1000 resultados para duração molhamento foliar


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Foliar application may be used to supply boron (B) to a crop when B demands are higher than can be supplied via the soil. While B foliar sprays have been used to correct B deficiency in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the field, no studies have determined the amount of B taken up by sunflower plant parts via foliar application. A study was conducted in which sunflower plants were grown at constant B concentration in nutrient solution with adequate B (46 mum) or with limited B supply (0.24, 0.40 and 1.72 mum) using Amberlite IRA-743 resin to control B supply. At the late vegetative stage of growth (25 and 35 d after transplanting), two foliar sprays were applied of soluble sodium tetraborate (20.8 % B) each at 0, 28, 65, 120 and 1200 mm (each spray equivalent to 0, 0.03, 0.07, 0.13 and 1.3 kg B ha(-1) in 100 L water ha(-1)). The highest rate of B foliar fertilization resulted in leaf burn but had no other evident detrimental effect on plant growth. Under B-deficient conditions, B foliar application increased the vegetative and reproductive dry mass of plants. Foliar application of 28-1200 mm B increased the total dry mass of the most B-deficient plants by more than three-fold and that of plants grown initially with 1.72 mum B in solution by 37-49 %. In this latter treatment, the dry mass of the capitulum was similar to that achieved under control conditions, but in no instance was total plant dry mass similar to that of the control. All B foliar spray rates increased the B concentration in various parts of the plant tops, including those that developed after the sprays were applied, but the B concentration in the roots was not increased by B foliar application. The B concentration in the capitulum of the plants sprayed at the highest rate was between 37 and 93 % of that in the control plants. This study showed that B foliar application was of benefit to B-deficient sunflower plants, increasing the B status of plant tops, including that of the capitulum which developed after the B sprays were applied. (C) 2003 Annals of Botany Company.


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Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


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Tree islands in the Everglades wetlands are centers of biodiversity and targets of restoration, yet little is known about the pattern of water source utilization by the constituent woody plant communities: upland hammocks and flooded swamp forests. Two potential water sources exist: (1) entrapped rainwater in the vadose zone of the organic soil (referred to as upland soil water), that becomes enriched in phosphorus, and (2) phosphorus-poor groundwater/surface water (referred to as regional water). Using natural stable isotope abundance as a tracer, we observed that hammock plants used upland soil water in the wet season and shifted to regional water uptake in the dry season, while swamp forest plants used regional water throughout the year. Consistent with the previously observed phosphorus concentrations of the two water sources, hammock plants had a greater annual mean foliar phosphorus concentration over swamp forest plants, thereby supporting the idea that tree island hammocks are islands of high phosphorus concentrations in the oligotrophic Everglades. Foliar nitrogen levels in swamp forest plants were higher than those of hammock plants. Linking water sources with foliar nutrient concentrations can indicate nutrient sources and periods of nutrient uptake, thereby linking hydrology with the nutrient regimes of different plant communities in wetland ecosystems. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) over long periods, upland tree island communities incrementally increase their nutrient concentration by incorporating marsh nutrients through transpiration seasonally, and (2) small differences in micro-topography in a wetland ecosystem can lead to large differences in water and nutrient cycles.


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Bromeliads are an important microhabitat for the herpetofauna, for being widely used as refuge from predators and their leaf architecture allows humidity maintenance and relatively constant temperature inside, setting a favorable environment for amphibians and reptiles, especially in areas under hydric stress. However, studies addressing this relationship are still incipient and more concentrated in fitotelmatas bromeliad. For non-fitotelmatas rupicolous bromeliads of the gender Encholirium, which develops into rocky outcrops and contains species of semi-arid regions such as the Caatinga, animal-plant relationships are almost unknown. In this context, this study aimed to know the herpetological fauna inhabitant of macambiras bromeliads, Encholirium spectabile, analyzing occupation and use of these bromeliads by different taxa, and the behavioral ecology of the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha, seeking to identify factors associated with this strict relationship in Caatinga. An extensive review of the world literature on the subject “lizards in bromeliads” subsidized this study from the ecological perspective of this association. The field work was carried out at Fazenda Tanques, municipality of Santa Maria / RN, mesoregion of Agreste Potiguar. The observations and/or data collection in daytime and in the evening was conducted monthly during three consecutive days, from January 2011 to August 2012, totaling 450 hour.man of sampling effort. Sixteen species were registered: six lizards (Mabuyidae, Tropiduridae, Gekkonidae and Phyllodactylidae Families), six snakes (Boidae and Dipsadidae Families) and four of amphibians of Hylidae Family. The effect of the forest edge on the distribution of species along the outcrop was significant, with most species found in outcrop edges. Significant difference was found between some pairs of species concerning use of bromeliads, and almost total niche overlap in the use of microhabitat. 62.5% of the species are nocturnal and use these plants for sheltering, breeding and feeding. Regarding the relations between 4 the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha and macambiras bromeliads, behaviors of thermoregulation and foraging in the dry and wet seasons were recorded. Activity periods were concentrated between 7 and 10 am and between 3 and 5 pm in both seasons, showing a clear bimodal pattern. The species basically used the green leaves and there were no significant differences between males and females in the use of bromeliads. Positive associations were found between body temperature and temperatures of bromeliads and air. This species spent 1.95% ± 3.8 of the time moving (PTM) and moved on average 0:36 ± 2.1 seconds per minute (MPM), with significant differences between the wet and dry to PTM, and between the average time of stop and average duration of movements, being considered a sedentary forager. Psychosaura agmosticha, in the study area, is bromelicolous and uses macambiras primarily for thermoregulation and foraging. The results of this study elevate the rupicolous bromeliads Encholirium spectabile as key elements for the maintenance of amphibians and reptiles associated with it, and a clear advantageous association for the conservation of the groups involved.


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The sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.) is an endemic species of the Caatinga biome, considered tolerant to salt and water stress. The process of salinization of soil and groundwater and surface water is one of the most important problems of environmental degradation, with its harmful effects being more pronounced in the areas of arid and semiarid regions, and rapidly growing in many parts of the globe, causing problems of the major crop yield. Organic conditioners as barnyard manure, and rice hulls can contribute to reducing the PST, possibly due to the release of CO2 and the production of organic acids during the decomposition of organic matter, and act as sources of calcium and magnesium and inhibit the availability sodium. The intimate association of mycorrhizae and beneficial to plants results in increased uptake of water and nutrients by plants, especially phosphorus, due to their low mobility in soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial growth of thrush seedlings under inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi and fertilized with manure corral and irrigated with water of different salinity levels. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions of vegetation on the premises of the Agricultural School of Jundiaí - UFRN, Campus Macaíba. The adopted statistical design was randomized composed of twelve treatments - three substrates (sterile soil, manure and FMA), four salinity levels (0.2, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1 ) and five repetitions, totaling sixty experimental units. The results indicate that inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi own contributions to the growth of plants, especially in roots and shoots, which suggests that its application is beneficial in establishing thrush plants in natural conditions, with poor soil in P. Levels salinity caused no effects with statistical significance in plant development, indicating Sabia resistance to it.


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A batata está sujeita a stresses bióticos (doenças, pragas, infestantes) e abióticos (condições climáticas, secura, excesso de água, ou fitotoxicidade provocada por herbicidas, entre outros). Os adubos foliares contendo nutrientes (macro e micronutrientes) poderão contribuir para uma melhor nutrição da planta, para além de exercer uma ação benéfica ao nível do potencial hídrico da folha e sua proteção contra os diversos inimigos bióticos. Instalou-se um ensaio em Marinhais na variedade de batata de indústria Lady Rosetta, para avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar de uma gama de adubos foliares “Humigel”, contendo, entre outros nutrientes, o enxofre e o potássio, numa situação de fitotoxidade causada pela aplicação de um herbicida. O ensaio foi instalado com um dispositivo experimental de parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de “Humigel” e sem aplicação (testemunha). A produção comercial nas parcelas com “Humigel” foi significativamente mais elevada (48 192 kg/ha) do que nas parcelas testemunha (43 458 kg/ha). Não se registaram diferenças significativas ao nível do número de tubérculos (comercial e total) por planta, nem ao nível dos parâmetros de qualidade (peso específico e teste de fritura).


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Aimed to identify, for assessing the tillering dynamics and morphogenesis , strategy (s ) suitable ( s) defoliation management to optimize the appearance of tillers and biomass of Urochloa Brizantha syn. Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu ( marandugrass ) throughout the year. The experiment was conducted from January 2013 to May 2014 were studied three strategies defoliation: Marandugrass with 30 cm throughout the experimental period (constant height); Marandugrass 15 cm in winter, the spring 30 cm and 45 cm in summer (increasing height); and Marandugrass 45 cm in winter, the spring 30 cm and 15 cm in summer (descending height). The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot in time, with four replications. In winter, in the spring and summer, the following variables were calculated: appearance rate (TApP), mortality (TMoP) and survival (TSoP) of tillers, balance (BAL) between TApP and TMoP, stability index (IE) numbers of tillers and leaf elongation rates and stem, length of leaf blade and stem, leaf senescence rate, phyllochron and duration of life of the sheet. The TAPP was higher in the early spring and summer. For TMoP, the highest values were in the late spring and summer. The balance between TApP and TMoP was negative in winter and late spring, regardless of defoliation strategy. There was no difference in IE between the heights of the canopy during winter and late spring .. The number of tillers was higher in early spring and summer and lower in winter and late spring. The defoliation strategies have not changed phyllochron, leaf elongation rate. In spring and summer, there were increases in the rates of appearance, elongation and leaf senescence and, furthermore, decreased life span and phyllochron sheet. The plant height with increasing showed a lower rate of senescence and lower culm length in the spring. To increase the number of tillers marandu, it is advantageous to handle the plant with increasing height, ie, 15 cm in autumn and winter, the spring 30 cm and 45 cm in summer.The maintaining of B. brizantha cv. Marandu with fixed height of 30 cm or with variations between 15 and 45cm from the fall/winter to summer, does not influence the appearance and the growth of leaves per tiller, which indicates great flexibility on management defoliation in this forage plant.


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Although it is well known that nutrient imbalance in shoot tissues may impair plant performance, the interactive effect between foliar phosphorus (P) application and varying P availability in the rooting medium on the nutritional status of sugarcane has not been well studied. To fill this research gap, four sugarcane varieties (IAC91-1099, IACSP94-2101, IACSP94-2094 and IACSP95-5000) were evaluated using a combination of two concentrations of P in nutrient solution (P-deficient, PD = 0.02 mmol L^(−1) and P-sufficient, PS = 0.5 mmol L^(−1)) and foliar P application (none and 0.16 mol L^(−1)). The spray was applied until drip point three times during the experiment with 15 days intervals, after which the plants were harvested to quantify growth and shoot concentration of nitrogen (N), P, magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S) and manganese (Mn). The responses of sugarcane plants to foliar P spray at different levels of P supply in the rooting medium was not genotype-dependent. It was demonstrated for the averaged values across varieties, that foliar P application enhanced sugarcane performance under low P, as revealed by improvements of leaf area and dry matter production of shoot and root of PD plants. Under P limitation we also observed diminished shoot concentration of N, P, Mg, S and increased concentration of Mn. However, foliar P spray increased the concentrations of N, P, S and reduced shoot Mn. Furthermore, shoot P:N, P:Mg, P:S, P:Mn and Mg:Mn concentration ratios exhibited a positive relationship with shoot dry matter production. In conclusion, low P supply in the rooting medium impairs nutrient balance in shoot tissues of sugarcane at early growth; however, this effect was ameliorated by foliar P application which merits further study under field conditions.


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During surveys of wild and cultivated rice in northern Queensland in 2014 and 2015, 92 fungal isolates were obtained from plants that were afflicted by foliar diseases, including the rice blast pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae, and the brown spot pathogen, Bipolaris oryzae. Seven species of Curvularia were found, viz. Curvularia aeria, C. alcornii, C. asianensis, C. clavata, C. lunata, C. muehlenbeckiae and an undescribed species. To remove uncertainty about the identity of the host plants from which the fungi were isolated, a DNA barcoding strategy was developed using regions of the chloroplast genome. Pathogenicity tests using wild rice isolates of P. oryzae indicated that many local rice varieties are susceptible to infection.


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The knowledge of molybdenum application in legumes on the availability of N, by BNF, increased enzymatic activity and the residual effect caused on crops growth and yield can contribute to the greater scientific understanding involved in green manure processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Mo application and the N from Crotalaria juncea and Canavalia ensiformis green manures on common bean performance. Were conducted field experiments for the crops succession system (green manures - common bean) and laboratory essays for the enzymatic activities. Green manure production was installed in a factorial arrangement 2 x 4, with two green manure legumes species, sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea) and jack beans (Canavalia ensiformis), and four Mo doses (0, 40, 80, 120 g ha-1) in the form of sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4), foliar applied, in a randomized block design with four replicates. For succession crop (common bean) additional treatment was added, beans grown without any fertilization, following the same experimental design from the previous crop. The dry matter decomposition and the N mineralization of green manure were monitored through collection of residues over time, by using the litter bags method. In laboratory were carried out tests of nitrate reductase activity in green manures and common beans at 90 and 66 days after sowing, respectively. The sunnhemp responded linearly positively to the application of Mo as the dry matter and N accumulation. While the jack beans presented a negative quadratic response for dry matter and there was no adjustment of regression models to N. The jack beans showed a higher decomposition rate and N mineralization compared to sunnhemp. The half lives for decomposing 50% of dry matter on the soil was 123 and 104 days to sunnhemp and jack beans, respectively, and 50% of N present in the residues was mineralized at 93 and 85 days. In common bean, differed from the control for number of pods the dose of 40 g ha-1 of Mo in both species of green manures and the dose 80 g ha-1 of Mo in jack beans. For number of grains only in sunnhemp on the dose of 40 g ha-1 of Mo differ from the control. The nitrate reductase activity was influenced by developmental stage of green manure species. In common bean, the activity of nitrate reductase was up to three times higher than the dose 0 g ha-1 of Mo compared to treatment with application of Mo in both species. There was no effect of Mo doses or species of green manure on common bean yield.


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A batata está sujeita a stresses bióticos (doenças, pragas, infestantes) e abióticos (condições climáticas, secura, excesso de água, ou fitotoxicidade provocada por herbicidas, entre outros). Os adubos foliares contendo nutrientes (macro e micronutrientes) poderão contribuir para uma melhor nutrição da planta, para além de exercer uma ação benéfica ao nível do potencial hídrico da folha e sua proteção contra os diversos inimigos bióticos. Instalou-se um ensaio em Marinhais na variedade de batata de indústria Lady Rosetta, para avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar de uma gama de adubos foliares “Humigel”, contendo, entre outros nutrientes, o enxofre e o potássio, numa situação de fitotoxidade causada pela aplicação de um herbicida. O ensaio foi instalado com um dispositivo experimental de parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de “Humigel” e sem aplicação (testemunha). A produção comercial nas parcelas com “Humigel” foi significativamente mais elevada (48 192 kg/ha) do que nas parcelas testemunha (43 458 kg/ha). Não se registaram diferenças significativas ao nível do número de tubérculos (comercial e total) por planta, nem ao nível dos parâmetros de qualidade (peso específico e teste de fritura).


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The focus of this work is the automatic analysis of disturbance records for electrical power generating units. The main proposition is a method based on wavelet transform applied to short-term disturbance records (waveform records). The goal of the method is to detect the time instants of recorded disturbances and extract meaningful information that characterize the faults. The result is a set of representative information of the monitored signals in power generators. This information can be further classified by an expert system (or other classification method) in order to classify the faults and other abnormal operating conditions. The large amount of data produced by digital fault recorders during faults justify the research of methods to assist the analysts in their task of analysing the disturbances. The literature review pointed out the state of the art and possible applications for oscillography records. The review of the COMTRADE standard and wavelet transform underlines the choice of the method for solving the problem. The conducted tests lead to the determination of the best mother wavelet for the segmentation process. The application of the proposed method to five case studies with real oscillographic records confirmed the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed scheme. With this research, the post-operation analysis of occurrences is improved and as a direct result is the reduction of the time that generators are offline.


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Introdução: as quedas são um importante problema na saúde nos idosos, apresentando os idosos institucionalizados um risco específico, determinado pela mudança de ambiente, diminuição da atividade física e alterações na independência funcional. Objetivo: estimar a prevalência e avaliar o risco de quedas nos idosos institucionalizados na ULDM – Sta Maria Maior de Miranda do Douro no período compreendido entre 02/12/2008 e 31/08/2014. Conhecer quais as estratégias de prevenção implementadas para evitar a recorrência de quedas nos idosos com histórico de quedas. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e analítico de caráter retrospetivo, sobre uma amostra constituída por utentes com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, internados numa Unidade de Longa Duração e Manutenção, no período compreendido entre 02/12/2008 e 31/08/2014 (N=158). Resultados: A prevalência de quedas foi de 14%. As quedas tiveram como principais fatores de risco a idade avançada, a presença de doenças crónicas, a mobilidade reduzida, défice cognitivo e polimedicação. O quarto e o WC foram os espaços físicos onde ocorreram com mais frequência. As principais causas foram, por esta ordem, a perda de apoio, episódio de desorientação/agitação e a perda de consciência. A maior parte das quedas não tiveram consequências físicas para o idoso ou limitaram-se a lesões traumáticas. As medidas de prevenção mais frequentemente aplicadas foram as medidas de apoio e a contenção física. Conclusão: nos resultados obtidos verifica-se uma prevalência de quedas muito superior quando comparada com outros estudos nesta área. Os dados apontam à necessidade de implementação de políticas institucionais de prevenção de quedas.


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Micronutrients are part of many crucial physiological plant processes. The combined application of N and micronutrients helps in obtaining grain yield with beneficial technological and consumer properties. The main micronutrients needed by cereals include Cu, Mn, and Zn. The subject of this study was to determine yield, quality indicators (protein content and composition, gluten content, grain bulk density, Zeleny sedimentation index, and grain hardness), as well as mineral content (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe) in winter wheat grain ( Triticum aestivum L.) fertilized by foliar micronutrient application. A field experiment was carried out at the Educational and Experimental Station in Tomaszkowo, Poland. The application of mineral fertilizers (NPK) supplemented with Cu increased Cu content (13.0%) and ω, α/β, and γ (18.7%, 4.9%, and 3.4%, respectively) gliadins in wheat grain. Foliar Zn fertilization combined with NPK increased Cu content (14.9%) as well as high (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) glutenins (38.8% and 6.7%, respectively). Zinc fertilization significantly reduced monomeric gliadin content and increased polymeric glutenin content in grain, which contributed in reducing the gliadin:glutenin ratio (0.77). Mineral fertilizers supplemented with Mn increased Fe content in wheat grain (14.3%). It also significantly increased protein (3.8%) and gluten (4.4%) content, Zeleny sedimentation index (12.4%), and grain hardness (18.5%). Foliar Mn fertilization increased the content of ω, α/β, and γ gliadin fractions (19.9%, 9.5%, and 2.1%, respectively), as well as HMW and LMW glutenins (18.9% and 4.5%, respectively). Mineral NPK fertilization, combined with micronutrients (Cu + Zn + Mn), increased Cu and Zn content in grain (22.6% and 17.7%, respectively). The content of ω, α/β, and γ gliadins increased (20.3%, 10.5%, and 12.1%, respectively) as well as HMW glutenins (7.9%).