996 resultados para bem-estar trabalho
The organizations now have felt some needs in regards to changes in attitudes in what refers to the relationship with their interest publics. In this way, this work has as objective approach different themes, like concepts of organizational culture and the interrelations with the profession of Public Relations, besides the contact with notions in the area of People Management and human capital. As all organizations are constituted by interest publics, it will also demonstrate theories that refer to the different kinds of publics which the organization maintains relationship with, although, giving special attention to the internal public, considered one of the main types of public. For better comprehension of the performance of the internal public it was used the greimassian narrative semiotics that allow an exploration and analysis os diverse procedures made by such public. Therefore, it was possible to observe a great contribution from the theory in what refers to the assertion of the importance in maintaining good relationships with the employees of an organization, specially to affirm the identity of the employee making use of factors such as culture, values, principals, norms etc. Thus, it is believed that the strategic communication must be used with the intention of proportioning personal and professional well being to the employees, in a way that they may feel more and more integrated and committed with the organization, granting, like so, the organizational development and recognition
This work consists of a case study, a qualitative methodology, which aims to show the effects of TIVALLEC, a supplement in vitamins, as an alternative treatment of cancer. This study had also the objective of evaluating one patients quality of life thirteen years after being diagnosed with an advanced prostate cancer, and having decided for an alternative treatment using TIVALLEC instead of conventional treatments, having obtained excellent results. An open interview was conducted with patient, evaluating various aspects of his life after the initial diagnosis and the chosen treatment. The answers were transcribed after being limitedly edited for readability. At the end of the study, with the support of recent literature, the interview allowed the conclusion that TIVALLEC was greatly effective, creating good quality of life and wellness for the patient during all the period of thirteen year after the diagnosis up to now. These alternative treatment results may be seen as demanding new studies to help cancer patients who embrace or not the conventional treatments
A pesquisa proposta pretende analisar como a arte e a criatividade podem beneficiar a Terceira Idade e suas questes de sade, especificamente seu bem-estar e sua sade mental. Consequentemente, enfatizar a importncia da arte para a sociedade, especificamente para o idoso. Paralelamente, ser observado o comportamento e a parte criativa dos mesmos, atravs de oficinas ministradas. Parte-se do pressuposto que a arte uma rea de suma importncia para a sade mental e oferece suporte terico prtico para a educao. Devido s alteraes na faixa etria brasileira, percebe-se o aumento significativo da longevidade do indivduo, da a necessidade de buscar meios, os quais possam possibilitar um envelhecer saudvel. Observa-se que a arte uma ferramenta imprescindvel. Desse modo, a pesquisa pretende oferecer, atravs do meio artstico e de oficinas, um espao que proporcionar Terceira Idade a oportunidade de trabalhar e exercitar seu lado criativo, sua mente e sua autoestima, com a melhora de sua sade mental
Due to greater productivity in the auto industry and the high competition in the current market, employees are required to perform repeated movements and often, with short intervals of rest. This daily exposure causes muscle tension and overloads occasional, thus creating problems and psychosocial stress. Currently companies are concerned with the welfare of the employee, where the main focus is product quality and life of the worker, thus justifying such a study. Therefore , this technical work to assist the master's thesis of graduate student Daniel Rodriguez , was developed with the objective is to analyze , develop, design and construct a coupled to a load cell device simulating a stitcher to be used in an industry the posts stapling upholstery of seats . Are the stages of design and construction detailed in this work and its positive results in relation to the technical part of the study
The environmental issue has been considered of fundamental importance for the well being of the present and future generations and is inserted into the commitment of political parties at federal, state and municipal government programs, into the interests of popular organizations and business planning. The Parque Ecolgico Cidade da Criana is one of the most sought after places for visitation at Presidente Prudente SP. Located outside the Raposo Tavares Highway, next to the exhibition grounds and beside the agricultural school, has more than 30 acres of area with an infrastructure designed for recreation and leisure activities for all ages and has received new investment of the public power. Given the importance of the ecological aspects, the objective of this work is to perform an environmental diagnosis in order to be able to submit proposals for solving the problems encountered and improve the use of the environmental resources. Therefore, the study was divided into three foci: sewage disposal, erosion process and control of the stormwater drainage system. It was checked the discharge of sewage from the restaurant on exposed soil, erosion processes that develop at the camel and llama cages ground and erosion processes resulting from the convergence of the stormwater in the highest region of the park. Based on these studies, proposals of solution were made for each case, having considered the effectiveness of the project
Currently zoos and management centers are valuable tools in the maintenance and study of various species. Studies of behavior of captive animals contribute to the improvement of management techniques and the well - being of themselves, encouraging captive breeding and reintroduction also to the natural environment . One of the ways to increase the levels of well-being is the use of environmental enrichment techniques that provide necessary incentives for the welfare of both physical and psychological captive animal . The aim of this study was to identify the types, frequencies and intensities of behavior displayed by three individuals of the species Galictis cuja, belonging to the family Mustelidae and popularly known as lesser grisson , which are captives in municipal zoo in Piracicaba , SP . In addition to evaluating the influence of environmental enrichment techniques on these behavioral parameters. The animals had their behaviors recorded in ethograms through the focal sampling method , 40 hours per person , totaling 120 hours of observation . Were introduced four environmental enrichment techniques related to physical environment, nutrition , perception and cognitive stimulation . At the end, the results of observations before and after the introduction of enrichment techniques were compared and it was possible to observe significant changes in behavior such as run , walk and scratching . The animals were more active and spent longer visible during the day, the enrichment also increased the frequency of social behaviors and the end of the work occurred even attempted copulation , thus showing that the enrichment exerted a positive influence on the behavioral patterns of lesser grisson (Galictis cuja)
The Brazilian population needs of practicing exercises increases every day by the health or pleasure results of it. But although conventional options of physical activities are more popular and easier to find out wherever you go, alternative ways of exercising yourself and unconscious and indirect ways to obtain wellness and health are increasing its popularity nowadays. One example of it is the circus classes inside the gyms, where people have fun during intense body working, while get in shape and relax them mind, getting all the benefits like any other conventional physical activity does. Thinking about the increasing teaching of circus arts like a new option of physical activity and leisure to the Sao Paulo citizens inside its bigger gyms, this study founded out how and why these classes were offered there and the reasons of the people interests and maintenance of them practice in this kind of classes.
Com o ritmo acelerado que a vida moderna exige, cada vez mais evidente a necessidade do ser humano em buscar novas experincias para que os faam sentir emoes e sensaes inditas, no existentes no dia a dia. Com isso a busca por esportes de risco vem sendo cada vez maior, visto que muitos destes esportes satisfazem os desejos por novas experincias. Acredita-se que haja inmeros fatores atrativos que levam os indivduos a aderirem a essas praticas. No presente estudo foi verificado que fatores psicolgicos esto fortemente presentes, o medo e a ansiedade mostram-se fatores atrativos, assim como o desejo de conhecer lugares novos, o que aponta para uma ligao direta com o turismo. A sensao de bem estar, satisfao, alegria e orgulho foi afirmada por maioria dos sujeitos, o que acaba levando os indivduos a procurarem diversos esportes de risco, favorecendo a aderncia a essas modalidades e a permanncia nas mesmas.
Os servios ecossistmicos prestados pelas florestas so responsveis por diversos benefcios ao bem estar humano e manuteno da vida, incluindo a manuteno da biodiversidade, ciclagem da gua, estoques e sumidouros de carbono, os quais ficam seriamente prejudicados pelas aes antropognicas. Este estudo inicia com uma breve apresentao do problema do desmatamento na Amaznia brasileira, suas causas e consequncias para estes servios. Posteriormente apresenta um mecanismo que visa remunerao destes servios como forma de manter a floresta em p e garantir seus benefcios. Este mecanismo, batizado de REDD Reduo de Emisses por Desmatamento e Degradao, provem do conceito de Pagamento por Servios Ecossistmicos, o qual possui uma certa variedade de propostas e muitas controvrsias sobre sua aplicao e possveis efeitos
O pas passou por um perodo de grandes transformaes no ltimo quarto do sculo XX, os quais afetaram em grande medida a esfera social, poltica e econmica da sociedade. Dado o enfraquecimento do Estado de Bem Estar Social, e a ascenso do pensamento neoliberal nos anos 1970, houve a reviso do papel do Estado em todo o globo. As reformas neoliberais durante a dcada de 1990 tiveram um impacto significativo sobre os nveis do produto, e refletiram na reduo do emprego at o fim da dcada, alm do surgimento de novas formas de precarizao do trabalho. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo elucidar o impacto destas reformas estruturais sobre o emprego e seus desdobramentos na sociedade
Devido falta de intalaes para o treinamento e desenvolvimento de equipes locais, Presidente Prudente est novamente perdendo oportunidades de uma evoluo, um destaque no cenrio do futebol. Com isto, a criao do Centro de Formao de Atletas de Futebol tem como finalidade de melhor atender e aperfeioar as habilidades dos atletas com instalaes esportivas, mas tambm tendo estruturas de suporte visando atingir a sua proposta social com a preocupao com o bem estar dos mesmos, ensinamento de valores, reas de ensino e cuidados mdicos. Tambm, pretende-se desenvolver um trabalho com a comunidade carente, no sentido de proporcionar a prtica de futebol recreativo atravs de projetos sociais atendendo centenas de crianas de diversos municpios da regio... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
The Albergue Noturno de Bauru (Night Shelter of Bauru) is a social assistance entity mantained by the Centro Esprita Amor e Caridade (CEAC) in partnership with the Secretaria do Bem Estar Social (SEBES), that aims to temporarily shelter migrants in town and people in homeless situation. Every day, about 50 people look for the Shelter, because of several reasons. Opened in 1951, the entity the only public service that offers overnight stay in town - surpassed social transformations over the years and never stopped its work. With the opening of its new headquarters in July 2011, it also began to develop a systematic monitoring of some sheltered people, looking for the reintegration of them into the social context. All this work has made the Night Shelter accumulate many stories, especially from those people who have gone through or are still in it. Thus, this paper aims to present, through a non-fiction novel, this scenario, exposing the history and functioning of the Bauru Night Shelter, while exposing the lives of different people who are part of this universe. Through the monitoring of several night shifts, narrated in diary format, it was possible to understand how the service started, the dilemmas involved in their development and how sheltered and volunteers build this reality.
Este trabalho tem como finalidade discutir a ateno bsica no municpio de Presidente Prudente, entretanto esclarecendo como funciona as normatizaes e aes prticas. Assim, verificamos o territrio da Estratgia de Sade da Famlia do Parque Alvorada e se existe um vnculo entre a norma e o fato, possibilitando que a populao previna ou trate doenas atravs da porta de entrada preferencial do SUS, alm de alcanar o bem estar. Para consolidar este trabalho foi necessrio uma pesquisa bibliogrfica, documental e a anlise emprica. A anlise emprica permitiu verificar essa nuances no territrio e coletar dados para discusso, sendo uns dos principais fatores da pesquisa, pois mostra a realidade vivenciada pela populao inserida naquela territrio. Diante dessas prticas, percebemos que existem alguns pontos negativos, pois muitas pessoas que esto inseridas nesse territrio no tem um acesso facilitado a sede da ESF do Parque Alvorada. Assim, se o territrio fosse delimitado de uma outra forma, porm considerando a participao social, ou seja, ouvindo as pessoas que vivem no local, qual suas dificuldades e desejos, o programa atenderia toda populao que faz parte daquela rea de abrangncia com mais eficcia
O trabalho apresentado constitudo de dois captulos distintos, ambos com preocupao recorrente de realizar uma cincia que tenha interface com a realidade, uma Ecologia aplicvel s questes e demandas da sociedade contempornea como ferramenta para compreender a realidade, mediar conflitos. No captulo I - Integrando o meio fsico, biolgico e scioeconmico na proposio de novos ndices de Sensibilidade Ambiental (ISA) propomos o desenvolvimento de ndices que combinem aspectos biticos, socioeconmicos e ecolgicos como: a) ndice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Biolgico (ISAB), pautado na comunidade de mamferos de mdio e grande porte; b) ndice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Socioeconmico (ISASE), composto pelo tipo de atividade econmica e pelas caractersticas da comunidade do entorno e c) ndice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Ecolgico (ISAEc). No captulo II - Contribuio da rea do fragmento e dos corredores ecolgicos para a comunidade de mamferos de mdio e grande porte das matas ciliares, ressaltamos a importncia da Ecologia da Paisagem para a presena/ausncia de espcies de mamferos de mdio e grande porte. Quais correlaes so relevantes e como as mtricas da paisagem tm influncia sobre a comunidade da mastofauna. H a clara inteno de compreender a realidade e propor solues para as problemticas modernas visando o bem estar da sociedade e a conservao e preservao da biota
The ractopamine is a -adrenergic agonist used as a divider of energy in diets for finishing pigs. However, research shows that this additive may effect on welfare and meat quality. In this context, the aim was to evaluate the influence in three levels of inclusion of ractopamine (0, 5 and 10ppm) in commercial pigs diet (castrated, males and females, n = 340) for 28 days pre-slaughter on the welfare and meat quality. The wellbeing was assessed by the behavior of animals, number of skin damages, carcass damages and physiological stress (lactate, cortisol and creatinine phosphokinase). The evaluation of meat quality was performed by analyzing pH, color, drip and cooking loss, shear force and marbling of the longissimus dorsi muscle of 90 selected pigs. There was no influence of treatments on the behavior, the total number of skin damages and carcass damages or concentration of cortisol and lactate. However, levels of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase (CPK) increased in pigs supplemented with ractopamine. This shows that, somehow, this additive led to physiological changes in animals that consumed it. PH and drip loss did not change by the addition of ractopamine in the diet. In contrast, the Longissimus dorsi of pigs that received ractopamine presented less intense red color and no difference was found in L* and b*. The inclusion of ractopamine in the diet reduced the degree of marbling, cooking loss and tenderness of the muscle. Supplementation did not lead to behavioral change, increased incidence of injury, plasma cortisol and lactate and minimal impact on meat quality. However, there was evidence that the animals fed the additive suffered physiological changes