865 resultados para Working class authors
The general objective of this academic work is to analyze the relationship between the territorial division and the urban expansion process of Mossoró city, understood here as the production and occupation of space. The urban expansion in Mossoró, since its formation as settlement in 1772 until current days, identifies with the Brazilian urbanization process whose growth is determined by the capitalist development. Thus, the expansion was determined by several economical specializations imposed by the territorial division of work which occurs at an interregional level, and, sometimes at an international level. Then, each specialization determined a moment of the urban expansion of the city, as follows: a) The cattle farmer specialization, between 1772 and 1857, when the urban expansion was shy, is summarized to a commercial square that received goods from Aracati aiming to cover a wide rural area; b) The commercial emporium specialization, between 1857 and 1930, when the urban expansion took an important impulse with the concentration of public and private capitals; c) The salt industry and the agricultural-industrial exporter specialization inside a state of development policy, between 1930 and 1970, when the urban expansion, joined to the settlement of the working class in the urban soil, developed along an important axis -the railway; d) The render of services specialization inside a state of intervention policy, between 1970 and 1990, when the urban expansion was characterized by the accelerated growth rhythm, by the reuse of some spaces, and by space segregation of demanding people; e) The render of services policy inside a neoliberal state policy, since 1990 until current days, when the urban expansion reduced its rhythm abruptly, when only small alterations occurred in the existing spaces. It focused on social policies and on several slums eradication programs. Finally, the territorial structure is deeply articulated with others, no territorial, but economical, social and political, which happens at a national, regional and local rate. Only within a historical and conceptual panorama, it was possible to explain the urban expansion in Mossoró from its formation in 1772 until current days. Therefore, this work is a several discipline analysis of the urbanization process existing in Mossoró
This thesis examines the experiences and political subjectivity of women who engaged in workplace protest in Britain between 1968 and 1985. The study covers a period that has been identified with the ‘zenith’ of trade-union militancy in British labour history. The women’s liberation movement also emerged in this period, which produced a shift in public debates about gender roles and relations in the home and the workplace. Women’s trade union membership increased dramatically and trade unions increasingly committed themselves to supporting ‘women’s issues’. Industrial disputes involving working-class women have frequently been cited as evidence of women’s growing participation in the labour movement. However, the voices and experiences of female workers who engaged in workplace protest remain largely unexplored. This thesis addresses this space through an original analysis of the 1968 sewing-machinists’ strike at Ford, Dagenham; the 1976 equal pay strike at Trico, Brentford; the 1972 Sexton shoe factory occupation in Fakenham, Norfolk; the 1981 Lee Jeans factory occupation in Greenock, Inverclyde and the 1984-1985 sewing-machinists’ strike at Ford Dagenham. Drawing upon a combination of oral history and written sources, this study contributes a fresh understanding of the relationship between feminism, workplace activism and trade unionism during the years 1968-1985. In every dispute considered in this thesis, women’s behaviour was perceived by observers as novel, ‘historic’ or extraordinary. But the women did not think of themselves as extraordinary, and rather understood their behaviour as a legitimate and justified response to their everyday experiences of gender and class antagonism. The industrial disputes analysed in this thesis show that women’s workplace militancy was not simply a direct response to women’s heightened presence in trade unions. The women involved in these disputes were more likely to understand their experiences of workplace activism as an expression of the economic, social and subjective value of their work. Whilst they did not adopt a feminist identity or associate their action with the WLM, they spoke about themselves and their motivations in a manner that emphasised feminist values of equality, autonomy and self-worth.
Tras un repaso a las reflexiones sociológicas sobre la FP y su relación con el origen socioeconómico y el género, así como su plasmación en los debates de política educativa en España, mostramos las tasas de estudiantes o graduados de FP a los 19 y 20 años según clase social de origen y género, desde los nacidos en 1957 hasta 1992. Durante todo este periodo, la desigualdad de oportunidades sociales en el acceso a la FP ha permanecido más bien constante por clase social mientras que ha disminuido por género a partir de las personas nacidas en 1961, pero en mayor medida en las nacidas después de 1970. Los datos muestran que la reforma introducida por la LOGSE, que endureció los requisitos académicos para cursar FP, disminuyó la probabilidad de cursar FP en todas las clases sociales, y que es posible que haya perjudicado en mayor medida a la clase obrera que al resto de clases. Por otro lado, las mujeres cuya familia social de origen pertenece a las clases intermedias optan en menor medida por los estudios de FP que lo que cabría esperar por su género y por su clase social.
This thesis presents an in-depth case study of a superdiverse neighbourhood in Glasgow where long-term white and ethnic minority communities reside alongside Roma migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, young professionals and other recent arrivals in traditional tenement housing. It focuses on the nature and extent of social contact and trust and on the role of context in shaping social relations. Employing the concepts of social milieu and intersectionality to identify social differences the research examines the relationships between five broad groupings of residents in the neighbourhood: Nostalgic Working Class, Scottish Asian, Liberal Homeowners, Kinship-sited Roma and Global Migrants. Ethnographic fieldwork was carried out in contexts within the neighbourhood, theorised as being potential sites for intergroup contact. Three types of interactions were examined: Group-based Interactions, Neighbour Interactions and Street Interactions. The data comprised documentary evidence, participant and direct observations, in-depth qualitative and walk-along interviews with residents and local organisations. Findings show that rather than individualising and isolating residents, superdiversity can stimulate community activism, yet there remains a preference for interaction within one’s own social milieu. The research has found that the concentration of poverty and material conditions has a more profound effect on social relations than historical diversity and the extent to which diversity is normalised within local discourses. Trust judgements in a superdiverse context may rely more on shared interests, moral outlook and assessments of the context rather than the extent of social contact. The quasi-private spaces of shared residential spaces and community activities can facilitate encounters with the potential to build trust, yet for this to occur cooperation through shared activities may not be sufficient. Interactions may need to move beyond co-presence and conviviality to increased understanding and empathy through dialogue. At an aggregate level, the extent to which superdiversity contributes to social contact and trust within the neighbourhood is strongly influenced by contextual factors and wider economic processes influencing housing tenure mix, private renting, property maintenance, residential churn and environmental conditions. Through examining different types of social contacts, the dynamics of trust as well as contextual influences, this thesis offers insights into the causal processes and factors that influence social relations at a local level.
This thesis examines how married couples bought and created a modern home for their families in suburban Glasgow between 1945-1975. New homeowners were on the cusp of the middle-classes, buying in a climate of renters. As they progressed through the family lifecycle women’s return to work meant they became more comfortably ensconced within the middle-classes. Engaged with a process of homemaking through consumption and labour, couples transformed their houses into homes that reflected themselves and their social status. The interior of the home was focused on as a site of social relations. Marriage in the suburbs was one of collaboration as each partner performed distinct gender roles. The idea of a shared home was investigated and the story of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ emerged from both testimony and contemporary literature. This thesis considers decision-making, labour and leisure to show the ways in which experiences of home were gendered. What emerged was that women’s work as everyday and mundane was overlooked and undervalued while husband’s extraordinary contributions in the form of DIY came to the fore. The impact of wider culture intruded upon the ‘private’ home as we see they ways in which the position of women in society influences their relationship to the home and their family. In the suburbs of post-war Glasgow women largely left the workforce to stay at home with their children. Mothers popped in and out of each other houses for tea and a blether, creating a homosocial network that was sociable and supportive unique to this time in their lives and to this historical context. Daily life was negotiated within the walls of the modern home. The inter-war suburbs of Glasgow needed modernising to post-war standards of modern living. ‘Modern’ was both an aesthetic and an engagement with new technologies within the house. Both middle and working-class practices for room use were found through the keeping of a ‘good’ or best room and the determination of couples to eat in their small kitchenettes. As couples updated their kitchen, the fitted kitchen revealed contemporary notions of modern décor, as kitchens became bright yellow with blue Formica worktops. The modern home was the evolution of existing ideas of modern combined with new standards of living. As Glasgow homeowners constructed their modern home what became evident was that this was a shared process and as a couple they placed their children central to all aspects of their lives to create not only a modern home, but that this was first and foremost a family home
This dissertation seeks to discern the impact of social housing on public health in the cities of Glasgow, Scotland and Baltimore, Maryland in the twentieth century. Additionally, this dissertation seeks to compare the impact of social housing policy implementation in both cities, to determine the efficacy of social housing as a tool of public health betterment. This is accomplished through the exposition and evaluation of the housing and health trends of both cities over the course of the latter half of the twentieth century. Both the cities of Glasgow and Baltimore had long struggled with both overcrowded slum districts and relatively unhealthy populations. Early commentators had noticed the connection between insanitary housing and poor health, and sought a solution to both of these problems. Beginning in the 1940s, housing reform advocates (self-dubbed ‘housers') pressed for the development of social housing, or municipally-controlled housing for low-income persons, to alleviate the problems of overcrowded slum dwellings in both cities. The impetus for social housing was twofold: to provide affordable housing to low-income persons and to provide housing that would facilitate healthy lives for tenants. Whether social housing achieved these goals is the crux of this dissertation. In the immediate years following the Second World War, social housing was built en masse in both cities. Social housing provided a reprieve from slum housing for both working-class Glaswegians and Baltimoreans. In Baltimore specifically, social housing provided accommodation for the city’s Black residents, who found it difficult to occupy housing in White neighbourhoods. As the years progressed, social housing developments in both cities faced unexpected problems. In Glasgow, stable tenant flight (including both middle class and skilled artisan workers)+ resulted in a concentration of poverty in the city’s housing schemes, and in Baltimore, a flight of White tenants of all income levels created a new kind of state subsidized segregated housing stock. The implementation of high-rise tower blocks in both cities, once heralded as a symbol of housing modernity, also faced increased scrutiny in the 1960s and 1970s. During the period of 1940-1980, before policy makers in the United States began to eschew social housing for subsidized private housing vouchers and community based housing associations had truly taken off in Britain, public health professionals conducted academic studies of the impact of social housing tenancy on health. Their findings provide the evidence used to assess the second objective of social housing provision, as outlined above. Put simply, while social housing units were undoubtedly better equipped than slum dwellings in both cities, the public health investigations into the impact of rehousing slum dwellers into social housing revealed that social housing was not a panacea for each city’s social and public health problems.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as questões de Gênero veiculadas a partir do teatro operário na cidade do Rio Grande, que nos anos iniciais do século XX foi um agente educativo relevante na organização do operariado local, e sua relação com a formação da consciência histórica dos sujeitos envolvidos nesta prática cultural. Para tal fim, realizar-se-á a análise da obra dramatúrgica Amor e Ouro (1906), de autoria da militante libertária Agostina Guizzardi, ativa intelectual do movimento operário, bem como de outros escritos desta e de outros militantes do operariado rio-grandino, buscando-se, assim, estabelecer um diálogo entre as muitas vozes que compunham esta prática educativa. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa estabelecerá um diálogo entre História e Literatura, adotando como diretrizes norteadoras os pressupostos da Nova História Cultural, referencial teórico este que alargou o campo de pesquisa histórica, abrindo espaço para a inserção de novos sujeitos e outras fontes, entre elas, o texto literário.
The area of Notting Hill in west London has been subject to much media coverage in recent years, which, along with substantial gentrification, has given rise to an image of the area as the epitome of fashionable London. This study investigates the views of those marginal to gentrification and mediated representation on their feelings about the local area, its image and their changing neighbourhoods. Many participants in the research resented some of the more recent changes in Notting Hill and the area's representation in the media. However, in contrast to expectations, most of the more working-class respondents involved in the research did not articulate much emotional attachment to the area. They were more concerned with what might be termed the material aspects of life in Notting Hill: convenience, facilities, safety and so on. In contrast, the more middle-class respondents frequently spoke of their regret of the changes to the area, such as the loss of independent shops, and the reduction in diversity. Paradoxically, the loss of working-class landscapes seems a relatively middle-class worry. The symbolically important landscapes described by working-class respondents were related to more immediate, material issues, in which gentrification was only a relatively minor concern. The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com
The article is devoted to the social functions of soccer in Brazilian society. The first section analyses the elitist and working class origin of soccer in Brazil. Next, the author attempts to describe the role of soccer in advancing social mobility of people from the working class. In the third, most important section the role of soccer in creation of the Brazilian national identity is considered. Here, the concept of a “tropical hybrid” as well as the ideology of mulattism is presented together with a detailed analysis of the Brazilian soccer style as an expression of the Afro-Brazilian, genetically determined talent.
The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) from its educational process and the path taken in education, started in the year 2013, with an experimental curricular proposal by Complexes of study the School Base and the Itinerant Schools, the MST, in Paraná state. For the construction of this proposed curriculum, the movement takes the historical background and the experience of the original foundations of the single school of labor started by the working class in revolutionary Soviet period as a training proposal and school organization that comes close to the creation of collective subjects, fighters and builders of a new society and sociopolitical objectives to this social movement. The Soviet experiment reference required a work of a critical appropriation for the Brazilian context. The curriculum prescription, called Study Plan, in its introduction, includes elements of design fundamentals like: the Education Eesign and Training Matrix; Matrix detailing: School and Life, School and Labor Formative Matrix, School and Social Struggle Formative Matrix, School and Collective Organization Formative Matrix, School and Culture Formative Matrix and School and History Formative Matrix; general school guidelines: a pedagogical function of the environment, the school's political organization, school times, specific methodological aspects, sequencing and duration of Complexes of Study and the evaluation process. The Study Plan contemplates the complexes, the disciplines, the portions of reality / practice categories present in complexes, organized by semester and year, i. e., from 6th to 9th grade in elementary school. Given the the presented context, this research aims to analyze the process of testing the proposed curriculum for the Complexes of Study in Primary School of Iraci Salette Strozak State School, located in the Marcos Freire Settlement, in Rio Bonito do Iguaçu in Paraná state. As a methodological approach, we chose the qualitative approach and analysis were conducted under the Marxism perspective. Library research and field research, semi-structured interviews and analysis of documents generated in the process of construction of the proposal were made.Initially, in this paper, we discus about the path followed by the MST in the fight for schools and public education; highlighting elements of the process which led to the understanding, by the Movement, of which only the struggle for land is not enough for the realization of Agrarian Reform. Then discuss whether some elements of Pedagogy of the Movement, the concept of education and the goals for education that Social Movement, the training matrices and the potential to transform the school from a pedagogical proposal that has these elements as guiding. They present also the original foundations of Complexes Study in its historical origin and design. Is discussed about the changes and curriculum innovations, curriculum as schooling as social reproduction and presents the structure of Curriculum Proposal by Complex of Study. Forth, it is shown how the experiment occurred in basis School Iraci Salette Strozak. At this point, we propose a dialogue on the transformations in the organization of pedagogical work, discussing the elements of the proposal that are being experienced and the changes already perceived. Still, we address the issue of formation of educators and also elements relating to the challenges andadvancements encountered by the school in this area, and possible implications for the experiment.
The theoretical foundation of this study addresses the construct Quality of Worklife involving pro-active reading organizations in face to social developments of the working class, which is a challenge to the people s management. In this sense, as a contribution to the studies of quality of worklife (QOWL), this study addresses the quality of lifework of nurses at Walfredo Gurgel and Santa Catarina public hospitals. The goal is to make a diagnosis about the quality of lifework of these employees taking as a basis dimensions and performance indicators shown in the model by Fernandes (1996). The research is characterized by field, in a descriptive way. This survey comprised 75 nurses, with 49 by Walfredo Gurgel hospital and 26 by Santa Catarina one. The data collection was carried out through structured questionnaire. The questions were processed in the software Statistic 6.0, with factor analysis and multiple regressions, after the systematization of data. As a result, the most nurses in hospitals are dissatisfied with the quality of lifework, with the highest incidence in Santa Catarina hospital. The variable occupational health assessment was more negative in the hospital Santa Catarina one, whereas in Walfredo Gurgel, was family assistance. The variable guarantee of employment was more positive assessment in two hospitals without, though, implying in high importance on QOWL of nurses. The factor structure and decision showed greater sensitivity to explain the QOWL of nurses, joining 17 variables from 40 of the model. The factor working conditions, joining 6 variables, showed the second highest sensitivity. The compensation factor, gathering 5 variables, showed the third highest sensitivity while image and health factors showed minor importance
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de História, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, 2015.
In the last sixty years a steadily maintained process of convergence towards the Castilian national standard has been occurring in Southern Spain affecting urban middle-class speakers’ varieties, particularly phonology and lexis. As a consequence, unmarked features characterising innovative southern pronunciation have become less frequent and, at the same time, certain standard marked features have been adapted to the southern phonemic inventory. Then, urban middle-class varieties have progressively been stretching out the distance separating them from working-class and rural varieties, and bringing them closer to central Castilian varieties. Intermediate, yet incipient koineised varieties have been described including also transitional Murcia and Extremadura dialects (Hernández & Villena 2009, Villena, Vida & von Essen 2015). (1) Some of the standard phonologically marked features have spread out among southern speakers exclusively based on their mainstream social prestige and producing not only changes in obstruent phoneme inventory –i.e. acquisition of /s/ vs. /θ/ contrast, but also standstill and even reversion of old consonant push- or pull-chain shifts –e.g. /h/ or /d/ fortition, affricate /ʧ/, etc. as well as traditional lexis shift (Villena et al. 2016). Internal (grammar and word frequency) and external (stratification, network and style) factors constraining those features follow similar patterns in the Andalusian speech communities analysed so far (Granada, Malaga) but when we zoom in on central varieties, which are closer to the national standard and then more conservative, differences in frequency increase and conflict sites emerge. (2) Unmarked ‘natural’ phonological features characterising southern dialects, particularly deletion of syllable-final consonant, do not keep pace with this trend of convergence towards the standard. Thus a combination of southern innovative syllable-final and standard conservative onset-consonant features coexist. (3). The main idea is that this intermediate variety is formed through changes suggesting that Andalusian speakers look for the best way of accepting marked prestige features without altering coherence within their inventory. Either reorganisation of the innovative phonemic system in such a way that it may include Castilian and standard /s/ vs. /θ/ contrast or re-syllabification of aspirated /s/ before dental stop are excellent examples of how and why linguistic features are able to integrate intermediate varieties between the dialect-standard continuum.
Este ensaio, por meio de revisão da literatura, analisa as transformações societárias em curso que afetam o mundo do trabalho e a vida em sociedade, provocando o acirramento da questão social, compreendida como resultante das contradições entre capital e trabalho. Em linhas gerais, tendo em vista o acúmulo de conhecimento produzido no campo das ciências sociais e humanas acerca do tema, são apresentados elementos acerca das alterações desencadeadas no mundo do trabalho e seus reflexos para os trabalhadores em tempos de crise do capital. Dentre as consequências dessas transformações estão a intensificação e a expansão de formas precárias de trabalho, o agravamento do pauperismo, o avanço do desemprego, a informalidade, as subcontratações, a miséria e a perda de direitos sociais. Tal quadro esboça, para o conjunto da classe trabalhadora, por meio de organizações e lutas coletivas, desafios com vistas à superação da sociabilidade capitalista. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Tendo por base o contexto histórico e patrimonial no qual se desenvolveu o interesse pelo património industrial em Portugal, a partir do último quartel do século passado, este trabalho procura ser um contributo para a valorização histórica e patrimonial de um espaço industrial de grandes dimensões como foi o caso do Complexo Industrial da C.U.F. no Barreiro. O trabalho estrutura-se em duas partes, na primeira parte abordamos o tema Património Industrial na sua génese e enquadramento histórico como conceito e suas perspetivas de preservação e valorização; seguidamente faremos uma pequena síntese histórica do Barreiro até ao Complexo Industrial da C.U.F., onde abordaremos também o aumento populacional e o crescimento urbano, passando pelo problema da habitação e o surgimento dos Bairros Operários até aos espaços de lazer e catividades culturais ligadas ao Operariado, não esquecendo as estruturas de saúde, assistência, lazer e as politicas sociais. Na segunda parte abordaremos a importância de valorizar o património industrial e consequentemente o Complexo Industrial com a proposta de um programa de valorização do mesmo, através da criação de núcleos museológicos e de um roteiro de Património Industrial. ABSTRACT: The Human Facet of the Industrial Complex of C.U.F.- a Heritage to Preserve The foundation of this Project is the historical heritage for which developed the interest in Portugal's industrial heritage from the last quarter of the past century. This project has the intention to contribute to the historical and heritage valorization of one of the biggest industrial complexes, which was the case of the Industrial Complex C.U.F. in Barreiro. This project has two parts, the first part will be about defining the theme of industrial heritage and its genesis and the historical setting as a concept and its perspectives of preservation and valorization; afterwards, we will do a small historical synopsis of Barreiro including the Industrial Complex of C.U.F., where we will also refer to the increase in population growth and the urban development, followed by the housing problem and consequently the increase of working class neighborhoods, even to the prices of leisure and culture activities related to the working class, not forgetting the health structures, assistance, leisure and social politics. ln the second part, we will also talk about the importance of valorizing industrial heritage, and subsequently the Industrial Complex, with a proposal of a valorization programme of the Complex with the creation of a museological core as well as an industrial heritage guide.