791 resultados para elite skiers


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Syfte: Att beskriva hur patienten upplevde den perioperativa dialogen och dess information.Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. De vetenskapliga artiklarna söktes via databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed, Medline och Academic Search Elite. Uppsatsförfattarna valde ut 16 artiklar låg till grund för resultatet. Artiklarna bestod av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Artiklarnas kvalitet bedömdes utifrån granskningsmallar.Resultat: I studier kunde utläsas att patienterna hade goda upplevelser av den perioperativa dialogen. Patienterna kände sig delaktiga i sin egen omvårdnad och behandling samt upplevde att operationssjuksköterskan såg dem som viktiga i omvårdnadsprocessen. Patienterna blev sedda som individer och inte som objekt. Patienterna kände även en samhörighet med operationssjuksköterskan. Detta gjorde att patienterna kände sig trygga och kunde lämna över ansvaret till operationssjuksköterskan. Resultatet visade även att det fanns brister i informationsgivningen samt att olika vårdkategorier fokuserade på olika innehåll i den perioperativa informationen. Patienterna upplevde ett ökat informationsbehov rörande operationen samt uppföljning postoperativt av operationspersonal.Slutsats: Den perioperativa dialogen hade ett stort värde för patienterna. Brist på preoperativ information ledde till en oförberedd och otrygg patient. Att helt frångå en viktig bit i patienternas omvårdnad ledde till en upplevelse av att inte vara delaktig i sin egen situation. Den postoperativa uppföljningen visade sig vara viktig för patienternas välbefinnande.


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Syfte: Att identifiera vilka aktiviteter som var vanligt förekommande på särskilt boende utifrån litteraturen och vilka effekter de hade på äldres livssituation. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt och artiklar söktes genom databaserna Pubmed, CINAHL with Full Text och Academic Search Elite. Studiens resultat innehåller 18 antal artiklar. Resultat: Olika sociala och fysiska aktiviteter hade en positiv inverkan på livskvalitén, men även på de boendes upplevelser av ensamhet. Deras fysiska förmåga förbättrades också i form av att de lättare kunde utföra aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL). Fem olika kategorier med aktiviteter skapades. Dessa var trädgårdsprogram, fysisk aktivitet, interaktion med djur, sociala aktiviteter och musik. De olika aktiviteterna hade även en positiv inverkan på äldre med demenssjukdomar i form av minskad agitation och störande beteende. Slutsats: Aktiviteters förekomst på särskilt boende bidrar till en förbättrad livssituation. Äldre bör erbjudas möjlighet att delta i olika sociala och fysiska aktiviteter.


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Syfte; Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva upplevelsen av vad som skapar en meningsfull tillvaro samt hur sjuksköterskan kan stödja och främja en meningsfull tillvaro för de äldre vid särskilda boenden. Metod; Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2000-2012 söktes i databaserna CHINAL, ELITE, PubMed, SweMed samt i tidskriften Vård i Norden. Resultat; Resultatet visade på att upprätthållandet av kroppens fysiska och mentala förmågor hade stor inverkan för den upplevda hälsan. Social gemenskap, goda vårdrelationer och ett aktivt delagande i den egna vardagen ansågs även placera den äldre i ett sammanhang, vilket också grundade för meningsfullhet och välbefinnande. Konklusion; För att uppnå en god omvårdnad av de äldre krävdes sjuksköterskor med ett stort kunnande och engagemang där goda omvårdnadsrelationer skapades utifrån den enskildes livsberättelse, behov och önskningar.


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Elite Education: a strategy for recognition? A study on anti-discrimination strategies among law-students of Middle Eastern background While research show that individuals of foreign background are being discriminated against and stigmatized in Sweden, an increasing number of them still choose higher education and also show a tendency towards choosing an elite education. In this article, I examine if there is a link between experiences of discrimination and the choice of elite education. The study is based upon semi-structured interviews with five female and five male law students of Middle Eastern background. The findings show that discrimination, either against the students or their parents, has led to a high study motivation where the choice of elite education can be understood as an anti-discrimination strategy. Other anti-discrimination strategies are to resist a victim mentality and to destigmatize by challenging stereotypes. These anti-discrimination strategies can be understood as strategies for recognition, that is, striving for equality by being ascribed a positive status.


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Syfte Syftet med studien är att analysera tillslagsprecision i fotboll och jämföra eventuella skillnader mellan juniorer och seniorer på både herr- och damsidan. Metod Totalt 30 elitspelare varav 16 herrar och 14 damer utförde tester i tillslagsprecision. De färdigheter som testades var passning och skott. Upplägget var 60 skott (30 stillaliggande och 30 halvvolley) och 80 passningar (20 stillaliggande bästa fot, 20 rullande bästa fot, 20 stillaliggande näst bästa fot och 20 rullande näst bästa fot). Testresultaten analyserades via Excel och Kinovea, där kunde medelvärden och standardavvikelser för varje testperson och testgrupp räknas ut. Resultat Resultatet visar att det endast var signifkant skillnad på ett av sex moment vad gäller tillslagsprecisionen på herrsidan. På damsidan var det ingen signifikant skillnad på något moment. Slutsatser Författarna har i denna studie identifierat en platå mellan spelare i åldrarna 16-18 år och seniorspelare vad gäller tillslagsprecision. Spelare i åldrarna 16-18 är lika bra som seniorspelare på de individuella färdigheterna passning och skott. Denna platå kan vara resultatet av för lite individuell träning, sk isolerad träning vad det gäller tillslagsprecision, på föreningsträningarna. Om föreningstränarna följer den utbildning SvFF ger dem ska endast två minuter per träning gå till varje individuell färdighet (13 st enligt SvFF). Bristen av tid för dessa färdigheter kan vara en avgörande faktor för att utvecklingen av tillslagsprecision står stilla idag.


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In a natural experiment, this paper studies the impact of an informal sanctioning mechanism on individuals’ voluntary contribution to a public good. Cross-country skiers’ actual cash contributions in two ski resorts, one with and one without an informal sanctioning system, are used. I find the contributing share to be higher in the informal sanctioning system (79 percent) than in the non-sanctioning system (36 percent). Previous studies in one-shot public good situations have found an increasing conditional contribution (CC) function, i.e. the relationship between expected average contributions of other group members and the individual’s own contribution. In contrast, the present results suggest that the CC-function in the non-sanctioning system is non-increasing at high perceived levels of others’ contribution. This relationship deserves further testing in lab.


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The Swedish upper secondary school has made a transition from a school for the elite to be a school for everybody. When almost every youth nowadays chooses to continue studying, for some of them this is not what they want to do most of all. However, as there in practice is no choice, there come up problems and many upper secondary school teachers experience a growing frustration. We will here discuss some aspects of the following questions: -  How do upper secondary schoolteachers handle their working-conditions in a new situation? - What possible consequences do this have on teacher education?


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Background: Physical activity is of benefit for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but it appears to increase the risk for atrial fibrillation. We aimed to study a cohort of patients following a first stroke in individuals with previous high physical activity, compare them to the general population with respect to recurrent stroke and death, and relate these to atrial fibrillation. Methods and results: From the participants of the Vasaloppet, the world's largest ski-race, and matched individuals from the general population (n=708 604), we identified 5964 patients hospitalized with a first-time stroke between 1994 and 2010. Individuals with severe diseases were excluded. One half percent of skiers and 1% of nonskiers were hospitalized due to stroke. The incidence rate was 8.3 per 100 person-years among skiers and 11.1 among nonskiers. The hazard ratio (HR) for recurrent stroke or death between the 2 groups was 0.76 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.86). The result was consistent in subgroups. The HR for death was 0.66 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.78) and for recurrent stroke 0.82 (95% CI 0.70 to 0.96). After adjustment for smoking and socioeconomic factors, the HR for death was consistent at 0.70 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.87) while the HR for recurrent stroke was not statistically significant. Outcomes for skiers with atrial fibrillation tended to show a lower risk than for nonskiers. Conclusions: This large cohort study supports the hypothesis that patients with a stroke and with prior regular physical activity have a lower risk of death, while their risk for recurrent stroke is similar to that of nonskiers. The skiers had a higher incidence of atrial fibrillation, but still no increased risk of recurring stroke.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate pacing-profile differences during the 90 km Vasaloppet ski race related to the categories of sex, age, and race experience. Skiing times from eight sections (S1 to S8) were analyzed. For each of the three categories, 400 pairs of skiers were matched to have a finish time within 60 seconds, the same start group, and an assignment to the same group for the other two categories. Paired-samples Student’s t-tests were used to investigate sectional pacing-profile differences between the subgroups. Results showed that males skied faster in S2 (P=0.0042), S3 (P=0.0049), S4 (P=0.010), and S1–S4 (P<0.001), whereas females skied faster in S6 (P<0.001), S7 (P<0.001), S8 (P=0.0088), and S5–S8 (P<0.001). For the age category, old subjects (40 to 59 years) skied faster than young subjects (19 to 39 years) in S3 (P=0.0029), and for the other sections, there were no differences. Experienced subjects (≥4 Vasaloppet ski race completions) skied faster in S1 (P<0.001) and S1–S4 (P=0.0054); inexperienced skiers (<4 Vasaloppet ski race completions) had a shorter mean skiing time in S5–S8 (P=0.0063). In conclusion, females had a more even pacing profile than that of males with the same finish time, start group, age, and race experience. No clear age-related pacing-profile difference was identified for the matched subgroups. Moreover, experienced skiers skied faster in the first half whereas inexperienced skiers had higher skiing speeds during the second half of the race.


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Skiing and snowboarding is a fairly expensive activity for participant and one in which the industry as a whole makes handsome profits. In the 2005/06 season, resorts in the Northeast reported an average gross revenue of $18.5 million. (NSAA) With the current weather phenomenon of El Nino, however, resorts in New England especially, have been suffering economically. The gross revenue in New England in the ’05/’06 season was down 4% from the previous year, likely due to the fact the total snowfall declined by 16%. (NSAA) Much of this loss in revenue came during the Christmas to New Years vacation period. In the 2007 season, most mountains were less than half-opened during this peak week and the number of skiers and riders was especially low. With such a large decrease in profits, it is likely that many people will soon be affected (if they have not already been), including local employees. This project, therefore, seeks to analyze the impact that the resorts have on the local economies in order to determine the potential problems the changing snowfall patterns could have on locals’ well-being. It is hypothesized that there will be a strong correlation between the proximity of a community to a resort and the relative economic prosperity of that community; meaning that the ski industry is a pivotal part of their income and livelihood.


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Amanda Sprang spent nine months, from September of 1995 to May of 1996, studying at Colby College's program in St. Petersburg, Russia. Through contacts made during previous trips to Russia in middle and high school, Amanda was able to quickly rekindle her old friendships and make new ones with many young Russians from different backgrounds. The following work is a collection of twelve essays about life in the New Russia. The essays are framed by a foreword and an epilogue that help place the entire work in a historical context. Although the theme of each essay emerges from a particular incident, within every story Amanda has addressed numerous topics relating to Russian life in today’s changing society. Her first essay, “Art Klinika," takes place in an avant-garde night club in St. Petersburg, and includes a brief yet impressionable, encounter with three young Russian men. “The Birthday Party” recalls a wild evening at the home of her close friend, showing how the Russians greet special occasions. Both the third and fourth essays take place in Moscow, where Amanda returns to visit old friends. These two essays portray the lives of the new economic elite in comparison with the average citizen, as well as show how young Russians face the new challenges that greet them. "Politics Russian Style" recalls a political rally in St. Petersburg, and attempts to shed light on the wacky political world of an infant democracy. Chapters Six through Ten take place away from the western cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, as Amanda brings us to the cold, mysterious land of Siberia in the dead of winter. She recounts her five day train ride with a retired, high-powered, Communist party official, her experiences in the provincial city of Irkutsk, and a brief trip to a Buddhist monastery and, later, an excursion to Lake Baikal. Back in St. Petersburg, Chapter Eleven gives a humorous account of a ski trip with several Russian friends. Amanda finishes her work with her final chapter, “The Dacha," which describes a weekend spent at a Russian country home with her friend's family.