979 resultados para Zementation <Geologie>
To reconstruct the deep-water circulation for the last 3.5 Ma from deep-sea sediments of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, sea floor morphology, sub-bottom reflectors and the echo character have been mapped on the basis of 3.5 kHz records and sediment cores. Physical properties of sediments and synthetic seismograms derived from them enable us to decipher reflector sequences in environments of pelagic, current-resuspended and turbidity sedimentation. The individual reflectors originate from carbonate dissolution, hiatus, coarse sand layers and interferences. Those which are related to carbonate dissolution and hiatus provide evidence of water-mass boundaries by their distribution. Five phases of different deep-water circulation can be seen in the record of th elast 3.5 Ma, and these are related to climate history: 1. Between 3.7 Ma and 2.2 Ma a strong deep-water circulation indicates a northward flow of bottom water below 4200 m (AABW = Antarctic-Bottom Water) and a southward flow of deep-water above 4200 m (NADW = North-Atlantic Deep Water). 2. Between 1.6 and 1.4 Ma a southward flow of bottom water below 4500 m and a diminished southward flow above 4500 m can be detected. This water-mass geometry can be interpreted by an expansion of the NADW-masses and a displacement of the AABW-masses during the same time. 3. Since 1.4 Ma a northward flow of a bottom-water current developed again. This current flow created a leeside sediment ridge in the southern part of the Kane Gap and furrows in the northern part of it. 4. Between 400,000 and 200,000 yrs B. P. the oceanic and atmospheric circulation increased. The strengthened oceanic circulation caused and increase in carbonate dissolution, which is documented by a traceable reflector from 2800 m to 4500 m water depth. At the same time an increase of the atmospheric circulation caused a drastic rise in the pelagic sediment accumulation (> 100 %) through an intensification of upwelling. This runs parallel with a higher oceanic productivity in the northern equatorial divergence zone and an enhanced supply of fluvial and probably eolian sediments from the Senegal and Guinea. 5. Before 10,000 yrs B. P. an erosive northward flowing bottom-water current prevailed below 4500 m water depth. After 10,000 yrs B.P. the bottom-water flow was sluggish and non erosive.
Panktonic foraminiferal tests of the spinose species Orbulina universa, of the non-spinose Globorotalia tumida-menardii complex, and of a mixed species assemblage (grain size fraction 200-400 µm) were isolated from Sierra Leone Rise core GIK13519-2 and analyzed for free, total, and bound (by difference) amino acids to study the isoleucine epimerization mechanism in fossil foraminiferal tests and to define empirical calibration curves for dating deep-sea sediments over the past 900,000 years. Total isoleucine epimerization curves typically separate into three "linear" segments of decreasing apparents rates with increasing time and exhibit a pronounced "species effect". The degree of epimerization attained at time is considerably lower in O. universa than in G. tumida-menardii while the mixed species results scatter between the limits delineated by the two monospecific curves. Total allo/iso ratios are closely related to the proportion of free to total isoleucine accumulating in the tests indicating that the rate of hydrolysis of matrix proteins and peptides controls the overall epimerization reaction. The results are consistent with experimental evidenve where upon isoleucine epimerizes at a rapid rate in terminal positions but at slow rates in interior positions as well as in the free state. Notwithstanding free isoleucine exhibits the highest degree of epimerized terminal isoleucine. Species-specific hydrolysis and epimerization rates are maintained until about 50 % of bound isoleucine have been hydrolyzed to the free state corresponding to a total allo/iso ratio of about 0.5. Remaining peptide units appear to be more resistent against hydrolysis and separate species then show the same apparent epimerization rate dominantly controlled by the slow conversion rate in the free state until equilibrium is achieved in Miocene samples under deep-ocean temperature conditions. The degree of epimerization attained at comparable time in separate species will, however, remain different due to different initial rates of hydrolysis.
A statistical analysis ol 15 deep sea cores in the eastern North Atlantic off NW Africa revealed the typical fluctuation pattern of distinct species proups as has been described from various parts of the world ocean. Only the "WBF-group" appears to be correlated with global climatic changes, i.e. warmer periods as the Eemian and the Atlanticum. A partly antagonistic "High Productivity group" (HPR-group) is in general not linked with global changes but times of increased fertility in the surface water and the resulting flux of organic matter reaching the bottom. The groups were extracted from cluster analysis of more than 150 surface samples (HPR-group) and a factor analysis of selected cores (WBF-group). In contrast to previous studies the observed fluctuations can not be explained by drastic changes in bottom water masses, but by the pulsation of a distinct "High Productivity Patch" in space and time. At present, this patch is located below the well known upwelling area between 22° and 12° northern latitude. It shifted to the north (up to 27 °N) during the latest glacial period ( 18 ky), indicating an equivalent shift of upwelling productivity caused by advection of nutrient rich upwelling SACW-waters, probably during most of isotopic stages 2 and 3.
Surface sediments from the continental slope and rise of North-West Africa between the Canary lslands and the Cape Verde Islands are mainly composed of silt-sized material (2-63 µm). A number of sampling profiles were run normal to the coast and the composition of the silt fraction was determined quantitatively by scanning electron microscope analysis. The carbonate portion of the sediment was found to be nearly exclusively of biogenic origin. The most important contributors are planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths with minor contributions derived from pteropods. Plankton-produced biogenic opal such as diatoms and radiolarians play a very minor role. The high production rates of opal-silica plankton which exists in the surface waters of the NW-African upwelling system does not give rise to corresponding increases of opal accumulation in the bottom sediment. Benthic producers consist mainly of foraminifers and molluscs but the entire input from benthic producers is extremely small. An exception to this occurs in the prodelta sediments of the Senegal river. Downslope particle transport is indicated by the occurrence of shallow-water coralline algae, ascidian sclerites and cliona boring chips and can be traced as far down as the continental rise. The non-carbonate silt fraction mostly consists of quartz which is derived as eolian dust from the Sahara desert by the Harmattan and the NE-Trade-wind system. The percentage of carbonate in the surface sediments directly indicates the relative proportions of autochthonous biogenic components and terrigenous allochthonous quartz particles.
The pollen record of three marine late Quaternary cores off Senegal shows a juxtaposition of Mediterranean, Northern Saharan, Central Saharan elements, which are considered transported by the trade winds from a winter-rainfall area, and Sahelian, Soudanese, Soudano-Guinean elements, considered transported both by winds and mostly by the Senegal River, and coming from the monsoonal, summer tropical rainfall area of southern West Africa. Littoral vegetation is either the edaphically dry and saline Chenopodiaceae from sebkhas at the time of the main regression, or the warm tropical humid mangrove with Rhizophora during the humid optimum period. Four stratigraphic zones reflect, from basis to top: Zone 4. A semi-arid period with a balanced pollen input. Zone 3. A very arid period with the disappearance of monsoonal pollen, probably from the disappearance of the Senegal River, a very saline littoral plain with Chenopodiaceae, a larger input of northern Saharan pollen from intensified trade winds. Zone 2. A quite humid period, much more so than today, very suddenly established, with a northward extension of the monsoonal areas, a rich littoral mangrove, and weakening of the trade winds. Zone l. A slow and steady evolution toward the present semi-humid conditions with regression of the mangrove, and of the monsoonal areas toward the south. Tentative datations and correlations with the Tchad area suggested: zone 4: 22,500 to 19,000 years BP; zone 3: 19,000 to 12,500 years BP; zone 2: 12,500 to 5,500 years BP; zone 1: 5,500 years BP to top of core. Dinoflagellate cysts display a tropical assemblage with mostly estuarine neritic elements and also a weak oceanic component, mostly in the lower slope core 47. Cosmopolitan taxa dominate the assemblage and only a few species point to more specialized environments. Quantitative variations of the assemblage are the basis of stratigraphy which is not similar to the pollen stratigraphy, and an inshore-outshore gradient has to be taken into account to correlate the three cores.
Water depth zonation of fifty nine benthonic foraminiferal species in marine sediment surfaces has been described. Some species are combined to groups which mark particular depth zones: an upper and lower shelf-fauna, an upper and lower slope fauna, and a shelf-slope fauna. Dependence on latitude could be ascertained for Textularia panamensis, and submergence effects for Hyalinea balthica.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden sedimentologische und geochemische Untersuchungen an Oberflächensedimenten der Deutschen Bucht NW von Helgoland durchgeführt. Die chemischen Analysen zeigten, daß in den Pelitfraktionen der fein sandigen bis mittelsandigen Sedimente z. T. erhöhte Schwermetallkonzentrationen anzutreffen sind. Diese Anreicherungen sind auf die Einbringung von Dünnsäure ins Meerwasser als Abfallprodukt der Titandioxidgewinnung zurückzuführen, wie Korrelationen einzeln untersuchter Elemente zeigen.
In the sediments of the NW African continental margin the mainly biogenic carbonate constituents become increasingly diluted with terrigenous material as one approaches the coast, as indicated by the carbonate-CO2 content, the Al2O3/SiO2-ratios, and the presence of ammonia fixed to alumino-silicates, predominantly to illites. In the norther area of the investigation - off Cape Blanc and Cape Bojador . the terrigenous constituents are mainly quartz from the Sahara Desert, whereas in the south - off Senegal - more alumino-silicates as clay minerals are admixed with the carbonate constituents. The organic carbon content of the continental slope sediments off Senegal is higher than in samples of the continental rise or of the preservation of organic matter as a result of high production and relatively rapid sedimentation. The zone of manganese-oxide enrichment follows the redox potential of + 330 mV from the surface (0-5 cm) into the sediments (20-30 cm deep) at 2000--3000 m and 3700 m of water depths, respectively. At shallower water depths, low redox potentials preclude deposition of manganese oxides and cause their mobilization from the sediments. About 1/3 of the total sedimentary Zn and 1/4 of the Cu is associated with the carbonate mineral fraction, probably in calcium phosphate overgrowths as a result of the mineralization of phosphorus-containing organic matter. Besides the precipitation of calcium phosphate, the mineralization of organic matter mediated by bacterial sulfate reduction also results in calcium carbonate precipitation and the exchange of ammonia for potassium on illites. Because of these simultaneous reactions, the depth distribution of all mineralization constituents in the interstitial water can be determined using the actual molar carbon-to-nitrogen-to phosphorus ratios of the sedimentary organic matter. The amount of sulfide sulfur in this process indicates the predominance of bacterial sulfate reduction in the sediments off NW Africa. This process also preferentially decomposes nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing organic compounds so organic matter deficient in these elements is characteristic for the rapidly accumulating sediments than today, indicating there was increased production of organic carbon compounds and more favorable conditions of their preservations. During the last interglacial times conditions were similar to those to today. This differentiation with time has also been observed in sediments from the Argentine Basin and from slope off South India indicating perhaps world-wide environmental changes throughout Late Quaternary times.
Living and dead benthic Foraminifera of 26 sediment surface samples from the East Atlantic continental margin (off Portugal) are studied. The stations are located on two profiles off Cape Mondego and off Cape Sines, ranging in water depth from 45 to 3905 meters. The highest values of standing crop are on the shelf (200 m) (up to 420 specimens/10 cm**3). Below 1000 m water depth standing crop is low (5 -24 specimens/10 cm**3). 151species and species groups are distinguished. Most of the living species do occur in a wide depth range. Faunal depth boundaries are at 50/100m, at 600/800 m, and at 1000 m. Results published from the North Atlantic and the East Mediterranean do not differ from those obtained in samples off Portugal. Depth of water (e.g. hydrostatic pressure) or another factor being controlled by depth (e.g. limitation of food supply) seems to be the most important factor of the benthic foraminiferal distribution.
The 60 km wide shelf off Mauritania is cut by several submarine canyons. Its water-circulation is controlled by the cool Canary current and upwelling. Its Recent sediments show faunal associations remarkably related to the grain size distribution which in water depths between 40 and 80 m is strongly influenced by reworking of older coarse sand or sandstone. In this depth range a mixed biofacies originating from Pleistocene and Recent material is encountered. The present lateral faunistic and sedimentological facies change, including horizons of mixed provenance, can be recognized in vertical sequences taken by vibro-coring. This correlation combined with 14C-datations on molluscs enable the reconstruction of the history of the last glacial regression and transgression. Due to the arid climate, the emerging calcareous shelf sediments are indurated and, therefore, protected from subaerial and submarine erosion. During low sea level eolian sand migrates over the shelf, but only about 1/10 of this material remains there and is later incorporated into the sandy shelf sediments. The calculated average rate of total sedimentation during Holocene is 15 cm, and the production rate of carbonate is 5 cm/1000 years.