903 resultados para differential interpretations
Making use of a recursive approach, derivative dispersion relations are generalized for an arbitrary number of subtractions. The results for both cross even and odd amplitudes are theoretically consistent at sufficiently high energies and in the region of small momentum transfer. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The problem of existence and uniqueness of polynomial solutions of the Lamé differential equation A(x)y″ + 2B(x)y′ + C(x)y = 0, where A(x),B(x) and C(x) are polynomials of degree p + 1,p and p - 1, is under discussion. We concentrate on the case when A(x) has only real zeros aj and, in contrast to a classical result of Heine and Stieltjes which concerns the case of positive coefficients rj in the partial fraction decomposition B(x)/A(x) = ∑j p=0 rj/(x - aj), we allow the presence of both positive and negative coefficients rj. The corresponding electrostatic interpretation of the zeros of the solution y(x) as points of equilibrium in an electrostatic field generated by charges rj at aj is given. As an application we prove that the zeros of the Gegenbauer-Laurent polynomials are the points of unique equilibrium in a field generated by two positive and two negative charges. © 2000 American Mathematical Society.
The location and morphological features of the blood cells found in the pupal ovary of workers and queens of Apis mellifera are described in relationship with their probable function in the ovary differentiation. The hemocytes from inside the ovarioles are different in both castes. In queens their morphology suggest an action in the tunica propria production, while in workers it suggest a phagocytic activity. The hemocytes present in the intersticial tissue are phagocytes in both castes, and may be responsible by the ovary shapping during metamorphosis.
In this work, a series solution is found for the integro-differential equation y″ (t) = -(ω2 c + ω2 f sin2 ωpt)y(t) + ωf (sin ωpt) z′ (0) + ω2 fωp sin ωpt ∫t 0 (cos ωps) y(s)ds, which describes the charged particle motion for certain configurations of oscillating magnetic fields. As an interesting feature, the terms of the solution are related to distinct sequences of prime numbers.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in association with chemical analysis was applied to assess the maturity reached by the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) subjected to composting processes with manual and fixed aeration and sampled at different composting times. Thermograms showed that the difference in the treatments, i.e., the manual aeration and the fixed aeration, had no relevant effect on the stabilization and maturation of OM in the substrates. Common thermal effects observed were: a low temperature endotherm assigned to dehydration and/or loss of peripheral polysaccharides chains; a medium temperature exotherm assigned to loss of peptidic structures, and a high temperature exotherm assigned to oxydation and polycondensation of aromatic nuclei of the molecule. Results obtained suggest that in the experimental conditions used, a shorter time of composting (about 30 d) appears adequate, in order to limit the extended mineralization of OM, whereas a prolonged composting time (up to 132 d) would produce a compost of poor quality with high ash content and low OM content.
In this study we report on the consumption of two syntopic Melastomataceae species by birds in a lower montane forest in Monte Verde, southeastern Brazil. The species of frugivores were identified and characterized by their methods of capture and consumption of fruits. We also provide information on abundance, phenology of plants and fruit characteristics of the two Melastomataceae species. The 13 observed species of birds formed two statistically distinct frugivorous groups with taxonomic and behavioral differences. Five of seven bird species that fed on L. aff. sublanata fruits belong to the subfamily Thraupinae and most fruits were mashed before swallowed. Four of the eight bird species that visited M. cinerascens belong to the subfamily Turdinae and all fruits were swallowed whole. Only two bird species were common visitors of both Melastomataceae species. Our findings show that fruits of the two Melastomataceae species with similar morphological characteristics were exploited differently by frugivorours birds.
Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) is a subtype of salivary gland carcinoma with a marked predilection for the minor salivary glands. The diagnosis of this lesion can be a challenge in incisional biopsies because of its similarity to other salivary neoplasms and the difficulty of analyzing its infiltrative nature and neurotropism. Diagnosis can be facilitated, however, by immunohistochemistry, a technique that has become a fundamental tool to the pathologist. The purpose of this study was analyze the immunohistochemical aspects of 4 cases that were examined in the São José dos Campos School of Dentistry. The patients included 4 women, ages 32 to 57 years (mean, 50 years), who reported an intraoral painless lesion, ranging in size from 1 to 3 cm (mean, 1.75 cm) with a variable evolution period. Histologically, the lesions showed similar aspects, characterized by polymorphous growth pattern, including solid, cribriform, trabecular, papillary, and single-file arrays. The tumors showed positivity to cytokeratins (Cks) 7 and 8 and vimentin, variable expression for Ck 14, and a negative reaction to Cks 13 and 19 and muscle-specific actin. PLGA is a tumor of the salivary gland that must be distinguished from other neoplasms for therapeutic and prognostic considerations, and the panel of antibodies employed in this study was effective for its diagnosis.
A comparative study of holocentric chromosomes in the triatomine species Panstrongylus megistus, Rhodnius pallescens and Triatoma infestans was carried out in order to characterize heterochromatin, rDNA active sites and nucleolar proteins. Cytological preparations of seminiferous tubules were stained by silver impregnation, C banding, fluorochromes CMA 3/DA and DAPI/DA, and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with Drosophila melanogaster 28S rDNA probe. Our results showed interesting aspects of the organization of chromatin and chromosomes in the meiotic cells of these insects. In R. pallescens, sex chromosomes (X, Y) were distinct from autosomes, when submitted to silver impregnation, C banding, CMA 3 staining, and FISH, confirming that these chromosomes bear nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). In P. megistus, two of the three sex chromosomes were CMA 3/DAPI-; at early meiotic prophase and at diakinesis, silver impregnation corresponded with FISH signals, indicating that in this species, two chromosomes (probably a sex chromosome and an autosome) bear NORs. In T. infestans, silver nitrate and FISH also stained corresponding areas on meiotic chromosomes. Our data suggest that in triatomines, in general, the number and location of NORs are species-specific. These regions may be considered important chromosome markers for comparative studies to improve the understanding of evolutionary mechanisms in these hematophagous insects. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Dichotomic maps are considered by means of the stability of the null solution of a class of differential equations with piecewise constant argument via associated discrete equations. Copyright © 2008 Watam Press.
We propose new circuits for the implementation of Radial Basis Functions such as Gaussian and Gaussian-like functions. These RBFs are obtained by the subtraction of two differential pair output currents in a folded cascode configuration. We also propose a multidimensional version based on the unidimensional circuits. SPICE simulation results indicate good functionality. These circuits are intended to be applied in the implementation of radial basis function networks. One possible application of these networks is transducer signal conditioning in aircraft and spacecraft vehicles onboard telemetry systems. Copyright 2008 ACM.
This work presents a study regarding the optimization of multipulse converters. A general expression for the connection (Δ or Y) for both 12 and 18-pulses is obtained and describes the output voltages on the secondary windings, depending on the voltage reference from the primary. These generalized expressions allows choosing different ratios between input and output voltages and as result an optimum operation point for the converter can be calculated. Considering Δ-connected converters the optimum point occurs when the magnetic core of the autotransformer processes 18% and 17% of the output power for 12 and 18-pulses, respectively. For Y-connected converters the optimum point occurs when the kVA rating is 13% and 18% for 12 and 18-pulses, respectively. Based on these results magnetic elements can be calculated and designed leading to a great weight and volume reduction and also to lower costs and losses. Finally an analysis is made to improve the kVA rating of the transformers for 12 and 18 pulses converters. © 2009 IEEE.
The Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans periplasmic space is known to have proteins involved in the respiratory chains. There are no reports about the expression of the periplasmic proteins in A. ferrooxidans cells attached to chalcopyrite. In this preliminary work, it was compared the periplasmic protein profiles of A. ferrooxidans planktonic and attached cells after exposure to chalcopyrite for 2 hours. The bacterial response to chalcopyrite was investigated by a proteomic approach (two- dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry). Four proteins differentially expressed between planktonic and attached cells after exposure to chalcopyrite were identified. Two of these proteins, repressed in chalcopyrite- attached cells, were both identified as superoxide dismutase, whereas the single strand binding protein (SSB) and the PspA/IM30 protein were induced. These results showed that A. ferrooxidans chalcopyrite- attached and planktonic cells show differential expression of the periplasmic proteins and that a proteomic approach can provide a valuable tool to detect proteins related to the A. ferrooxidans response to attachment to the mineral substrates. © (2009) Trans Tech Publications.
In this paper, we propose new circuits for the implementation of Radial Basis Functions (RBF). These RBFs are obtained by the subtraction of two differential pair output currents in a folded cascode configuration. We also propose a multidimensional version based on the unidimensional circuits. SPICE simulation and experimental results indicate good functionality. These circuits are intended to be applied in the implementation of radial basis function networks. Possible applications of these networks include transducer signal conditioning and processing in onboard telemetry systems for aircraft and spacecraft vehicles. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper deals with the study of the basic theory of existence, uniqueness and continuation of solutions of di®erential equations with piecewise constant argument. Results about asymptotic stability of the equation x(t) =-bx(t) + f(x([t])) with argu- ment [t], where [t] designates the greatest integer function, are established by means of dichotomic maps. Other example is given to illustrate the application of the method. Copyright © 2011 Watam Press.