941 resultados para aeroporto inquinanti analisi water management build-up air-side ambiente


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Drawing from strategic theory, this study investigates the strategic roles of commercial companies providing military services, frequently referred to as private military companies. Theoretically, the thesis analyzes how states organize its military capabilities in order to be able to wield power within the international system while empirically, it examines the character and role of commercial companies that provide military training services to the United States Government and partner nations. The reason for this rather instrumental and functional, rather than critical, approach is that this work is written within the discipline known as War Studies. Strategic theory is used first to logically organize the empirical findings in two case studies and then to develop an analytical framework with which the strategic roles of companies providing military services can be investigated. The analysis has been conducted using both new and hitherto unknown sources in the shape of interviews as well as previously classified telegrams, but also draws on previous research and other secondary sources. The main findings are that commercial companies have five typical strategic roles: first, they cloak the state by substituting traditional uniformed troops; second, they act as trailblazers by securing US influence in new regions and by breaking new ground by contributing to the build-up of new partners; third, they act as scene setters by preparing the ground for military exit out of a theater of operations or by facilitating inter-operability between foreign militaries and the US military; fourth, they can be used to infiltrate the security structures of foreign countries; fifth and finally, they can be used to provide offensive capabilities by providing either kinetic or cyber warfare effects. Another finding is that military service contracting is an important part of the US strategic culture.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different microirrigation designs on root system distribution in wet bulb region, orange orchard yield and quality of orange fruits. The experiment was installed as random blocks with five treatments and four replicates in an orchard of 'Pêra' orange trees grafted on 'Cleopatra' mandarin rootstock. The treatments consisted of: one drip line (T1), two drip lines (T2), four drip lines (T3) per planting row, microsprinkler irrigation (T4) and without irrigation (T5). Irrigation treatments favored yield and ºBrix. The treatment with a single drip line (T1) showed the greatest quantity of roots in relation to the treatments T2 and T3.


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Quantifying soil evaporation is required on studies of soil water balance and applications aiming to improve water use efficiency by crops. The performance of a microlysimeter (ML) to measure soil evaporation under irrigation and non-irrigation was evaluated. The MLs were constructed using PVC tubes, with dimensions of 100 mm inner diameter, 150 mm depth and 2.5 mm wall thickness. Four MLs were uniformly distributed on the soil surface of two weighing lysimeters conducted under bare soil, previously installed at Iapar, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. The lysimeters had 1.4 m width, 1.9 m length and 1.3 m depth and were conducted with and without irrigation. Evaporation measurements by MLs (E ML) were compared with measurements by lysimeters (E L) during four different periods in the year. Differences between E ML and E L were small either for low or high atmospheric demand and also for either irrigated or non-irrigated conditions, which indicates that the ML tested here is suitable for measurement of soil evaporation.


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In this thesis, I conduct a series of molecular systematic studies on the large phytophagous moth superfamily Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) to clarify deep divergences and evolutionary affinities of the group, based on material from every zoogeographic region of the globe. Noctuoidea are the most speciose radiations of butterflies and moths on earth, comprising about a quarter of all lepidopteran diversity. The general aim of these studies was to apply suitably conservative genetic markers (DNA sequences of mitochondrial—mtDNA—and nuclear gene— nDNA—regions) to reconstruct, as the initial step, a robust skeleton phylogenetic hypothesis for the superfamily, then build up robust phylogenetic frameworks for those circumscribed monophyletic entities (i.e., families), as well as clarifying the internal classification of monophyletic lineages (subfamilies and tribes), to develop an understanding of the major lineages at various taxonomic levels within the superfamily Noctuoidea, and their inter-relationships. The approaches applied included: i) stabilizing a robust family-level classification for the superfamily; ii) resolving the phylogeny of the most speciose radiation of Noctuoidea: the family Erebidae; iii) reconstruction of ancestral feeding behaviors and evolution of the vampire moths (Erebidae, Calpinae); iv) elucidating the evolutionary relationships within the family Nolidae and v) clarifying the basal lineages of Noctuidae sensu stricto. Thus, in this thesis I present a wellresolved molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for higher taxa of Noctuoidea consisting of six strongly supported families: Oenosandridae, Notodontidae, Euteliidae, Erebidae, Nolidae, and Noctuidae. The studies in my thesis highlight the importance of molecular data in systematic and phylogenetic studies, in particular DNA sequences of nuclear genes, and an extensive sampling strategy to include representatives of all known major lineages of entire world fauna of Noctuoidea from every biogeographic region. This is crucial, especially when the model organism is as species-rich, highly diverse, cosmopolitan and heterogeneous as the Noctuoidea, traits that represent obstacles to the use of morphology at this taxonomic level.


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Vesienhoidon tavoitteena on laajan yhteistyön avulla säilyttää vesien hyvä tila sekä parantaa vesien tilaa siellä, missä se on päässyt heikentymään. Vesienhoidon suunnittelu etenee kuuden vuoden jaksoissa. Toisen suunnittelukierroksen aikana päivitetään vuonna 2009 hyväksytyt, vesienhoitoaluekohtaiset vesienhoito¬suunnitelmat ja toimenpideohjelmat laajassa yhteis-työssä ja eri tahoja kuullen. Antamalla palautetta voit vaikuttaa siihen, miten oman alueesi vesistöt, rannikkovedet ja pohjavedet sekä niiden tilaan vaikuttavat toiminnot otetaan suunnittelussa huomioon. Työohjelma ja aikataulu ovat samat kaikilla vesienhoitoalueilla. Vesienhoidon keskeiset kysymykset ja suunnittelun alueellinen organisointi vaihtelevat eri vesienhoitoalueilla. Tässä asiakirjassa käsitellään keskeisiä kysymyksiä, jotka liittyvät Oulujoen-Iijoen vesienhoitoalueen järvien, jokien, pohjavesien ja rannikkoalueiden tilan parantamiseen. Oulujoen-Iijoen vesienhoitoalue kattaa Perämereen laskevat vesistöt Kalajoelta Kuivajoelle sekä Koillismaalta itään laskevat vesistöt. Samalla maantieteellisellä alueella tarkastellaan myös pohja- ja rannikkovesiä.


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Kalajoen pääuomassa on tehty suuria vesistöjärjestelyjä 1900-luvun alusta aina 2000-luvulle asti. Jokiuomaa ja sen virtaamia on muutettu mm. tulvasuojelun, voimatalouden ja uiton edistämiseksi. Merkittävimmät vesistöjärjestelyt ovat olleet Kalajoen säännöttäminen vuosina 1903–1910, Niemelänkylän pengerrys vuosina 1955–1960, Kalajoen vesistötaloussuunnitelma 1960–1970-luvulla, Kalajoen keskiosan järjestely vuosina 1967–1988, Alavieskan tulvasuojelu vuosina 1990–1992 ja Juurikosken kunnostus vuosina 2004–2005. 1970-luvunlopulta lähtien vesistöjärjestelyiden lupamääräyksiin alettiin sisällyttää velvoitteita tarkkailla hankkeiden vaikutuksia veden laatuun, kalastoon ja kalastukseen. Lisäksi aiheutetun haitan kompensoimiseksi alettiin määrätä toimenpiteitä, kuten kalaistutuksia ja kunnostustoimenpiteitä. Lupamääräykset ovat sisältäneet myös velvoitteita tarkkailla kompensaatiotoimenpiteiden tuloksellisuutta. Kalajoella valtio on ollut selvästi merkittävin toimija vesistöjärjestelyissä ja on ollut luvanhaltijana pääosassa hankkeista. Lisäksi valtio on kaikkien Kalajoen vesistön säännöstelyjen luvanhaltija. Näin ollen valtio on vastannut myös hankkeisiin liittyvistä velvoitetarkkailuista ja kompensaatiotoimenpiteistä. Merkittävimmät kompensaatiotoimenpiteet ovat olleet 4,7 miljoonan yksikesäisen vaellussiian istuttaminen vuosina 1981–2010, Kalajoen kunnostaminen mm. ravun ja nahkiaisen lisääntymisedellytysten parantamiseksi vuosina 1999–2004 ja 30 000 sukukypsän ravun istuttaminen vuosina 2003–2006. Tässä raportissa on tehty yhteenveto Kalajoen tarkkailututkimuksista vuosilta 1978–2010. Niiden perusteella on arvioitu, kuinka vesistörakentamishankkeet ja säännöstely sekä niihin liittyvät kompensaatiotoimenpiteet ovat vaikuttaneet rapu-, nahkiais- ja kalakantoihin sekä Kalajokeen niiden elinympäristönä. Lisäksi käytettävissä olevan aineiston puitteissa on arvioitu muiden tekijöiden vaikutusta rapu-, nahkiais- ja kalakantoihin.


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The ongoing global financial crisis has demonstrated the importance of a systemwide, or macroprudential, approach to safeguarding financial stability. An essential part of macroprudential oversight concerns the tasks of early identification and assessment of risks and vulnerabilities that eventually may lead to a systemic financial crisis. Thriving tools are crucial as they allow early policy actions to decrease or prevent further build-up of risks or to otherwise enhance the shock absorption capacity of the financial system. In the literature, three types of systemic risk can be identified: i ) build-up of widespread imbalances, ii ) exogenous aggregate shocks, and iii ) contagion. Accordingly, the systemic risks are matched by three categories of analytical methods for decision support: i ) early-warning, ii ) macro stress-testing, and iii ) contagion models. Stimulated by the prolonged global financial crisis, today's toolbox of analytical methods includes a wide range of innovative solutions to the two tasks of risk identification and risk assessment. Yet, the literature lacks a focus on the task of risk communication. This thesis discusses macroprudential oversight from the viewpoint of all three tasks: Within analytical tools for risk identification and risk assessment, the focus concerns a tight integration of means for risk communication. Data and dimension reduction methods, and their combinations, hold promise for representing multivariate data structures in easily understandable formats. The overall task of this thesis is to represent high-dimensional data concerning financial entities on lowdimensional displays. The low-dimensional representations have two subtasks: i ) to function as a display for individual data concerning entities and their time series, and ii ) to use the display as a basis to which additional information can be linked. The final nuance of the task is, however, set by the needs of the domain, data and methods. The following ve questions comprise subsequent steps addressed in the process of this thesis: 1. What are the needs for macroprudential oversight? 2. What form do macroprudential data take? 3. Which data and dimension reduction methods hold most promise for the task? 4. How should the methods be extended and enhanced for the task? 5. How should the methods and their extensions be applied to the task? Based upon the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), this thesis not only creates the Self-Organizing Financial Stability Map (SOFSM), but also lays out a general framework for mapping the state of financial stability. This thesis also introduces three extensions to the standard SOM for enhancing the visualization and extraction of information: i ) fuzzifications, ii ) transition probabilities, and iii ) network analysis. Thus, the SOFSM functions as a display for risk identification, on top of which risk assessments can be illustrated. In addition, this thesis puts forward the Self-Organizing Time Map (SOTM) to provide means for visual dynamic clustering, which in the context of macroprudential oversight concerns the identification of cross-sectional changes in risks and vulnerabilities over time. Rather than automated analysis, the aim of visual means for identifying and assessing risks is to support disciplined and structured judgmental analysis based upon policymakers' experience and domain intelligence, as well as external risk communication.


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Experiments were performed to determine average heat transfer coefficients and friction factors for turbulent flow through annular ducts with pin fins. The measurements were carried out by means of a double-pipe heat exchanger. The total number of pins attached to the inner wall of the annular region was 560. The working fluids were air, flowing in the annular channel, and water through the inner circular tube. The average heat transfer coefficients of the pinned air-side were obtained from the experimental determination of the overall heat transfer coefficients of the heat exchanger and from the knowledge of the average heat transfer coefficients of the circular pipe (water-side), which could be found in the pertinent literature. To attain fully developed conditions, the heat exchanger was built with additional lengths before and after the test section. The inner circular duct of the heat exchanger and the pin fins were made of brass. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the brass, the small tube thickness and water temperature variation, the surface of the internal tube was practically isothermal. The external tube was made of an industrial plastic which was insulated from the environment by means of a glass wool batt. In this manner, the outer surface of the annular channel can be considered adiabatic. The results are presented in dimensionless forms, in terms of average Nusselt numbers and friction factors as functions of the flow Reynolds number, ranging from 13,000 to 80,000. The pin fin efficiency, which depends on the heat transfer coefficient, is also determined as a function of dimensionless parameters. A comparison of the present results with those for smooth sections (without pins) is also presented. The purpose of such a comparison is to study the influence of the presence of the pins on the pressure drop and heat transfer rate.


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The aim of this thesis research was to gain a better understanding of the emplacement of rapakivi granite intrusions, as well as the emplacement of gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids in structurally controlled mineralizations. Based on investigations of the magnetic fabric, the internal structures could be analysed and the intrusion mechanisms for rapakivi granite intrusions and respectively different deformation stages within gold-bearing shear and fault zones identified. Aeromagnetic images revealed circular structures within the rapakivi granite batholiths of Wiborg, Vehmaa and Åland. These circular structures represent intrusions that eventually build up these large batholiths. The rapakivi granite intrusions of Vehmaa, Ruotsinpyhtää within the Wiborg batholith and Saltvik intrusions within the Åland batholith all show bimodal magnetic susceptibilities with paramagnetic and ferromagnetic components. The distribution of the bimodality is related to different magma batches of the studied intrusions. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) reveals internal structures that cannot be studied macroscopically or by microscope. The Ruotsinpyhtää and Vehmaa intrusions represent similar intrusion geometries, with gently to moderately outward dipping magnetic foliations. In the case of Vehmaa, the magnetic lineations are gently plunging and trend in the directions of the slightly elongated intrusion. The magnetic lineations represent magma flow. The shapes of the AMS ellipsoids are also more planar (oblate) in the central part of the intrusion, whereas they become more linear (prolate) near the margin. These AMS results, together with field observations, indicate that the main intrusion mechanism has involved the subsidence of older blocks with successive intrusion of fractionated magma during repeated cauldron subsidence. The Saltvik area within the Åland batholith consists of a number of smaller elliptical intrusions of different rapakivi types forming a multiple intrusive complex. The magnetic fabric shows a general westward dipping of the pyterlite and eastward dipping of the contiguous even-grained rapakivi granite, which indicates a central inflow of magma batches towards the east and west resulting from a laccolitic emplacement of magma batches, while the main mechanism for space creation was derived from subsidence. The magnetic fabric of structurally controlled gold potential shear and fault zones in Jokisivu, Satulinmäki and Koijärvi was investigated in order to describe the internal structures and define the deformation history and emplacement of hydrothermal fluids. A further aim of the research was to combine AMS studies with palaeomagnetic methods to constrain the timing for the shearing event relative to the precipitation of ferromagnetic minerals and gold. All of the studied formations are dominated by monoclinic pyrrhotite. The AMS directions generally follow the tectonic structures within the formations. However, internal variations in the AMS direction as well as the shapes of the AMS ellipsoids are observed within the shear zones. In Jokisivu and Satulinmäki in particular, the magnetic signatures of the shear zone core differ from the margins. Furthermore, the shape of the magnetic fabric in the shear zone core of Jokisivu is dominated by oblate shapes, whereas the margins exhibit prolate shapes. These variations indicate a later effect of the hydrothermal fluids on the general shear event. The palaeo-magnetic results reveal a deflection from the original Svecofennian age geomagnetic direction. These results, coupled with correlations between the orientation of the NRM vectors and the magnetic and rock fabrics, imply that the gold-rich hydrothermal fluids were emplaced pre/syntectonically during the late stages of the Svecofennian orogeny.


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Suomen metsäteollisuus elää voimakasta uusiutumis- ja murrosvaihetta, joka ilmenee muutoksina yksittäisten tehtaiden ja tehdasintegraattien toiminnassa. Monia yksikköjä on poistunut tuotannosta ja tuotannon painotusta on muutettu. Toisaalta metsäteollisuus on suuntaamassa uusille aloille, jolloin tuotteina voivat olla esimerkiksi erilaiset biopolttoaineet, kemianteollisuuden raaka-aineet ja uuden sukupolven paperi- ja kartonkituotteet. Metsäteollisuuden muuttuminen ja laitosten monimutkaistuminen sekä jatkuvasti lisääntyvä tiedontarve asettavat yhä suurempia vaatimuksia sekä toiminnanharjoittajien ympäristövastaaville että viranomaisille. Hallinnon jatkuva muutos ja niukkenevat voimavarat voivat johtaa siihen, että käytännön lupa- ja valvontatyöhön jää yhä vähemmän aikaa. Kaakkois-Suomen ELY-keskuksen koordinoima hanke ”Metsäteollisuuden ympäristöstrategia vuoteen 2020 – hallinnon näkökulma” pyrkii vastaamaan edellä mainittuihin haasteisiin strategiatyön avulla. Hankkeen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella metsäteollisuuden ympäristönäkökohtia niistä lähtökohdista, joihin yritys voi vaikuttaa raaka-aineen tulosta tehtaalle ja tuotteen lähdöstä tehtaalta sekä tehtaan perustamisesta sulkemiseen ja jälkihoitoon asti. Tavoitteena oli määritellä toiminnoille toimiva ympäristöstrategia. Strategiassa pyrittiin löytämään yhteisymmärrys toiminnanharjoittajan ja viranomaisen kanssa mm. siitä, miten otetaan käyttöön parhaat käytännöt niin teollisuudessa kuin hallinnossakin, toimitaan uusien BAT-, IED- ja vesienhoitoperiaatteiden mukaisesti sekä edistetään kestävän kehityksen mukaisten tuotteiden markkinoille tuloa ja otetaan ennakointi tavaksi -lähtökohta käyttöön kaikessa toiminnassa. Hanketyössä esille nousseet haasteet ryhmiteltiin aihealueittain kolmeksi pääkohdaksi tärkeysjärjestyksessä: viranomaisen ja teollisuuden tiedonkulun ja tietämyksen parantaminen, lupa-, valvonta- ja hallintoprosessien parantaminen sekä uusien haasteiden kartoittaminen ja niihin reagointi. Haasteiden ratkaisukeinoiksi etsittiin käytännön toimenpiteitä sekä määriteltiin niille vastuutahot. Toimenpiteiksi esitettiin mm. viranomaisen ja teollisuuden yhteisiä koulutuspäiviä, asiantuntijapaneelin perustamista sekä lupamääräysten antamista myös tehtaan tai tuotantoyksikön sulkemisen tai muuttamisen varalle. Riittävien resurssien ja tietotaidon turvaaminen niin hallinnossa kuin teollisuudessa on ehdoton edellytys toimenpiteiden onnistumiselle.


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Fan systems are responsible for approximately 10% of the electricity consumption in industrial and municipal sectors, and it has been found that there is energy-saving potential in these systems. To this end, variable speed drives (VSDs) are used to enhance the efficiency of fan systems. Usually, fan system operation is optimized based on measurements of the system, but there are seldom readily installed meters in the system that can be used for the purpose. Thus, sensorless methods are needed for the optimization of fan system operation. In this thesis, methods for the fan operating point estimation with a variable speed drive are studied and discussed. These methods can be used for the energy efficient control of the fan system without additional measurements. The operation of these methods is validated by laboratory measurements and data from an industrial fan system. In addition to their energy consumption, condition monitoring of fan systems is a key issue as fans are an integral part of various production processes. Fan system condition monitoring is usually carried out with vibration measurements, which again increase the system complexity. However, variable speed drives can already be used for pumping system condition monitoring. Therefore, it would add to the usability of a variablespeed- driven fan system if the variable speed drive could be used as a condition monitoring device. In this thesis, sensorless detection methods for three lifetime-reducing phenomena are suggested: these are detection of the fan contamination build-up, the correct rotational direction, and the fan surge. The methods use the variable speed drive monitoring and control options for the detection along with simple signal processing methods, such as power spectrum density estimates. The methods have been validated by laboratory measurements. The key finding of this doctoral thesis is that a variable speed drive can be used on its own as a monitoring and control device for the fan system energy efficiency, and it can also be used in the detection of certain lifetime-reducing phenomena.


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The potential for seed bank formation of two perennial weed species, Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) M. Vahl (Verbenaceae), both common in Amazonia , was evaluated in a degraded pasture area in eastern Brazilian Amazonia . Seeds were enclosed in nylon mesh packets and placed at the soil surface or buried at 5 or 10 cm deep. The number of viable seeds was recorded at 6, 10, 14 and 18 months after burial. Results showed that S. cayennensis has the ability to form persistent soil seed bank, while I. asarifolia seeds do not build up in the soil seed bank. For S. cayennensis and, to some extent, for I. asarifolia, seed survival was highest at greater burial depths.


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The modification of pyruvate kinase (PK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in foot muscle of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis during exposure to air and recovery in water was investigated. In the course of exposure to air, the activity of these enzymes measured at high and low substrate concentrations showed successive increases and decreases. Returning the mussels to water after exposure to air affected enzyme activity in a manner similar to anaerobiosis. When measuring at saturated concentrations of substrates and substrate and coenzyme for PK and LDH, respectively, the maximum activation of PK (37%) was observed at 4 h of animal exposure to air, and for LDH (67%) at 6 h exposure to air. During 24 h of exposure of animals to air, PK activity practically reached the stock level, while LDH was still activated (148%). The change in lactate dehydrogenase activity in mussel muscle during anoxia and recovery is described here for the first time. Variation in pyruvate kinase activity during exposure to air and recovery is linked to the alteration of half-maximal saturation constants and maximal velocity for both substrates. The possible role of reversible phosphorylation in the regulation of pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase properties is discussed


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The influence of voltage on the conductance of toad skin was studied to identify the time course of the activation/deactivation dynamics of voltage-dependent Cl- channels located in the apical membrane of mitochondrion-rich cells in this tissue. Positive apical voltage induced an important conductance inhibition which took a few seconds to fully develop and was instantaneously released by pulse inversion to negative voltage, indicating a short-duration memory of the inhibiting factors. Sinusoidal stimulation at 23.4 mM [Cl-] showed hysteresis in the current versus voltage curves, even at very low frequency, suggesting that the rate of voltage application was also relevant for the inhibition/releasing effect to develop. We conclude that the voltage modulation of apical Cl- permeability is essentially a fast process and the apparent slow components of activation/deactivation obtained in the whole skin are a consequence of a gradual voltage build-up across the apical membrane due to voltage sharing between apical and basolateral membranes


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Tämä teorialähtöinen, hermeneuttinen tutkimus sijoittuu käännöstieteen sekä uskonnon- ja kielifilosofian rajapintaan. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan kristinuskon tekstimaailmaa relevantin tulkintakehyksen kautta sekä esitetään tekstimaailman tulkintaan soveltuva lähestymistapa ammattikääntäjän eli välittävän vastaanottajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimus pureutuu käännösprosessin hermeneutiikkaan eli lähdetekstin ja sen maailman tulkintaan, ymmärtämiseen ja selittämiseen liittyviin aspekteihin. Tutkimuksessa ei esitetä käännösratkaisuja. Tutkimus nostaa esiin filosofisen ja teologisen hermeneutiikan peruskysymyksiä. Niitä ovat Raamatun tekstien vaikutushistoria, erilaiset todellisuus- ja kielikäsitykset, kirkon oppi, teologian pääsuuntaukset, uskonnolliset yhteisöt ja niiden perinteet, inhimillinen kulttuuri ja aika. Ne ovat ulottuvuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat kääntäjän tekstin- ja maailmantulkintaan ja vaativat laajojen kontekstien huomioonottamista sekä lähestymistä monista eri näkökulmista. Ludwig Wittgensteinin myöhäisfilosofiaan liittyvän kielipelin idea tarjoaa ajatusmallin, jonka avulla uskonnon käsite-, merkki- ja tekstimaailmalle voidaan luoda moninäkökulmainen tulkintakehys. Kielipelin käsitettä käytetään tässä tutkimuksessa tekstien samankaltaisuutta ja erilaisuutta kokoavana järjestelmänä, joka toimii intratekstuaalisesti eli sillä on omat pelisääntönsä, tulkinnan lähteensä sekä tunnistettava identiteetti. Järjestelmän keskiössä ovat uskonnon konstituioivat käsitteet ja kertomukset, jotka ovat muiden tulkintojen eli metatekstien lähde. Kääntäjän varsinaisina tulkintakohteina ovat metatekstit, eivät raamatunkääntämiseen liittyvät kysymykset suoranaisesti. Tutkimuksessa luodaan kuitenkin tulkintamalli, jonka mukaan metatekstejä ja raamatun tekstejä luetaan rinnakkain. Ymmärtäminen ja ongelmanratkaisu rakentuvat tekstuaalisen kommunikaation pohjalta. Tekstejä luetaan sekä sääntöteorian että narratiivisen teorian valossa. Kertomus puhuttelee vastaanottajaa eri tavalla kuin sääntö. Tulkintamallissa yhdistyvät sekä analyyttinen että luovan mielikuvituksen sallima lukutapa. Molemmat toimivat yhdessä kääntäjän tekstin- merkin- ja maailmantulkinnan apuna. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan myös tekstiteorettisia kysymyksiä, tekstin ja merkin käsitteitä sekä niiden toimintadynamiikkaa. Tulkinnan mekanismi esitetään semioosin käsitteen avulla. Teksti määritellään heuristiseksi ja eksemplaariseksi kuvaukseksi maailmasta, ja se edustaa vain osaa tulkintakokonaisuudesta. Kääntäjän hermeneuttinen kenttä ulotetaan tekstinulkoiseen maailmaan, käytäntöön ja elämänmuotoon.