789 resultados para abortion


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In this issue...Library, Registration, Ugly Man Contest, Don Heater, Miners Bank, Copper Bowl, Abortion Legalization, AWS Convention, Student Council, Copper Lounge


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Ovine enzootic abortion, caused by Chlamydia abortus, leads to important economic losses worldwide. In addition to reproductive failures, infection may impact lamb growth during the first weeks after birth, yet this effect has not been well characterized. Vaccination can help to control the disease but variable efficacy values have been described, possibly related with factors associated with the host, the vaccine, the parameter used for efficacy determination and the challenge conditions. In this context, we evaluated the efficacy of an inactivated standard commercial vaccine and a 1/2 diluted dose in pregnant sheep challenged with C. abortus by examining multiple indicators ofvaccine effect (including incidence of reproductive failures, bacterial excretion, and evolution of weight gain of viable lambs during the first month of life). Three groups of ewes [control non-vaccinated, C (n = 18); vaccinated with standard dose, SV (n = 16) and vaccinated with 1/2 dose, DV (n = 17)], were challenged approximately 90 days post-mating and tested using direct PCR (tissue samples and vaginal swabs) and ELISA (serum) until 31 days post-reproductive outcome. There were not significant differences in the proportions of reproductive failures or bacterial shedding after birth/abortion regardless the vaccination protocol. However, a beneficial effect of vaccination on offspring growth was detected in both vaccinated groups compared with the controls, with a mean increase in weight measured at 30 days of life of 1.5 and 2.5 Kg (p = 0.056) and an increase in the geometric mean of the daily gain of 8.4 and 9.7% in lambs born from DV and SV ewes compared to controls, respectively. Our results demonstrate the effect of an inactivated vaccine in the development of the offspring of C. abortus-infected ewes at a standard and a diluted dose, an interesting finding given the difficulty in achieving sufficient antigen concentration in the production of EAE-commercial vaccines.


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Objetivo: Identificar factores sociodemográficos y de fecundidad, asociados a ocurrencia de embarazo no deseado en mujeres colombianas en edad reproductiva en el año 2010. Métodos: Se realizó estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal, basado en los datos de la ENDS Colombia-2010, del total de mujeres en edad fértil (13-49 años) que al momento de la encuesta se encontraban en embarazo. La variable de interés fue embarazo no deseado, se describió la población a estudio y se evaluó la posible asociación con variables sociodemográficas y de fecundidad, a través de análisis bivariado y multivariado. Se realizaron los mismos análisis por grupo de edad (adolescentes vs adultas). Resultados: La prevalencia de embarazo no deseado en las mujeres colombianas en el 2010 fue de 61,4 %. De acuerdo al modelo de regresión logística, no estar en unión a una pareja (OR: 4,01 IC95%: 3,066-5,269), tener hijos (OR: 2,040 IC95%: 1,581 – 2,631), estar en el quintil de menor riqueza (OR: 2,137 IC95%: 1,328-3,440), y ser adolescente (OR: 1,599 IC95%: 1,183-2,162), son factores que aumentan la probabilidad de tener un embarazo no deseado. Se encontraron diferencias en los factores asociados al realizar segmentación por edad. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de embarazo no deseado permanece alta en Colombia respecto a años anteriores y a otros países. Los resultados pueden ser de utilidad para el desarrollo de políticas en salud sexual y reproductiva teniendo en cuenta los factores asociados identificados priorizando a la población adolescente y de menor estatus socioeconómico, para la prevención de embarazo no deseado en Colombia.


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La sexualidad y la reproducción están íntimamente ligadas a la calidad de vida, tanto en el ámbito de lo individual como de lo social, por tanto la salud sexual y reproductiva representa un componente esencial para la evaluación de desarrollo de un país, y un tema prioritario en la agenda política mundial y nacional como lo evidencian los objetivos del milenio y de desarrollo sostenible; aunque el país ha dado enormes avances en el tema, aun se presentan grandes retos para el logro y goce efectivo de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en la población. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y analizar algunos indicadores de salud sexual y reproductiva en el departamento de Casanare, en el periodo 2008- 2015. Como metodología se usó un diseño descriptivo trasversal, los datos fueron tomados de Sivigila departamental, Estadísticas DANE y del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Se usó SPSS versión 18 y Excel para el análisis de los datos. Como resultados se encontraron altas tasas de prevalencia e incidencia para VIH, sífilis gestacional, y fecundidad en adolescentes en el departamento de Casanare que sobrepasan los indicadores nacionales y presentan tendencia creciente


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 Resumen  El desarrollo progresivo del derecho a la vida, la libertad y la seguridad personal se han visto enriquecidos con la lucha y posterior positivación de los derechos reproductivos, en tanto estos han generado una ampliación de los criterios sobre los cuales se basa la obligación del Estado respecto de los derechos humanos en general, y en particular de aquellos consagrados en el primer artículo de la Declaración Americana de Derechos y Deberes. Los países de América Latina, en el marco de dicha obligación, han adoptado posturas diversas frente a los derechos reproductivos, específicamente en lo que refiere a la despenalización del aborto consolidando tres grandes tendencias regionales que muestran aciertos y desaciertos. El presente artículo que surge como reflexión personal propuesta como aporte académico en el marco de los debates jurídicos llevados a cabo durante el I Congreso Latinoamericano Jurídico sobre Derechos Reproductivos, tiene como objetivo realizar una mirada a dichas tendencias con el fin de dar un panorama general de la situación de América Latina y su deuda frente a los derechos reproductivos y de esta manera pensar propuestas más holísticas para alcanzar la realización de dichos derechos, y consecuentemente seguir promoviendo progresivamente el desarrollo del derecho a la vida, la libertad y la seguridad personal.Palabras clave: derechos reproductivos, vida, libertad personal, progresividad.AbstractThe progressive development of the right to life, liberty and personal security has been enriched by the struggle for and subsequent onset of reproductive rights, in as much as they have widened the State’s obligations towards the respect of human rights and in particular those enumerated in the first article of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties. Latin American countries, within these requirements, have taken diverse stances towards reproductive rights, specifically with regards to the decriminalization of abortion, which can be reduced into three major trends representing successes as well as errors. This article comes as a personal reflection, and proposed as an academic contribution, in the context of legal debates held during the First Latin American Congress on Reproductive Rights Law. It is aimed at taking a look at these trends in order to give an overview on the situation in Latin America and its debt to reproductive rights, and, in this way, to ponder about more holistic proposals to achieve their fulfillment, hence progressively promoting the development of the right to life, to liberty and to personal security. Keywords: Reproductive rights, life, personal liberty, progressiveness.


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ResumenEl aborto es un tema debatido desde hace décadas. En España, se ha aprobado recientemente la LO 2/2010, de salud sexual y reproductiva y de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, que implica un importante cambio en la regulación del aborto: establece un sistema de aborto a petición de la embarazada en un plazo, manteniendo determinadas indicaciones durante más tiempo. El presente artículo analiza el contenido de la salud sexual y reproductiva, los derechos de la mujer y la protección del no nacido en el Derecho Internacional, así como la jurisprudencia constitucional española y la diferencia sustancial del sistema de plazos respecto al de supuestos, la ética médica al respecto y las exigencias del consentimiento informado. Finalmente, se aborda el problema del consentimiento de los menores a la unión sexual y al aborto.AbstractAbortion is an issue that has been discussed for decades. In Spain, the Law on sexual and reproductive health and the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (LO 2/2010) has been recently passed. It implies an important change in abortion legislation: it states an abortion upon request of the pregnant woman during a predetermined period of time, while maintaining certain regulations for a long time. This article analyzes the content of sexual and reproductive health, women’s rights and the protection of the unborn under International Law, as well as the constitutional Spanish jurisprudence; the essential difference of the term-based system in regards to the assumptions system, medical ethics on this matter and the requirements of the informed consent. Lastly, the article deals with the problem of the minors’ consent to sexual union and abortion.


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This thesis tries to further our understanding for why some countries today are more prosperous than others. It establishes that part of today's observed variation in several proxies such as income or gender inequality have been determined in the distant past. Chapter one shows that 450 years of (Catholic) Portuguese colonisation had a long-lasting impact in India when it comes to education and female emancipation. Furthermore I use a historical quasi-experiment that happened 250 years ago in order to show that different outcomes have different degrees of persitence over time. Educational gaps between males and females seemingly wash out a few decades after the public provision of schools. The male biased sex-ratios on the other hand stay virtually unchanged despite governmental efforts. This provides evidence that deep rooted son preferences are much harder to overcome, suggesting that a differential approach is needed to tackle sex-selective abortion and female neglect. The second chapter proposes improvements for the execution of Spatial Regression Discontinuity Designs. These suggestions are accompanied by a full-fledged spatial statistical package written in R. Chapter three introduces a quantitative economic geography model in order to study the peculiar evolution of the European urban system on its way to the Industrial Revolution. It can explain the shift of economic gravity from the Mediterranean towards the North-Sea ("little divergence"). The framework provides novel insights on the importance of agricultural trade costs and the peculiar geography of Europe with its extended coastline and dense network of navigable rivers.


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INTRODUZIONE Pochi studi in Letteratura hanno indagato la correlazione tra la sintomatologia dolorosa associata all’interruzione farmacologica di gravidanza (IVG) e i livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento. L’obiettivo primario del nostro studio è stato di valutare la correlazione tra la sintomatologia dolorosa in corso di IVG farmacologica e i livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento. Inoltre, sono stati indagati i fattori predittivi di dolore e la correlazione con l’epoca gestazionale. MATERIALI E METODI È stato condotto uno studio osservazionale, prospettico, multicentrico presso l’Unità Operativa di Ostetricia e Ginecologia dell’Azienda USL e presso l’Unità Operativa di Ginecologia dell’IRCCS Sant’Orsola Malpighi di Bologna. Sono state incluse le pazienti sottoposte a IVG farmacologica tra giugno 2021 e novembre 2021, che rispettassero i criteri di inclusione ed esclusione. Sono stati somministrati 5 questionari (GHQ-12, GAD-7, STAI-6, VAS) e raccolti i dati anamnestici ed ecografici. I potenziali fattori di rischio sono stati, quindi, selezionati per l’inclusione nell'analisi di regressione multivariata. RISULTATI Delle 242 pazienti incluse, il 38,0% ha riferito una sintomatologia dolorosa severa (VAS >70). Dall’analisi di regressione multivariata, la dismenorrea intensa è risultata essere il fattore di rischio più forte per il dolore (OR = 6,30, IC 95% 2,66 – 14,91), seguita da alti livelli di ansia valutati mediante il punteggio del GHQ-12 > 9 (OR = 3,33, IC 95% 1,43 – 7,76). Al contrario, la nostra analisi ha confermato che un precedente parto vaginale rappresentava una caratteristica protettiva contro il dolore (OR 0,26, IC 95% 0,14 – 0,50). CONCLUSIONI Nel nostro studio alti livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento e la dismenorrea sono associati ad intensa sintomatologia dolorosa, mentre il parto vaginale è risultato protettivo. L’IVG farmacologica è una metodica efficace e sicura, ma spesso associata a sintomatologia dolorosa. È quindi fondamentale delineare fattori di predittivi di dolore ed individuare le pazienti a maggior rischio a cui somministrare un’idonea terapia antalgica.


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The objective of the present Ph.D. thesis was to investigate with a One Health approach the epidemiological patterns of T. gondii infection in Italy, to better understand the transmission dynamics of the parasite, following different research lines. The results of a retrospective analysis in animals and human showed the widespread distribution of T. gondii in the study area, with specific antibodies found in various animal species and human populations, indicating its constant presence across diverse environments. The environment plays a significant role in T. gondii's epidemiology. Migratory aquatic birds, rodents, wolves, and wild boars were investigated as sentinels of their spread, highlighting the potential transmission across geographic areas and infection risks for wildlife in natural settings. The study also provided insights into seroprevalence in wolves. Dogs, subjected to serological investigations exhibited risk factors for T. gondii infection, such as cohabitation with cats, coprophagy behaviours, and continuous outdoor. Correlation between serological evidence of exposure to T. gondii and pathological anxiety in large-size dogs was observed, and the consumption of raw meat was associated with a higher risk of infection in these animals. Results of the investigations conducted in this thesis, demonstrate the dynamic nature of T. gondii infection in cattle, characterized by new infections and declining antibody levels over the production cycle. The study also describes a co-infection between T. gondii and Sarcocystis hominis in bovine eosinophilic myositis. In the final part of the Thesis, a comprehensive genotyping of T. gondii in Italy reveals the predominance of Type II strains, particularly in cases of ovine abortion and fatal toxoplasmosis among captive Lemur catta. This approach enhances our understanding of the parasite's genetic diversity and transmission patterns, vital for effective management of its impact on human and animal health in Italy.