850 resultados para employee turnover
Um dos problemas mais graves identificados na implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família no Brasil é a rotatividade do médico generalista. Já que o modelo se fundamenta no vínculo entre profissionais da equipe e população, a alta rotatividade dos médicos pode comprometer a efetividade do modelo. Pesquisa realizada no município de São Paulo para verificar a existência de correlação entre satisfação no trabalho dos médicos do programa e a rotatividade desses profissionais confirmou a hipótese da existência de correlação negativa. O prestígio da instituição parceira do município na implantação do programa foi o fator mais importante na determinação da rotatividade dos médicos. Outros fatores de satisfação no trabalho que apresentaram correlação com a rotatividade foram: capacitação, distância das unidades de saúde e disponibilidade de materiais e equipamentos para realização das atividades profissionais.
Cells normally undergo physiological turnover through the induction of apoptosis and phagocytic removal, partly through exposure of cell surface phosphatidylserine (PS). In contrast, neutrophils appear to possess apoptosis-independent mechanisms of removal. Here we show that Galectin-1 (Gal-1) induces PS exposure independent of alterations in mitochondrial potential, caspase activation, or cell death. Furthermore, Gal-1-induced PS exposure reverts after Gal-1 removal without altering cell viability. Gal-1-induced PS exposure is uniquely microdomain restricted, yet cells exposing PS do not display evident alterations in membrane morphology nor do they exhibit bleb formation, typically seen in apoptotic cells. Long-term exposure to Gal-1 prolongs PS exposure with no alteration in cell cycle progression or cell growth. These results demonstrate that Gal-1-induced PS exposure and subsequent phagocytic removal of living cells represents a new paradigm in cellular turnover.
Background: Rhipicephalus sanguineus, known as the brown dog tick, is a common ectoparasite of domestic dogs and can be found worldwide. R. sanguineus is recognized as the primary vector of the etiological agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis and canine babesiosis. Here we present the first description of a R. sanguineus salivary gland transcriptome by the production and analysis of 2,034 expressed sequence tags (EST) from two cDNA libraries, one consctructed using mRNA from dissected salivary glands from female ticks fed for 3-5 days (early to mid library, RsSGL1) and the another from ticks fed for 5 days (mid library, RsSGL2), identifying 1,024 clusters of related sequences. Results: Based on sequence similarities to nine different databases, we identified transcripts of genes that were further categorized according to function. The category of putative housekeeping genes contained similar to 56% of the sequences and had on average 2.49 ESTs per cluster, the secreted protein category contained 26.6% of the ESTs and had 2.47 EST's/clusters, while 15.3% of the ESTs, mostly singletons, were not classifiable, and were annotated as ""unknown function"". The secreted category included genes that coded for lipocalins, proteases inhibitors, disintegrins, metalloproteases, immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory proteins, as Evasins and Da-p36, as well as basic-tail and 18.3 kDa proteins, cement proteins, mucins, defensins and antimicrobial peptides. Comparison of the abundance of ESTs from similar contigs of the two salivary gland cDNA libraries allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes, such as genes coding for Evasins and a thrombin inhibitor, which were over expressed in the RsSGL1 (early to mid library) versus RsSGL2 (mid library), indicating their role in inhibition of inflammation at the tick feeding site from the very beginning of the blood meal. Conversely, sequences related to cement (64P), which function has been correlated with tick attachment, was largely expressed in the mid library. Conclusions: Our survey provided an insight into the R. sanguineus sialotranscriptome, which can assist the discovery of new targets for anti-tick vaccines, as well as help to identify pharmacologically active proteins.
The ubiquitin-proteasome system governs the half-life of most cellular proteins. Calorie restriction (CR) extends the maximum life span of a variety of species and prevents oxidized protein accumulation. We studied the effects of CR on the ubiquitin-proteasome system and protein turnover in aging Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CR increased chronological life span as well as proteasome activity compared to control cells. The levels of protein carbonyls, a marker of protein oxidation, and those of polyubiquitinated proteins were modulated by CR. Controls, but not CR cells, exhibited a significant increase in oxidized proteins. In keeping with decreased proteasome activity, polyubiquitinated proteins were increased in young control cells compared to time-matched CR cells, but were profoundly decreased in aged control cells despite decreased proteasomal activity. This finding is related to a decreased polyubiquitination ability due to the impairment of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme in aged control cells, probably related to a more oxidative microenvironment. CR preserves the ubiquitin-proteasome system activity. Overall, we found that aging and CR modulate many aspects of protein modification and turnover. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Evidence demonstrates that sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation causes osteopenia via beta(2)-adrenoceptor (beta(2)-AR) signaling. Here we show that female mice with chronic sympathetic hyperactivity owing to double knockout of adrenoceptors that negatively regulate norepinephrine release, alpha(2A)-AR and alpha(2C)-AR(alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-ARKO), present an unexpected and generalized phenotype of high bone mass with decreased bone resorption and increased formation. In alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-ARKO versus wild-type (WT) mice, micro-computed tomographic (mu CT) analysis showed increased, better connected, and more plate-shaped trabeculae in the femur and vertebra and increased cortical thickness in the vertebra, whereas biomechanical analysis showed increased tibial and femoral strength. Tibial mRNA expression of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) and receptor activator of NF-kappa B (RANK), which are osteoclast-related factors, was lower in knockout (KO) mice. Plasma leptin and brain mRNA levels of cocaine amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), which are factors that centrally affect bone turnover, and serum levels of estradiol were similar between mice strains. Tibial beta(2)-AR mRNA expression also was similar in KO and WT littermates, whereas alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR mRNAs were detected in the tibia of WT mice and in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. By immunohistochemistry, we detected alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)-, alpha(2C)- and beta(2)-ARs in osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and chondrocytes of 18.5-day-old mouse fetuses and 35-day-old mice. Finally, we showed that isolated osteoclasts in culture are responsive to the selective alpha(2)-AR agonist clonidine and to the nonspecific alpha-AR antagonist phentolamine. These findings suggest that beta(2)-AR is not the single adrenoceptor involved in bone turnover regulation and show that alpha(2)-AR signaling also may mediate the SNS actions in the skeleton. (c) 2011 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of physical training, and different levels of protein intake in the diet, on the growth and nutritional status of growing rats. Newly-weaned Wistar rats (n=48) were distributed into six experimental groups: three of them were subjected to physical swim training (1 h per day. 5 d per week, for 4 wk, after 2 wk of familiarization) and the other three were considered as controls (non-trained). Each pair of groups, trained and non-trained, received diets with a different level of protein in their composition: 14%. 21% or 28%. The animals were euthanized at the end of the training period and the following analyses were performed: proteoglycan synthesis as a biomarker of bone and cartilage growth, IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) assay as a biomarker of growth and nutritional status. total RNA and protein concentration and protein synthesis measured in vivo using a large-dose phenylalanine method. As a main finding, increased dietary protein, combined with physical training, was able to improve neither tissue protein synthesis nor muscle growth. In addition, cartilage and bone growth seem to be deteriorated by the lower and the higher levels of protein intake. Our data allow us to conclude that protein enhancement in the diet, combined with physical exercise, does not stimulate tissue protein synthesis or muscle mass growth. Furthermore, physical training, combined with low protein intake, was not favorable to bone development in growing animals.
Ticks are blood-feeding arthropods that secrete immunomodulatory molecules through their saliva to antagonize host inflammatory and immune responses. As dendritic cells (DCs) play a major role in host immune responses, we studied the effects of Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick saliva on DC migration and function. Bone marrow-derived immature DCs pre-exposed to tick saliva showed reduced migration towards macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta and regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) chemokines in a Boyden microchamber assay. This inhibition was mediated by saliva which significantly reduced the percentage and the average cell-surface expression of CC chemokine receptor CCR5. In contrast, saliva did not alter migration of DCs towards MIP-3 beta, not even if the cells were induced for maturation. Next, we evaluated the effect of tick saliva on the activity of chemokines related to DC migration and showed that tick saliva per se inhibits the chemotactic function of MIP-1 alpha, while it did not affect RANTES, MIP-1 beta and MIP-3 beta. These data suggest that saliva possibly reduces immature DC migration, while mature DC chemotaxis remains unaffected. In support of this, we have analyzed the percentage of DCs on mice 48 h after intradermal inoculation with saliva and found that the DC turnover in the skin was reduced compared with controls. Finally, to test the biological activity of the saliva-exposed DCs, we transferred DCs pre-cultured with saliva and loaded with the keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) antigen to mice and measured their capacity to induce specific T cell cytokines. Data showed that saliva reduced the synthesis of both T helper (Th)1 and Th2 cytokines, suggesting the induction of a non-polarised T cell response. These findings propose that the inhibition of DCs migratory ability and function may be a relevant mechanism used by ticks to subvert the immune response of the host. (c) 2007 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Low-intensity electrical stimulation (LIES) may counteract the effects of ovariectomy (OVX) on nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression, osteocyte viability, bone structure, and microarchitecture in rats (Lirani-Galvo et al., Calcif Tissue Int 84:502-509, 2009). The aim of the present study was to investigate if these effects of LIES could be mediated by NO. We analyzed the effects of NO blockage (by l-NAME) in the response to LIES on osteocyte viability, bone structure, and microarchitecture in OVX rats. Sixty rats (200-220 g) were divided into six groups: sham, sham-l-NAME (6 mg/kg/day), OVX, OVX-l-NAME, OVX-LIES, and OVX-LIES-l-NAME. After 12 weeks, rats were killed and tibiae collected for histomorphometric analysis and immunohistochemical detection of endothelial NOS (eNOS), inducible NOS (iNOS), and osteocyte apoptosis (caspase-3 and TUNEL). In the presence of l-NAME, LIES did not counteract the OVX-induced effects on bone volume and trabecular number (as on OVX-LIES). l-NAME blocked the stimulatory effects of LIES on iNOS and eNOS expression of OVX rats. Both l-NAME and LIES decreased osteocyte apoptosis. Our results showed that in OVX rats l-NAME partially blocks the effects of LIES on bone structure, turnover, and expression of iNOS and eNOS, suggesting that NO may be a mediator of some positive effects of LIES on bone.
The canopy disturbance regime and the influence of gap methods on the interpretation of forest structure and dynamics were evaluated in a tropical semi-deciduous forest in south-eastern Brazil. We encountered a gap density of 11.2 gaps ha(-1) and an average size which varied from 121 to 333 m(2) depending on the gap delimitation method considered (minimum gap size was 10 m(2)). Although average size was slightly higher, the median value obtained (78 m(2)) was comparable to other tropical forest sites and the gap size-class distribution found supported the pattern described for such forest sites. Among 297 gap makers, snapping and uprooting were the most common modes of disturbance. The number and basal area of gap makers were good predictors of gap size. Almost 25% of all gaps suffered from repeated disturbance events that brought about larger gap sizes. Such processes, along with delimitation methods, strongly influenced the estimation of turnover rate and therefore the interpretation of forest dynamics. These results demonstrated the importance of further studies on repeated disturbances, which is often neglected in forest studies.
The short-term effects of surface lime application and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) residues, with or without N fertilization, were evaluated in a long-term no-till (NT) system on a sandy clay loam, a kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox from the state of Parana, Brazil. The main plot treatments were: control and dolomitic lime applied on soil surface at 8 Mg ha(-1). Three treatments with crop residues were evaluated on the subplots: (i) fallow, (ii) black oat residues, and (iii) black oat residues aft er N fertilization at 180 kg ha(-1). Black oat dry biomass was not affected by the treatments during 3 yr. Surface liming increased soil pH, microbial biomass, microbial activity, and bacterial/fungal ratio at the soil surface (0-5 cm), resulting in increased amino acid turnover, water-soluble humic substances formation, and N mineralization and nitrification. While the application of black oat did increase the soil pH, overall it had much less effect on soil biological processes and C and N pools than did lime. We concluded that black oat cannot replace the need for lime to optimize crop production in these tropical NT systems. In the long term, however, black oat should aid in the amelioration of acidity and replenishment of soil organic C pools and should help reduce erosion. Overall, this study suggests that overapplication of inorganic fertilizer N may occur in some tropical NT systems. Further experiments are required in NT systems to investigate the use of slow-release N fertilizers in combination with lime and black oat as a mechanism to reduce acidification and promote sustainability.
Objective: Looking for possible neuroimmune relationships, we analyzed the effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) administration on neuroendocrine, neutrophil activity and leukocyte distribution in mice. Methods: Five experiments were performed. In the first, mice were treated with MDMA (10 mg/kg) 30, 60 min and 24 h prior to blood sample collection for neutrophil activity analysis. In the second experiment, the blood of nave mice was collected and incubated with MDMA for neutrophil activity in vitro analysis. In the third and fourth experiments, mice were injected with MDMA (10 mg/kg) and 60 min later, blood and brain were collected to analyze corticosterone serum levels and hypothalamic noradrenaline (NA) levels and turnover. In the last experiment, mice were injected with MDMA 10 mg/kg and 60 min later, blood, bone marrow and spleen were collected for leukocyte distribution analysis. Results: Results showed an increase in hypothalamic NA turnover and corticosterone serum levels 60 min after MDMA (10 mg/kg) administration, a decrease in peripheral blood neutrophil oxidative burst and a decrease in the percentage and intensity of neutrophil phagocytosis. It was further found that MDMA (10 mg/kg) treatment also altered leukocyte distribution in blood, bone marrow and spleen. In addition, no effects were observed for MDMA after in vitro exposure both in neutrophil oxidative burst and phagocytosis. Conclusion: The effects of MDMA administration (10 mg/kg) on neutrophil activity and leukocyte distribution might have been induced indirectly through noradrenergic neurons and/or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activations. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Galectin-1 (Gal-1) regulates leukocyte turnover by inducing the cell surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS), a ligand that targets cells for phagocytic removal, in the absence of apoptosis. Gal-1 monomer- dimer equilibrium appears to modulate Gal-1-induced PS exposure, although the mechanism underlying this regulation remains unclear. Here we show that monomer- dimer equilibrium regulates Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidation. A mutant form of Gal-1, containing C2S and V5D mutations (mGal-1), exhibits impaired dimerization and fails to induce cell surface PS exposure while retaining the ability to recognize carbohydrates and signal Ca(2+) flux in leukocytes. mGal-1 also displayed enhanced sensitivity to oxidation, whereas ligand, which partially protected Gal-1 from oxidation, enhanced Gal-1 dimerization. Continual incubation of leukocytes with Gal-1 resulted in gradual oxidative inactivation with concomitant loss of cell surface PS, whereas rapid oxidation prevented mGal-1 from inducing PS exposure. Stabilization of Gal-1 or mGal-1 with iodoacetamide fully protected Gal-1 and mGal-1 from oxidation. Alkylation-induced stabilization allowed Gal-1 to signal sustained PS exposure in leukocytes and mGal-1 to signal both Ca(2+) flux and PS exposure. Taken together, these results demonstrate that monomer-dimer equilibrium regulates Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidative inactivation and provides a mechanism whereby ligand partially protects Gal-1 from oxidation.
Aim. Data were collected on tenure, mobility and retention of the nursing workforce in Queensland to aid strategic planning by the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU). Background. Shortages of nurses negatively affect the health outcomes of patients. Population rise is increasing the demand for nurses in Queensland. The supply of nurses is affected by recruitment of new and returning nurses, retention of the existing workforce and mobility within institutions. Methods. A self-reporting, postal survey was undertaken by the QNU members from the major employment sectors of aged care, public acute and community health and private acute and community health. Results. Only 60% of nurses had been with their current employer more than 5 years. In contrast 90% had been in nursing for 5 years or more and most (80%) expected to remain in nursing for at least another 5 years. Breaks from nursing were common and part-time positions in the private and aged care sectors offered flexibility. Conclusion. The study demonstrated a mobile nursing workforce in Queensland although data on tenure and future time in nursing suggested that retention in the industry was high. Concern is expressed for replacement of an ageing nursing population.
Accumulating evidence suggests that Team-member exchange (TMX) influences employee work attitudes and behaviours separately from the effects of leader-member exchange (LMX). In particular, little is known of the effect of LMX differentiation (in-group versus out-group) as a process of social exhange that can, in turn, affect TMX quality. To explore this phenomenon, this chapter presents a multi-level model of TMX in organizations, which incorporates LMX differentiation, team identification, team member affect at the individual level, and fairness of LMX differentiation and affective climate at the group-level. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our model for theory, research, and practice.
Leaves of the subtropical understorey shrub Schefflera arboricola Hayata growing in full sunlight had higher specific leaf weight, higher chlorophyll a/b ratios, lower total chlorophyll content and a threefold higher xanthophyll cycle pigment content than leaves growing in a naturally shaded, but sunfleck-punctuated, environment. A number of measurements, all made in situ and during natural day/night cycles, were taken as follows: current photochemical capacity (F-v/F-m after 10 min dark-adaptation), size and epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle, CO2 gas exchange and determination of the D1 synthesis rate. In sun leaves the lowest daily F-v/F-m was found to be approximately 0.6, the change from maximum correlating with an increase in zeaxanthin. Daily changes in zeaxanthin were partly due to de novo synthesis and turnover. We suggest that sun leaves can dissipate most of the excess light energy absorbed safely via the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. D1 synthesis rates did not correlate with photosynthetic photon flux density or F-v/F-m. The shade leaves had high F-v/F-m values and constant photosynthetic rates throughout the day except during sunflecks, when photosynthetic rates increased and D1 synthesis accelerated, all without a substantial decrease in F-v/F-m. It seems that leaves of S. arboricola adapted to natural shade conditions can use sunflecks to contribute significantly to their productivity. The third leaf type investigated was from greenhouse-grown plants of S. arboricola after exposure to full sunlight. These leaves showed a rapid and large reduction in F-v/F-m (to 0.3), which neither correlated with zeaxanthin formation nor recovered within the same day. From long-term effects following full sunlight exposure of greenhouse-grown plants we suggest that this F-v/F-m reduction actually reflects photodestruction.