997 resultados para bem-estar social da saúde


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Objetivou-se identificar o cuidado realizado pelo enfermeiro para o conforto de pacientes idosos em pós-operatório. Especificamente objetivou-se: 1) Identificar a perspectiva dos enfermeiros sobre os desconfortos nos contextos físico, psicoespiritual, ambiental e sociocultural evidenciados em idosos no pós-operatório; 2) Verificar as características definidoras e os fatores relacionados inseridos ao diagnóstico de enfermagem conforto prejudicado, identificados pelos enfermeiros no idoso em pós-operatório; 3) Identificar as intervenções de enfermagem para promoção do conforto ao idoso em pós-operatório realizadas pelos enfermeiros no seu cuidar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida em um hospital universitário do Município de Natal/RN, Brasil. A população foi constituída pelos 30 enfermeiros que trabalhavam em unidades de internação cirúrgica e terapia intensiva e que prestavam atendimento à pacientes idosos em pós-operatório. Consideraram-se critérios de inclusão: ter tempo mínimo de seis meses de atividade no setor e fazer parte da escala de serviço no período da coleta dos dados. Como critérios de exclusão: estar de licença ou férias no momento da coleta de dados. Toda população formou o grupo de sujeitos do estudo. A coleta de dados foi concretizada em maio e junho de 2014 utilizando um questionário autoexplicativo, composto por quatro partes: I - Caracterização dos enfermeiros; II - Necessidades de conforto do idoso no pós-operatório; III - Diagnóstico de Enfermagem; IV - Intervenções de enfermagem. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, sob CAAE25976613.7.0000.5537. Os dados foram tabulados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 e apresentados utilizando-se frequências, percentuais e medidas de tendência central. Os resultados mostram que 96,7% dos enfermeiros conceituaram conforto como sinônimo de bem-estar. Houve maior frequência do desconforto dor (100%), ruídos excessivos (56,7%), sensação de deslocamento do ambiente residencial (76,7%) e ansiedade (93,3%). Os enfermeiros evidenciaram como sinais e sintomas que caracterizam o desconforto do idoso após cirurgia, principalmente: dor (75,9%), inquietação (58,6%), sinais vitais (41,4%) e ansiedade (34,5%). O principal fator relacionado foi o efeito secundário relacionado ao tratamento (88%). As principais intervenções realizadas foram: ouvir atentamente (100%) e controle da dor (100%). Estas foram igualmente analisadas como prioritárias para esta ação de cuidado, na porcentagem de 76,7% e 66,7%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que os enfermeiros identificam os desconfortos que afetam os idosos no pós-operatório na diversidade dos contextos estudados, com uma ênfase maior aos desconfortos físicos e em especial, a dor. Além disso, possuem uma percepção ampliada sobre os possíveis sinais e sintomas apresentados pelos idosos em pós-operatório quando estão desconfortáveis, uma vez que evidenciam outras 12 características não previstas no Diagnóstico de Enfermagem Conforto prejudicado e também identificam os fatores relacionados a estes desconfortos. Entretanto, apesar de afirmarem que realizam intervenções para amenizá-los e as registrarem, estes dados não podem ser afirmados que se trata de um padrão da prática destes profissionais, uma vez que não foi realizado a observação do cuidado prestado a esta clientela nem avaliação dos prontuários.


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The objective was to understand the process of care in the perception of hospitalized children with cancer. This is a descriptive study of qualitative approach. Data were collected between the months of October 2013 and January 2014, through photographic records and semi-structured interview consisting of questions relating to the identification of age, sex, diagnosis and length of stay and a script of questions related to the recorded pictures. Eight children were included aged between six and twelve who were admitted to a pediatric oncology sector, located in the city of Natal / RN. The criteria used in the sample were: being hospitalized for cancer treatment; and present favorable physical conditions for carrying out the data collection. For the treatment of collected material was used content analysis, thematic modality. The study followed the ethical and legal principles governing scientific research with human beings and took place with the approval of the project by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Northern League Riograndense against Cancer, with opinion registered under number 329 015 and CAAE 16097613.9.0000.5293. According to the results it was found that, for the child, the care happens through technical activities, such as making procedures and the use of personal protective equipment, as well as through the dialogic relationship, which favors the establishment of confidence in care professional. Caring also means developing activities that promote well-being, the fun and the social and cognitive development, highlighting thus the playful, during hospitalization, as an auxiliary tool in the care process. During hospitalization, the child identifies two individuals responsible for their care, accompanying family and professional, and nursing professionals the most cited in moments of care. , Also of note, the promotion of care, in the perception of the child related to the infrastructure of the institution, environmental cleaning, personal hygiene, the medicalization and the food. It is concluded that care understood by the child, whilst still maintaining relations with the biomedical model, points to a new perspective that should consider the biological, social and psychological of acquiring cancer without unlink them of the development child. 9 Moreover, we see the child as an active social actor in this process, and therefore needs to be heard and answered their needs


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Since the rules of the National Social Assistance (PNAS) and the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) in 2004/2005 the psychologist action as an essential professional teams in the services offered in this field. Althoug, there are indications of psychologists who worked on the assistence prior this time. This insertion had not systematized in the literature, not allowing the establishment of records of this linear trajectory. The objective of this paper is investigate the entrance and a psychologist working in social care services in Natal / RN , as well as the activities undertaken by them in the period 1972-2003 . This temporal boundary is justified because Natal initiate to have a psychologist from 1972 to 2003 was immediately prior to the landmarks of the 2004/2005 year. The research was divided into two stages: documentary and oral history. The first was through the consultation of 86 monographs of the Sector Documentation Social Service Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte , its intend identify what were the services that characterized the health care field and evidence of the presence of psychologists in these spaces. In the second stage, interviews with psychologists who worked 13 trailers to social assistance in order to investigate its performance, activities undertaken, the insertion process in the area, among other things were done. The material analysis was based on themes from a historical perspective. The results point to three major areas of integration of psychologists : in child exceptionality in which psychologists were linked to Brazilian Legion Social Assistance (LBA); the field of the minor through the State Foundation for the Well Being of Minors (center), and occupying positions of management and coordination in some welfare programs.


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The currently main development model on global society is driven by an economic rationality that endangers the environment and social justice. More and more, attention to this way of production and consumption is increasing, boosting research for sustainable development, with an environmental rationality that can harmonize nature preservation and welfare of all socioeconomic classes. One of the efforts on this sense is changing the sources supplying the energy demand, replacing fossil fuels for renewable and cleaner sources, such as biofuels. Carthamus tinctorius (safflower) is an oilseed crop with potential for biodiesel production, with good oil yield and chemical profile, allied to good adaptation to climates such like the northeastern semiarid lands of Brazil. With public policies fomentation, the use of this species may be an interesting alternative for family farming. In farming in general, the use of pesticides to prevent and combat diseases and plagues is common, which is not a sustainable practice. Thus, there are researched alternative, less dangerous substances. In this study, it was aimed to assess if neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract (20% m/v) and Bordeaux mixture (copper sulfate) have effects on safflower. It was also aimed to verify acceptance of farmers on safflower crop in Apodi, a municipality in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, in view of it being localized in the aimed region for this crop cultivation. Besides that, understanding that the farmers’ knowledge and inclination to adopt the crop is fundamental for the introduction of this species and socioeconomic growth due to its exploration. In addition, a booklet with basic information on safflower was produced. In the field experiment, the fungicides were pulverized on plants cultivated in field experimental plots, with collection of leaf samples for analysis on anatomy, cuticle, and epicuticular wax morphology, the protective layer that interfaces with the surrounding ambient. In Apodi, forty-five farmers from Potiguar Cooperative of Apiculture and Sustainable Rural Development (COOPAPI) underwent semi-structured interviews, which also addressed their assessment on currently cultivated crops and perception of pesticide uses and sustainable alternatives. After comparing using analysis of variance, it was found that there was no difference between treatments in the experiment, as well as no anatomical or morphological modifications. Safflower acceptation among farmers was wide, with 84% of interviewees believing in a perspective of good incomes. The current scenario, comprised of low crop diversity, fragile in face of droughts and plagues, can partially explain this opinion. The booklet was effective in catching people attention for the species potential. There was wide acknowledgement on the importance of alternative pesticides, justified by health security. Based on the assessed parameter in the results of this research, the treatments here utilized may be recommended as fungicides for safflower. Given the crop susceptibility to fungi in heavy rainy period, it is advised that its potential introduction on the region shall be focused on semiarid areas.


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The recognition of the food as determinant and health-disease process etching requires new explanations and interventions of the food and nutrition policy action and demand health care model based on the completeness of the actions and focused on health promotion. This study, characterized as research-action of interventionist character, sought to develop strategies to support the transverse insertion of healthy eating promotion in professionals practices a core of support for the health of the family and a family health strategy Unit in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, from the analysis of perceptions and work processes of these teams. Several methodological strategies were adopted: Dialectical Hermeneutical Circle, direct observation, reflective and Thematic Meetings Workshop "Rethinking the educational practices for promoting healthy eating". For data logging, search diaries - SD were used and moments. The analysis of procedural form occurred in conjunction with research participants, in constant movement of reflection-action-reflection, based on hermeneutics-dialectic. About the results, in relation to the promotion of health, showed the following insights: health promotion and disease prevention-related harms; health promotion related to quality of life and well-being, in its various dimensions; health promotion as a responsibility of the State; health promotion related to the actions of health education; health promotion as an expression of efficaciousness and accessibility to health services. Regarding healthy nutrition, predominated the perceptions relating to nutritional aspects. With regard to food and nutritional education - FNE, it was observed a predominance of perception of FNE as information, guidance and knowledge transfer for changes of dietary practices. As regards the working process, it was observed that among the actions for health promotion, educational activities predominate, such as lectures, conversations, groups that mostly occur in fragmentary form, without joint planning teams, varying according to the professionals and the moment of work in which they are carried out. The results pointed to the need for reorganization of the work processes, in the context of intra-and intersectoral coordination and the construction of new technologies, such as: Health project of the territory – HPT, Unique Therapeutic Project- UPT, Expanded Clinic and educational practices, Shared with active teaching and learning methodologies. From the results we believe that it is necessary to "thought reform", from changes in vocational training and strengthening of the permanent education spaces, whereas the complexity that involves feeding, food and nutrition education and health promotion. The reformation of thought must be articulate and closely tied to the production of knowledge and practices that encourage intersectoral approach, the transversality, dialogue and democratic and supportive attitude, based on the collective construction of know-how. We hope that this study can contribute with reflections and initiatives that encourage building practices that promote healthy eating in primary health care, in terms of completeness of the care and the attainment of food security and nutrition.


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A política habitacional teve importante avanço na década de 2000, principalmente com a criação do Ministério das Cidades. A estruturação do Plano Nacional de Habitação ocasionou inclusão do tema na agenda governamental, permitindo a produção de habitação de interesse social voltada à população em situação vulnerável, através do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV). Assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo compreender atributos de gestão social para a organização comunitária em empreendimentos da faixa 1 do Programa. Para tanto, realizou-se pesquisa quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de formulários, e qualitativa, por meio de grupo focal, ambos com beneficiários do Programa. No tocante aos resultados, observou-se debilidade do papel do Estado, caracterizado principalmente pelos frágeis Projetos Técnicos de Trabalho Social. Os elementos de gestão social igualmente foram frágeis, distanciando os empreendimentos de condições ideias de habitabilidade e convívio coletivo. A ausência de compreensão da relevância de bem-estar coletivo e a precariedade da esfera pública, conduzem ao afastamento da finalidade emancipatória da gestão social. Destacou-se, ainda, o papel de associações de moradores e de iniciativas de trabalho coletivo no atendimento de demandas sociais da comunidade.


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O crescimento demográfico de idosos é um fenômeno mundial e exerce influência sobre o desenvolvimento e funcionamento das sociedades. Fatores sociais, econômicos, ambientais, biológicos e culturais influenciam o processo de envelhecimento, que pode vir acompanhado de contínua perda na capacidade de adaptação do indivíduo ao meio ambiente, de maior vulnerabilidade ao estresse, limitações funcionais e diminuição da qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Todavia, ao longo do curso da vida, o indivíduo vivencia múltiplas exposições adversas à saúde, e o declínio da mobilidade surge como um dos primeiros sinais do envelhecimento, repercutindo na saúde física e mental do indivíduo. Para contribuir com o conhecimento sobre os desfechos relacionados ao envelhecimento e mobilidade, o estudo IMIAS investiga idosos em quatro países com diferentes perfis epidemiológicos. O presente estudo abordou os possíveis fatores associados ao declínio físico em idosos de distintas sociedades, sobre a perspectiva epidemiológica do curso da vida e dos biomarcadores da inflamação e do estresse. Objetivos: 1) Analisar as relações entre as adversidades sociais e econômicas, vivenciadas durante a infância, a fase adulta e a velhice, com o baixo desempenho físico em populações idosas, de diferentes contextos sociais, econômicos e culturais. 2) Verificar a associação entre os níveis elevados da proteína c-reativa (PCR) com o desempenho físico em idosos de diferentes populações. 3) Avaliar se a desregulação nos níveis de cortisol diurno exerce influência sobre o desempenho físico em idosos com distintos perfis epidemiológicos. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados da linha de base do IMIAS – Estudo Internacional de Mobilidade no Envelhecimento, composto por 1.995 indivíduos entre 65 e 74 anos de idade, residentes em comunidades de quatro países (Albânia, Brasil, Canadá, Colômbia). O desempenho físico foi avaliado através do Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) e da força de preensão manual. As adversidades durante o curso da vida foram estimadas a partir de eventos e exposições sociais, econômicas e culturais ocorridas durante a infância, fase adulta e velhice. Para avaliar o percurso biológico e suas associações com a mobilidade, a proteína c-reativa e o cortisol foram considerados como biomarcadores da inflamação e do estresse, respectivamente. No sentido de responder as questões de investigações, foram conduzidas análises de estatística descritiva, bivariada e multivariada, mediante técnicas de distribuição de frequências, teste qui-quadrado, odds ratio e regressões logística, linear e multinível. Resultados: O desempenho físico foi menor nos participantes que vivem na Colômbia, Brasil e Albânia do que nos que vivem no Canadá, mesmo quando ajustados por idade, sexo e adversidades durante o curso da vida. O baixo nível de desempenho físico (SPPB < 8) foi associado a ter sofrido adversidade social e econômica na infância, ter tido ocupação semiqualificada na fase adulta, morar sozinho e possuir renda insuficiente na velhice. A PCR esteve associada com a baixa força de preensão manual e com o SPPB<8. Entretanto, a associação entre a PCR e a força de preensão manual não se manteve quando ajustada por fatores socioeconômicos e hábitos de saúde. As associações negativas entre SPPB e PCR permaneceram significativas mesmo após ajustes por idade, sexo, escolaridade, local de pesquisa e condições de saúde. O baixo desempenho físico (SPPB ≤ 8) foi associado com uma significativa diminuição nos níveis de cortisol ao acordar, em comparação com os níveis de cortisol de idosos com bom desempenho físico (SPPB > 8), mesmo após modelos controlados por local de estudo, sexo, depressão, hábitos de saúde, uso de psicotrópicos e índice de massa corporal. Conclusões: Os resultados evidenciaram associação entre a inflamação, o estresse e as desigualdades sociais e econômicas na infância, sobre o desempenho físico de idosos com diferenciados perfis epidemiológicos. Enfatizamos que a promoção do envelhecimento saudável requer considerar políticas e práticas que favoreçam o bem-estar econômico e social para crianças, adultos e idosos.


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Voice disorders (VD) in the elderly can interfere negatively in communication, emotional well-being and quality of life, conditions that correspond to greater exposure to illness and social isolation bringing consequent economic impact for the health system. It is assumed that institutionalized confinement, weakness and morbidity associated to nursing home (NH) contribute to transform VD an especially prevalent condition in institutionalized elderly, including those without cognitive impairment. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of VD in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment. There is no epidemiological diagnostic instruments of VD for elderly populations, so the first step of this study was dedicated to prepare and analyze the psychometric properties of a short, inexpensive and easy to use questionnaire named Screening for Voice Disorders in Older Adults (Rastreamento de Alterações Vocais em Idosos—RAVI). The methodological procedures of this step followed the guidelines of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and contemplated validity evidence based on test content, based on response processes, based on internal structure and based on relations with other variables, as well as reliability analysis and clinical consistency. The result of the validation process showed that the RAVI final score generate valid and reliable interpretations for the epidemiological diagnosis of VD in the elderly, which endorsed the use of the questionnaire in the second stage of the study, performed in ten NH located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. At this stage, data from socioeconomic and demographic variables, lifestyle, general health conditions and characterization of the institution were collected. It was performed a bivariate analysis and it was calculated the prevalence ratio as a magnitude association measure, with a confidence interval of 95%. The variables with p-value less than 0.20 were included in the multiple logistic regression model that followed the Forward selection method. The odds ratio found in the multivariate model was converted into prevalence ratio and the level of significance was 5%. The sample consisted of 117 subjects with predominance of females and average of 79.68 (± 7.92) years old. The prevalence of VD was 39.3% (95% CI: 30.4-48.1%). The multivariate model showed statistically significant association between VD and depressive symptoms, smoking for a year or more and selfreported hearing loss. In conclusion, VD is a prevalent health condition in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment and is associated with factors involving psychosocial, lifestyle and communicative disability that require attention of managers and professionals involved with NH environment. Strategies to encourage communication and social integration, actions to combat smoking and minimizing the effects of hearing loss could stimulate the physical well-being, emotional and mental health of institutionalized elderly population, contributing to the vocal and communicative maintenance, a more effective social inclusion and better overall health condition.


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This paper deals of the effects generated by institutional designs in the behavior of political actors. The literature that discusses the implications of federal arrangements in the production of public policies to dock at two opposing arguments: (1) the federal configuration would cause dispersion and variation in service provision between subnational governments; and (2) the central government would own mechanisms to induce the provision of national policies in more homogeneous levels, similar to unitary states. The research is part of this discussion because it analyzes the effects of the institutional design of the Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) in the decisions of states in Brazil. Therefore, we analyzed the institutional capacity built by the 26 state governments after the implementation of SUAS, conceiving this system as defined mechanism of government functions and federative cooperation.It is argued that the existence of a heterogeneous institutional capacity of state governments in social assistance is a result of the autonomy contained in the institutional design of SUAS to this level of government. This freedom of action relativize the idea that the implementation of national public policy systems would generate positive (or homogeneous) effects in all subnational governments, at the same time as it preclude to generalize the premise of fragility of the states in the brazilian federal plan.


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The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.


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The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.


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Currently, the growing aging population challenges the society and public health policies, for increased longevity need to be associated with quality of life. Adequate physical and social environment are key factors for the welfare of the elderly, particularly the housing environment - this thesis understood as the home (dwelling unit) and its surroundings (close proximity). In addition, Brazilian legislation in this sector indicates the importance of the elderly remain at home and in the family. In addition, Brazilian legislation in this sector indicates the importance of the elderly remain at home and in the family. Based on this framework mortar, the thesis was starting questions: How do you live the elderly population aged 80 and over which is served by the Health Family Strategy of the Unified Health System? That social and environmental conditions of the place of residence act more directly on their quality of life? How do these people get housing conditions experienced? The research aimed to investigate how the residential environment (social and physical) influence everyday activities and quality of life of the elderly. Exploratory qualitative study highlighting the home visits, developed based on multimethod strategy. The empirical study was conducted in the city of Cabedelo-PB, Nov/2013 to Feb/2014. Participants were 36 elderly people (31 women and 5 men) aged between 80 and 99 years, little education, who live 39 years in the area (average). In the research first stage were applied questionnaires for socio-demographics and livability of the residence and the surroundings. In the second stage we used semi-structured interview and a tour accompanied in the neighborhood (with those who have accepted to do so). Throughout work it was kept a diary by the researcher and held naturalistic observations of the behavior of the elderly. Quantitative data were described using descriptive statistics, and information from the interviews were analyzed through the Collective Subject Discourse technique. Among the key ideas that emerged from them are: the representation of home, neighborhood support and related issues dyad independence / autonomy. The study showed that the elderly develop strong attachment to the place where he lives, the importance of it for your health and the desire to stay there. Thus, despite experiencing many barriers (more physical than the social), at the place where they live, they say they are satisfied, even when unfavorable conditions are evident. Concluding that as the houses are environmentally more docile, simple changes ensure autonomy, independence and mobility for the elderly. In turn, the barriers of the urban environment show it more difficult to deal with, making this space inhospitable to most survey participants, a condition that hinders your physical activities and social participation, and negatively influence their quality of life.


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The current study includes theoretical and methodological reflections on the quality of life in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It started from the thought that the quality of life is multifactorial and is permanently under construction and the main objective of analyzing it as one of the componets of Healthy Cities's moviment. The theoretical research focused on the concepts of healthy cities, quality of life, health, sustainability, well-being, happiness, indexes and indicators. From the use of multiple search strategies, documentary and on field of quantitative and qualitative character, this research of exploratory descriptive nature can offers a contribution to the studies on the quality of life in cities. It is proposed that the studies startes to work with some concept, like some notions os life quality adequated for some paticular reality, whose notions can approach concepts already established as health. This step is important on the exploratory researches. The studies may include aspects of objective analysis, subjective or both. The objective dimension, which is most common approach, are traditionally considered variables and indicators related to: the urban infrastructure (health, education, leisure, security, mobility), dwelling (quantitative and qualitative dwlling deficit), the urban structure (density and mix uses), socioeconomic characteristics (age, income, education), urban infrastructure (sanitation, communication), governance (social mobilization and participation). To focus on the subjective dimension, most recent and unusual, it is proposed to consider the (dis)satisfaction, the personal assessment in relation to the objective aspects. In conclusion, being intrinsically related to the health, the quality of life also has a number of determinants, and the ideal of the reach of quality of life depends on the action of all citizens based on the recognition of networks and territories, in a interescalar perspective and intersectoral. Therefore, emphasis in given on the potential of tools, such as the observatories, to monitor and intervent in reality, aiming in a building process of healthy cities.


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Preterm birth is a public health problem worldwide. It holds growing global incidence rates, high mortality rates and a risk of the long-term sequelae in the newborn. It is also poses burden on the family and society. Mothers of very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants may develop psychological disorders, and impaired quality of life (QoL). Factors related to mothers and children in the postpartum period may be negatively associated with the QoL of these mothers. The aim of this study was to assess factors possibly associated with the QoL of mothers of VLBW preterm newborns during the first three years after birth. Mothers of VLBW preterm answered the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in five time points up to 36 months postpartum, totalizing 260 observations. The WHOQOL–bref scores were compared and correlated with sociodemographic and clinical variables of mothers and children at discharge (T0) and at six (T1), twelve (T2), 24 (T3) and 36 (T4) months after the delivery. We used the Kruskal Wallis test to compared scores across different time points and correlated WHOQOL-bref scores with the sociodemographic and clinical variables of mothers and preterm infants. Multiple linear regression models were used to evaluate the contribution of these variables for the QoL of mothers. The WHOQOL–bref scores at T1 and T2 were higher when compared to scores in T0 in the physical health dimension (p = 0.013). BDI scores were also higher at T1 and T2 than those at T0 (p = 0.027). Among the maternal variables that contributed most to the QoL of mothers, there were: at T0, stable marital union (b= 13.60; p= 0.000) on the social relationships dimension, gestational age (b= 2.38; p= 0.010) in the physical health dimension; post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (b= -10.05; p= 0.010; b= -12.18; p= 0.013, respectively) in the psychological dimension; at T1 and T2, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (b= -7.41; p= 0.005) and female sex (b= 8,094; p= 0.011) in the physical health dimension and environment, respectively. At T3, family income (b= -12.75’ p= 0.001) in the environment dimension, the SNAPPE neonatal severity score (b= -0.23; p= 0.027) on the social relationships dimension; at the T4, evangelical religion (b= 8.11; p= 0.019) and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (b: -18.84 p: 0.001) on the social relationships dimension. The BDI scores were negatively associated with WHOQOL scores in all dimensions and at all times points: (-1.42 ≤ b ≤ -0.36; T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4). We conclude that mothers of preterm infants VLBW tend to have a transient improvement in the physical well-being during the first postpartum year. Their quality of life seems to return to levels at discharge between two and three years after delivery. The presence of maternal depressive symptoms and diagnosis of post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus or BDP are factors negatively associated with the QoL of mothers. Social, religious and economic variables are positively associated with the QoL of mothers of VLBW preterm.


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivos gerais analisar a perceção que as mães de famílias monoparentais têm das suas forças familiares, do suporte social e da sua saúde mental, segundo algumas características sociodemográficas. Metodologia: Este é um estudo descritivo e correlacional, de análise univariada, com uma amostra de 43 mães de famílias monoparentais. Na recolha dos dados utilizámos o Questionário das Forças Familiares (QFF) (Melo & Alarcão, 2011) para avaliar as forças e processos de resiliência familiar; a Escala de Apoio Social (EAS) (Matos & Ferreira, 2000) para avaliar o apoio social percebido; o Mental Health Inventory (MHI5) (Ribeiro, 2001) para avaliar a perceção de saúde mental e ainda um questionário para a caracterização sociodemográfica da amostra. Participantes: A nossa amostra é constituída por 43 mães de famílias monoparentais femininas, tendo em média 38 anos de idade, solteira ou divorciada/separada, vivendo nesta situação há aproximadamente 4 anos. As participantes apresentam um nível de escolaridade do ensino secundário (41,9%) e do ensino superior (46,5%) e, maioritariamente encontram-se empregadas (81,4%). A maioria das mães tem apenas 1 filho (62,8%) e a situação mais comum de agregado doméstico é apenas viverem com os seu(s) filho(s) (72,1%). Resultados: De um modo geral estas mulheres apresentam uma boa perceção, tanto das suas forças familiares (M = 109,84), como do suporte social (M = 58,33) bem como da sua saúde mental (M = 20,05), sendo que estas variáveis se correlacionam entre si de uma forma positiva e significativa. As mães com menor número de filhos e aquelas que apresentam um provável bem-estar psicológico revelam uma melhor perceção das forças familiares, quando comparadas com as que têm mais filhos e as que apresentam provável sofrimento psicológico, respetivamente. Conclusões: A nossa investigação revela que as mães de famílias monoparentais femininas têm capacidades para percecionar forças na sua família e também para percecionar um bom suporte social e um bem-estar positivo, estando todos estes fatores interligados. Porém, torna-se pertinente promover e desenvolver iniciativas que de alguma forma ajudem estas famílias a potenciarem as suas próprias competências, devendo ser sinalizadas para acompanhamento psicológico as situações em que se verificam algumas dificuldades de adaptação.