999 resultados para cooperação do paciente
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
A Doença Renal Crônica é um problema de saúde pública crescente no mundo. A detecção e o tratamento precoces reduziriam as altas taxas de morbimortalidade e os custos associados. Este trabalho buscou identificar o panorama do acesso ao cuidado a partir da conduta dos médicos da Atenção Primária à Saúde na linha de cuidado da doença. Aplicaram-se questionários para 62 médicos de família dos Centros de Saúde da Família do município de Fortaleza. Os achados apontam que a Taxa de Filtração Glomerular foi mensurada por apenas 8.1% dos médicos para pacientes diabéticos e 4.8% para pacientes hipertensos. Mais da metade dos médicos (51.2%) referenciariam o paciente apresentando redução leve/moderada da Taxa de Filtração Glomerular ao nível secundário. Por outro lado, 25.8% dos médicos não referenciariam o paciente com Doença Renal Crônica avançada ao especialista. A lacuna entre esses dois níveis da atenção implica em barreira de acesso ao usuário, podendo comprometer avanços no plano da integralidade. A criação de novos dispositivos no processo de trabalho torna-se urgente e o apoio matricial apresenta-se como proposta viável para a articulação das ações entre os níveis da atenção no cuidado do portador da Doença Renal Crônica ou seus fatores de risco.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
No trabalho discutimos conhecimento e cooperação no meio rural ou sociedades rurais, pensando estes dentro das transformações produtivas, e, tendo os agentes desta produção como atores de tal transformação. Destacamos o conhecimento e a capacidade empreendedora de mobilizar e interagir com este conhecimento como a principal força produtiva na construção de “novos mercados”. Para tanto discutimos com autores clássicos da teoria social, particularmente com Marx e Weber, quando tocam nestes pontos. A idéia central é entender como se pode conceber o desenvolvimento rural a partir de um saber-fazer, ou força produtiva, típico deste chamado “mundo rural”, que interage com as conquistas técnico-científicas identificadas com a precisão e a codificação atribuídas à sociedade industrial.
O presente trabalho utilizou como referencial a teoria psicogenética.
O livro trata de um tema pouco discutido pelos especialistas brasileiros em relações internacionais, o processo de cooperação (e os eventuais conflitos) entre os países da região amazônica - Brasil, Bolívia, Peru, Equador, Colômbia, Venezuela, Guiana e Suriname - nos aspectos político, institucional e ambiental. De acordo com o autor, o esforço de cooperação, que começou ainda em 1978 - quando havia na América Latina uma presença marcante de governos militares - vem evoluindo aos poucos, tanto do ponto de vista prático quanto do conceitual, mas com alguns retrocessos e certa indecisão programática. Para ele, desde a assinatura em 1978 do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica (TCA), esta trajetória compreenderia cinco fases distintas: o período até 1989 teria sido marcado pela ênfase defensivo-protecionista; de 1989 a 1994 houve nítidas tentativas de fortalecimento político; e de 1995 a 2002 teria sido verificado grande amadurecimento institucional. Um visível deslanche aconteceria a partir de 2002, com a criação da Organização do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica (OTCA) e pela intensificação dos contatos entre os países amazônicos. A partir de 2009, começa a fase seguinte, com o relançamento da OTCA, desta vez pautada nas diretrizes da Agenda Estratégica de Cooperação Amazônica, com a qual tenta-se engajar os países da região na maior quantidade possível de objetivos comuns
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Ethical principles guide professional conduct, particularly in establishing the doctor-patient relationship and, therefore, require constant reflection. The purpose of this study is to analyze ethical experiences of anesthesiologists in their interaction with the patient under their care. METHOD: This was an exploratory study involving 16 active anesthesiologists at a university hospital in João Pessoa, Paraíba. We collected data through semi-structured interviews and analyzed qualitatively using the content analysis technique. RESULTS: The study findings show that the classification of ethical experiences of the study participants regarding the doctor-patient relationship were classified into five categories: respect for the patient, humane treatment, equal treatment, professional secrecy, and respect for patient autonomy. CONCLUSION: We conclude that respondents recognize the ethical and humanistic values that should guide the relationship with their patients.
Report of an experience of nursing students in providing care to a patient with epidermodysplasia verruciformis, during the internship in the discipline Nursing in Transmittable Diseases, at the dermatology ward of a teaching hospital, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2009. This is a rare genodermatosis, susceptible to infection with different types of human papilloma viruses, that cause exacerbated physical changes that impact the psyche of the affected individual. Care delivery was based on the assistance complexity indicated by the application of the Patient Classification System proposed by Perroca. The experience allowed students to learn how to cope with a patient affected by a rare and complex disease, of difficult resolution, and to provide integral care to this individual, perceiving him beyond the lesions. One conclude that the experience has greatly contributed to the growth of the students as future professionals.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Ergonomics, the science of working rationalization, seeks the best relationship between man and his working tools. In Dentistry, ergonomics is present as for the professional working correctly seated, in functional comfort, intervening of supine position patient, by means of suitable equipment and instrument. Nowadays, dental equipment is justly rationalized; however, some instruments should take shape, in order to adapt those requirements. The hand tool design should permit a comfortable, non-slip and safe handling. Thus, anatomical details, the correct position of the operator for its use and specific characteristics of application should be taken into account. The instrument under analysis - forceps - was conceived according to these requirements along with a new alveolar tooth extraction technique, based on electromyographic and biomechanical studies. The morphology of the instrument, which makes possible a simple and natural kinetics of the operator, was obtained by changing the paradigm of the conventional cross-action instruments (whose grip is always on the arms of the tool), divesting the handle from the tool arm. This induced on anatomical conceiving of perpendicular handles to the extremity of the tool arm, resulting an efficient and effective instrument, according to indicated on its experimental phase
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The main objective of this article is to suggest a conceptual taxonomy of thegenerically called International Technical Cooperation (ITC) and Foreign Financial Aid (FFA) phenomena, which will have the pretension to ease their comprehension and their practical consequences for the Brazilian society and for the national State. Insofar, wheninduced by a dynamical structural change in the international society, some Brazilianfederated sectors, specially, municipalities, by the exercise of so-called paradiplomacy or federated diplomacy, are developing public management instruments to acquire resources through ITC and FFA experiences, without making a reflexive thought about their benefits and their consequences.
The Brazilian population is ageing rapidly, and chronic diseases have increased. Due to deficient health care services, the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases occur in the tertiary level, which increases costs and reduces the possibilities of early diagnoses. In view of the elderly population‟s increase and of the great demand at hospitalization units, it is important to learn about the difficulties and facilities faced by nursing teams when giving care to hospitalized individuals. In order to reach the objectives, a cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive, analytical and qualitative study was performed with basis on Bardin‟s Content Analysis. Among the difficulties were patients‟ limitations, dependence level, behaviors and habits, interference from companions, feeling of abandonment, perception of needs, dealing with suffering and lack of time for adequate care. As to facilities, acceptance of the disease, adherence to treatment, collaboration, trust in the team, and older patients‟ politeness were reported, which shows that passiveness is an important indicator in caring for the elderly. Older individuals suffer the outcomes of certain physical, psychological and mental deficits. When facing disease conditions, they require special care, including hospitalization and greater attention. The nursing team provides daily care and follows patients‟ development; however, its members are still not knowledgeable enough about the ageing process. This contributes to increase prejudice and erroneous stereotypes about older persons. Therefore, not understanding such process compromises the full care to be provided to older patients. This leads team members to accelerate the care provision process in order to meet the daily work demand, thus compromising older patients‟ autonomy and making them more dependent on the team, whereas the process should follow the opposite path