950 resultados para X-rays: bursts


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With the increasing of demand for natural gas and the consequent growth of the pipeline networks, besides the importance of transport and transfer of oil products by pipeline, and when it comes to product quality and integrity of the pipeline there is an important role regarding to the monitoring internal corrosion of the pipe. This study aims to assess corrosion in three pipeline that operate with different products, using gravimetric techniques and electrical resistance. Chemical analysis of residues originated in the pipeline helps to identify the mechanism corrosive process. The internal monitoring of the corrosion in the pipelines was carried out between 2009 and 2010 using coupon weight loss and electrical resistance probe. Physico-chemical techniques of diffraction and fluorescence X-rays were used to characterize the products of corrosion of the pipelines. The corrosion rate by weight loss was analyzed for every pipeline, only those ones that has revealed corrosive attack were analyzed located corrosion rate. The corrosion potential was classified as low to pipeline gas and ranged from low to severe for oil pipelines and the pipeline derivatives. Corrosion products were identified as iron carbonate, iron oxide and iron sulfide


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BACKGROUND:The classification of proximal humeral fractures remains challenging. The two main classification systems used, the Neer and the AO classification, have both been shown to have less than ideal interobserver agreement. Agreement in classification is required, however, to guide fracture management.

METHOD:Data from the Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry were collected and the X-rays of 104 proximal humeral fractures were reviewed by three orthopaedic consultants. They classified the fractures according to the Neer and AO classifications, as well as their simplified versions. Interobserver agreement was then assessed using kappa statistics.

RESULTS:Interobserver agreement was better overall in the Neer classification, which was moderate (kappa = 0.40-0.58), than the AO classification, which was fair to moderate (kappa = 0.31-0.54). When simplified, the Neer and AO classification interobserver agreement remained similar.

CONCLUSION:The classification of proximal humeral fractures with both the Neer and the AO systems remains difficult with minimal improvements seen when reducing the number of categories in each classification system. From these results, the Neer classification system would appear slightly more useful in clinical practice to guide treatment.


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In multi-body models of scoliotic spine, personalization of mechanical properties of joints significantly improves reconstruction of the spine shape. In personalization methods based on lateral bending test, simulation of bending positions is an essential step. To simulate, a force is exerted on the spine model in the erect position. The line of action of the force affects the moment of the force about the joints and thus, if not correctly identified, causes over/underestimation of mechanical properties. Therefore, we aimed to identify the line of action, which has got little attention in previous studies. An in-depth analysis was performed on the scoliotic spine movement from the erect to four spine positions in the frontal plane by using pre-operative X-rays of 18 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients. To study the movement, the spine curvature was considered as a 2D chain of micro-scale motion segments (MMSs) comprising rigid links and 1-degree-of-freedom (DOF) rotary joints. It was found that two MMSs representing the inflection points of the erect spine had almost no rotation (0.0028° ± 0.0021°) in the movement. The small rotation can be justified by weak moment of the force about these MMSs due to very small moment arm. Therefore, in the frontal plane, the line of action of the force to simulate the left/right bending position was defined as the line that passes through these MMSs in the left/right bending position. Through personalization of a 3D spine model for our patients, we demonstrated that our line of action could result in good estimates of the spine shape in the bending positions and other positions not included in the personalization, supporting our proposed line of action.


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Observations of jets in X-ray binaries show a correlation between radio power and black hole spin. This correlation, if confirmed, points toward the idea that relativistic jets may be powered by the rotational energy of black holes. In order to examine this further, we perform general relativistic radiative transport calculations on magnetically arrested accretion flows, which are known to produce powerful jets via the Blandfordâ Znajek (BZ) mechanism. We find that the X-ray and γ-ray emission strongly depend on spin and inclination angle. Surprisingly, the high-energy power does not show the same dependence on spin as the BZ jet power, but instead can be understood as a redshift effect. In particular, photons observed perpendicular to the spin axis suffer little net redshift until originating from close to the horizon. Such observers see deeper into the hot, dense, highly magnetized inner disk region. This effect is largest for rapidly rotating black holes due to a combination of frame dragging and decreasing horizon radius. While the X-ray emission is dominated by the near horizon region, the near-infrared (NIR) radiation originates at larger radii. Therefore, the ratio of X-ray to NIR power is an observational signature of black hole spin.


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It is well known that rib cage dimensions depend on the gender and vary with the age of the individual. Under this setting it is therefore possible to assume that a computational approach to the problem may be thought out and, consequently, this work will focus on the development of an Artificial Intelligence grounded decision support system to predict individual’s age, based on such measurements. On the one hand, using some basic image processing techniques it were extracted such descriptions from chest X-rays (i.e., its maximum width and height). On the other hand, the computational framework was built on top of a Logic Programming Case Base approach to knowledge representation and reasoning, which caters for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even contradictory information. Furthermore, clustering methods based on similarity analysis among cases were used to distinguish and aggregate collections of historical data in order to reduce the search space, therefore enhancing the cases retrieval and the overall computational process. The accuracy of the proposed model is satisfactory, close to 90%.


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Neste trabalho foram estudadas quatro espécies fotográficas, dois ambrótipos do séc. XIX e dois negativos de gelatina do séc. XX. Estas espécies são suscetiveis a degradações, físicas, químicas e microbiológicas. Técnicas de análise não destrutivas como, a fotografia, a microscopia ótica, a microscopia eletrónica de varrimento e espetroscopia de raios-X por dispersão em energias, a micro-espetroscopia de infravermelho em modo de reflexão total atenuada, a micro-espetroscopia de Raman e a micro-difração de raios-X foram utilizadas na caracterização material. A colonização microbiológica das amostras foi estudada através do isolamento e caracterização dos microrganismos contaminantes. Foram ainda realizados estudos de determinação de atividade celulolítica para os isolados fúngicos provenientes dos ambrótipos bem como ensaios de simulação, nos quais se utilizaram estes isolados para induzir contaminação em ambrótipos contemporâneos e assim avaliar o seu potencial biodeteriogénico. Foi ainda avaliado o potencial biodeteriogénico de isolados bacterianos em negativos de gelatina contemporâneos; Abstract: Material and microbiological characterization of photographic specimens This work presents a scientific study of four photographic specimens, two ambrotypes and two gelatin-silver negative plates from 19th and 20th century, respectively. These specimens are susceptible to physical, chemical and microbiological degradations. A non-destructive approach was used based on techniques such as technical photography, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, infrared micro-spectroscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-rays micro-diffraction. Microbiological colonization of the samples was studied by isolation and characterization of the contaminating microorganisms. Studies to evaluate cellulolytic activity of fungal isolates from the ambrotypes were carried out and also simulation assays in which were used these isolated to induce contamination in contemporary ambrotypes were done to evaluate their biodeteriogenic potential. It was also studied the biodeteriogenic potential of the bacterial isolates from gelatin-silver negative plates which were subsequently inoculated in contemporary gelatin-silver negatives.


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A link between patterns of pelvic growth and human life history is supported by the finding that, cross-culturally, variation in maturation rates of female pelvis are correlated with variation in ages of menarche and first reproduction, i.e., it is well known that the human dimensions of the pelvic bones depend on the gender and vary with the age. Indeed, one feature in which humans appear to be unique is the prolonged growth of the pelvis after the age of sexual maturity. Both the total superoinferior length and mediolateral breadth of the pelvis continues to grow markedly after puberty, and do not reach adult proportions until the late teens years. This continuation of growth is accomplished by relatively late fusion of the separate centers of ossification that form the bones of the pelvis. Hence, in this work we will focus on the development of an intelligent decision support system to predict individual’s age based on a pelvis' dimensions criteria. Some basic image processing techniques were applied in order to extract the relevant features from pelvic X-rays, being the computational framework built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning that caters for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information, complemented with a Case Base approach to computing.


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Mossbauer spectra of Fe-57 in a thick film YBa2(Cu0.97Fe0.03)(3)O7-x irradiated by a large dose of gamma-rays from Co-60 have been measured. The variation of the relative intensities of some subspectra of Fe-57 in the. Mossbauer spectra of the thick film YBa2(Cu0.97Fe0.03)(3)O7-x after irradiation can be observed. This variation indicates that the change of the coordination environment around some Fe atoms in the lattice occurs due to irradiation. The relative intensity of subspectrum D1(Fe) at the Cu(1) site decreases and that of subspectrum D4(Fe) at the Cu(1) site increases. This may be because of the possible oxygen atom hopping between the coordination environments of D1(Fe) and D4(Fe) in the lattice caused by irradiation. The effect of irradiation on the coordination environment around the Fe atom at the Cu(2) site is not appreciable. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Since data-taking began in January 2004, the Pierre Auger Observatory has been recording the count rates of low energy secondary cosmic ray particles for the self-calibration of the ground detectors of its surface detector array. After correcting for atmospheric effects, modulations of galactic cosmic rays due to solar activity and transient events are observed. Temporal variations related with the activity of the heliosphere can be determined with high accuracy due to the high total count rates. In this study, the available data are presented together with an analysis focused on the observation of Forbush decreases, where a strong correlation with neutron monitor data is found.


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Bibliography: p. 28.


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We present optical, near-IR, and radio follow-up of 16 Swift bursts, including our discovery of nine afterglows and a redshift determination for three. These observations, supplemented by data from the literature, provide an afterglow recovery rate of 52% in the optical/near-IR, much higher than in previous missions (BeppoSAX, HETE-2, INTEGRAL, and IPN). The optical/near-IR afterglows of Swift events are on average 1.8 mag fainter at t = 12 hr than those of previous missions. The X-ray afterglows are similarly fainter than those of pre-Swift bursts. In the radio the limiting factor is the VLA threshold, and the detection rate for Swift bursts is similar to that for past missions. The redshift distribution of pre-Swift bursts peaked at z similar to 1, whereas the six Swift bursts with measured redshifts are distributed evenly between 0.7 and 3.2. From these results we conclude that ( 1) the pre-Swift distributions were biased in favor of bright events and low-redshift events, ( 2) the higher sensitivity and accurate positions of Swift result in a better representation of the true burst redshift and brightness distributions ( which are higher and dimmer, respectively), and (3) similar to 10% of the bursts are optically dark, as a result of a high redshift and/or dust extinction. We remark that the apparent lack of low-redshift, low-luminosity Swift bursts and the lower event rate than prelaunch estimates ( 90 vs. 150 per year) are the result of a threshold that is similar to that of BATSE. In view of these inferences, afterglow observers may find it advisable to make significant changes in follow-up strategies of Swift events. The faintness of the afterglows means that large telescopes should be employed as soon as the burst is localized. Sensitive observations in RIz and near-IR bands will be needed to discriminate between a typical z similar to 2 burst with modest extinction and a high-redshift event. Radio observations will be profitable for a small fraction (similar to 10%) of events. Finally, we suggest that a search for bright host galaxies in untriggered BAT localizations may increase the chance of finding nearby low-luminosity GRBs.


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Since the first investigation 25 years ago, the application of genetic tools to address ecological and evolutionary questions in elasmobranch studies has greatly expanded. Major developments in genetic theory as well as in the availability, cost effectiveness and resolution of genetic markers were instrumental for particularly rapid progress over the last 10 years. Genetic studies of elasmobranchs are of direct importance and have application to fisheries management and conservation issues such as the definition of management units and identification of species from fins. In the future, increased application of the most recent and emerging technologies will enable accelerated genetic data production and the development of new markers at reduced costs, paving the way for a paradigm shift from gene to genome-scale research, and more focus on adaptive rather than just neutral variation. Current literature is reviewed in six fields of elasmobranch molecular genetics relevant to fisheries and conservation management (species identification, phylogeography, philopatry, genetic effective population size, molecular evolutionary rate and emerging methods). Where possible, examples from the Indo-Pacific region, which has been underrepresented in previous reviews, are emphasized within a global perspective. (C) 2012 The Authors Journal of Fish Biology (C) 2012 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


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An atmospheric radio noise burst represents the radiation received from one complete lightning flash at the frequency to which a receiver is tuned and within the receiver bandwidth. At tropical latitudes, the principal source of interference in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10 MHz is the burst form of atmospheric radio noise. The structure of a burst shows several approximately rectangular pulses of random amplitude, duration and frequency of recurrence. The influence of the noise on data communication can only be examined when the value of the number of pulses crossing a certain amplitude threshold per unit time of the noise burst is known. A pulse rate counter designed for this purpose has been used at Bangalore (12°58′N, 77°35′E) to investigate the pulse characteristics of noise bursts at 3 MHz with a receiver bandwidth of 3.3 kHz/6d B. The results show that the number of pulses lying in the amplitude range between peak and quasi-peak values of the noise bursts and the burst duration corresponding to these pulses follow log normal distributions. The pulse rates deduced therefrom show certain correlation between the number of pulses and the duration of the noise burst. The results are discussed with a view to furnish necessary information for data communication.


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The isotopic composition of hydrogen and helium in solar cosmic rays provides a means of studying solar flare particle acceleration mechanisms since the enhanced relative abundance of rare isotopes, such as 2H, 3H and 3He, is due to their production by inelastic nuclear collisions in the solar atmosphere during the flare. In this work the Caltech Electron/Isotope Spectrometer on the IMP-7 spacecraft has been used to measure this isotopic composition. The response of the dE/dx-E particle telescope is discussed and alpha particle channeling in thin detectors is identified as an important background source affecting measurement of low values of (3He/4He).

The following flare-averaged results are obtained for the period, October, 1972 - November, 1973: (2H/1H) = 7+10-6 X 10-6 (1.6 - 8.6 MeV/nuc), (3H/1H) less than 3.4 x 10-6 (1.2 - 6.8 MeV/nuc), (3He/4He) = (9 ± 4) x 10-3, (3He/1H) = (1.7 ± 0.7) x 10-4 (3.1 - 15.0 MeV/nuc). The deuterium and tritium ratios are significantly lower than the same ratios at higher energies, suggesting that the deuterium and tritium spectra are harder than that of the protons. They are, however, consistent with the same thin target model relativistic path length of ~ 1 g/cm2 (or equivalently ~ 0.3 g/cm2 at 30 MeV/nuc) which is implied by the higher energy results. The 3He results, consistent with previous observations, would imply a path length at least 3 times as long, but the observations may be contaminated by small 3He rich solar events.

During 1973 three "3He rich events," containing much more 3He than 2H or 3H were observed on 14 February, 29 June and 5 September. Although the total production cross sections for 2H,3H and 3He are comparable, an upper limit to (2H/3He) and (3H/3He) was 0.053 (2.9-6.8 MeV/nuc), summing over the three events. This upper limit is marginally consistent with Ramaty and Kozlovsky's thick target model which accounts for such events by the nuclear reaction kinematics and directional properties of the flare acceleration process. The 5 September event was particularly significant in that much more 3He was observed than 4He and the fluxes of 3He and 1H were about equal. The range of (3He/4He) for such events reported to date is 0.2 to ~ 6 while (3He/1H) extends from 10-3 to ~ 1. The role of backscattered and mirroring protons and alphas in accounting for such variations is discussed.


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O fósforo (P) é um nutriente essencial para o crescimento das plantas. Milhões de toneladas de P são aplicados aos solos anualmente. No entanto, apenas uma pequena fração do P aplicado com fertilizantes é aproveitada nas lavouras no ano de aplicação, bem como a eficácia do fertilizante fosfatado diminui com o tempo. Para melhorar a nossa compreensão dos mecanismos, a esta resposta do P no campo, este trabalho visa estudar a migração desse elemento em solos tropicais brasileiros (Latossolo vermelho e Latossolo amarelo) tratados com três tipos de fertilizantes: fosfato monoamônico (MAP), o polímero revestido de fosfato monoamônio (MAPP) e fosfato organomineral (OMP) em um experimento de placa de Petri. Fluorescência de Raios X por Reflexão Total (TXRF) foi usada para determinar o fluxo difusivo P a distâncias radiais diferentes (entre 0 e 7,5 mm, entre 7,5 e 13,5 mm, 13,5 e 25,5 mm e entre 25,5 e 43 mm) a partir do grânulo de fertilizante. As análises usando TXRF foram realizadas no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), em Campinas, São Paulo, na linha de Fluorescência de Raios X (Beamline D09B). Depois de um período de cinco semanas, a concentração total de P, Ca e Al foram obtidas e comparadas analisando o tipo de solo/textura, o pH e o respectivo extrator de P, que nesse estudo foram usados o Mehlich 1 e água régia. De forma geral, concluiu-se que 80,0 % de fósforo proveniente dos fertilizantes usados nessa proposta ficaram concentrados em distâncias menores que 10 mm do ponto de aplicação dos fertilizantes, independentemente do tipo de solo, do pH e da respectiva textura. Em relação à utilização da técnica TXRF, o sistema foi eficiente, dentre outras características, na discriminação dos picos de fósforo dos picos de enxofre, principalmente nas amostras de solo usadas a partir da extração com Mehlich 1. Destaca-se isso, pois os raios X característicos desses elementos são muitos próximos.