939 resultados para anatomical variations
Bulbophyllum section Micranthae comprises 12 species of rupicolous or epiphytic orchids occurring in forests or in open rocky fields in Cerrado/Atlantic Forest ecotones throughout South America. We examined the leaf anatomy of 14 species and compared them with molecular data (nrITS) in phylogenetic analyses. The leaves of Bulbophyllum section Micranthae are characterised by uniseriate epidermis, with periclinal external cell wall thicker than the internal, presence of epicuticular wax, stomata present only on the abaxial surface with suprastomatic chambers, and collateral vascular bundles associated with sclerenchyma fibres. Some of these characters are shared with other rupicolous Orchidaceae species, demonstrating adaptive convergence in xeromorphic habitats. We found some anatomical characteristics with phylogenetic value. Bulbophyllum section Micranthae can be separated into two lineages: those with needle-like leaves, or flat leaves. The analyses show that anatomical characters as well as molecular data may contribute to the development of phylogenetic hypotheses. © 2013 Botanical Society of Sao Paulo.
Objective: To assess the influence of anatomical location on computed tomography (CT) numbers in mid- and full field of view (FOV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Study Design: Polypropylene tubes with varying concentrations of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) solutions (50-1200 mg/mL) were imaged within the incisor, premolar, and molar dental sockets of a human skull phantom. CBCT scans were acquired using the NewTom 3G and NewTom 5G units. The CT numbers of the K2HPO 4 phantoms were measured, and the relationship between CT numbers and K2HPO4 concentration was examined. The measured CT numbers of the K2HPO4 phantoms were compared between anatomical sites. Results: At all six anatomical locations, there was a strong linear relationship between CT numbers and K2HPO4 concentration (R 2 > 0.93). However, the absolute CT numbers varied considerably with the anatomical location. Conclusion: The relationship between CT numbers and object density is not uniform through the dental arch on CBCT scans. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Inferences about leaf anatomical characteristics had largely been made by manually measuring diverse leaf regions, such as cuticle, epidermis and parenchyma to evaluate differences caused by environmental variables. Here we tested an approach for data acquisition and analysis in ecological quantitative leaf anatomy studies based on computer vision and pattern recognition methods. A case study was conducted on Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera (Asteraceae), a Neotropical savanna tree species that has high phenotypic plasticity. We obtained digital images of cross-sections of its leaves developed under different light conditions (sun vs. shade), different seasons (dry vs. wet) and in different soil types (oxysoil vs. hydromorphic soil), and analyzed several visual attributes, such as color, texture and tissues thickness in a perpendicular plane from microscopic images. The experimental results demonstrated that computational analysis is capable of distinguishing anatomical alterations in microscope images obtained from individuals growing in different environmental conditions. The methods presented here offer an alternative way to determine leaf anatomical differences. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in 0.5, 1.5 and 20-L bottles of different brands of Brazilian mineral water were analyzed during their shelf life. No variations were identified in the presence of indicator microorganisms, but quantitative variations in HPC were observed in some brands, which suggests that changes may be occurring in the water quality during storage. The aim of this study was also to evaluate the quality of the bottled mineral waters and the presence of enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were verified in six and two bottles, respectively, which is in disagreement with the microbiological quality criteria established in the current legislation. Although no limit is set for HPC in mineral water, this study relies on the limit of 500 colony-forming units per mL of sample (CFU/mL). Seventy-two bottles presented levels above 500 CFU/mL and up to 560,000 CFU/mL. This study showed that the control of HPC (<500 CFU/mL) for non-returnable packaging seems to be adequate to ensure the quality of mineral water during storage. The high values of HPC and its variations detected during storage seem to fully justify the need for a reevaluation of the use of HPC in bottled mineral water quality management. More detailed studies on the potential health risk of HPC and its variations in mineral water are also needed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Trypanosoma cruzi comprises a pool of populations which are genetically diverse in terms of DNA content, growth and infectivity. Inter- and intra-strain karyotype heterogeneities have been reported, suggesting that chromosomal rearrangements occurred during the evolution of this parasite. Clone D11 is a single-cell-derived clone of the T. cruzi G strain selected by the minimal dilution method and by infecting Vero cells with metacyclic trypomastigotes. Here we report that the karyotype of clone D11 differs from that of the G strain in both number and size of chromosomal bands. Large chromosomal rearrangement was observed in the chromosomes carrying the tubulin loci. However, most of the chromosome length polymorphisms were of small amplitude, and the absence of one band in clone D11 in relation to its reference position in the G strain could be correlated to the presence of a novel band migrating above or below this position. Despite the presence of chromosomal polymorphism, large syntenic groups were conserved between the isolates. The appearance of new chromosomal bands in clone D11 could be explained by chromosome fusion followed by a chromosome break or interchromosomal exchange of large DNA segments. Our results also suggest that telomeric regions are involved in this process. The variant represented by clone D11 could have been induced by the stress of the cloning procedure or could, as has been suggested for Leishmania infantum, have emerged from a multiclonal, mosaic parasite population submitted to frequent DNA amplification/deletion events, leading to a 'mosaic' structure with different individuals having differently sized versions of the same chromosomes. If this is the case, the variant represented by clone D11 would be better adapted to survive the stress induced by cloning, which includes intracellular development in the mammalian cell. Karyotype polymorphism could be part of the T. cruzi arsenal for responding to environmental pressure. © 2013 Lima et al.
Although vast areas in tropical regions have weathered soils with low potassium (K) levels, little is known about the effects of K supply on the photosynthetic physiology of trees. This study assessed the effects of K and sodium (Na) supply on the diffusional and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in Eucalyptus grandis leaves. A field experiment comparing treatments receiving K (+K) or Na (+Na) with a control treatment (C) was set up in a K-deficient soil. The net CO2 assimilation rates were twice as high in +K and 1.6 times higher in +Na than in the C as a result of lower stomatal and mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion and higher photosynthetic capacity. The starch content was higher and soluble sugar was lower in +K than in C and +Na, suggesting that K starvation disturbed carbon storage and transport. The specific leaf area, leaf thickness, parenchyma thickness, stomatal size and intercellular air spaces increased in +K and +Na compared to C. Nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were also higher in +K and +Na than in C. These results suggest a strong relationship between the K and Na supply to E. grandis trees and the functional and structural limitations to CO2 assimilation rates. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Introduction: The retroarticular process is a bony prominence formed by the thickening of the lateral border of the mandibular fossa, forming the posterior wall of the temporomandibular joint. Since little is known and discussed about the retroarticular process, our aim was to study its presence, shape and size, relating these findings to the shape of the skulls according to the horizontal cephalic index. Materials and Methods: We used 400 dry human skulls of the Institute of Science and Technology - UNESP Anatomy Laboratory. Each skull was classified in brachycranics, mesocranics or dolichocranics, and then positioned on a craneostat to measure the height of the retroarticular process from its lower extremity to the auriculo-orbital plane. The width was obtained by measuring the base of the process on its longer lateral axis. Results: The retroarticular process was found bilaterally in 397 skulls (99.25%). All the processes were classified into the following shapes: pyramidal (35.55%), tubercular (31.78%), mammilar (20.73%), crest-like (9.05%) and molar shape (2.89%); 254 skulls (63.50%) showed the same type of process at the right and left sides (Kappa=0.496, moderate agreement). The average height and width were 5.28 mm and 12.81 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The retroarticular process was found in almost all the skulls examined. There are no significant evidences about the relationship among the presence, shape and size of the retroarticular process and the shape of the skulls according to the horizontal cephalic index. However, our findings led us to infer that there would be a functional relationship between the process and the temporomandibular joint.
Deciduous forests from the neotropics are one of the most endangered forest types in the world due to the exploitation of their natural resources by mankind. Many aspects of these ecosystems have been studied; however, there is a lack of information about leaf structure and the effects of tree dominance on their structural leaf patterns. In this article, we examine leaf anatomy and specific leaf areas (SLA) in 13 tree species differing in their dominance in a Dry Forest site in Central Brazil, relating leaf anatomical traits with phytosociological aspects. Leaf anatomical traits differed according to tree dominance: greater leaf thickness (achieved through greater thickness of the mesophyll), low values of SLA and bigger stomata were found for the most dominant species, whereas the less dominant species showed thinner leaves with high SLA, as well as numerous and small stomata. These responses suggest that tree dominance is an important indirect effect associated with vertical light availability in the forest. These strategies are probably related to the accomplishment of a high performance in carbon gain and water economy, given the distinction in irradiance that the leaves of different species are subject to in the dry forest. © 2013 Copyright The Royal Society of New Zealand.
Changes to the structure of the phytoplankton community and to the physical and chemical variables of the water were investigated in oxbow lakes with different levels of connection to a tropical river and subject to annual hydrological pulse variations. The selected lentic environments are located at the mouth region of the main tributary in a reservoir built for water storage and electric power generation. The temporal variation of phytoplankton in the studied lentic environments can be attributed mainly to the hydrological level of the river. A similar variation pattern of the ecological attributes was observed in the structure of the phytoplankton community in the connected lakes and Paranapanema River, evidencing the high degree of association that the lacustrine systems maintain with the river. The highest values of richness and diversity for connected environments were observed at the end of the emptying period and in the drought. However, considering the isolated lake, the highest values of these attributes were recorded during the flooding period. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper develops a structural general equilibrium model to analyse the reactions of the nominal exchange rate and the domestic price level to three types of external shock in emerging economies that have limited access to world capital markets. Although the results depend crucially on the type of external shock, each of the two national balance-sheet parameters considered here —the risk premium and the ratio of external indebtedness— exacerbates the reactions of the two endogenous variables without altering the degree of exchange-rate pass-through (erpt). Moreover, flatter Phillips curves, as observed today in many economies, tend to increase erpt. On the basis of these results, the authorities of emerging economies seeking to stabilize markets and limit erpt are advised to minimize the two risk parameters by applying a flexible inflation-targeting regime.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Anatomical and histological characteristics of teeth in agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831)
A cutia espécie Dasyprocta prymnolopha (D. prymnolopha) é um roedor de tamanho médio, diurno e característico do Nordeste do Brasil, sul da Amazônia. Vários estudos têm sido feitos sobre estes roedores. No entanto, há uma carência de estudos do sistema estomatognático, em particular, a morfologia dos dentes. Assim, esta pesquisa procura descrever aspectos anatômicos e histológicos dos dentes cutia. Para isto, nós utilizamos cutias adultas, em que as mensurações e as descrições dos dentes e dos tecidos dentais foram feitas. Observou-se que a arcada dentária de D. prymnolopha é composta por vinte dentes, distribuídas uniformemente no arco superior e inferior, sendo os dentes inferiores, maiores do que os seus correspondentes superiores. Os incisivos são maiores, e entre os pré-molares e molares posteriores, existe um aumento gradual no comprimento do arco anterior-posterior. No exame microscópico, uma forma prismática foi observada o que consiste de prismas de esmalte dispostos em diferentes direções, atrás do esmalte e dentina com túbulos dentinários com padrão tubular de diâmetro variável e distantes entre si, mostrando também um caminho sinuoso a partir da parte interna da junção com o esmalte mais superficial. A análise morfológica dos tecidos dentários mostrou um esmalte com a organização estrutural adaptada para o ato de mastigar e dentina de alto impacto compatível com a função do padrão tubular de resiliência e amortecimento mecânico de forças mastigatórias, como encontrado em animais maiores, confirmando o entendimento de hábitos alimentares que definem muito das suas funções ecológicas dentro do ecossistema em que vivem.
As espécies de Theobroma têm importância econômica devido a sua utilização nas indústrias cosmética e alimentícia, principalmente na produção de chocolate. Entretanto, a anatomia de suas estruturas vegetativas permanece pouco conhecida. O presente estudo teve por objetivo descrever as características anatômicas de Theobroma grandiflorum, T. speciosum e T. subincanum, como contribuição ao conhecimento biológico dessas espécies, bem como, fornecer subsídios aos estudos biotecnológicos de fruteiras nativas da Amazônia. Folhas em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento foram coletadas e analisadas sob microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Nas folhas expandidas de T. grandiflorum e T. subincanum foram observados tricomas dos tipos estrelado séssil, pedunculado e glandular digitiforme. Estas espécies também foram similares quanto à morfologia da nervura central, à organização do mesofilo e à presença de grãos de amido no parênquima medular da nervura central. Tricomas glandulares claviformes e células mucilaginosas na epiderme do limbo foliar ocorreram somente em T. speciosum. A presença de tricomas secretores de mucilagem nos ápices vegetativos (coléteres) de todas as espécies estudadas é um novo registro para o gênero Theobroma.