993 resultados para event investigation
The main sources of coarse aggregate for secondary slip form paving in Southwest Iowa exhibit undesirable "D" cracking. "D" cracking is a discoloration of the concrete caused by fine, hairline cracks. These cracks are caused by the freezing and thawing of moisture inside the coarse aggregate. The cracks are often hour glass shaped, are parallel to each other, and occur along saw joints. The B-4, a typical secondary mix, utilizes 50% fine aggregate and 50% coarse aggregate. It has been proposed that a concrete mix with less coarse aggregate and more fine aggregate might impede this type of deterioration. The Nebraska Standard 47B Mix, a 70% fine aggregate, and 30% coarse aggregate mix, as used by Nebraska Department of Roads produces concrete with ultimate strengths in excess of 4500 psi but because of the higher cost of cement (it is a six bag per cubic yard mix) is not competitive with our present secondary mixes. The sands of Southwest Iowa generally have poorer mortar strengths than the average Iowa Sand. Class V Aggregate also found in Southwest Iowa has a coarser sand fraction, therefore it has a better mortar strength, but exhibits an acidic reaction and therefore must be·used with limestone. This illustrates the need to find a mix for use in Southwest Iowa that possesses adequate strength and satisfactory durability at a low cost. The purpose of this study is to determine a concrete mix with an acceptable cement content which will produce physical properties similar to that of our present secondary paving mixes.
Report on a special investigation of the University of Iowa Athletic Ticket Office and the operations of the Hawkeye Express for the period September 1, 2005 through November 30, 2013
Previous functional imaging studies have pointed to the compensatory recruitment of cortical circuits in old age in order to counterbalance the loss of neural efficiency and preserve cognitive performance. Recent electroencephalographic (EEG) analyses reported age-related deficits in the amplitude of an early positive-negative working memory (PN(wm)) component as well as changes in working memory (WM)-load related brain oscillations during the successful performance of the n-back task. To explore the age-related differences of EEG activation in the face of increasing WM demands, we assessed the PN(wm) component area, parietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS) as well as frontal theta ERS in 32 young and 32 elderly healthy individuals who successfully performed a highly WM demanding 3-back task. PN(wm) area increased with higher memory loads (3- and 2-back > 0-back tasks) in younger subjects. Older subjects reached the maximal values for this EEG parameter during the less WM demanding 0-back task. They showed a rapid development of an alpha ERS that reached its maximal amplitude at around 800 ms after stimulus onset. In younger subjects, the late alpha ERS occurred between 1,200 and 2,000 ms and its amplitude was significantly higher compared with elders. Frontal theta ERS culmination peak decreased in a task-independent manner in older compared with younger cases. Only in younger individuals, there was a significant decrease in the phasic frontal theta ERS amplitude in the 2- and 3-back tasks compared with the detection and 0-back tasks. These observations suggest that older adults display a rapid mobilization of their neural generators within the parietal cortex to manage very low demanding WM tasks. Moreover, they are less able to activate frontal theta generators during attentional tasks compared with younger persons.
Report on a special investigation of the Malvern Public Library for the period July 1, 2006 through October 31, 2013
Over a three-month period in 2010, our office received three complaints alleging the Department of Human Services (DHS) was lax in its oversight of a licensed child care center. It was alleged that the DHS did not sanction the child care center in any meaningful way after finding several violations associated with children engaging in sexual behavior with each other at the center. This involved the Child Development Center (CDC) in Des Moines, which is owned and operated by Children and Families of Iowa (CFI).
Report on a special investigation of the State Public Defender’s Office for the period July 1, 2009 through August 31, 2013
Report on a special investigation of the Mahaska County Soil and Water Conservation District for the period March 24, 2006 through August 31, 2013
Report on a special investigation of the Monona County Auditor’s Office for the period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of sustained release of vancomycin and teicoplanin from a resorbable gelatin glycerol sponge, in order to establish a new delivery system for local anti-infective therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 60 plasticized glycerol gelatin sponges containing either 10 or 20% gelatin (w/v) were incubated in vancomycin or teicoplanin solution at 20 degrees C for either 1 or 24 h. In vitro release properties of the sponges were investigated over a period of 1 week by determining the levels of vancomycin and teicoplanin eluted in plasma using fluorescent polarization immunoassay. The rate constant and the half-life for the antibiotic release of each group were calculated by linear regression assuming first order kinetics. RESULTS: Presoaking for 24 h was associated with a significant increase in the total antibiotic release in all groups opposed to 1 h of incubation, except for the 10% sponges presoaked in teicoplanin. Doubling the gelatin content of the sponges from 10 to 20% significantly increased the total release of antibiotic load only in teicoplanin-containing sponges after 24 h incubation. In all corresponding groups investigated, release of vancomycin was more prolonged compared to teicoplanin, which allowed a gradual release beyond 5 days. The half-life (h +/- SEM) of both types of vancomycin-containing sponges was significantly prolonged by 24 h incubation in comparison to 1 h incubation (29.1 +/- 5.9 vs 5.9 +/- 1.0; p < 0.001, 30.0 +/- 2.1 vs 11.1 +/- 1.9; p < 0.001). However, neither doubling the gelatin content of the sponges nor a prolonged incubation was associated with a significantly prolonged delivery of teicoplanin. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated a better diffusion-controlled release of vancomycin-impregnated glycerol gelatin sponges compared to those pretreated with teicoplanin. The plasticized glycerol gelatin sponge may be a promising carrier for the application of vancomycin to infected wounds for local anti-infective therapy.
Résumé: Alpine plants living at high altitudes undergo a series of climatic stress factors (chilling, enhanced UV radiation, short growing season, low nutriment supply...) which may influence their secondary compounds composition. Many publications showed in these last years that plants under stress conditions do synthesize a range of specific defence compounds (terpenes, flavonoids, coumarines...). A careful phytochemical investigation of those plants could therefore lead to the discovery of active molecules. Thus, for the biological and chemical screening, about 30 alpine plants have been collected above 2000 metres, in the alpine grass-lands. Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe (Cyperaceae), not yet investigated phytochemically, revealed in its lipophilic and polar extracts the presence of various radical scavengers in a TLC autography with the DPPH (2,2-dipheny1-1- picrylhydrazyl) radical as spray reagent, as well as several antifungal compounds acitve against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albi cans. The first part of this study consisted in the detection, isolation and characterization of the bioactive natural compounds present in the lipophilic extract of Eriophorum scheuchzeri. Among the eight isolated compounds, six were isoflavones. No isoflavones have been reported in the Cyperaceae family yet, nor in related families such as Poaceae or Juncaceae. Besides, isoflavones are generally rare in the plant kingdom and and they occur only in some families, such as Fabaceae, Rosaceae or Myristicaceae. In addition, out of these six isoflavones, three were new isoflavones. The known compounds were parvisoflavone A and B and cajanin which are already known isoflavones in the Fabaceae family. Two of the new isoflavones were particular, as they were C-methylated on the B-ring at the C-3' position. Methylated flavonoids are particularly rare in the plant kingdom. At present, no C-methylated isoflavones with methyl groups on the B-ring have ever been reported. The fourth new compound was a prenylated flavanone. Flavanones are also rare in the Cyperaceae family since they were found only in two genera (Cyperus and Schoenus). Finally, the widespread flavone tricin, characteristic of the Cyperaceae and Poaceae family has also been isolated. The second part of this study consisted in the characterization of the polar components present in the Me0H extract. In order to obtain mass and UV information about the secondary compounds present in the Eriophorum scheuchzeri methanolic extract, a LC-UV/DAD-APCl/MSn analysis has been performed as a first dereplication step. The UV/DAD spectra showed the presence of polyphenol compounds (phenylpropanoids and flavonoids). The LC-APCI/MSn analysis allowed the determination of the molecular weight of these compounds. Moreover, the fragmentation pattern of the [M+H]+ ions indicated presence of mono-, di- and tri-glycosides. LC-UV in combination with UV shift reagents added post-column was used in a second phase for the structural elucidation of the flavonoids. It allowed the positioning of the sugars on the aglycones. Finally, LC-NMR was used for a more detailed structural investigation of the compounds present in the crude MEOH extract. Thus, 10 fiavonoids have been totally or partially characterized by LC-UV-MS and LC-1H-RMN and UV-shift reagents added post column. However, the information obtained on-line was not always sufficient to allow a complete identification of all the compounds. Some of these compounds especially those with more than two sugar units attached to them, have been isolated in order to proceed to their complete characterization. Moreover, the Eriophorum scheuchzeri species was compared to two other species from the same genus. A LC-UV-ESI/MS analysis enabled a survey of the chemical composition of the DCM extracts of two related species E. angustifolium (Honck) and E. latifolium (Hoppe). The chromatograms of the three species showed some similarities in their flavonoid contents, especially by the recurrent presence of three compounds. The MEOH extracts of all three species have been compared by means of LC-UV-APCl/MS analyses. The chromatographic profile of all the three species showed even closer similarities than those found in the DCM extracts. E. angustifolium Honck. and E. latifolium species showed 7 compounds in common. Finally, the pure compounds obtained from the DCM (CH2Cl2) fraction were tested at different concentration, in order to evaluate their chemical and biological activities. All eight compounds showed an anti-scavenger activity against the DPPH radical, and four compounds showed antifungal activities against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans. The pure compounds isolated from the MeOH extract were tested only for their biological activities as their antioxidant activity is already well documented in the literature. No compound showed a biological activity against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans. Résumé: De nombreux travaux ont démontré ces dernières décennies que les plantes soumises à différents types de stress (basse température, UV, stress hydrique) synthétisent des composés secondaires (fiavonoides, coumarines, terpènes...) de protection et de défense. Les plantes d'altitude par exemple qui sont exposées à des conditions climatiques et environnementales difficiles, ont tendance à synthétiser des substances antioxydantes et antiradicalaires. Une investigation phytochirnique de ces plantes a conduit à la découverte de nouvelles molécules actives. Ainsi plusieurs plantes alpines ont été sélectionnées en fonction de leur habitat en vue de les soumettre aux tests biologiques (antifongiques) et chimiques (antiradicalaires) menés en routine dans notre laboratoire. Dans ce criblage biologique préliminaire, les extraits d'Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe (Cyperaceae) ont réagi positivement aux différents tests. Il a donc été décidé d'entreprendre l'isolement des composés actifs. La première partie de ce travail a consisté à détecter, isoler et caractériser les composés naturels actifs présents dans l'extrait apolaire d' Eriophorum scheuchzeri. Parmi les huit composés isolés, quatre d'entre eux sont nouveaux. Un de ces produits est une flavanone et trois sont de nouvelles isoflavones, particulièrement intéressantes car elles possèdent des groupements C-méthylés au niveau du cycle B. Les flavonoides C-méthylés sont peu répandus dans le règne végétal et les rares exemples connus sont généralement C-méthylés sur le cycle A. Les quatre autres composés isolés n'ont jamais été décrits dans cette famille. Il s'agit d' isoflavones, les parvisoflavones A et B et la cajanine. Enfin, la flavone tricine, flavonoide caractéristique des Cyperaceae et des Poaceae a également été isolée. La deuxième partie de ce travail a consisté à caractériser les constituants polaires présents dans l'extrait methanolique. L'extrait a été analysé par chromatographie analytique couplée à différentes méthodes spectroscopiques (LC-UV-MS et LC-UV-1H RMN). De cette façon, douze flavonoides et un dérivé du phénylpropane, l'acide chlorogénique ont été identifiés. Les flavonoides tri-glycosylés ont dû être isolés afin de déterminer la nature et l'enchaînement des sucres. Finalement, l'espèce Eriophorum scheuchzeri a été comparée à deux autres espèces d' Eriophorum, soit E. angustifolium et E. latifolium. En conclusion, cette étude phytochimique a abouti à l'isolement de plusieurs nouvelles isoflavones aux activités antioxydantes et antifongiques ainsi qu'oestrogéniques.
Un âge synchrone (partie moyenne de l'Aptien inférieur) de l'ennoiement de la plate-forme Urgonienne helvétique en relation avec l'événement océanique anoxique 1a ("événement Selli"). - La fin de la plate-forme urgonienne, calibrée par analyse des isotopes stables du carbone sur roche totale et par biostratigraphie basée sur les ammonites, est datée du milieu de l'Aptien inférieur (Près de la limite des zones weissi et deshayesi). Cet arrêt, synchrone dans des coupes représentatives du domaine helvétique alpin, est un événement environemental majeur renregistré en France, en Espagne, au Protugal, en Oman, au Mexique et dans le domaine Pacifique. En tenant compte des limites de résolution de la biostatrigraphie et des autres techniques de datation, cet épisode semble également être synchrone à l'échelle globale. Pour beaucoup d'auteurs, la disparition de récifs de coraux et de rudistes corrélée à la fin de la sédimentation urgonienne correspond à la mise en place de conditions anoxiques à l'Aptien inférieur. Celles-ci caractérisent un événement d'importance global: l'événement anoxique OAE 1a.
Special investigation of the City of West Liberty for the period July 1, 2010 through January 31, 2014
Special investigation of the Iowa County Treasurer’s Office for the period January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2011