1000 resultados para co-inventor(s)
A price list for Lawrence A. Wilson Co. Limited, 87 James St., Montreal Quebec. It is addressed to The Toronto Hunt, 52 Bay Street, Toronto. There are additional handwritten notes. One of the handwritten notes reads "ck to W. Stephen Haas"
An order form for the exportation of scotch pure malt whiskies, distilled by Bulloch, Lade & Co.
Indenture of release stating that all existing contracts and agreements made by the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway Co. are cancelled. This release was between the executors of Samuel Zimmerman's will and the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway Co. February 10, 1858.
Indenture between Park Lawn Cemetery Co. Ltd. of Toronto, deed no.2905 for Lot 91 in section H for 156 feet for burial ground paid by Percy C. Bands [Band], Feb. 24, 1926.
Receipts from the Park Lawn Cemetery Co. Ltd., Bloor St. West, Toronto. Receipt no. 851 for payment in full for a Lot no.91 in section H received from Percy C. Bands [Band]. Receipt no. 852 for payment for corner stones for Lot no.91 in section H received from Percy C. Bands [Band]. The unnumbered receipt is for opening an adult grave for Sarah Lawrence. Payment was received from Percy C. Bands [Band], Feb. 23, 1926.
Presentation from the Office of Macdonald and Rykert regarding the Case of O’Connor vs. the Great Western Railway Co. This is a handwritten, 9 ½ page double sided document). Some of the witnesses for the plaintiff included: Robert Johnson, John Ryder, Edward Duffy, Gilbert Gregory, John Cutter, James Patterson, Samuel Rush and Francis Bigger, among others. They claimed that the Great Western Railway Co. was destroying their land. Jacob Dittrick claimed that the culverts were not large enough to carry off water. Mr. Jackson noticed injury to his flats. Wild grass was destroying the bottom grass, May 6, 1836.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from R. Woodruff and Co. of St. Catharines, Dealers in Dry Goods regarding payment for cardigan jacket, Sept. 19, 1875.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from R. Woodruff and Co. of St. Catharines, Dealers in Dry Goods for various items such as: buttons, gloves, toweling, ties, tape and undershirts, July 1, 1876.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from Gibb and Co. of Montreal, Merchants, Tailors and Gentlemen’s Haberdashers for a cloth sack coat, July 1876.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from R. Woolworth and Co. of St. Catharines for clothing and personal items, Jan. 1, 1877.
Certificate for 1,000 shares of capital stock in Lincoln-Nipissing Development Co. Ltd. to Hamilton K. Woodruff, Feb. 21, 1907.
Letter to Messrs. Woodruff and Woodruff of St. Catharines from Thomas Secord of St. Catharines who was applying for the job of a clerk. He states that he would like to make $15 a month plus board, July 31, 1849.
A letter (printed) from the John P. Weston Co. of Rochester, New York to S.D. Woodruff regarding an Italian marble headstone with Julia Ann Woodruff raised at the top, Nov. 15, 1901.
Envelope addressed to Noah Phelps, Lincoln Paper Mill Co. with no postmarks, Merritton [In about 1877 Noah Phelps, Samuel Woodruff, Partrick Joseph Larkin and John Conlon were involved in the founding of a paper mill with Sylvester Neelon], n.d.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from Harnden Co. Stone for charges on the level, 1846.