900 resultados para below-ground insects
The planting of lettuce in greenhouses, as well as covering beds with a polyethylene sheet, is a viable technology, promoting improvements in microclimatic conditions of the environment. In view of the little information on mini-lettuce, the aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of three cultivars of crisp minilettuce ('Green Frizzly', 'Red Frizzly no. 1' and 'Red Frizzly no. 2') with and without ground cover, under different spacings (20 × 15 cm and 20 × 20 cm), in three planting times (1: November 16, 2004; 2: December 17, 2004; and 3: January 20, 2005). The study was conducted in a greenhouse at UNESP-FCAV, Jaboticabal-SP. The experiments were carried out using a randomized block design, following a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial scheme with 12 treatments and three repetitions. The characteristics evaluated were plant height (cm), head diameter (cm), fresh weight (g) and number of leaves per plant. Planting time 3 was shown to be favorable for all the characteristics analyzed. 'Red Frizzly no. 2' was found to be the most suited to planting time 1, and for planting times 2 and 3, this cultivar did not differ from 'Red Frizzly no. 1'. The factor ground cover was not found to affect the characteristics evaluated, and therefore, cultivation without ground cover is recommended. The spacing 20 × 15 cm was shown to be favorable, resulting in cultivation with the highest populations, thereby increasing productivity. Based on the results obtained and for the conditions in which the experiment was conducted, it can be concluded that: planting time 3 (January 20, 2005) was the most favorable; the cultivars 'Red Frizzly no. 2' and 'Red Frizzly no. 1' are adapted to all the planting times; and cultivation without ground cover using a spacing of 20 × 15 cm was the most suitable.
This paper presents a method for indirect orientation of aerial images using ground control lines extracted from airborne Laser system (ALS) data. This data integration strategy has shown good potential in the automation of photogrammetric tasks, including the indirect orientation of images. The most important characteristic of the proposed approach is that the exterior orientation parameters (EOP) of a single or multiple images can be automatically computed with a space resection procedure from data derived from different sensors. The suggested method works as follows. Firstly, the straight lines are automatically extracted in the digital aerial image (s) and in the intensity image derived from an ALS data-set (S). Then, correspondence between s and S is automatically determined. A line-based coplanarity model that establishes the relationship between straight lines in the object and in the image space is used to estimate the EOP with the iterated extended Kalman filtering (IEKF). Implementation and testing of the method have employed data from different sensors. Experiments were conducted to assess the proposed method and the results obtained showed that the estimation of the EOP is function of ALS positional accuracy.
A major UK initiative, entitled 'Mapping the Underworld', is seeking to address the serious social, environmental and economic consequences arising from an inability to locate the buried utility service infrastructure without resorting to extensive excavations. Mapping the Underworld aims to develop and prove the efficacy of a multi-sensor device for accurate remote buried utility service detection, location and, where possible, identification. One of the technologies to be incorporated in the device is low-frequency vibro-acoustics, and the application of this technology for detecting buried infrastructure is currently being investigated. Here, a shear wave ground vibration technique for detecting buried pipes is described. For this technique, shear waves are generated at the ground surface, and the resulting ground surface vibrations measured, using geophones, along a line traversing the anticipated run of the pipe. Measurements were made at a test site with a single pressurized polyethylene mains water pipe. Time-extended signals were employed to generate the illuminating wave. Cross-correlation functions between the measured ground velocities and a reference measurement adjacent to the excitation were then calculated and summed using a stacking method to generate a cross-sectional image of the ground. The wide cross-correlation peaks caused by high ground attenuation were partially compensated for by using a generalized cross-correlation function called the smoothed coherence transform. To mitigate the effects of other potential sources of vibration in the vicinity, the excitation signal was used as an additional reference when calculating the generalized cross-correlation functions. For two out of three tests, the pipe was detected, indicating that this technique will be a valuable addition to the Mapping the Underworld armoury.
This paper presents a method for analyzing electromagnetic transients using real transformation matrices in three-phase systems considering the presence of ground wires. So, for the Z and Y matrices that represent the transmission line, the characteristics of ground wires are not implied in the values related to the phases. A first approach uses a real transformation matrix for the entire frequency range considered in this case. This transformation matrix is an approximation to the exact transformation matrix. For those elements related to the phases of the considered system, the transformation matrix is composed of the elements of Clarke's matrix. In part related to the ground wires, the elements of the transformation matrix must establish a relationship with the elements of the phases considering the establishment of a single homopolar reference in the mode domain. In the case of three-phase lines with the presence of two ground wires, it is unable to get the full diagonalization of the matrices Z and Y in the mode domain. This leads to the second proposal for the composition of real transformation matrix: obtain such transformation matrix from the multiplication of two real and constant matrices. In this case, the inclusion of a second matrix had the objective to minimize errors from the first proposal for the composition of the transformation matrix mentioned. © 2012 IEEE.
To assess the effects of continuous exercise training at intensities corresponding to 80 and 90 % of the lactate minimum test (LM), we evaluated antioxidant activity, hormone concentration, biochemical analyses and aerobic and anaerobic performance, as well as glycogen stores, during 12 weeks of swimming training in rats. One-hundred rats were separated into three groups: control (CG, n = 40), exercise at 80 (EG80, n = 30) and 90 % (EG90, n = 30) of LM. The training lasted 12 weeks, with sessions of 60 min/day, 6 days/week. The intensity was based at 80 and 90 % of the LM. The volume did not differ between training groups (Ẋ of EG80 = 52 ± 4 min; Ẋ of EG90 = 56 ± 2 min). The glycogen concentration (mg/100 mg) in the gastrocnemius increased after the training in EG80 (0.788 ± 0.118) and EG90 (0.795 ± 0.157) in comparison to the control (0.390 ± 0.132). The glycogen stores in the soleus enhanced after the training in EG90 (0.677 ± 0.230) in comparison to the control (0.343 ± 0.142). The aerobic performance increased by 43 and 34 % for EG80 and EG90, respectively, in relation to baseline. The antioxidant enzymes remain unchanged during the training. Creatine kinase (U/L) increased after 8 weeks in both groups (EG80 = 427.2 ± 97.4; EG90 = 641.1 ± 90.2) in relation to the control (246.9 ± 66.8), and corticosterone (ng/mL) increased after 12 weeks in EG90 (539 ± 54) in comparison to the control (362 ± 44). The continuous exercise at 80 and 90 % of the LM has a marked aerobic impact on endurance performance without significantly biomarkers changes compared to control. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
A comprehensive biostratinomic study was carried out with abundant stems from the Lower Permian Motuca Formation of the intracratonic Parnaíba Basin, central-north Brazil. The fossils represent a rare tropical to subtropical paleofloristic record in north Gondwana. Tree ferns dominate the assemblages (mainly Tietea, secondarily Psaronius), followed by gymnosperms, sphenophytes, other ferns and rare lycophytes. They are silica-permineralized, commonly reach 4 m length (exceptionally more than 10 m), lie loosely on the ground or are embedded in the original sandstone or siltstone matrix, and attract particular attention because of their frequent parallel attitudes. Many tree fern stems present the original straight cylindrical to slightly conical forms, other are somewhat flattened, and the gymnosperm stems are usually more irregular. Measurements of stem orientations and dimensions were made in three sites approximately aligned in a W-E direction in a distance of 27.3 km at the conservation unit Tocantins Fossil Trees Natural Monument In the eastern site, rose diagrams for 54 stems indicate a relatively narrow azimuthal range to SE. These stems commonly present attached basal bulbous root mantles and thin cylindrical sandstone envelopes, which sometimes hold, almost adjacent to the lateral stem surface, permineralized fern pinnae and other small plant fragments. In the more central site, 82 measured stems are preferentially oriented in the SW-NE direction, the proportion of gymnosperms is higher and cross-stratification sets of sandstones indicate paleocurrents mainly to NE and secondarily to SE. In the western site, most of the 42 measured stems lie in E-W positions. The predominantly sandy succession, where the fossil stems are best represented, evidences a braided fluvial system under semiarid conditions. The low plant diversity, some xeromorphic features and the supposedly almost syndepositional silica impregnation of the plants are coherent with marked dry seasons. Thick mudstones and some coquinites below and above the sandy interval may represent lacustrine facies formed in probably more humid conditions. The taphonomic history of the preserved plants began with exceptional storms that caused fast-flowing high water in channels and far into the floodplains. In the eastern site region, many tree ferns only fell, thus sometimes covering and protecting plant litter and leaves from further fragmentation. Assemblages of the central and western sites suggest that the trees were uprooted and transported in suspension (floating) parallel to the flow. Heavier ends of stems (according to their form or because of attached basal bulbous root mantle or large apical fronds) were oriented to upstream because of inertial forces. During falling water stage, the stems were stranded on riverbanks, usually maintaining the previous transport orientation, and were slightly buried. The perpendicular or oblique positions of some stems may have been caused by interference with other stems or shallow bars. Rare observed stems were apparently waterlogged before the final depositional process and transported as bedload. The differences of interpreted channel orientations between the three sites are expected in a braided fluvial system, considering the very low gradients of the basin and the work scale in the order of tens of kilometers. The mean direction of the drainage probably was to east and the flows apparently became weaker downstream. This study seems to provide reliable data for paleocurrent interpretations, especially considering areas with scarce preserved sedimentary structures. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Objective: To investigate the influence of the presence or absence of keratinized mucosa on the alveolar bony crest level as it relates to different buccal marginal bone thicknesses. Material and methods: In six beagle dogs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally. In the right side of the mandible (test), flaps were elevated, and the buccal as well as part of the lingual masticatory mucosa was removed. The flap was released coronally to allow a primary wound closure. In the left side, the wounds were left unsutured with the keratinized mucosa remaining (control). After 3 months of healing, a complete absence of keratinized mucosa was found at the test sites. Two recipient sites were prepared at each side of the mandible, one in the premolar and one in the molar region. A buccal bony ridge width of approximately 1 and 2 mm was obtained at the premolar and molar region, respectively. Implants were installed with the shoulder flush with the buccal alveolar bony crest, and abutments were connected to allow a nonsubmerged healing. At least 2 mm of keratinized mucosa was surrounding the control sites, while at the test sites, the implants were bordered by alveolar mucosa. After 3 months, the animals were euthanized and ground sections obtained. Results: A higher vertical bony crest resorption was observed at the test compared with the control sites both at the premolar and molar regions, the differences being statistically significant. The top of the peri-implant mucosa was located more coronally at the control compared with the test sites. The horizontal resorption measured 1 mm below the implant shoulder was similar at the test and control sites. Only limited differences were found between premolar and molar sites, with the exclusion of the horizontal resorption that was higher at the test compared with the control sites. Conclusions: A higher alveolar buccal bony crest resorption and a more apical soft tissue marginal position should be expected, when implants are surrounded with thin alveolar mucosa at the time of installation, independently of the thickness of the buccal bony crest. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)