spontaneous combustion were determined (thermal susceptibility and stability). The addition of those properties to the study provides an overview of the thermal behavior of sewage sludge during their utilization, including transport and storage.


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Este artículo ofrece una reflexión sobre el papel de los mapas conceptuales en el actual escenario de la educación In the present paper, we carry out the application of concept mapping strategies to learning Physical Chemistry, in particular, of all aspect of Corrosion. This strategy is an alternative method to supplement examinations: it can show the teacher how much the students knew and how much they didn´t know; and the students can evaluate their own learning. Before giving tile matter on Corrosion, the teachers evaluated the previous knowledge of the students in the field and explained to the students how create the conceptual maps with Cmap tools. When the subject is finished, teachers are assessed the conceptual maps developed by students and therefore also the level of the students learning. Teachers verified that the concept mapping is quite suitable for complicated theorics as Corrosion and it is an appropriate tool for the consolidation of educational experiences and for improvement affective lifelong learning. By using this method we demonstrated that the set of concepts accumulated in the cognitive structure of every student in unique and every student has therefore arranged the concepts from top to bottom in the mapping field in different ways with different linking" phrases, although these are involved in the same learning task.


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The general purpose of this study was the determination of the safety conditions to avoid the presence of explosive atmospheres in the wastewater industry. Eight Spanish plants located in Madrid, Barcelona and Málaga were considered and several sludge samples were taken in different seasons. The base for the assessment of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations is the experimental determination of the self-ignition temperature under isothermal conditions. Self-ignition temperatures at four volumes were obtained for one sample of sewage sludge, allowing their extrapolation to large storage facilities. A simple test method, based also on an isothermal study of samples, is the UN classification of substances liable to spontaneous combustion. Two different samples were so tested, obtaining unlike results if transported in packages of different volumes. By means of thermogravimetric techniques it is possible to analyse the thermal susceptibility of dried sewage sludge. Apparent activation energy can be obtained from the rate of weight loss. It is also applied to the study of self-ignition susceptibility by modifying test conditions when oxygen stream is introduced. As a consequence of this oxidant contribution, sample behaviour can be very different during testing and a step drop or sudden loss of weight is observed at a characteristic temperature for every substance, associated to a rapid combustion. Plotting both the activation energy and the characteristic temperature, a map of self-ignition risk was obtained for 10 samples, showing different risk levels for samples taken in different locations and at different seasons. A prediction of the self-ignition risk level can be also determined.


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The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge is becoming an urgent need whereby different technologies were developed and integrated into the waste cycle all over the world. One of the most used technologies is the thermal drying of the sludge. Thermally dried sewage sludge has interesting properties that allow its use as an alternative fuel, but also needs some consideration from the point of view of its safe operation. The aim of this study was the research on the flammability properties of sewage sludge, including ignition sensitivity, explosion severity, thermal sensitivity and thermal stability. Furthermore relationships among those properties and composition parameters have been determined, added to the study of their variation depending on their origin or season. Finally, properties related to spontaneous combustion were determined. To study these relationships and characteristics sludge samples were selected from different locations in Spain and taken during different seasons.


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The "Bio-climatic Design Handbook: guidelines for the development of planning regulations" is a tool for urban planning and design professionals planning for the construction of public space taking into account bioclimatic and environmental standards. Based on environmental conditions assessment, urban design guidelines are given. These take into account various scales; from the territory to the microclimatic reality. From these general keys for the design of public space the handbook performs recommendations on specific case studies. The application of bioclimatic techniques in urban design promotes comfort in the public space and the respect for the existing environment, while it influences the energy consumption of buildings that conform this open space. The tool was developed in the context of BIOURB project, where Spain and Portugal cooperate writing this bilingual handbook. The case studies are located in this cross-border region.


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The results obtained from these analyses provide some clarifications about the thermal behaviour of the products and also enough information to design some prevention measurements in these facilities to avoid or at least minimize the risk of ignition of a dust layer.


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The emission of different harmful gases during the storage of solid fuels is a common phenomenon. The gases emitted during the heating process of those combustibles are the same as those emitted during combustion, mainly CO and CO2[1]. Nowadays, measurement of these emissions is mandatory. That is why in many industrial facilities different gas detectors are located to measure these gases. But it should be also useful if emissions could be predicted and the temperatures at the beginning of the emission process could be determined.


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El legado de una época, una situación social y unos criterios arquitectó- nicos, aparece recogido en el trazado urbanístico de los poblados de coloniza- ción de V aluengo y La Bazana en Jer ez de los Caballer os (Badajoz, 1954), proyectados por Alejandro de la Sota en su etapa al servicio del Instituto Nacional de Colonización. En estos proyectos se plantea un proceso de modernización velado, oculto tras unas construcciones sencillas, donde la arquitectura surge como respuesta a una realidad territorial, social, cultural y a unas estrictas imposi- ciones prefijadas, que se resuelven mediante planteamientos arquitectónicos en los que el diseño de los vacíos urbanos con contenido, son el eje fundamental sobre el que se organiza la trama urbana