985 resultados para aprendizagem e diversidade


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The most recent data of the Brazilian Test (BRAZIL, 2005) and of the SAEB (BRAZIL, 2007) have reaffirmed the serious situation of the Brazilian public school, where great part of the students, after to conclude 4º year of basic education, does not present minimum knowledge of reading and writing. In this picture, the situation of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, whose students had presented, in the last evaluation is particularly difficult, the worse performances of the country, in this area. The data also discloses that the failure pertaining to school, closely tied with the failure in the literacy, not only remains, as takes other aspects. In consequence of this picture, the literacy, even so widely argued in the last few decades, still instigates inquiries, as it is the case of this work. Our study got shaped due to reflections, as much to the theorizations to which we had access, as of the emergent questions of ours pedagogical practice. Through the past three decades, the studies in the area of literacy with the purpose to understand the constituent nature of the process, its aspects and its determinative ones has been intensified. The produced knowledge has contributed for the overcoming of the reductionist form as if it thought/thinks, in some contexts - this process. Such statements impel them to reflect concerning what is happening in the school, limiting or making possible the pertaining to school success. With these concerns, we delimit, as focus of study, the teaching action, having the following stunning question: What to make professors, in the context of the public school, to propitiate or hinder the process of literacy of the children? In this direction, our object of study is to make them professors who can propitiate or hinder the process of literacy of the children, in the context of the public school. The objective work to investigate, from practical of professors the teachers, that to make professors related to the literacy process - they can propitiate or hinder the learning of the written language, for the pupils of the public school, at the beginning of the school process. The work if inscribes in the qualitative boarding of research and if it configures as a case study, with characteristics of Research-Action, inspired by the following principles: authenticity and commitment and systematic restitution. For the retraction of the data, they had been used: half-structuralized interview; participant comment; meeting of studies and reflection; register in daily of field. We define as locus of study, a school of public net and, more specifically, a group of the initial years of school process that integrates the cycle of literacy . Of the five invited teachers, only one demonstrated interest in participating of the work. Its group of first year of the First Cycle of basic education is composed for 34 children, with ages between six the nine years. The data constructed by means of the described procedures, as well as its analysis, make possible to identify, between the many aspects and to make that they compose the pedagogical dynamics in the context of classroom, the following categories to make articulated with the literacy process: 1. To make of practical the relative ones to the planning, understood as To make relative: 1,1 distribution of the time-space/routine; 1.2 to the didactic activities and/or sequences and teaching interventions; 1.3 to the organization/election of the contents; 1.4 to the materials/didactic resources and 1.5 to the evaluation. 2. To make relative to the interaction professor-pupil, systemize in: 2.1 attention to the diversity; 2.2 to the affectivity. These to make, in the form as if materialized in the practical one observed, had been reflected, jointly with the teacher, as constituting parts of obstacles to a perspective of literacy. By means of the sharing of the reflections, anchored in theoretical conceptions concerning the practical one of teach-learning and, more specifically, of literacy, we register indications of new meanings of these to make on the part of the teacher in conducting them as providers of learning of its pupils, first purpose of its teaching performance. This finishing, possible synthesis at this moment is, therefore, point of fond and departure for new studies


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As espécies de entomopatógenos que causam impacto em populações de hospedeiros são muitas. Entretanto, informações básicas sobre sua biologia, identificação e relação entre o sistema patógeno-hospedeiro são escassas. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar os fungos associados a Parlatoria ziziphus (Lucas)em pomares citrícolas do município de Taiúva, SP. Foram realizadas coletas mensais, em dois pomares de laranja (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), variedade Pera, de janeiro de 1995 a fevereiro de 1996. Amostraram-se 15 árvores em cada pomar, retirando-se 16 folhas por árvore. Estas foram levadas ao laboratório, para determinação dos fungos associados à cochonilha. Para a identificação dos fungos, consideraram-se aspectos da estrutura reprodutiva e do esporo. Foram identificadas cinco espécies, citadas como patógenos de diaspidídeos por vários autores: Fusarium coccophilum (Desm.) Wr. & Rg., Nectria flammea (Tul.) Dingley (fase sexual de F. coccophilum), Tetracrium coccicolum Hohnell, Podonectria coccicola (Ellis & Everhart) Petch (fase sexual de T. coccicolum) e Myriangium duriaei Mont. & Berk. Fusarium coccophilum foi a espécie mais freqüente e a mais prevalente, na maioria das coletas realizadas, em ambas as áreas amostradas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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La investigación fue realizada con profesores de los años iniciales de la enseñanza básica, alumnos de la carrera de Pedagogía Licenciatura Plena del PROBÁSICA de Ceará-Mirim (RN). Tuvo como objetivo general el estudio de lo proceso de apropiación de esa habilidad, segundo las siguientes perspectivas teóricas: históricocultural, de L.S. Vygotsky, teoría de la actividad, de A.N. Leontiev, y la teoría de la asimilación por etapas mentales, de P. Ya Galperin. La metodología se desarrolló organizándose en tres etapas: el diagnóstico inicial, con el análisis del nivel de desarrollo de la habilidad de los profesores; el proceso formativo, con la orientación del aprendizaje, el control y la evaluación del desarrollo; y el diagnóstico final, con el análisis del nivel alcanzado en la experiencia. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: un cuestionario, para la caracterización de los sujetos de la investigación, el planeamiento de enseñanza de los profesores y el diario de clase, donde se registraba lo que ocurrió en cada orientación y realización del proceso formativo. Los resultados referentes a los niveles iniciales del desarrollo de la habilidad han revelado un grado de espontaneidad en el planeamiento de enseñanza de los conceptos. Durante el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, los profesores han expresado sus dificultades, pero también las posibilidades de mudanza para que alcanzaran un nuevo nivel de desarrollo. Para el análisis del nivel inicial y del desarrollo de las habilidades de los profesores para planificar situaciones de enseñanza con la definición y con la identificación, fueron utilizados los siguientes elementos: el dominio del concepto, el dominio de esos procedimientos lógicos y las categorías del planeamiento (objetivos, contenidos, estrategias de enseñanza, control y evaluación). En cada etapa surgieron obstáculos, pero también aspectos que han revelado la posibilidad para aprender una nueva forma de planear, con apropiación de nuevos fundamentos teóricos. La práctica docente se constituyó en un elemento que facilitó la comprensión y la apropiación de las habilidades de planear situaciones de enseñanza de conceptos mediante la definición y la identificación


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Los estudios cerca de las dificultades en el aprendizaje del contenido de la biología han sido foco de la investigación diversa que si ten corido a partir de la década de setenta del siglo pasado, en consecuencia al movimiento de las concepciones alternativas (MCA). El estudio que se presenta, se atan con el Departamento de Educação da UFRN - Base de Pesquisa Formação e Profissionalização Docente, como parte do projeto de pesquisa - A passagem do Ensino Médio a UFRN: estudos sobre o acesso, a permanência e a qualidade do Ensino Médio. Los objetivos de esto investigación, habían consistido en el identificar del contenido explorado en las cuestiones de las Pruebas de la opción múltiple del Vestibular de UFRN para el cual los candidatos habían demostrado dificultad en el aprendizaje; para analizar si el contextualização de la pregunta y la presencia de elementos no-literales que habían influenciado en el aumento de la dificultad de la pregunta e identificar los errores más frecuentemente por los candidatos en estas pruebas. La tesis si configura en dos dimensiones: 1 - El contenido explorado en las Pruebas del Vestibular de la UFRN si distribuya uniformemente a través de los años; sendo priorizados procedimentos que exigem demanda cognitiva diversificadas na solução de problemas; 2- Nessas provas, os resultados dos candidatos, en relación con el Índice de Aproveitamento, indican la existencia de áreas en las quales hay déficit del aprendizaje; qué envolucran las dificultades en aprender el contenido. Los datos de la investigación habían sido recogidos al partir de las pruebas de la biología y de la inicial abstracta selectiva de los informes proveído para el COMPERVE/UFRN, del último los ocho años (2001-2008). En la dirección alcanzar a los objetivos considerados para este estudio, contenta había sido construido a las categorías del análisis - (temas, subtemas y procedimientos); índice de aproveitamento; contextualização de la pregunta; estructura de la pregunta y el error. Los resultados, qué si configurán de los análisis de las ocho pruebas del vestibular de la UFRN y los sesenta y cientos envolvement mil, seiscientos y sesenta y cinco candidatos que le habían contestado; demuestran eso: los temas y los subtemas de la biología para los cuales las dificultades en aprender si está tenido divulgado sea - genética (hibridismo; fenótipo y genotipo; Leyes de Mendel), biotecnología (transgênicos; célula-tronco) y citología (química de la vida; división celular; membranas) y los procedimientos - identificar, analizar la situación y aplicar concepto, para correlacionar y para interpretar el gráfico; los quais não exigem uma alta demanda cognitiva na solução dos problemas. La presencía de situações contextualizadas e de gráficos en las questiones de las pruebas influenciou en el aumento dos niveles dificuldade da of questão para a maioria dos candidatos, reiterando as of dificuldades of observadas na of aprendizagem dos procedimentos. Los errores principales cometidos para los candidatos habían consistido en no reconocimiento del estándar de la herencia del gênica - mendelian y después de-Mendel; no del reconocimiento de los acontecimientos de la división celular y de las técnicas en biotecnología. Éstos habían reflejado las dificultades en aprender del contenido para algún contenido y en otros sugieren que tuviera la expresión de los conceptos alternativos que los estudiantes construyen en los conceptos. Los resultados señalan la necesidad de una revisión de las preguntas inherentes didácticas-metodológicas a la educación del contenido para las cuales las dificultades en aprender si hay tenido presentado


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Cette étude essaie d offrir des contributions pour la construction de connaissance concernant à la corporeité et dans l espace virtuel. À travers des processus interactifs elle propose la construction la production de nouvelles possibilités/stratégies pour la production de connaissance, en adoptant une pratique éducative spécifique: apprendre dans l éducation à distance (EAD). L apprentissage est le centre de ce travail, les acteurs les élèves sont sujets de l action et de la transformation selon la penseé de Paulo Freire et Corpo-vivido dans sa totalité, selon Marleau Ponty. Ce dialogue vif et révecu fait un parcours méthodologique à partir des interlocutions de Pierre-Lévy (1993,1996). On a réalisé une trajectoire pour se représenter, renvoyer, dialoguer et mettre en perspective, en ayant comme point de départ les attributs communicatifs et imagés des matériels d étude utilisés par l EAD, les changements socioculturels provoqués par des possibles dépassements paradigmatiques manifestés dans la société informations et de la communication, et les présuppositions théoriques qui sont ancréesdans les formulations des stratégies et/ou de propositions méthodologiques et comme élément intervenant dans le processus de construction de la connaissance à distance: le sujet de la corporeité. L espace empirique de la recherche est donné à l intérieur du cours TV na Escola e os desafios de hoje , et presenté dans la période de 2000 à 2004 dans l État du Pará. Le texte a été divisé à quatre chapitres. Le premier moment du texte parle de la métaphore de la Fleur et de l organisation du travail. Le deuxième moment systématise ce qui a été projeté pour donner une vision du travail dans l ensemble. Le troisième moment apporte des mots et des concrétisations qui deviennent réelles dans le Desvelando o corpo e o diálogo: a Flor da aprendizagem percebida , en reflétant sur la corporéification du mot s en allant à la rencontre et à la participation d'un apprentissage de dialogue. Et finalement le quatrième moment où nous parcourons la culture de la potentialité de la modalité de l'enseignement à distance, faisant le portrait en arrière plan de l'étude tout en mettant en évidence l'étude du phénomène dans le cours "TV na escola e os desafios de hoje" les paroles des sujets et leur interlocutions. A Flor numa totalidade englobe dans une totalité les moments qui le précedent et invite tous les autres moments à d autres révélations


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The present paper analyses matters about the assessment in the context of the school organization in cycles. The complexity that involves the assessment turns it into a difficult subject, since the evidence that the model supported by the traditional approach contributes to foil the fulfillment of new continuous and wide-ranging assessment practices, that are coherent with a view of learning as a process established in the student-teacher-knowledge interaction. This paper has as guidance the following questions: How did the introduction of the teaching organization in cycles happen in Fortaleza/ CE? How far are the teachers prepared to the introduction of the cycles system, specially in the way of thinking and practicing the assessment? What are the teacher s involvements with this project and with the continuous assessment in the cycles? What meanings do the teachers give to the assessment in this project? Therefore, were determined as objectives: to comprehend the meanings attributed to the learning assessment by the teachers in contact with the cycles in Fortaleza/CE; to identify assessment practices that are closer to a less qualifying perspective, more related to the students learning and to the educational intervention in order to improve this process. The methodological orientation chosen was based on the presuppositions of the comprehensible interview, with reference to the studies of the French sociologist Jean Claude Kaufmann, developed with 15 (fifteen) teachers of 15 (fifteen) schools of the state teaching system of Fortaleza/CE. It was considered, in the methodology, the word as a central fact in the consolidation of the object of study, what allows to conceive the teachers as active participants of this research and of the discussions about assessment. The analysis about the speeches in the interviews made possible to glimpse the meanings attributed to the learning assessment that are not related to the traditional paragon, in spite of the dilemma in which the participants of the research faced at the time of the introduction of the cycles in Fortaleza/CE. These meanings were created between the presence and the absence of the teachers knowledge that, in their way, interact with the changes caused by the obligation of the teaching organization in cycles, seeking a strategy of self-organization as a consequence of the search for new knowledge connected with the teaching


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This research aims at studying the formation of internal consultants in organizational setting in the joint resolution of problems, around the conversion of knowledge. The objective of research is to understand and explain the meanings attributed by Petrobras internal consultants to their practice and training for the conversion process of tacit knowledge into explicit, around the joint resolution of their problems with their collaborators. It has directed the next question: what the meanings assigned by the consultants of Unidade de Negócios Rio Grande do Norte e Ceara (UN-RNCE) in Knowledge Management (KM), for their interventionist and formative practices in problem solving, as well as conversion of tacit knowledge in explicit? This paper has assumed that there is a dual logic integrated into its daily practices: solving troubles and converting knowledge. The thesis has considered the daily practices of these consultants are characterized as epistemic spaces and permanent education through the conversion of knowledge. It has adopted the principles of multi-referential approach as foundations, regarding the translation of a variety of angles, perspectives and prospects which allow the interpretation and understanding of complex issues that are part of conversion of knowledge. The understanding and explanation of the senses are based on the methodology of the comprehensive interview; taking ownership is the sensitive listening for comprehensive interpretation of oral discourses of ten consultants, in addition to the autoscopy that putting into practice, thus, the stance of the researcher as an intellectual craftsman. Furthermore, it has assessed that the limits and possibilities for training and learning in the conversion of knowledge arise, on one hand from a predominantly driven training culture by the paradigm of technical rationality and one the other hand, from a set of relationship to knowledge and relation to know , revealed in the search for training in other dimensions. There are tensions between the local and global demands located in a situation marked by a systemic organization of knowledge. However, the context is perceived by researchers as impregnated by the discontinuity, unpredictability and uncertainty; mobilizing a number of elements necessary for the mediation in training practices of these consultants. Finally, it has set an instrumental and technological support, restricting the formation and undermining the position of the consultancy as nuclear function in Knowledge Management


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This work focalize the institutional and educational evaluation, aiming to investigate the Municipal System Institutional Evaluation Performance of Teresina City Piauí (2001-2005), and to reflect about Institutional System Performance and its contribution to compose a new learning evaluation practice. In this sense, classifies elements about the evaluation practice in two Elementary Education municipal public schools, involving Education Municipal Bureau technicians as managers, pedagogues, teachers and students. Based on the ethnographic studies principles in the educational area, the work employs investigative procedures like document analysis, interviews with groups and individuals and also participator s comments. Intending to comprehend the complexity produced by the institutional and education evaluation processes, the wok reveals the Institutional Evaluation legal and educational political basis and the several positions assumed by the Learning Evaluation, as a classification tool or as a learning enhancement. This work points, as results, to a evaluation culture bipolarity carried out by the Municipal Education System as a explicit control and regulation toll, related to the classification and learning in a interaction process that operates both in the pressure and the reflection, as a culture practice established between excellence of logic and learning. The evaluation history has been construct on the evaluation actions dialectics, joint simultaneously between the Institutional Evaluation Performance and the learning evaluation. The senses, meanings and actions bipolarity is a interaction process product sustained between the institutional evaluation, under the scholar ranking application, and the learning evaluation. In this relativity, the teacher evaluation practice is found, ruled by interesting, thoughts and actions on the school evaluation, allowing a higher security and support to the learning results. Grounded in the researched reality, its possible to say that the teacher s evaluation practice is diversified, with different characteristics, when it is done in the learning search and in the learning intention. In the first case, reflects, rearranges and constructs new actions that lead the student to produce learning. In the second, shows the will, the wish of learning, but is a weak action, producing a not really significant learning and development; as a result, remains the mark approach as a determinant in the student future. The work s hope is to contribute not just to rethink these two evaluations dimensions the institutional and the learning ones but also to organize the school and to improve the pedagogic process


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a diversidade de afídeos (Hemiptera: Aphididae) na cultura do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) no município de Campo Verde (MT). Os afídeos foram amostrados diretamente nas plantas e através de armadilhas tipo Moericke. As amostragens foram realizadas a cada dois dias, até 60 dias após a germinação das plantas. A espécie Aphis gossypii Glover prevaleceu nas amostragens realizadas sobre as plantas. Formas aladas, de ocorrência acidental na cultura, tais como Aphis spiraecola Patch e Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) também foram observadas. Com as armadilhas tipo Moericke foram capturados 2280 afídeos alados, pertencentes a 13 espécies: R. padi (52,6% do total), A. spiraecola (26,4%), A. gossypii (8,9%), Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) (5,3%), Geopemphigus floccosus (Moreira) (3,1%), Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) (1,5%), Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis (Sasaki) (1,3%), Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (0,4%), Sipha flava (Forbes) (0,3%), Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel, Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Sasaki), Lizerius melanocallis (Quednau) e Toxoptera citricidus (Kirkaldy) (0,1% cada uma). Nas amostragens diretamente sobre as plantas foram observados ápteros e alados de A. gossypii e alados de A. spiraecola e R. padi. Nas armadilhas tipo Moericke, as principais espécies capturadas foram R. padi, A. spiraecola, A. gossypii e R. maidis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar métodos de amostragem, abundância sazonal e diversidade da população de Hemerobiidae associada a cultivo de café Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã em Cravinhos, São Paulo, Brasil. Para tanto foram realizadas amostragens semanais no período de maio de 2005 a abril de 2006. Os métodos de amostragem utilizados foram: rede de varredura e armadilhas de Möericke e luminosa. Foram coletados 491 exemplares de Hemerobiidae pertencentes a quatro gêneros: Nusalala (231 espécimes / 47,2% do total de hemerobiídeos coletados), Megalomus (110 / 22,5%), Hemerobius (104 / 21,3%) e Sympherobius (44 / 9%). A rede de varredura foi a mais eficiente para a captura de Hemerobiidae e a armadilha de Möericke foi o método de amostragem que apresentou os maiores valores de diversidade (H'= 0,56) e de equitabilidade (J= 0,93). Os hemerobiídeos estiveram presentes na área estudada durante o ano todo; as maiores freqüências foram registradas entre agosto e março (final do inverno, primavera e verão) e o maior pico populacional ocorreu em janeiro (na metade do verão). Megalomus apresentou correlação positiva e significativa (p< 0,05) com a precipitação pluviométrica e as temperaturas máxima e mínima; Nusalala com as temperaturas máxima e mínima e, Sympherobius apenas com a temperatura máxima.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade de Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera) em cafeeiros, e suas relações com Leucoptera coffeella, Coccus sp., Planococcus sp., Oligonychus ilicis, Brevipalpus phoenicis, Aphis spiraecola e Toxoptera aurantii. As amostragens foram realizadas em Cravinhos, SP, entre maio de 2005 e abril de 2007. Os hemerobiídeos foram coletados com rede de varredura, armadilha de Möricke e armadilhas luminosas e, para a amostragem das presas, foram coletadas folhas de cafeeiro. Foram obtidos 882 exemplares de hemerobiídeos: Nusalala tessellata (467 espécimes, 52,9% do total coletado), Hemerobius bolivari (153, 17,3%), Megalomus impudicus (114, 12,9%), Sympherobius miranda (109, 12,4%), Megalomus rafaeli (30, 3,4%), Sympherobius ariasi (6, 0,7%) e Nomerobius psychodoides (3, 0,3%). A ocorrência de Nusalala tessellata e M. impudicus foi correlacionada positivamente à de Coccus sp.; o mesmo fato ocorreu para M. rafaeli com lagartas de L. coffeella e A. spiraecola e para H. bolivari com O. ilicis. As correlações foram negativas e significativas entre as ocorrências de S. miranda e O. ilicis e entre as de N. tessellata e L. coffeella e O. ilicis. As correlações mostraram que os Hemerobiidae, predadores generalistas, foram favorecidos pelo constante suprimento de presas que ocorreram na cultura do café, no período estudado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study investigates Internet as technological interaction in the school environment as a resource of the teaching-learning process. It aims to discuss the lack of synchronicity between proposals of educational access for Internet use and types of access and interaction applied by youngsters. For the development of this research, I resorted to a qualitative, descriptive and explanatory research focused on a group whose subjects are youngsters from eleven to fifteen years of age in a catholic school which belongs to a group of private teaching schools in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state. As methodological option it focus on a group and the observation of its participation, discourse analysis and ethnography, considering facts and data of the pedagogical practice concerning the focused theme, besides the attempt to know the youngsters everyday at school and the relationship between them and juvenile cultures. It recognizes the existence of two moments of the focused group: the first related to internet use like technological interaction; the second concerns to the way Internet is problematic as technological interaction in classroom learning. While contacting with youngsters, the study discusses the concepts of Media Environments, Culture, Identity, Network, Consumption and Citizenship. It recognizes that it is relevant for the school to consider Internet a pedagogical tool, directed not just at research, but mostly as learning environment and as learning construction in a collaborative way. It points out the need of approach between school and media environment, reevaluating the pedagogical practice, offering a new evaluation proposal (self-evaluation). It suggests a renewal in the teacher's pedagogical practice in the classroom and using Internet, valuing the connection between technological interaction and communication as motivation elements of student s learning construction and their effective participation in decisions involving citizenship. It gives priority to educational work directed at the establishment of dialogic relationship between codes, learning and contents, leading to the new findings domain in the media environment, enabling the development of abilities and performances directed at the recognition and consumption of information from a critical reading of the media