929 resultados para corticosterone suppression


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Objectives: The current study investigated the change in neuromuscular contractile properties following competitive rugby league matches and the relationship with physical match demands. Design: Eleven trained, male rugby league players participated in 2–3 amateur, competitive matches (n = 30). Methods: Prior to, immediately (within 15-min) and 2 h post-match, players performed repeated counter-movement jumps (CMJ) followed by isometric tests on the right knee extensors for maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), voluntary activation (VA) and evoked twitch contractile properties of peak twitch force (Pt), rate of torque development (RTD), contraction duration (CD) and relaxation rate (RR). During each match, players wore 1 Hz Global Positioning Satellite devices to record distance and speeds of matches. Further, matches were filmed and underwent notational analysis for number of total body collisions. Results: Total, high-intensity, very-high intensity distances covered and mean speed were 5585 ± 1078 m, 661 ± 265, 216 ± 121 m and 75 ± 14 m min−1, respectively. MVC was significantly reduced immediately and 2 h post-match by 8 ± 11 and 12 ± 13% from pre-match (p < 0.05). Moreover, twitch contractile properties indicated a suppression of Pt, RTD and RR immediately post-match (p < 0.05). However, VA was not significantly altered from pre-match (90 ± 9%), immediately-post (89 ± 9%) or 2 h post (89 ± 8%), (p > 0.05). Correlation analyses indicated that total playing time (r = −0.50) and mean speed (r = −0.40) were moderately associated to the change in post-match MVC, while mean speed (r = 0.35) was moderately associated to VA. Conclusions: The present study highlights the physical demands of competitive amateur rugby league result in interruption of peripheral contractile function, and post-match voluntary torque suppression may be associated with match playing time and mean speeds.


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Phosphorylation and activation of Akt1 is a crucial signaling event that promotes adipogenesis. However, neither the complex multistep process that leads to activation of Akt1 through phosphorylation at Thr308 and Ser473 nor the mechanism by which Akt1 stimulates adipogenesis is fully understood. We found that the BSD domain–containing signal transducer and Akt interactor (BSTA) promoted phosphorylation of Akt1 at Ser473 in various human and murine cells, and we uncovered a function for the BSD domain in BSTA-Akt1 complex formation. The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) facilitated the phosphorylation of BSTA and its association with Akt1, and the BSTA-Akt1 interaction promoted the association of mTORC2 with Akt1 and phosphorylation of Akt1 at Ser473 in response to growth factor stimulation. Furthermore, analyses of bsta gene-trap murine embryonic stem cells revealed an essential function for BSTA and phosphorylation of Akt1 at Ser473 in promoting adipocyte differentiation, which required suppression of the expression of the gene encoding the transcription factor FoxC2. These findings indicate that BSTA is a molecular switch that promotes phosphorylation of Akt1 at Ser473 and reveal an mTORC2-BSTA-Akt1-FoxC2–mediated signaling mechanism that is critical for adipocyte differentiation.


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This study examined relationships between competitive trait anxiety and coping strategies among ballet dancers. Participants were 104 classical dancers (81 females and 23 males) ranging in age from 15 to 35 years (mean 19.4 years; SD 3.8 years) from three professional ballet companies, two private dance schools, and two university dance courses in Australia. Participants completed the Modified COPE scale and the Sport Anxiety Scale. Trait anxiety scores, in particular for somatic anxiety and worry, were significant predictors of 7 of the 12 coping strategies (wishful thinking, r2 = 42.3%; selfblame, r2 = 35.7%; suppression of competing activities, r2 = 27.1%; venting of emotions, r2 = 23.2%; denial, r2 = 17.7%; effort, r2 = 16.6%; active coping, r2 = 14.3%). Approximately 96% of dancers could be classified correctly as high or low trait-anxious from their reported coping style. No significant effects of gender or status (professional versus students) were found. Findings showed that high trait-anxious athletes tend to use more maladaptive, emotion-focused coping strategies compared with low trait-anxious athletes; a tendency that has been proposed to lead to negative performance effects. Dancers who are by nature anxious about performance may need special attention to help them to learn to cope with performance-related stress. Med Probl Perform Art 18:59–64, 2003.


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Programmed cell death is characterized by a cascade of tightly controlled events that culminate in the orchestrated death of the cell. In multicellular organisms autophagy and apoptosis are recognized as two principal means by which these genetically determined cell deaths occur. During plant-microbe interactions cell death programs can mediate both resistant and susceptible events. Via oxalic acid (OA), the necrotrophic phytopathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum hijacks host pathways and induces cell death in host plant tissue resulting in hallmark apoptotic features in a time and dose dependent manner. OA-deficient mutants are non-pathogenic and trigger a restricted cell death phenotype in the host that unexpectedly exhibits markers associated with the plant hypersensitive response including callose deposition and a pronounced oxidative burst, suggesting the plant can recognize and in this case respond, defensively. The details of this plant directed restrictive cell death associated with OA deficient mutants is the focus of this work. Using a combination of electron and fluorescence microscopy, chemical effectors and reverse genetics, we show that this restricted cell death is autophagic. Inhibition of autophagy rescued the non-pathogenic mutant phenotype. These findings indicate that autophagy is a defense response in this necrotrophic fungus/plant interaction and suggest a novel function associated with OA; namely, the suppression of autophagy. These data suggest that not all cell deaths are equivalent, and though programmed cell death occurs in both situations, the outcome is predicated on who is in control of the cell death machinery. Based on our data, we suggest that it is not cell death per se that dictates the outcome of certain plant-microbe interactions, but the manner by which cell death occurs that is crucial.


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Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic ascomycete fungus with an extremely broad host range. This pathogen produces the non-specific phytotoxin and key pathogenicity factor, oxalic acid (OA). Our recent work indicated that this fungus and more specifically OA, can induce apoptotic-like programmed cell death (PCD) in plant hosts, this induction of PCD and disease requires generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the host, a process triggered by fungal secreted OA. Conversely, during the initial stages of infection, OA also dampens the plant oxidative burst, an early host response generally associated with plant defense. This scenario presents a challenge regarding the mechanistic details of OA function; as OA both suppresses and induces host ROS during the compatible interaction. In the present study we generated transgenic plants expressing a redox-regulated GFP reporter. Results show that initially, Sclerotinia (via OA) generates a reducing environment in host cells that suppress host defense responses including the oxidative burst and callose deposition, akin to compatible biotrophic pathogens. Once infection is established however, this necrotroph induces the generation of plant ROS leading to PCD of host tissue, the result of which is of direct benefit to the pathogen. In contrast, a non-pathogenic OA-deficient mutant failed to alter host redox status. The mutant produced hypersensitive response-like features following host inoculation, including ROS induction, callose formation, restricted growth and cell death. These results indicate active recognition of the mutant and further point to suppression of defenses by the wild type necrotrophic fungus. Chemical reduction of host cells with dithiothreitol (DTT) or potassium oxalate (KOA) restored the ability of this mutant to cause disease. Thus, Sclerotinia uses a novel strategy involving regulation of host redox status to establish infection. These results address a long-standing issue involving the ability of OA to both inhibit and promote ROS to achieve pathogenic success.


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This study examined the effect of 20 weeks resistance training on a range of serum hormones and inflammatory markers at rest, and following acute bouts of exercise in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation. Ten patients exercised twice weekly at high intensity for several upper and lower-body muscle groups. Neither testosterone nor prostate-specific antigen changed at rest or following an acute bout of exercise. However, serum growth hormone (GH), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and differential blood leukocyte counts increased (P < 0.05) following acute exercise. Resistance exercise does not appear to compromise testosterone suppression, and acute elevations in serum GH and DHEA may partly underlie improvements observed in physical function.


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Incidence of disease due to dengue (DENV), chikungunya (CHIKV) and yellow fever (YFV) viruses is increasing in many parts of the world. The viruses are primarily transmitted by Aedes aegypti, a highly domesticated mosquito species that is notoriously difficult to control. When transinfected into Ae. aegypti, the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia has recently been shown to inhibit replication of DENVs, CHIKV, malaria parasites and filarial nematodes, providing a potentially powerful biocontrol strategy for human pathogens. Because the extent of pathogen reduction can be influenced by the strain of bacterium, we examined whether the wMel strain of Wolbachia influenced CHIKV and YFV infection in Ae. aegypti. Following exposure to viremic blood meals, CHIKV infection and dissemination rates were significantly reduced in mosquitoes with the wMel strain of Wolbachia compared to Wolbachia-uninfected controls. However, similar rates of infection and dissemination were observed in wMel infected and non-infected Ae. aegypti when intrathoracic inoculation was used to deliver virus. YFV infection, dissemination and replication were similar in wMel-infected and control mosquitoes following intrathoracic inoculations. In contrast, mosquitoes with the wMelPop strain of Wolbachia showed at least a 10(4) times reduction in YFV RNA copies compared to controls. The extent of reduction in virus infection depended on Wolbachia strain, titer and strain of the virus, and mode of exposure. Although originally proposed for dengue biocontrol, our results indicate a Wolbachia-based strategy also holds considerable promise for YFV and CHIKV suppression.


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NaAlH4 and LiBH4 are potential candidate materials for mobile hydrogen storage applications, yet they have the drawback of being highly stable and desorbing hydrogen only at elevated temperatures. In this letter, ab initio density functional theory calculations reveal how the stabilities of the AlH4 and BH4 complex anions will be affected by reducing net anionic charge. Tetrahedral AlH4 and BH4 complexes are found to be distorted with the decrease of negative charge. One H-H distance becomes smaller and the charge density will overlap between them at a small anion charge. The activation energies to release of H2 from AlH4 and BH4 complexes are thus greatly decreased. We demonstrate that point defects such as neutral Na vacancies or substitution of a Na atom with Ti on the NaAlH4(001) surface can potentially cause strong distortion of neighboring AlH4 complexes and even induce spontaneous dehydrogenation. Our results help to rationalize the conjecture that the suppression of charge transfer to AlH4 and BH4 anion as a consequence of surface defects should be very effective for improving the recycling performance of H2 in NaAlH4 and LiBH4. The understanding gained here will aid in the rational design and development of hydrogen storage materials based on these two systems.


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Ions play an important role in affecting climate and particle formation in the atmosphere. Small ions rapidly attach to particles in the air and, therefore, studies have shown that they are suppressed in polluted environments. Urban environments, in particular, are dominated by motor vehicle emissions and, since motor vehicles are a source of both particles and small ions, the relationship between these two parameters is not well known. In order to gain a better understanding of this relationship, an intensive campaign was undertaken where particles and small ions of both signs were monitored over two week periods at each of three sites A, B and C that were affected to varying degrees by vehicle emissions. Site A was close to a major road and reported the highest particle number and lowest small ion concentrations. Precursors from motor vehicle emissions gave rise to clear particle formation events on five days and, on each day this was accompanied by a suppression of small ions. Observations at Site B, which was located within the urban airshed, though not adjacent to motor traffic, showed particle enhancement but no formation events. Site C was a clean site, away from urban sources. This site reported the lowest particle number and highest small ion concentration. The positive small ion concentration was 10% to 40% higher than the corresponding negative value at all sites. These results confirm previous findings that there is a clear inverse relationship between small ions and particles in urban environments dominated by motor vehicle emissions.


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Introduction Gene expression profiling has enabled us to demonstrate the heterogeneity of breast cancers. The potential of a tumour to grow and metastasise is partly dependant on its ability to initiate angiogenesis or growth and remodelling of new blood vessels, usually from a pre-existing vascular network, to ensure delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and growth factors to rapidly dividing transformed cells along with access to the systemic circulation. Cell–cell signalling of semaphorin ligands through interaction with their plexin receptors is important for the homeostasis and morphogenesis of many tissues and has been widely studied for a role in neural connectivity, cancer, cell migration and immune responses. This study investigated the role of four semaphorin/plexin signalling genes in human breast cancers in vivo and in vitro. Materials and methods mRNA was extracted from formalin fixed paraffin embedded archival breast invasive ductal carcinoma tissue samples of progressive grades (grades I–III) and compared to tissue from benign tumours. Gene expression profiles were determined by microarray using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays and validated by Q-PCR using a Corbett RotorGene 6000. Following validation, the gene expression profile of the identified targets was correlated with those of the human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MD-231. Results The array data revealed that 888 genes were found to be significantly (p ≤ 0.05) differentially expressed between grades I and II tumours and 563 genes between grade III and benign tumours. From these genes, we identified four genes involved in semaphorin–plexin signalling including SEMA4D which has previously been identified as being involved in increased angiogenesis in breast cancers, and three other genes, SEMA4F, PLXNA2 and PLXNA3, which in the literature were associated with tumourigenesis, but not directly in breast tumourigenesis. The microarray analysis revealed that SEMA4D was significantly (P = 0.0347) down-regulated in the grade III tumours compared to benign tumours; SEMA4F, was significantly (P = 0.0159) down-regulated between grades I and II tumours; PLXNA2 was significantly (P = 0.036) down-regulated between grade III and benign tumours and PLXNA3 significantly (P = 0.042) up-regulated between grades I and II tumours. Gene expression of SEMA4D was validated using Q-PCR, demonstrating the same expression profile in both data sets. When the sample set was increased to incorporate more cases, SEMA4D continued to follow the same expression profile, including statistical significance for the differences observed and small standard deviations. In vitro the same pattern was present where expression for SEMA4D was significantly higher in MDA-MB-231 cells when compared to MCF-7 cells. The expression of SEMA4F, PLXNA2 and PLXNA3 could not be validated using Q-PCR, however in vitro analysis of these three genes revealed that both SEMA4F and PLXNA3 followed the microarray trend in expression, although they did not reach significance. In contrast, PLXNA2 demonstrated statistical significance and was in concordance with the literature. Discussion We, and others, have proposed SEMA4D to be a gene with a potentially protective effect in benign tumours that contributes to tumour growth and metastatic suppression. Previous data supports a role for SEMA4F as a tumour suppressor in the peripheral nervous system but our data seems to indicate that the gene is involved in tumour progression in breast cancer. Our in vitro analysis of PLXNA2 revealed that the gene has higher expression in more aggressive breast cancer cell types. Finally, our in vitro analysis on PLXNA3 also suggest that this gene may have some form of growth suppressive role in breast cancer, in addition to a similar role for the gene previously reported in ovarian cancer. From the data obtained in this study, SEMA4D may have a role in more aggressive and potentially metastatic breast tumours. Conclusions Semaphorins and their receptors, the plexins, have been implicated in numerous aspects of neural development, however their expression in many other epithelial tissues suggests that the semaphorin–plexin signalling system also contributes to blood vessel growth and development. These findings warrant further investigation of the role of semaphorins and plexins and their role in normal and tumour-induced angiogenesis in vivo and in vitro. This may represent a new front of attack in anti-angiogenic therapies of breast and other cancers.


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This thesis studied the source of instability in optical phase modulators used in high accuracy laser measurement systems. The nonlinear origin of the amplitude noise helped further reducing this instability in applications that rely on phase modulators to function. This outcome will have positive impacts on the development of new methods in the amplitude noise suppression.


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Background Viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections in early-life are linked to the development of allergic airway inflammation and asthma. However, the mechanisms involved are not well understood. We have previously shown that neonatal and infant, but not adult, chlamydial lung infections in mice permanently alter inflammatory phenotype and physiology to increase the severity of allergic airway disease by increasing lung interleukin (IL)-13 expression, mucus hyper-secretion and airway hyper-responsiveness. This occurred through different mechanisms with infection at different ages. Neonatal infection suppressed inflammatory responses but enhanced systemic dendritic cell:T-cell IL-13 release and induced permanent alterations in lung structure (i.e., increased the size of alveoli). Infant infection enhanced inflammatory responses but had no effect on lung structure. Here we investigated the role of hematopoietic cells in these processes using bone marrow chimera studies. Methodology/Principal Findings Neonatal (<24-hours-old), infant (3-weeks-old) and adult (6-weeks-old) mice were infected with C. muridarum. Nine weeks after infection bone marrow was collected and transferred into recipient age-matched irradiated naïve mice. Allergic airway disease was induced (8 weeks after adoptive transfer) by sensitization and challenge with ovalbumin. Reconstitution of irradiated naïve mice with bone marrow from mice infected as neonates resulted in the suppression of the hallmark features of allergic airway disease including mucus hyper-secretion and airway hyper-responsiveness, which was associated with decreased IL-13 levels in the lung. In stark contrast, reconstitution with bone marrow from mice infected as infants increased the severity of allergic airway disease by increasing T helper type-2 cell cytokine release (IL-5 and IL-13), mucus hyper-secretion, airway hyper-responsiveness and IL-13 levels in the lung. Reconstitution with bone marrow from infected adult mice had no effects. Conclusions These results suggest that an infant chlamydial lung infection results in long lasting alterations in hematopoietic cells that increases the severity of allergic airway disease in later-life.


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Purpose/Objective: The basis for poor outcomes in some patients post transfusion remains largely unknown. Despite leukodepletion, there is still evidence of immunomodulatory effects of transfusion that require further study. In addition, there is evidence that the age of blood components transfused significantly affects patient outcomes. Myeloid dendritic cell (DC) and monocyte immune function were studied utilising an in vitro whole blood model of transfusion. Materials and methods: Freshly collected (‘recipient’) whole blood was cultured with ABO compatible leukodepleted PRBC at 25% blood replacement-volume (6hrs). PRBC were assayed at [Day (D) 2, 14, 28and 42 (date-of expiry)]. In parallel, LPS or Zymosan (Zy) were added to mimic infection. Recipients were maintained for the duration of the time course (2 recipients, 4 PRBC units, n = 8).Recipient DC and monocyte intracellular cytokines and chemokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-12,TNF-a, IL-1a, IL-8, IP-10, MIP-1a, MIP-1b, MCP-1) were measured using flow cytometry. Changes in immune response were calculated by comparison to a parallel no transfusion control (Wilcoxin matched pairs). Influence of storage age was calculated using ANOVA. Results: Significant suppression of DC and monocyte inflammatory responses were evident. DC and monocyte production of IL-1a was reduced following exposure to PRBC regardless of storage age (P < 0.05 at all time points). Storage independent PRBC mediated suppression of DC and monocyte IL-1a was also evident in cultures costimulated with Zy. In cultures co-stimulated with either LPS or Zy, significant suppression of DC and monocyte TNF-a and IL-6 was also evident. PRBC storage attenuated monocyte TNF-a production when co-cultured with LPS (P < 0.01 ANOVA). DC and monocyte production of MIP-1a was significantly reduced following exposure to PRBC (DC: P < 0.05 at D2, 28, 42; Monocyte P < 0.05 all time points). In cultures co-stimulated with LPS and zymosan, a similar suppression of MIP-1a production was also evident, and production of both DC and monocyte MIP-1b and IP-10 were also significantly reduced. Conclusions: The complexity of the transfusion context was reflected in the whole blood approach utilised. Significant suppression of these key DC and monocyte immune responses may contribute to patient outcomes, such as increased risk of infection and longer hospital stay, following blood transfusion.


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PURPOSE: Regulation of skeletal muscle mass is highly dependent on contractile loading. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in growth factor and inflammatory pathways following high-frequency resistance training. METHODS: Using a novel design in which male Sprague-Dawley rats undertook a "stacked" resistance training protocol designed to generate a summation of transient exercise-induced signaling responses (four bouts of three sets × 10 repetitions of squat exercise, separated by 3 h of recovery), we determined the effects of high training frequency on signaling pathways and transcriptional activity regulating muscle mass. RESULTS: The stacked training regimen resulted in acute suppression of insulin-like growth factor 1 mRNA abundance (P < 0.05) and Akt phosphorylation (P < 0.05), an effect that persisted 48 h after the final training bout. Conversely, stacked training elicited a coordinated increase in the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha, inhibitor kappa B kinase alpha/beta activity (P < 0.05), and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation (P < 0.05) at 3 h after each training bout. In addition, the stacked series of resistance exercise bouts induced an increase in p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation 3 h after bouts ×3 and ×4, independent of the phosphorylation state of Akt. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that high resistance training frequency extends the transient activation of inflammatory signaling cascades, concomitant with persistent suppression of key mediators of anabolic responses. We provide novel insights into the effects of the timing of exercise-induced overload and recovery on signal transduction pathways and transcriptional activity regulating skeletal muscle mass in vivo.


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Genetic variability in the strength and precision of fear memory is hypothesised to contribute to the etiology of anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder. We generated fear-susceptible (F-S) or fear-resistant (F-R) phenotypes from an F8 advanced intercross line (AIL) of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J inbred mice by selective breeding. We identified specific traits underlying individual variability in Pavlovian conditioned fear learning and memory. Offspring of selected lines differed in the acquisition of conditioned fear. Furthermore, F-S mice showed greater cued fear memory and generalised fear in response to a novel context than F-R mice. F-S mice showed greater basal corticosterone levels and hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA levels than F-R mice, consistent with higher hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis drive. Hypothalamic mineralocorticoid receptor and CRH receptor 1 mRNA levels were decreased in F-S mice as compared with F-R mice. Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) was used to investigate basal levels of brain activity. MEMRI identified a pattern of increased brain activity in F-S mice that was driven primarily by the hippocampus and amygdala, indicating excessive limbic circuit activity in F-S mice as compared with F-R mice. Thus, selection pressure applied to the AIL population leads to the accumulation of heritable trait-relevant characteristics within each line, whereas non-behaviorally relevant traits remain distributed. Selected lines therefore minimise false-positive associations between behavioral phenotypes and physiology. We demonstrate that intrinsic differences in HPA axis function and limbic excitability contribute to phenotypic differences in the acquisition and consolidation of associative fear memory. Identification of system-wide traits predisposing to variability in fear memory may help in the direction of more targeted and efficacious treatments for fear-related pathology. Through short-term selection in a B6D2 advanced intercross line we created mouse populations divergent for the retention of Pavlovian fear memory. Trait distinctions in HPA-axis drive and fear network circuitry could be made between naïve animals in the two lines. These data demonstrate underlying physiological and neurological differences between Fear-Susceptible and Fear-Resistant animals in a natural population. F-S and F-R mice may therefore be relevant to a spectrum of disorders including depression, anxiety disorders and PTSD for which altered fear processing occurs.