962 resultados para development of processes


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  The Report of the Commission on Nursing recommended that the Nursing and Midwifery Policy Unit in the Department of Health and Children, in consultation with the appropriate bodies, should draw up a national strategy for nursing andmidwifery research. In response to the above the Chief Nurse at the Department of Health and Children convened a consultative committee, representative of those with a core interest in research to draft a research strategy for nursing and midwifery in Ireland Download the Report here


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The Development of Radiation Oncology Services in Ireland The provision of a high quality radiation oncology service is one of the cornerstones of a modern treatment programme for cancer patients. Timely and equitable access to a radiation oncology service of the highest international standard should be available to all cancer patients in Ireland and it was the achievement of this goal that guided and motivated the group in producing this report and its accompanying recommendations. Click here to download PDF 46kb


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The Role and Future Development of Day Services in Ireland Government and health board policy documents have acknowledged the valuable role that day services play in providing services such as a midday meal, bath or shower, therapeutic and social services, and in promoting social contact and preventing loneliness, relieving caring relatives and providing social stimulation in a safe environment for older people with mild dementia (The Years Ahead, 1988). Click here to download PDF 461kb


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A sizable fraction of T cells expressing the NK cell marker NK1.1 (NKT cells) bear a very conserved TCR, characterized by homologous invariant (inv.) TCR V alpha 24-J alpha Q and V alpha 14-J alpha 18 rearrangements in humans and mice, respectively, and are thus defined as inv. NKT cells. Because human inv. NKT cells recognize mouse CD1d in vitro, we wondered whether a human inv. V alpha 24 TCR could be selected in vivo by mouse ligands presented by CD1d, thereby supporting the development of inv. NKT cells in mice. Therefore, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing the human inv. V alpha 24-J alpha Q TCR chain in all T cells. The expression of the human inv. V alpha 24 TCR in TCR C alpha(-/-) mice indeed rescues the development of inv. NKT cells, which home preferentially to the liver and respond to the CD1d-restricted ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer). However, unlike inv. NKT cells from non-Tg mice, the majority of NKT cells in V alpha 24 Tg mice display a double-negative phenotype, as well as a significant increase in TCR V beta 7 and a corresponding decrease in TCR V beta 8.2 use. Despite the forced expression of the human CD1d-restricted TCR in C alpha(-/-) mice, staining with mCD1d-alpha-GalCer tetramers reveals that the absolute numbers of peripheral CD1d-dependent T lymphocytes increase at most by 2-fold. This increase is accounted for mainly by an increased fraction of NK1.1(-) T cells that bind CD1d-alpha-GalCer tetramers. These findings indicate that human inv. V alpha 24 TCR supports the development of CD1d-dependent lymphocytes in mice, and argue for a tight homeostatic control on the total number of inv. NKT cells. Thus, human inv. V alpha 24 TCR-expressing mice are a valuable model to study different aspects of the inv. NKT cell subset.


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In the whole animal, metabolic regulations are set by reciprocal interactions between various organs, via the blood circulation. At present, analyses of such interactions require numerous and uneasily controlled in vivo experiments. In a search for an alternative to in vivo experiments, our work aims at developing a coculture system in which different cell types are isolated in polymer capsules and grown in a common environment. The signals exchanged between cells from various origins are, thus, reproducing the in vivo intertissular communications. With this perspective, we evaluated a new encapsulation system as an artificial housing for liver cells on the one hand and adipocytes on the other hand. Murine hepatocytes were encapsulated with specially designed multicomponent capsules formed by polyelectrolyte complexation between sodium alginate, cellulose sulphate and poly(methylene-coguanidine) hydrochloride, of which the permeability has been characterized. We demonstrated the absence of cytotoxicity and the excellent biocompatibility of these capsules towards primary culture of murine hepatocytes. Encapsulated hepatocytes retain their specific functions--transaminase activity, urea synthesis, and protein secretion--during the first four days of culture in minimum medium. Mature adipocytes, isolated from mouse epidydimal fat, were embedded in alginate beads. Measurement of protein secretion shows an identical profile between free and embedded adipocytes. We finally assessed the properties of encapsulated hepatocytes, cryopreserved over a periods of up to four months. The perspective of using encapsulated cells in coculture are discussed, since this system may represent a promising tool for fundamental research, such as analyses of drug metabolism, intercellular regulations, and metabolic pathways, as well as for the establishment of a tissue bank for storage and supply of murine hepatocytes.


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The electromagnetic radiation at a terahertz frequencies (from 0.1 THz to 10 THz) is situated in the frequency band comprised between the optical band and the radio band. The interest of the scientific community in this frequency band has grown up due to its large capabilities to develop innovative imaging systems. The terahertz waves are able to generate extremely short pulses that achieve good spatial resolution, good penetration capabilities and allow to identify microscopic structures using spectral analysis. The work carried out during the period of the grant has been based on the developement of system working at the aforementioned frequency band. The main system is based on a total power radiometer working at 0.1 THz to perform security imaging. Moreover, the development of this system has been useful to gain knowledge in the behavior of the component systems at this frequency band. Moreover, a vectorial network analyzer has been used to characterize materials and perform active raster imaging. A materials measurement system has been designed and used to measure material properties as permittivity, losses and water concentration. Finally, the design of a terahertz time-domain spectrometer (THz-TDS) system has been started. This system will allow to perform tomographic measurement with very high penetration resolutions while allowing the spectral characterization of the sample material. The application range of this kind of system is very wide: from the identification of cancerous tissues of a skin to the characterization of the thickness of a painted surface of a car.


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In April 1999, the Minister of Health and Children asked the National Cancer Forum to report and make recommendations on the development of breast services for symptomatic women. The Forum established a subgroup to undertake this exercise, under the Chairmanship of Prof J. Fennelly. Download the Report here


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Temperature influence on the embryonic development of Anopheles aquasalis and An. albitarsis was investigated. At 26ºC, 75% and 60% of respectively An. aquasalis and An. albitarsis eggs hatched, with one peak of eclosion, between the 2nd and 3rd day after oviposition. At 20 ± 2ºC, around 66-70% of An. aquasalis eggs hatched, with one eclosion peak, on the 5th day. On the other hand, An. albitarsis eclosion at 21 ± 2ºC decreased to 10-22%, with two eclosion peaks, on the 4th-5th day and on the 9th-12th day. These data indicate a stronger temperature influence over An.albitarsis than over An. aquasalis embryos.


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The Role and Future Development of Supportive Housing for Older People in Ireland The standard and suitability of older peopleâ?Ts accommodation is vital to their health and quality of life and a key factor in their capacity to take care of themselves or to be cared for should they become dependent. The NCAOP, therefore, welcomes an increased national policy focus on older peopleâ?Ts housing circumstances, as demonstrated in the current partnership agreement, Towards 2016: Ten-Year Framework Social Partnership Agreement 2006-2015 (Government of Ireland, 2006), and the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007-2016 (Government of Ireland, 2007). Click here to download PDF 3mb


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The Role and Future Development of Meals on Wheels Services Click to download PDF 2.2mb