890 resultados para bilateral filtering


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Existe una cantidad enorme de información en Internet acerca de incontables temas, y cada día esta información se expande más y más. En teoría, los programas informáticos podrían beneficiarse de esta gran cantidad de información disponible para establecer nuevas conexiones entre conceptos, pero esta información a menudo aparece en formatos no estructurados como texto en lenguaje natural. Por esta razón, es muy importante conseguir obtener automáticamente información de fuentes de diferentes tipos, procesarla, filtrarla y enriquecerla, para lograr maximizar el conocimiento que podemos obtener de Internet. Este proyecto consta de dos partes diferentes. En la primera se explora el filtrado de información. La entrada del sistema consiste en una serie de tripletas proporcionadas por la Universidad de Coimbra (ellos obtuvieron las tripletas mediante un proceso de extracción de información a partir de texto en lenguaje natural). Sin embargo, debido a la complejidad de la tarea de extracción, algunas de las tripletas son de dudosa calidad y necesitan pasar por un proceso de filtrado. Dadas estas tripletas acerca de un tema concreto, la entrada será estudiada para averiguar qué información es relevante al tema y qué información debe ser descartada. Para ello, la entrada será comparada con una fuente de conocimiento online. En la segunda parte de este proyecto, se explora el enriquecimiento de información. Se emplean diferentes fuentes de texto online escritas en lenguaje natural (en inglés) y se extrae información de ellas que pueda ser relevante al tema especificado. Algunas de estas fuentes de conocimiento están escritas en inglés común, y otras están escritas en inglés simple, un subconjunto controlado del lenguaje que consta de vocabulario reducido y estructuras sintácticas más simples. Se estudia cómo esto afecta a la calidad de las tripletas extraídas, y si la información obtenida de fuentes escritas en inglés simple es de una calidad superior a aquella extraída de fuentes en inglés común.


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The auditory evoked N1m-P2m response complex presents a challenging case for MEG source-modelling, because symmetrical, phase-locked activity occurs in the hemispheres both contralateral and ipsilateral to stimulation. Beamformer methods, in particular, can be susceptible to localisation bias and spurious sources under these conditions. This study explored the accuracy and efficiency of event-related beamformer source models for auditory MEG data under typical experimental conditions: monaural and diotic stimulation; and whole-head beamformer analysis compared to a half-head analysis using only sensors from the hemisphere contralateral to stimulation. Event-related beamformer localisations were also compared with more traditional single-dipole models. At the group level, the event-related beamformer performed equally well as the single-dipole models in terms of accuracy for both the N1m and the P2m, and in terms of efficiency (number of successful source models) for the N1m. The results yielded by the half-head analysis did not differ significantly from those produced by the traditional whole-head analysis. Any localisation bias caused by the presence of correlated sources is minimal in the context of the inter-individual variability in source localisations. In conclusion, event-related beamformers provide a useful alternative to equivalent-current dipole models in localisation of auditory evoked responses.


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Ostensibly, BITs are the ideal international treaty. First, until just recently, they almost uniformly came with explicit dispute resolution mechanisms through which countries could face real costs for violation (Montt 2009). Second, the signing, ratification, and violation of them are easily accessible public knowledge. Thus countries presumably would face reputational costs for violating these agreements. Yet, these compliance devices have not dissuaded states from violating these agreements. Even more interestingly, in recent years, both developed and developing countries have moved towards modifying the investor-friendly provisions of these agreements. These deviations from the expectations of the credible commitment argument raise important questions about the field's assumptions regarding the ability of international treaties with commitment devices to effectively constrain state behavior.


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Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are acidifying the world's oceans. A growing body of evidence is showing that ocean acidification impacts growth and developmental rates of marine invertebrates. Here we test the impact of elevated seawater pCO2 (129 Pa, 1271 µatm) on early development, larval metabolic and feeding rates in a marine model organism, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Growth and development was assessed by measuring total body length, body rod length, postoral rod length and posterolateral rod length. Comparing these parameters between treatments suggests that larvae suffer from a developmental delay (by ca. 8%) rather than from the previously postulated reductions in size at comparable developmental stages. Further, we found maximum increases in respiration rates of + 100 % under elevated pCO2, while body length corrected feeding rates did not differ between larvae from both treatments. Calculating scope for growth illustrates that larvae raised under high pCO2 spent an average of 39 to 45% of the available energy for somatic growth, while control larvae could allocate between 78 and 80% of the available energy into growth processes. Our results highlight the importance of defining a standard frame of reference when comparing a given parameter between treatments, as observed differences can be easily due to comparison of different larval ages with their specific set of biological characters.


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A Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento tem sido objeto de debate desde o fim da II Guerra Mundial e só a sua aplicação prática, sobretudo com a implementação do Plano Marshall, foi possível recuperar a Europa da destruição provocada pelo conflito. País pequeno e desprovido de recursos naturais, Cabo Verde teve de apostar nas Relações Internacionais para garantir a sua sobrevivência e sonho de desenvolvimento, embora não dispusesse, no momento da independência, de um quadro estável a nível da diplomacia. Ainda assim, o país optou por uma aposta forte numa diplomacia que “forçasse" a abertura dos caminhos da cooperação para o desenvolvimento. Efetivamente, com a independência nacional, a cooperação desempenhou um papel fundamental na viabilização do jovem país que era, a priori, considerado inviável. Por isso, o recurso à cooperação como forma de potenciar o desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde foi prática dos diferentes governos da república desde a independência nacional. A localização da cooperação bilateral nalgumas ilhas foi, igualmente, uma prática seguida pelos governos, até ao ano 2000, e, no esforço de infraestruturação da ilha de Santo Antão, são de destacar os casos da cooperação holandesa, com investimentos nas áreas da agricultura e na infraestruturação hidráulica, da cooperação italiana na infraestruturação rodoviária da ilha e, mais recentemente, nos anos 1990, da cooperação luxemburguesa, objeto de estudo neste trabalho. Com efeito, a cooperação luxemburguesa fez diferença no desenvolvimento da ilha de Santo Antão, uma ilha em que “estava (quase) tudo por fazer” tendo em conta que os investimentos feitos até por volta de 1990 não tinham tido a capacidade de alavancar o desenvolvimento da ilha, funcionando, sobretudo, como instrumentos de garantia de sobrevivência das populações locais, com a abertura de frentes de alta intensidade de mão-de-obra (FAIMO). Com a localização da cooperação luxemburguesa em Santo Antão, a partir de 1990, e com a realização de investimentos mediante a identificação de necessidades e planificação de metas por parte da Associação dos Municípios de Santo Antão (AMSA) a ilha entrou, de facto, nos trilhos do desenvolvimento que os dados, utilizados na realização deste trabalho, indicam.


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Recommendation systems aim to help users make decisions more efficiently. The most widely used method in recommendation systems is collaborative filtering, of which, a critical step is to analyze a user's preferences and make recommendations of products or services based on similarity analysis with other users' ratings. However, collaborative filtering is less usable for recommendation facing the "cold start" problem, i.e. few comments being given to products or services. To tackle this problem, we propose an improved method that combines collaborative filtering and data classification. We use hotel recommendation data to test the proposed method. The accuracy of the recommendation is determined by the rankings. Evaluations regarding the accuracies of Top-3 and Top-10 recommendation lists using the 10-fold cross-validation method and ROC curves are conducted. The results show that the Top-3 hotel recommendation list proposed by the combined method has the superiority of the recommendation performance than the Top-10 list under the cold start condition in most of the times.


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PURPOSE: To quantitatively evaluate visual function 12 months after bilateral implantation of the Physiol FineVision® trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) and to compare these results with those obtained in the first postoperative month. METHODS: In this prospective case series, 20 eyes of 10 consecutive patients were included. Monocular and binocular, uncorrected and corrected visual acuities (distance, near, and intermediate) were measured. Metrovision® was used to test contrast sensitivity under static and dynamic conditions, both in photopic and low-mesopic settings. The same software was used for pupillometry and glare evaluation. Motion, achromatic, and chromatic contrast discrimination were tested using 2 innovative psychophysical tests. A complete ophthalmologic examination was performed preoperatively and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Psychophysical tests were performed 1 month after surgery and repeated 12 months postoperatively. RESULTS: Final distance uncorrected visual acuity (VA) was 0.00 ± 0.08 and distance corrected VA was 0.00 ± 0.05 logMAR. Distance corrected near VA was 0.00 ± 0.09 and distance corrected intermediate VA was 0.00 ± 0.06 logMAR. Glare testing, pupillometry, contrast sensitivity, motion, and chromatic and achromatic contrast discrimination did not differ significantly between the first and last visit (p>0.05) or when compared to an age-matched control group (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The Physiol FineVision® trifocal IOL provided satisfactory full range of vision and quality of vision parameters 12 months after surgery. Visual acuity and psychophysical tests did not vary significantly between the first and last visit.


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Introduction. Synchronous occurrence of pulmonary and hepatic hydatid cysts is an uncommon manifestation of hydatid disease that is observed in less than 10% of cases. We report a rare case of bilateral lung (with bronchial fistula) and liver cyst, surgically treated after medical therapy. Case report. A 44-year-old housewife reporting fever, anorexia and fatigue that had been present for the previous 20 days received diagnosis of bilateral lung and liver hydatid cyst. Because of the dimensions of right lung cyst and the successive bronchial fistolization, we proceeded to three-stage operation of two thoracotomies and a laparotomy to control the risk of further rupture. After surgery, all post-operatives were uneventful. Complete resolution of the therapy with no evidence of recurrence at 2 years follow-up. Conclusion. We emphasize the need to search for additional hydatids in patients who present with either pulmonary or liver hydatids. The simultaneous treatment of liver and lung should be reserved to patients in good conditions; in all other cases, especially when one cyst is more symptomatic than the others or has more risk of rupture, we prefer to treat single cyst.


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While news stories are an important traditional medium to broadcast and consume news, microblogging has recently emerged as a place where people can dis- cuss, disseminate, collect or report information about news. However, the massive information in the microblogosphere makes it hard for readers to keep up with these real-time updates. This is especially a problem when it comes to breaking news, where people are more eager to know “what is happening”. Therefore, this dis- sertation is intended as an exploratory effort to investigate computational methods to augment human effort when monitoring the development of breaking news on a given topic from a microblog stream by extractively summarizing the updates in a timely manner. More specifically, given an interest in a topic, either entered as a query or presented as an initial news report, a microblog temporal summarization system is proposed to filter microblog posts from a stream with three primary concerns: topical relevance, novelty, and salience. Considering the relatively high arrival rate of microblog streams, a cascade framework consisting of three stages is proposed to progressively reduce quantity of posts. For each step in the cascade, this dissertation studies methods that improve over current baselines. In the relevance filtering stage, query and document expansion techniques are applied to mitigate sparsity and vocabulary mismatch issues. The use of word embedding as a basis for filtering is also explored, using unsupervised and supervised modeling to characterize lexical and semantic similarity. In the novelty filtering stage, several statistical ways of characterizing novelty are investigated and ensemble learning techniques are used to integrate results from these diverse techniques. These results are compared with a baseline clustering approach using both standard and delay-discounted measures. In the salience filtering stage, because of the real-time prediction requirement a method of learning verb phrase usage from past relevant news reports is used in conjunction with some standard measures for characterizing writing quality. Following a Cranfield-like evaluation paradigm, this dissertation includes a se- ries of experiments to evaluate the proposed methods for each step, and for the end- to-end system. New microblog novelty and salience judgments are created, building on existing relevance judgments from the TREC Microblog track. The results point to future research directions at the intersection of social media, computational jour- nalism, information retrieval, automatic summarization, and machine learning.


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Micropapillary serous borderline tumor of the ovary is characterized by a more frequent association with extraovarian, especially invasive, implants. The aim of this study was to report the clinicopathological findings of a rare case of micropapillary serous borderline tumor of the ovary since there are less than 100 similar cases in the published literature. Additionally, the successful management of evisceration that complicated the postoperative stay of the patient is analyzed. The incidence of this severe complication is estimated between 0.29-2.3%. There are four main causes: suture tearing through the fascia, knot failure, suture failure, and extrusion of abdominal contents between sutures placed too far apart. At least 50% of the cases are due to technical error with a potentially lethal result.


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We describe a case of a patient with synchronous bilateral colorectal tumours and renal carcinoma who underwent one-stage laparoscopic surgery procedure with right transperitoneal nefrectomy, right hemicolectomy and sigmoidectomy. One-stage laparoscopic procedure can be used safely and successfully for a patient with multiple primary tumours.