999 resultados para Wien - jatkokoulutus
beschrieben von Dr. A. Adolf Schmidl
[Johann Pezzl]
hrsg. von Purus Putus Sycophante
von F. Hofmann
Purus Putus Sycophantes
von Joh. Gottfried Ritter v. Rössler, k. k. Rathe, ersten Hofkammer-Procurators-Adjuncten, N. Oe. Unterthans-Advocaten, und Decan der juridischen Facultät
durch Dr. A. Adolf Schmidl
Rezension von: Klaus Prange: Erziehung als Handwerk, Studien zur Zeigestruktur der Erziehung, Paderborn / München / Wien / Zürich: Schöningh 2012 (192 S.; ISBN 978-3-506-77547-4; 24,90 EUR)
Rezension von: Buholzer, Alois / Joller-Graf Klaus / Kummer Wyss, Annemarie / Zobrist, Bruno (Hrsg.): Kompetenzprofil zum Umgang mit heterogenen Lerngruppen, Wien, Zürich, Berlin, Münster: LIT Verlag 2012 (77 S.; ISBN 978-3-643-80084-8)
Rezension von: Cristina Allemann-Ghionda: Bildung für alle, Diversität und Inklusion. Internationale Perspektiven. Paderborn / München / Wien / Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh 2013 (261 S.; ISBN 978-3-506-77308-1)
The influence of a possible nonzero chemical potential mu on the nature of dark energy is investigated by assuming that the dark energy is a relativistic perfect simple fluid obeying the equation of state, p=omega rho (omega < 0, constant). The entropy condition, S >= 0, implies that the possible values of omega are heavily dependent on the magnitude, as well as on the sign of the chemical potential. For mu > 0, the omega parameter must be greater than -1 (vacuum is forbidden) while for mu < 0 not only the vacuum but even a phantomlike behavior (omega <-1) is allowed. In any case, the ratio between the chemical potential and temperature remains constant, that is, mu/T=mu(0)/T(0). Assuming that the dark energy constituents have either a bosonic or fermionic nature, the general form of the spectrum is also proposed. For bosons mu is always negative and the extended Wien's law allows only a dark component with omega <-1/2, which includes vacuum and the phantomlike cases. The same happens in the fermionic branch for mu < 0. However, fermionic particles with mu > 0 are permitted only if -1