868 resultados para classement sanitaire des zones de production
These studies were performed from September 10 to 29, 2007 in the Kara Sea in transects westward of the Yamal Peninsula, near the St. Anna Trough, in the Ob River estuary (Obskay Guba), and on the adjacent shelf. Concentration of chlorophyll a in the euphotic layer varied from 0.02 to 4.37 µg/l, aver. 0.76 µg/l. Primary production in the water column varied from 10.9 to 148.0 mg C/m**2/day (aver. 56.9 mg C/m**2/day). It was shown that frontal zones divided the Kara Sea into distinct areas with different productivities. Maximum levels of primary production were measured in the deep part of the Yamal transect (132.4 mg C/m**2/day) and the shallow Kara Sea shelf near the Ob River estuary (74.9 mg C/m**2/day). Characteristics of these regions were low salinity of the surface water layer (19-25 psu) and elevated silicon concentration (12.8-28.1 µg-atom/l). It is explainable by river runoff. Frontal zones of the Yamal current within the Yamal and Ob transects showed high assimilation numbers reached to 2.32 and 1.49 mg C/mg Chl/hr, respectively; they were maximal for studied areas.
During the "Atlantic Expedition" in1965 (IQSY) a comprehensive bathymetric survey and a few hydrographic stations were made by R.V. "Meteor" in the equatorial region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The survey results are shown in a bythymetric chart covering the western parts of the Romanche- and Chain Fracture Zones. West of the original Romanche Trench another deep trench with a medium depth of 6000 m was discovered. The maximum sounding obtained was 7028 m. Both trenches apparently belong to the same fracture zone, but are distinctly separated from each other. The estern boundary of the trench against the Brasil Basin is formed by a sill rising to a depth of about 4400 m. The serial hydrographic observations give some indications of the flow of the cold Westatlantic deep water in the fracture zone area and its influence on the hydrographic conditions in the East-Atlantic Basin. The upper limit of the nearly homogenious Westatlantic bottom water with an Antarctic components lies about 4400 m. The water mass entering the system of trenches of the Romanche Fracture Zone over the western sill originates from the lower part of the discontinuity layer lying above the bottom water. Potential temperatures of 0.6°C were the lowest observed by "Meteor" in the western trench. There seems to be a remarkable tongue of relatively high salinity and a minimum of oxygen in the deep water of this trench. At present we can only speculate upon the origin of this highly saline deep water tongue underneath the eastward moving relatively thin layer of less saline Westatlantic deep water. In the range of the sill separating both trenches a lee wave is indicated by the distribution of salinity and oxygen, which implies a vertical transport of water masses. Caused by this transport it is assumed that relatively cold water may be lifted temporarily to a depth, where it can pass the northbounding ridge, thus getting directly into the Sierra Leone Basin. In the original Romanche Trench the cold Westatlantic deep water seems to fill the whole trough, but its extension remains limited to the trench itself. The water masses found east of the sill separating the trench from the East-Atlantic Basin originate from the lower part of the discontinuity layer. With potential temperatures of about 1.3°C they are much warmer than those observed in the Romanche Trench bottom water.
Les chaînes de références dans des corpus textuels trilingues : Critères et finalité de la recherche
En la obra Stylistique comparée du français et de l?anglais, Vinay y Darbelnet señalan el valor de la traducción como disciplina auxiliar de la Lingüística (1977: 25). Sin entrar en el debate sobre el alcance de las nociones de traducción y transcodificación, se entiende que en toda situación de lenguas en contactos, como es el caso de la traducción, el universal de interferencia influye sobre los mecanismos discursivos relacionados con la memoria, de manera tal que la producción de un texto traducido sin visibilidad de interferencia supone esfuerzos especiales por parte del traductor (Toury, 2004: 345). En el marco de esta problemática, nuestro estudio respecto de las cadenas referenciales (CR) en corpora trilingües se fundamenta en los trabajos de Ariel (1990) y, especialmente de Schnedecker (1997, 2005), en cuanto a las expresiones referenciales que mantienen la cohesión del texto y sus relaciones con la accesibilidad al referente. Los resultados de este estudio descriptivo y contrastivo a partir de un corpus de textos trilingües podrán contribuir al conocimiento del macroproceso de traducción y, por consiguiente, a la formación de traductores. Asimismo, esta presentación se inscribe en el marco de la Traductología y aspira a ser un aporte a otras disciplinas, especialmente a la Lingüística, en una relación de reciprocidad (García, 2012: 78)