942 resultados para cold or low temperature
La sécrétion des protéines est un processus essentiel à la vie. Chez les eucaryotes, les protéines sécrétées transitent dans le réticulum endoplasmique par le pore de translocation. Le translocon est composé de trois sous-unités fondamentales nommées Sec61α, β et γ chez les mammifères, ou Sec61p, Sbh1p et Sss1p chez les levures. Tandis que le rôle des sous-unités α et γ est bien connu, celui de la sous-unité β demeure énigmatique. Plusieurs phénotypes distincts sont associés à cette protéine dans différents organismes, mais le haut niveau de conservation de séquence suggère plutôt une fonction universelle conservée. Récemment, Feng et al. (2007) ont montré que le domaine transmembranaire (TMD) de Sbh1p était suffisant pour complémenter plusieurs phénotypes associés à la délétion du gène chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suggérant un rôle important de cette région. L’objectif de mon projet de recherche consiste à étudier la fonction biologique de la sous-unité β du translocon et de son TMD chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Dans cette levure, j’ai découvert que le gène sbh1+ n’était pas essentiel à la viabilité à 30oC, mais qu’il était requis pour la croissance à basse température. La délétion de sbh1+ entraîne une sensibilité aux stress de la paroi cellulaire et une diminution de la sécrétion des protéines à 23oC. La surexpression de Sbh1p diminue elle aussi la sécrétion des protéines et altère la morphologie cellulaire. Ces phénotypes sont distincts de ceux observés chez S. cerevisiae, où la délétion des deux paralogues de Sec61β entraîne une sensibilité à haute température plutôt qu’à basse température. Malgré cela, les homologues de Sec61β de S. pombe et de S. cerevisiae sont tout deux capables de complémenter la thermosensibilité respective de chaque levure. La complémentation est possible même avec l’homologue humain de Sec61β, indiquant la conservation d’une fonction de Sec61β de la levure à l’homme. Remarquablement, le TMD de Sec61β de S. pombe, de S. cerevisiae et de l’humain sont suffisants pour complémenter la délétion génomique autant chez la levure à fission que chez la levure à bourgeons. Globalement, ces observations indiquent que le TMD de Sec61β exerce une fonction cellulaire conservée à travers les espèces.
Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons des travaux sur la synthèse à faible coût des matériaux de cathode et l'anode pour les piles lithium-ion. Pour les cathodes, nous avons utilisé des précurseurs à faible coût pour préparer LiFePO4 et LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 en utilisant une méthode hydrothermale. Tout d'abord, des matériaux composites (LiFePO4/C) ont été synthétisés à partir d'un précurseur de Fe2O3 par une procédé hydrothermique pour faire LiFePO4(OH) dans une première étape suivie d'une calcination rapide pour le revêtement de carbone. Deuxièmement, LiFePO4 avec une bonne cristallinité et une grande pureté a été synthétisé en une seule étape, avec Fe2O3 par voie hydrothermale. Troisièmement, LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 a été préparé en utilisant Fe2O3 et MnO comme des précurseurs de bas coûts au sein d'une méthode hydrothermale synthétique. Pour les matériaux d'anode, nous avons nos efforts concentré sur un matériau d'anode à faible coût α-Fe2O3 avec deux types de synthèse hydrothermales, une a base de micro-ondes (MAH) l’autre plus conventionnelles (CH). La nouveauté de cette thèse est que pour la première fois le LiFePO4 a été préparé par une méthode hydrothermale en utilisant un précurseur Fe3+ (Fe2O3). Le Fe2O3 est un précurseur à faible coût et en combinant ses coûts avec les conditions de synthèse à basse température nous avons réalisé une réduction considérable des coûts de production pour le LiFePO4, menant ainsi à une meilleure commercialisation du LiFePO4 comme matériaux de cathode dans les piles lithium-ion. Par cette méthode de préparation, le LiFePO4/C procure une capacité de décharge et une stabilité de cycle accrue par rapport une synthétisation par la méthode à l'état solide pour les mêmes précurseurs Les résultats sont résumés dans deux articles qui ont été récemment soumis dans des revues scientifiques.
Analysis of 20th century simulations of the High resolution Global Environment Model (HiGEM) and the Third Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) models shows that most have a cold sea-surface temperature (SST) bias in the northern Arabian Sea during boreal winter. The association between Arabian Sea SST and the South Asian monsoon has been widely studied in observations and models, with winter cold biases known to be detrimental to rainfall simulation during the subsequent monsoon in coupled general circulation models (GCMs). However, the causes of these SST biases are not well understood. Indeed this is one of the first papers to address causes of the cold biases. The models show anomalously strong north-easterly winter monsoon winds and cold air temperatures in north-west India, Pakistan and beyond. This leads to the anomalous advection of cold, dry air over the Arabian Sea. The cold land region is also associated with an anomalously strong meridional surface temperature gradient during winter, contributing to the enhanced low-level convergence and excessive precipitation over the western equatorial Indian Ocean seen in many models.
The new compounds [Ru(R-DAB)(acac)2] (R-DAB = 1,4-diorganyl-
1,4-diazabuta-1,3-diene; R = tert-butyl, 4-methoxyphenyl,
2,6-dimethylphenyl; acac– = 2,4-pentanedionate) exhibit intrachelate ring bond lengths 1.297
Question: What plant properties might define plant functional types (PFTs) for the analysis of global vegetation responses to climate change, and what aspects of the physical environment might be expected to predict the distributions of PFTs? Methods: We review principles to explain the distribution of key plant traits as a function of bioclimatic variables. We focus on those whole-plant and leaf traits that are commonly used to define biomes and PFTs in global maps and models. Results: Raunkiær's plant life forms (underlying most later classifications) describe different adaptive strategies for surviving low temperature or drought, while satisfying requirements for reproduction and growth. Simple conceptual models and published observations are used to quantify the adaptive significance of leaf size for temperature regulation, leaf consistency for maintaining transpiration under drought, and phenology for the optimization of annual carbon balance. A new compilation of experimental data supports the functional definition of tropical, warm-temperate, temperate and boreal phanerophytes based on mechanisms for withstanding low temperature extremes. Chilling requirements are less well quantified, but are a necessary adjunct to cold tolerance. Functional traits generally confer both advantages and restrictions; the existence of trade-offs contributes to the diversity of plants along bioclimatic gradients. Conclusions: Quantitative analysis of plant trait distributions against bioclimatic variables is becoming possible; this opens up new opportunities for PFT classification. A PFT classification based on bioclimatic responses will need to be enhanced by information on traits related to competition, successional dynamics and disturbance.
Extreme temperature during reproductive development affects rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield and seed quality. A controlled-environment reciprocal-transfer experiment was designed where plants from two japonica cultivars were grown at 28/24 ⁰C and moved to 18/14 ⁰C and vice versa, or from 28/24 to 38/34 ⁰C and vice versa, for 7-d periods to determine the respective temporal pattern of sensitivity of spikelet fertility, yield, and seed viability to each temperature extreme. Spikelet fertility and seed yield per panicle were severely reduced by extreme temperature in the 14 d period prior to anthesis; and both cultivars were affected at 38/34 ⁰C while only cv. Gleva was affected at 18/14 ºC. The damage was greater the earlier the panicles were stressed within this period. Later-exserted panicles compensated only partly for yield loss. Seed viability was significantly reduced by 7-d exposure to 38/34 ⁰C or 18/14 ⁰C at 1 to 7 and 1 to 14 d after anthesis, respectively, in cv. Gleva. Cultivar Taipei 309 was not affected by 7 d exposure at 18/14 ⁰C; and no consistent temporal pattern of sensitivity was evident at 38/34 ⁰C. Hence, brief exposure to low or high temperature was most damaging to spikelet fertility and yield 14 to 7 d before anthesis, coinciding with microsporogenesis; and it was almost as damaging around anthesis. Seed viability was most vulnerable to low or high temperature in the 7 or 14 d after anthesis, when histodifferentiation occurs.
Background Whole grain (WG) foods have been suggested to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but studies are inconsistent and effects on cardiovascular risk markers are not clear. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the impact of increasing WG consumption to at least 80 g/d on overall dietary intake, body composition, blood pressure (BP), blood lipids, blood glucose, gastrointestinal microbiology and gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy, middle-age adults with habitual WG intake < 24 g/d. The trial was registered as ISRCTN36521837. Methods Eligible subjects (12 men, 21 women, aged 40-65 y and BMI 20-35 kg/m2) were identified using food frequency questionnaires and subsequently completed 3-day food diaries (3DFD) to confirm habitual WG consumption. Subjects consumed diets high in WG (> 80 g/d) or low in WG (< 16 g/d, refined grain [RG] diet) in a crossover study, with 6-week intervention periods, separated by a 4-week washout. Adherence was achieved by specific dietary advice and provision of a range of cereal food products. The 3DFD, diet compliance diaries and plasma alkylresorcinols (ARs) were used to verify compliance. Results On the WG intervention, consumption increased from 28 g/d to 168 g/d (P < 0.001), accompanied by an increase in plasma ARs (P < 0.001) and total fiber intake (P < 0.001), without any effect on energy or other macronutrients. While there were no effects on studied parameters, there were trends towards increased 24 h fecal weight (P = 0.08) and reduction in body weight (P = 0.10) and BMI (P = 0.08) during the WG compared to the RG period. Conclusion A combination of dietary advice and provision of commercially available food items enabled subjects with a low-moderate habitual consumption of WG to substantially increase their WG intake, but there was little effect on blood biochemical parameters, body composition, BP, fecal measurements or gut microbiology.
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of low to moderate temperatures on gluten functionality and gluten protein composition. Four spring wheat cultivars were grown in climate chambers with three temperature regimes (day/night temperatures of 13/10, 18/15 and 23/20 °C) during grain filling. RESULTS The temperature strongly influenced grain weight and protein content. Gluten quality measured by maximum resistance to extension (Rmax) was highest in three cultivars grown at 13 °C. Rmax was positively correlated with the proportion of sodium dodecyl sulfate-unextractable polymeric proteins (%UPP). The proportions of ω-gliadins and D-type low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) increased and the proportions of α- and γ-gliadins and B-type LMW-GS decreased with higher temperature, while the proportion of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) was constant between temperatures. The cultivar Berserk had strong and constant Rmax between the different temperatures. CONCLUSION Constant low temperature, even as low as 13 °C, had no negative effects on gluten quality. The observed variation in Rmax related to temperature could be explained more by %UPP than by changes in the proportions of HMW-GS or other gluten proteins. The four cultivars responded differently to temperature, as gluten from Berserk was stronger and more stable over a wide range of temperature
• Background and Aims Earlier studies have suggested that the drying conditions routinely used by genebanks may not be optimal for subsequent seed longevity. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of hot-air drying with low temperature drying on subsequent seed longevity for 20 diverse rice accessions and to consider how factors related to seed production history might influence the results. • Methods Seeds were produced according to normal regeneration procedures at IRRI. They were harvested at different times (harvest date and days after anthesis (DAA), once for each accession) and dried either in a drying room (DR; 15% RH, 15°C), or in a flat-bed heated-air batch dryer (BD; 45°C, 8 h d-1) for up to 6 daily cycles followed by drying in the DR. Relative longevity was assessed by storage at 10.9% moisture content (m.c.) and 45°C. • Key Results Initial drying in the BD resulted in significantly greater longevity compared with the DR for 14 accessions (seed lots): the period of time for viability to fall to 50% for seeds dried in the BD as a percentage of that for seeds dried throughout in the DR varied between 1.3 and 372.2% for these 14 accessions. The seed lots that responded the most were harvested earlier in the season and at higher moisture content. Drying in the BD did not reduce subsequent longevity compared with DR drying for any of the remaining accessions. • Conclusions Seeds harvested at a m.c. where, according to the moisture desorption isotherm, they could still be metabolically active (>16.2%), may be in the first stage of the post-mass maturity, desiccation phase of seed development and able to increase longevity in response to hot-air drying. The genebank standards regarding seed drying for rice and, perhaps, for other tropical species should be reconsidered.
Theory predicts the emergence of generalists in variable environments and antagonistic pleiotropy to favour specialists in constant environments, but empirical data seldom support such generalist–specialist trade-offs. We selected for generalists and specialists in the dung fly Sepsis punctum (Diptera: Sepsidae) under conditions that we predicted would reveal antagonistic pleiotropy and multivariate trade-offs underlying thermal reaction norms for juvenile development. We performed replicated laboratory evolution using four treatments: adaptation at a hot (31 °C) or a cold (15 °C) temperature, or under regimes fluctuating between these temperatures, either within or between generations. After 20 generations, we assessed parental effects and genetic responses of thermal reaction norms for three correlated life-history traits: size at maturity, juvenile growth rate and juvenile survival. We find evidence for antagonistic pleiotropy for performance at hot and cold temperatures, and a temperature-mediated trade-off between juvenile survival and size at maturity, suggesting that trade-offs associated with environmental tolerance can arise via intensified evolutionary compromises between genetically correlated traits. However, despite this antagonistic pleiotropy, we found no support for the evolution of increased thermal tolerance breadth at the expense of reduced maximal performance, suggesting low genetic variance in the generalist–specialist dimension.
Mycorrhizal associations occur in a range of habitats in which soils are subject to low temperature (≤15 °C) for a significant part of the year. Despite this, most of our understanding of mycorrhizal fungi and their interactions with their plant hosts is based on physiological investigations conducted in the range 20–37 °C using fungi of temperate origin. Comparatively little consideration has been given to the cold edaphic conditions in which many mycorrhizas survive and prosper, and the physiological and ecological consequences of their low temperature environments. In this review, we consider the distribution and persistence of arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal mycorrhizal associations in cold environments and highlight progress in understanding adaptations to freezing resistance and nutrient acquisition at low temperature in mycorrhizal fungi.
Acid phosphatase production by 12 Hebeloma strains was usually derepressed when inorganic phosphorus in the growth medium was limited, but appeared to be constitutive in some strains. At low temperatures (≤ 12°) arctic strains produced more extracellular and wall-bound acid phosphatase, yet grew more slowly than the temperate strains. We suggest that low growth rates in arctic strains may be a physiological response to cold whereby resources are diverted into carbohydrate accumulation for cryoprotection. At near freezing temperatures, increased extracellular phosphatase production may compensate for a loss of enzyme activity at low temperature and serve to hydrolyse organic phosphorus in frozen soil over winter.
In this paper, we report the synthesis and healing ability of a non-cytotoxic supramolecular polyurethane network whose mechanical properties can be recovered efficiently (> 99%) at the temperature of the human body (37 ºC). Rheological analysis revealed an acceleration in the drop of the storage modulus above 37 ºC, on account of the dissociation of the supramolecular polyurethane network, and this decrease in viscosity enables the efficient recovery of the mechanical properties. Microscopic and mechanical characterisation has shown that this material is able to recover mechanical properties across a damage site with minimal contact required between the interfaces and also demonstrated that the mechanical properties improved when compared to other low temperature healing elastomers or gel-like materials. The supramolecular polyurethane was found to be non-toxic in a cytotoxicity assay carried out in human skin fibroblasts (cell viability > 94% and non-significantly different compared to the untreated control). This supramolecular network material also exhibited excellent adhesion to pig skin and could be healed completely in situ post damage indicating that biomedical applications could be targeted, such as artificial skin or wound dressings with supramolecular materials of this type.
Shelf life of pasteurized milk in Brazil ranges from 3 to 8 d, mainly due to poor cold chain conditions that prevail throughout the country and subject the product to repeated and/or severe temperature abuse. This study evaluated the influence of storage temperature on the microbiological stability of homogenized whole pasteurized milk (75 degrees C/15 s) packaged in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pouch, both monolayer materials pigmented with titanium dioxide (TiO(2)). The storage temperatures investigated were 2, 4, 9, 14, and 16 degrees C. Microbiological evaluation was based on mesophilic and psychrotrophic counts with 7 log CFU/mL and 6 log CFU/mL, respectively, set as upper limits of acceptability for maintaining the quality of milk. The microbiological stability for pasteurized milk packaged in HDPE bottle and stored at 2, 4, 9, 14, and 16 degrees C was estimated at 43, 36, 8, 5, and 3 d, respectively. For milk samples packaged in LDPE pouch, shelf life was estimated at 37, 35, 7, 3, and 2 d, respectively. The determination of Q(10) and z values demonstrated that storage temperature has a greater influence on microbiological shelf life of pasteurized milk packaged in LDPE pouch compared to HDPE bottle. Based on the results of this study, HDPE bottle was better for storing pasteurized milk as compared to LDPE pouch.
Carbon-supported platinum is commonly used as an anode electrocatalyst in low-temperature fuel cells fueled with methanol. The cost of Pt and the limited world supply are significant barriers for the widespread use of this type of fuel cell. Moreover, Pt used as anode material is readily poisoned by carbon monoxide produced as a byproduct of the alcohol oxidation. Although improvements in the catalytic performance for methanol oxidation were attained using Pt-Ru alloys, the state-of-the-art Pt-Ru catalyst needs further improvement because of relatively low catalytic activity and the high cost of noble Pt and Ru. For these reasons, the development of highly efficient ternary platinum-based catalysts is an important challenge. Thus, various compositions of ternary Pt(x)-(RuO(2)-M)(1-x)/C composites (M = CeO(2), MoO(3), or PbO(x)) were developed and further investigated as catalysts for the methanol electro-oxidation reaction. The characterization carried out by X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry point out that the different metallic oxides were successfully deposited on the Pt/C, producing small and well-controlled nanoparticles in the range of 2.8-4.2 nm. Electrochemical experiments demonstrated that the Pt(0.50)(RuO(2)-CeO(2))(0.50)/C composite displays the higher catalytic activity toward the methanol oxidation reaction (lowest onset potential of 207 mV and current densities taken at 450 mV, which are 140 times higher than those at commercial Pt/C), followed by the Pt(0.75)(RuO(2)-MoO(3))(0.25)/C composite. In addition, both of these composites produced low quantities of formic acid and formaldehyde when compared to a commercially available Pt(0.75)-Ru(0.25)/C composite (from E-Tek, Inc.), suggesting that the oxidation of methanol occurs mainly by a pathway that produces CO(2) forming the intermediary CO(ads).