931 resultados para energy simulation


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Two methods were compared for determining the concentration of penetrative biomass during growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on an artificial solid substrate consisting of an inert gel and starch as the sole source of carbon and energy. The first method was based on the use of a hand microtome to make sections of approximately 0.2- to 0.4-mm thickness parallel to the substrate surface and the determination of the glucosamine content in each slice. Use of glucosamine measurements to estimate biomass concentrations was shown to be problematic due to the large variations in glucosamine content with mycelial age. The second method was a novel method based on the use of confocal scanning laser microscopy to estimate the fractional volume occupied by the biomass. Although it is not simple to translate fractional volumes into dry weights of hyphae due to the lack of experimentally determined conversion factors, measurement of the fractional volumes in themselves is useful for characterizing fungal penetration into the substrate. Growth of penetrative biomass in the artificial model substrate showed two forms of growth with an indistinct mass in the region close to the substrate surface and a few hyphae penetrating perpendicularly to the surface in regions further away from the substrate surface. The biomass profiles against depth obtained from the confocal microscopy showed two linear regions on log-linear plots, which are possibly related to different oxygen availability at different depths within the substrate. Confocal microscopy has the potential to be a powerful tool in the investigation of fungal growth mechanisms in solid-state fermentation. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In a 2-yr multiple-site field study conducted in western Nebraska during 1999 and 2000, optimum dryland corn (Zea mays L.) population varied from less than 1.7 to more than 5.6 plants m(-2), depending largely on available water resources. The objective of this study was to use a modeling approach to investigate corn population recommendations for a wide range of seasonal variation. A corn growth simulation model (APSIM-maize) was coupled to long-term sequences of historical climatic data from western Nebraska to provide probabilistic estimates of dryland yield for a range of corn populations. Simulated populations ranged from 2 to 5 plants m(-2). Simulations began with one of three levels of available soil water at planting, either 80, 160, or 240 mm in the surface 1.5 m of a loam soil. Gross margins were maximized at 3 plants m(-2) when starting available water was 160 or 240 mm, and the expected probability of a financial loss at this population was reduced from about 10% at 160 mm to 0% at 240 mm. When starting available water was 80 mm, average gross margins were less than $15 ha(-1), and risk of financial loss exceeded 40%. Median yields were greatest when starting available soil water was 240 mm. However, perhaps the greater benefit of additional soil water at planting was reduction in the risk of making a financial loss. Dryland corn growers in western Nebraska are advised to use a population of 3 plants m(-2) as a base recommendation.


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Lipid homeostasis is controlled by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARalpha, -beta/delta, and -gamma) that function as fatty acid-dependent DNA-binding proteins that regulate lipid metabolism. In vitro and in vivo genetic and pharmacological studies have demonstrated PPARalpha regulates lipid catabolism. In contrast, PPARgamma regulates the conflicting process of lipid storage. However, relatively little is known about PPARbeta/delta in the context of target tissues, target genes, lipid homeostasis, and functional overlap with PPARalpha and -gamma. PPARbeta/delta, a very low-density lipoprotein sensor, is abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle, a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for approximately 40% of total body weight. Skeletal muscle is a metabolically active tissue, and a primary site of glucose metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, and cholesterol efflux. Consequently, it has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, the blood-lipid profile, and lipid homeostasis. Surprisingly, the role of PPARbeta/delta in skeletal muscle has not been investigated. We utilize selective PPARalpha, -beta/delta, -gamma, and liver X receptor agonists in skeletal muscle cells to understand the functional role of PPARbeta/delta, and the complementary and/or contrasting roles of PPARs in this major mass peripheral tissue. Activation of PPARbeta/delta by GW501516 in skeletal muscle cells induces the expression of genes involved in preferential lipid utilization, beta-oxidation, cholesterol efflux, and energy uncoupling. Furthermore, we show that treatment of muscle cells with GW501516 increases apolipoprotein-A1 specific efflux of intracellular cholesterol, thus identifying this tissue as an important target of PPARbeta/delta agonists. Interestingly, fenofibrate induces genes involved in fructose uptake, and glycogen formation. In contrast, rosiglitazone-mediated activation of PPARgamma induces gene expression associated with glucose uptake, fatty acid synthesis, and lipid storage. Furthermore, we show that the PPAR-dependent reporter in the muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 promoter is directly regulated by PPARbeta/delta, and not PPARalpha in skeletal muscle cells in a PPARgamma coactivator-1-dependent manner. This study demonstrates that PPARs have distinct roles in skeletal muscle cells with respect to the regulation of lipid, carbohydrate, and energy homeostasis. Moreover, we surmise that PPARgamma/delta agonists would increase fatty acid catabolism, cholesterol efflux, and energy expenditure in muscle, and speculate selective activators of PPARbeta/delta may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, and obesity.


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Electronic energy transfer (EET) rate constants between a naphthalene donor and anthracene acceptor in [ZnL4a](ClO4)(2) and [ZnL4b](ClO4)(2) were determined by time-resolved fluorescence where L-4a and L-4b are the trans and cis isomers of 6-((anthracen-9-yl-methyl)amino)-6,13-dimethyl-13-((naphthalen-1-yl-methyl)amino)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, respectively. These isomers differ in the relative disposition of the appended chromophores with respect to the macrocyclic plane. The trans isomer has an energy transfer rate constant (k(EET)) of 8.7 x 10(8) s(-1), whereas that of the cis isomer is significantly faster (2.3 x 10(9) s(-1)). Molecular modeling was used to determine the likely distribution of conformations in CH3CN solution for these complexes in an attempt to identify any distance or orientation dependency that may account for the differing rate constants observed. The calculated conformational distributions together with analysis by H-1 NMR for the [ZnL4a](2+) trans complex in the common trans-III N-based isomer gave a calculated Forster rate constant close to that observed experimentally. For the [ZnL4b](2+) cis complex, the experimentally determined rate constant may be attributed to a combination of trans-Ill and trans-I N-based isomeric forms of the complex in solution.


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Fluoropolymers are known as chemically inert materials with good high temperature resistance, so they are often the materials of choice for harsh chemical environments. These properties arise because the carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest of all bonds between other elements and carbon, and, because of their large size, fluorine atoms can protect the carbon backbone of polymers such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene), PTFE, from chemical attack. However, while the carbon-fluorine bond is much stronger than the carbon hydrogen bond, the G values for radical formation on high energy radiolysis of fluoropolymers are roughly comparable to those of their protonated counterparts. Thus, efficient high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers is practical, and this process can be used to modify either the surface or bulk properties of a fluoropolymer. Indeed, radiation grafted fluoropolymers are currently being used as separation membranes for fuel cells, hydrophilic filtration membranes and matrix substrate materials for use in combinatorial chemistry. Herein we present a review of recent studies of the high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers and of the analytical methods available to characterize the grafts. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The variation of the crystallite structure of several coal chars during gasification in air and carbon dioxide was studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The XRD analysis of the partially gasified coal chars, based on two approaches, Scherrer's equation and Alexander and Sommer's method, shows a contradictory trend of the variation of the crystallite height with carbon conversion, despite giving a similar trend for the crystallite width change. The HRTEM fringe images of the partially gasified coal chars indicate that large and highly ordered crystallites exist at conversion levels as high as 86%. It is also demonstrated that the crystalline structure of chars can be very different although their pore structures are similar, suggesting a combination of crystalline structure analysis with pore structure analysis in studies of carbon gasification.


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A bituminous coal was pyrolyzed in a nitrogen stream in an entrained flow reactor at various temperatures from 700 to 1475 degreesC. Char samples were collected at different positions along the reactor. Each collected sample was oxidized nonisothermally in a TGA for reactivity determination. The reactivity of the coal char was found to decrease rapidly with residence time until 0.5 s, after which it decreased only slightly. On the bases of the reactivity data at various temperatures, a new approach was utilized to obtaining the true activation energy distribution function for thermal annealing without the assumption of any distribution function form or a constant preexponential factor. It appears that the true activation energy distribution function consists of two separate parts corresponding to different temperature ranges, suggesting different mechanisms in different temperature ranges. Partially burnt coal chars were also collected along the reactor when the coal was oxidized in air at various temperatures from 700 to 1475 degreesC. The collected samples were analyzed for the residual carbon content and the specific reaction rate was estimated. The characteristic time of thermal deactivation was compared with that of oxidation under realistic conditions. The characteristic times were found to be close to each other, indicating the importance of thermal deactivation during combustion of the coal studied.


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This work contains the theoretical simulation of the conformation of diphenyl-4-amine sodium sulphonate (DASNa) and correlates its geometry with conductivity, showing that the conductivity increases as the molecule becomes more planar. The solvent effect was also evaluated, using water and dimethylsulfoxide. Some properties, such as bond distance, vibration al frequency and effective charge were calculated. The utilization of diphenyl-4-amine sodium sulphonate (DASNa) as dopant of aniline was investigated in view of the HOMO-LUMO energy gap.


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Recent observations from type Ia Supernovae and from cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies have revealed that most of the matter of the Universe interacts in a repulsive manner, composing the so-called dark energy constituent of the Universe. Determining the properties of dark energy is one of the most important tasks of modern cosmology and this is the main motivation for this work. The analysis of cosmic gravitational waves (GW) represents, besides the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies, an additional approach in the determination of parameters that may constrain the dark energy models and their consistence. In recent work, a generalized Chaplygin gas model was considered in a flat universe and the corresponding spectrum of gravitational waves was obtained. In the present work we have added a massless gas component to that model and the new spectrum has been compared to the previous one. The Chaplygin gas is also used to simulate a L-CDM model by means of a particular combination of parameters so that the Chaplygin gas and the L-CDM models can be easily distinguished in the theoretical scenarios here established. We find that the models are strongly degenerated in the range of frequencies studied. This degeneracy is in part expected since the models must converge to each other when some particular combinations of parameters are considered.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de desenvolver um modelo computacional para simular a secagem de frutos café em um secador intermitente de fluxos contracorrente, empregando a linguagem de simulação EXTEND™ e o Modelo de Thompson (THOMPSON; PEART; FOSTER, 1968). Para validação do modelo desenvolvido foram utilizados dados experimentais obtidos por Silva (1991), em que foram empregados três níveis de temperatura do ar de secagem de 60, 80 e 100 °C. O modelo desenvolvido foi validado, sendo constatados desvios absolutos de 1,8% b.u e 1,1 kg e erros relativos de 11% e 1,6% na previsão dos parâmetros teor de água final e consumo de lenha, respectivamente. O modelo validado foi empregado na condução de experimentos tipo comparação de cenários. O primeiro experimento refere a alterações do ciclo operacional em que foram alterados os tempos de movimentação e de parada do fluxo da massa de grãos. E o segundo refere à alteração da configuração do secador quanto às alturas das câmaras de secagem e descanso. O ciclo operacional com os tempos de movimentação de um minuto e de parada de dezesseis minutos, para a temperatura do ar de secagem de 100 °C, proporcionou o melhor desempenho, sendo constatado tempo secagem de 12,3 h, consumo de lenha de 109,5 kg, consumo específico de energia de 7660 kJ.kg-1 de água evaporada, e capacidade de secagem de 87,86 kg.h-1. Quanto à configuração do secador, o melhor desempenho ocorreu para altura da câmara de secagem de 2,3 m usando a temperatura do ar de secagem de 100 °C, em que foram simulados tempo de secagem de 12,0 h, consumo de lenha de 106,5 kg, consumo específico de energia, de 7433 kJ.kg-1 de água evaporada, e capacidade de secagem de 90 kg.h-1. Desse modo, na condução da secagem de frutos de café em um secador intermitente de fluxos contracorrentes é recomendado o ciclo operacional com tempos de movimentação de um minuto e o de parada de dezesseis minutos, e não empregar a câmara de descanso. Essa conclusão está fundamentada em índices de desempenho do secador. Ressalta-se que não foram simulados os impactos nos parâmetros de qualidade.


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This study aims to understand how Chinese enterprises acted in Brazilian energy and telecommunication sectors in the past ten years and whether they would be leading to an increase in the asymmetries between Brazil and China. It argues that the asymmetries presented in the relations are due in large part to successful Chinese enterprises' strategies.


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If the world is not to jeopardize the chances for human life on Earth, climate change must be mitigated; therefore, achieving low carbon development is crucial. China is the world's greatest GHG emitter, energy producer and energy consumer; investigating its energy-climate policy developments and international positions are of utmost importance to understand and tackle current stumbling blocks of the global energy and climate governance.


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Experimental scratch resistance testing provides two numbers: the penetration depth Rp and the healing depth Rh. In molecular dynamics computer simulations, we create a material consisting of N statistical chain segments by polymerization; a reinforcing phase can be included. Then we simulate the movement of an indenter and response of the segments during X time steps. Each segment at each time step has three Cartesian coordinates of position and three of momentum. We describe methods of visualization of results based on a record of 6NX coordinates. We obtain a continuous dependence on time t of positions of each of the segments on the path of the indenter. Scratch resistance at a given location can be connected to spatial structures of individual polymeric chains.


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A numeric model has been proposed to investigate the mechanical and electrical properties of a polymeric/carbon nanotube (CNT) composite material subjected to a deformation force. The reinforcing phase affects the behavior of the polymeric matrix and depends on the nanofiber aspect ratio and preferential orientation. The simulations show that the mechanical behavior of a computer generated material (CGM) depends on fiber length and initial orientation in the polymeric matrix. It is also shown how the conductivity of the polymer/CNT composite can be calculated for each time step of applied stress, effectively providing the ability to simulate and predict strain-dependent electrical behavior of CNT nanocomposites.