874 resultados para and Overlay Networks
The aim of this thesis is the study of techniques for efficient management and use of the spectrum based on cognitive radio technology. The ability of cognitive radio technologies to adapt to the real-time conditions of its operating environment, offers the potential for more flexible use of the available spectrum. In this context, the international interest is particularly focused on the “white spaces” in the UHF band of digital terrestrial television. Spectrum sensing and geo-location database have been considered in order to obtain information on the electromagnetic environment. Different methodologies have been considered in order to investigate spectral resources potentially available for the white space devices in the TV band. The adopted methodologies are based on the geo-location database approach used either in autonomous operation or in combination with sensing techniques. A novel and computationally efficient methodology for the calculation of the maximum permitted white space device EIRP is then proposed. The methodology is suitable for implementation in TV white space databases. Different Italian scenarios are analyzed in order to identify both the available spectrum and the white space device emission limits. Finally two different applications of cognitive radio technology are considered. The first considered application is the emergency management. The attention is focused on the consideration of both cognitive and autonomic networking approaches when deploying an emergency management system. The cognitive technology is then considered in applications related to satellite systems. In particular a hybrid cognitive satellite-terrestrial is introduced and an analysis of coexistence between terrestrial and satellite networks by considering a cognitive approach is performed.
Con il termine IPC (precondizionamento ischemico) si indica un fenomeno per il quale, esponendo il cuore a brevi cicli di ischemie subletali prima di un danno ischemico prolungato, si conferisce una profonda resistenza all’infarto, una delle principali cause di invalidità e mortalità a livello mondiale. Studi recenti hanno suggerito che l’IPC sia in grado di migliorare la sopravvivenza, la mobilizzazione e l’integrazione di cellule staminali in aree ischemiche e che possa fornire una nuova strategia per potenziare l’efficacia della terapia cellulare cardiaca, un’area della ricerca in continuo sviluppo. L’IPC è difficilmente trasferibile nella pratica clinica ma, da anni, è ben documentato che gli oppioidi e i loro recettori hanno un ruolo cardioprotettivo e che attivano le vie di segnale coinvolte nell’IPC: sono quindi candidati ideali per una possibile terapia farmacologica alternativa all’IPC. Il trattamento di cardiomiociti con gli agonisti dei recettori oppioidi Dinorfina B, DADLE e Met-Encefalina potrebbe proteggere, quindi, le cellule dall’apoptosi causata da un ambiente ischemico ma potrebbe anche indurle a produrre fattori che richiamino elementi staminali. Per testare quest’ipotesi è stato messo a punto un modello di “microambiente ischemico” in vitro sui cardiomioblasti di ratto H9c2 ed è stato dimostrato che precondizionando le cellule in modo “continuativo” (ventiquattro ore di precondizionamento con oppioidi e successivamente ventiquattro ore di induzione del danno, continuando a somministrare i peptidi oppioidi) con Dinorfina B e DADLE si verifica una protezione diretta dall’apoptosi. Successivamente, saggi di migrazione e adesione hanno mostrato che DADLE agisce sulle H9c2 “ischemiche” spronandole a creare un microambiente capace di attirare cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (FMhMSC) e di potenziare le capacità adesive delle FMhMSC. I dati ottenuti suggeriscono, inoltre, che la capacità del microambiente ischemico trattato con DADLE di attirare le cellule staminali possa essere imputabile alla maggiore espressione di chemochine da parte delle H9c2.
La mia tesi approfondisce le dinamiche della cinefilia su Facebook: quali relazioni s'instaurano tra lo spettatore cinefilo, e dunque il suo particolare sguardo, e la moltitudine di frammenti di cinema dispersi nella rete; come si sono modificati i rapporti, gli atteggiamenti, i processi di negoziazione, le abitudini e soprattutto i discorsi dei cinefili al cospetto di tracce di cinema sui social network e in particolare su Facebook. Inoltreprovo a dimostrare che la cinefilia è un'esperienza costitutivamente autobiografica, cui il web permette il perpetuare potenzialmente infinito della (auto)narrazione di sé.
L’oggetto del lavoro si concentra sull’analisi in chiave giuridica del modello di cooperazione in rete tra le autorità nazionali degli Stati membri nel quadro dello Spazio LSG, allo scopo di valutarne il contributo, le prospettive e il potenziale. La trattazione si suddivide in due parti, precedute da una breve premessa teorica incentrata sull’analisi della nozione di rete e la sua valenza giuridica. La prima parte ricostruisce il percorso di maturazione della cooperazione in rete, dando risalto tanto ai fattori di ordine congiunturale quanto ai fattori giuridici e d’ordine strutturale che sono alla base del processo di retificazione dei settori giustizia e sicurezza. In particolare, vengono elaborati taluni rilievi critici, concernenti l’operatività degli strumenti giuridici che attuano il principio di mutuo riconoscimento e di quelli che danno applicazione al principio di disponibilità delle informazioni. Ciò allo scopo di evidenziare gli ostacoli che, di frequente, impediscono il buon esito delle procedure di cooperazione e di comprendere le potenzialità e le criticità derivanti dall’utilizzo della rete rispetto alla concreta applicazione di tali procedure. La seconda parte si focalizza sull’analisi delle principali reti attive in materia di giustizia e sicurezza, con particolare attenzione ai rispettivi meccanismi di funzionamento. La trattazione si suddivide in due distinte sezioni che si concentrano sulle a) reti che operano a supporto dell’applicazione delle procedure di assistenza giudiziaria e degli strumenti di mutuo riconoscimento e sulle b) reti che operano nel settore della cooperazione informativa e agevolano lo scambio di informazioni operative e tecniche nelle azioni di prevenzione e lotta alla criminalità - specialmente nel settore della protezione dell’economia lecita. La trattazione si conclude con la ricostruzione delle caratteristiche di un modello di rete europea e del ruolo che questo esercita rispetto all’esercizio delle competenze dell’Unione Europea in materia di giustizia e sicurezza.
Analysen zur molekularen Charakterisierung von Proteinen des humanen Usher-Syndroms und Evaluation genbasierter Therapiestrategien rnDas humane Usher Syndrom (USH) ist die häufigste Form vererbter Taub-Blindheit. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde diese komplexe Erkrankung auf verschiedenen Ebenen analysiert: in Arbeiten zur Expression und Lokalisation von USH-Proteinen, der Analyse der USH-Proteinnetzwerke und deren Funktionen sowie darauf aufbauend die Entwicklung von Therapiestrategien für USH.rnIm Rahmen der Arbeit wurde die Expression und (sub)-zelluläre Lokalisation des USH1D-Genproduktes CDH23 in der Retina und Cochlea analysiert. CDH23-Isoformen werden in der Maus zeitlich und räumlich differentiell exprimiert. In den Retinae von Mäusen, nicht humanen Primaten und Menschen zeigten Analysen eine unterschiedliche Expression und Lokalisation des Zell-Zelladhäsionsmoleküls CDH23, was auf Funktions-unterschiede der einzelnen Isoformen in den analysierten Spezies hindeutet.rnAnalysen zur Aufklärung der USH-Proteinnetzwerke ergaben eine potentielle Interaktion des USH1G-Gerüstproteins SANS mit dem Golgi- und Centrosom-assoziierten Protein Myomegalin. Die direkte Interaktion der Proteine konnte durch unabhängige Experimente verifiziert werden. Beide Interaktionspartner sind in den Retinae verschiedener Spezies partiell ko-lokalisiert und partizipieren im periciliären USH-Proteinnetzwerk. Die Assoziation von SANS und Myomegalin mit dem Mikrotubuli-Cytoskelett weist auf eine Funktion des Proteinkomplexes in gerichteten Transportprozessen innerhalb der Photorezeptoren hin und bekräftigt die Hypothese einer Rolle von SANS und assoziierten Netzwerken mit Transportprozessen.rnDas hier gewonnene erweiterte Verständnis der molekularen Grundlagen sowie die Aufklärung der zellulären Funktion der Proteinnetzwerke ermöglichen die Entwicklung therapeutischer Strategien für USH. Ein Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit lag auf der Entwicklung genbasierter Therapiestrategien und deren Evaluation, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Therapiestrategie der Genreparatur lag. Die mit Hilfe von Zinkfinger-Nukleasen (ZFN) induzierte Homologe Rekombination für die Genkorrektur wurde exemplarisch an der 91C>T/p.R31X-Mutation im USH1C-Gen gezeigt. Effiziente ZFN wurden identifiziert, generiert und erfolgreich im Zellkulturmodellsystem eingesetzt. Die Analysen demonstrierten eine Reparatur der Mutation durch Homologe Rekombination auf genomischer Ebene und die Expression des wiederhergestellten Proteins. Durch die Genkorrektur im endogenen Lokus sind Größe des Gens, Isoformen oder die Art der Mutation keine limitierenden Faktoren für die Therapie. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit durchgeführten Experimente unterstreichen das enorme Potential ZFN-basierter Therapiestrategien hin zu personalisierten Therapieformen nicht nur für USH sondern auch für andere erbliche Erkrankungen, deren genetische Grundlagen bekannt sind.rn
Our society uses a large diversity of co-existing wired and wireless networks in order to satisfy its communication needs. A cooper- ation between these networks can benefit performance, service availabil- ity and deployment ease, and leads to the emergence of hybrid networks. This position paper focuses on a hybrid mobile-sensor network identify- ing potential advantages and challenges of its use and defining feasible applications. The main value of the paper, however, is in the proposed analysis approach to evaluate the performance at the mobile network side given the mixed mobile-sensor traffic. The approach combines packet- level analysis with modelling of flow-level behaviour and can be applied for the study of various application scenarios. In this paper we consider two applications with distinct traffic models namely multimedia traffic and best-effort traffic.
A cascading failure is a failure in a system of interconnected parts, in which the breakdown of one element can lead to the subsequent collapse of the others. The aim of this paper is to introduce a simple combinatorial model for the study of cascading failures. In particular, having in mind particle systems and Markov random fields, we take into consideration a network of interacting urns displaced over a lattice. Every urn is Pólya-like and its reinforcement matrix is not only a function of time (time contagion) but also of the behavior of the neighboring urns (spatial contagion), and of a random component, which can represent either simple fate or the impact of exogenous factors. In this way a non-trivial dependence structure among the urns is built, and it is used to study default avalanches over the lattice. Thanks to its flexibility and its interesting probabilistic properties, the given construction may be used to model different phenomena characterized by cascading failures such as power grids and financial networks.
Rationale: Focal onset epileptic seizures are due to abnormal interactions between distributed brain areas. By estimating the cross-correlation matrix of multi-site intra-cerebral EEG recordings (iEEG), one can quantify these interactions. To assess the topology of the underlying functional network, the binary connectivity matrix has to be derived from the cross-correlation matrix by use of a threshold. Classically, a unique threshold is used that constrains the topology [1]. Our method aims to set the threshold in a data-driven way by separating genuine from random cross-correlation. We compare our approach to the fixed threshold method and study the dynamics of the functional topology. Methods: We investigate the iEEG of patients suffering from focal onset seizures who underwent evaluation for the possibility of surgery. The equal-time cross-correlation matrices are evaluated using a sliding time window. We then compare 3 approaches assessing the corresponding binary networks. For each time window: * Our parameter-free method derives from the cross-correlation strength matrix (CCS)[2]. It aims at disentangling genuine from random correlations (due to finite length and varying frequency content of the signals). In practice, a threshold is evaluated for each pair of channels independently, in a data-driven way. * The fixed mean degree (FMD) uses a unique threshold on the whole connectivity matrix so as to ensure a user defined mean degree. * The varying mean degree (VMD) uses the mean degree of the CCS network to set a unique threshold for the entire connectivity matrix. * Finally, the connectivity (c), connectedness (given by k, the number of disconnected sub-networks), mean global and local efficiencies (Eg, El, resp.) are computed from FMD, CCS, VMD, and their corresponding random and lattice networks. Results: Compared to FMD and VMD, CCS networks present: *topologies that are different in terms of c, k, Eg and El. *from the pre-ictal to the ictal and then post-ictal period, topological features time courses that are more stable within a period, and more contrasted from one period to the next. For CCS, pre-ictal connectivity is low, increases to a high level during the seizure, then decreases at offset. k shows a ‘‘U-curve’’ underlining the synchronization of all electrodes during the seizure. Eg and El time courses fluctuate between the corresponding random and lattice networks values in a reproducible manner. Conclusions: The definition of a data-driven threshold provides new insights into the topology of the epileptic functional networks.
Web 2.0 und soziale Netzwerke gaben erste Impulse für neue Formen der Online-Lehre, welche die umfassende Vernetzung von Objekten und Nutzern im Internet nachhaltig einsetzen. Die Vielfältigkeit der unterschiedlichen Systeme erschwert aber deren ganzheitliche Nutzung in einem umfassenden Lernszenario, das den Anforderungen der modernen Informationsgesellschaft genügt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine auf dem Konnektivismus basierende Plattform für die Online-Lehre namens “Wiki-Learnia” präsentiert, welche alle wesentlichen Abschnitte des lebenslangen Lernens abbildet. Unter Einsatz zeitgemäßer Technologien werden nicht nur Nutzer untereinander verbunden, sondern auch Nutzer mit dedizierten Inhalten sowie ggf. zugehörigen Autoren und/oder Tutoren verknüpft. Für ersteres werden verschiedene Kommunikations-Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 (soziale Netzwerke, Chats, Foren etc.) eingesetzt. Letzteres fußt auf dem sogenannten “Learning-Hub”-Ansatz, welcher mit Hilfe von Web-3.0-Mechanismen insbesondere durch eine semantische Metasuchmaschine instrumentiert wird. Zum Aufzeigen der praktischen Relevanz des Ansatzes wird das mediengestützte Juniorstudium der Universität Rostock vorgestellt, ein Projekt, das Schüler der Abiturstufe aufs Studium vorbereitet. Anhand der speziellen Anforderungen dieses Vorhabens werden der enorme Funktionsumfang und die große Flexibilität von Wiki-Learnia demonstriert.
Web 2.0 und soziale Netzwerke gaben erste Impulse für neue Formen der Online-Lehre, welche die umfassende Vernetzung von Objekten und Nutzern im Internet nachhaltig einsetzen. Die Vielfältigkeit der unterschiedlichen Systeme erschwert aber deren ganzheitliche Nutzung in einem umfassenden Lernszenario, das den Anforderungen der modernen Informationsgesellschaft genügt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine auf dem Konnektivismus basierende Plattform für die Online-Lehre namens “Wiki-Learnia” präsentiert, welche alle wesentlichen Abschnitte des lebenslangen Lernens abbildet. Unter Einsatz zeitgemäßer Technologien werden nicht nur Nutzer untereinander verbunden, sondern auch Nutzer mit dedizierten Inhalten sowie ggf. zugehörigen Autoren und/oder Tutoren verknüpft. Für ersteres werden verschiedene Kommunikations-Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 (soziale Netzwerke, Chats, Foren etc.) eingesetzt. Letzteres fußt auf dem sogenannten “Learning-Hub”-Ansatz, welcher mit Hilfe von Web-3.0-Mechanismen insbesondere durch eine semantische Metasuchmaschine instrumentiert wird. Zum Aufzeigen der praktischen Relevanz des Ansatzes wird das mediengestützte Juniorstudium der Universität Rostock vorgestellt, ein Projekt, das Schüler der Abiturstufe aufs Studium vorbereitet. Anhand der speziellen Anforderungen dieses Vorhabens werden der enorme Funktionsumfang und die große Flexibilität von Wiki-Learnia demonstriert.
The past decades have seen a rapid increase in the understanding of plant morphogenesis at the molecular-genetic level. However, the control of growth and morphogenesis by molecular and signaling networks ultimately requires the coordinated regulation of mechanical properties in individual cells. There is also increasing evidence that mechanical stresses can feedback on hormone signaling and growth, and may have a central role in developmental patterning. Thus the development of techniques to investigate the mechanical properties of plant tissue at the cellular level is key to understanding growth and morphogenesis.
Over the past several years the topics of energy consumption and energy harvesting have gained significant importance as a means for improved operation of wireless sensor and mesh networks. Energy-awareness of operation is especially relevant for application scenarios from the domain of environmental monitoring in hard to access areas. In this work we reflect upon our experiences with a real-world deployment of a wireless mesh network. In particular, a comprehensive study on energy measurements collected over several weeks during the summer and the winter period in a network deployment in the Swiss Alps is presented. Energy performance is monitored and analysed for three system components, namely, mesh node, battery and solar panel module. Our findings cover a number of aspects of energy consumption, including the amount of load consumed by a mesh node, the amount of load harvested by a solar panel module, and the dependencies between these two. With our work we aim to shed some light on energy-aware network operation and to help both users and developers in the planning and deployment of a new wireless (mesh) network for environmental research.
Ecological networks are typically complex constructions of species and their interactions. During the last decade, the study of networks has moved from static to dynamic analyses, and has attained a deeper insight into their internal structure, heterogeneity, and temporal and spatial resolution. Here, we review, discuss and suggest research lines in the study of the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of networks and their hierarchical nature. We use case study data from two well-characterized model systems (the food web in Broadstone Stream in England and the pollination network at Zackenberg in Greenland), which are complemented with additional information from other studies. We focus upon eight topics: temporal dynamic space-for-time substitutions linkage constraints habitat borders network modularity individual-based networks invasions of networks and super networks that integrate different network types. Few studies have explicitly examined temporal change in networks, and we present examples that span from daily to decadal change: a common pattern that we see is a stable core surrounded by a group of dynamic, peripheral species, which, in pollinator networks enter the web via preferential linkage to the most generalist species. To some extent, temporal and spatial scales are interchangeable (i.e. networks exhibit ‘ergodicity’) and we explore how space-for-time substitutions can be used in the study of networks. Network structure is commonly constrained by phenological uncoupling (a temporal phenomenon), abundance, body size and population structure. Some potential links are never observed, that is they are ‘forbidden’ (fully constrained) or ‘missing’ (a sampling effect), and their absence can be just as ecologically significant as their presence. Spatial habitat borders can add heterogeneity to network structure, but their importance has rarely been studied: we explore how habitat generalization can be related to other resource dimensions. Many networks are hierarchically structured, with modules forming the basic building blocks, which can result in self-similarity. Scaling down from networks of species reveals another, finer-grained level of individual-based organization, the ecological consequences of which have yet to be fully explored. The few studies of individual-based ecological networks that are available suggest the potential for large intraspecific variance and, in the case of food webs, strong size-structuring. However, such data are still scarce and more studies are required to link individual-level and species-level networks. Invasions by alien species can be tracked by following the topological ‘career’ of the invader as it establishes itself within a network, with potentially important implications for conservation biology. Finally, by scaling up to a higher level of organization, it is possible to combine different network types (e.g. food webs and mutualistic networks) to form super networks, and this new approach has yet to be integrated into mainstream ecological research. We conclude by listing a set of research topics that we see as emerging candidates for ecological network studies in the near future.
Digitization, sophisticated fiber-optic networks and the resultant convergence of the media, communications and information technology industries have completely transformed the communications ecosystem in the last couple of decades. New contingent business and social models were created that have been mirrored in the amended communications regimes. Yet, despite an overhaul of the communications regulation paradigm, the status of and the rules on universal service have remained surprisingly intact, both during and after the liberalization exercise. The present paper looks into this paradox and examines the sustainability of the existing concept of universal service. It suggests that there is a need for a novel concept of universal service in the digital networked communications environment, whose objectives go beyond the conventional internalizing and redistributional rationales and concentrate on communication and information networks as a public good, where not only access to infrastructure but also access to content may be essential.
Volunteers are the most important resource for non-profit sport clubs seeking to bolster their viability (e.g. sporting programs). Although many people do voluntary work in sport clubs, stable voluntary engagement can no longer be granted. This difficulty is confirmed by existing research across various European countries. From a club management point of view, a detailed understanding of how to attract volunteers and retain them in the long term is becoming a high priority. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyse the influence of individual characteristics and corresponding organisational conditions on volunteering in sports clubs as well as (2) to examine the decision-making processes in relation to implement effective strategies for recruiting volunteers. For the first perspective a multi-level framework for the investigation of the factors of voluntary engagement in sports clubs is developed. The individual and context factors are estimated in different multi-level models based on a sample of n = 1,434 sport club members from 36 sport clubs in Switzerland. Results indicate that volunteering is not just an outcome of individual characteristics such as lower workloads, higher income, children belonging to the sport club, longer club memberships, or a strong commitment to the club. It is also influenced by club-specific structural conditions; volunteering is more probable in rural sports clubs whereas growth-oriented goals in clubs have a destabilising effect. Concerning decision-making processes an in-depth analysis of recruitment practices for volunteers was conducted in nine selected sport clubs (case study design) based on the garbage can model. Results show that the decision-making processes are generally characterised by a reactive approach in which dominant actors try to handle personnel problems of recruitment in the administration and sport domains through routine formal committee work and informal networks. In addition, it proved possible to develop a typology that deliver an overview of different decision-making practices in terms of the specific interplay of the relevant components of process control (top-down vs. bottom-up) and problem processing (situational vs. systematic). Based on the findings some recommendations for volunteer management in sport clubs are worked out.