882 resultados para Websites in portuguese language


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This article discusses the way in whic language learners master meaning, particularly of on-literal language. This issue is discussed in the context of the learner's cognitive framework with specific reference to Indonesian and English.


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The current exploration to incorporating spirituality within social work has left many unanswered questions. This paper explores four identified spiritual paradigms articulated and authenticated through the survey of literature of three spiritual ideologies (Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism) using the process of meta-triangulation. This paper offers the beginnings of a possible answer to some of the central questions, through the articulation of spiritual paradigms that already exist in a language and format that will make them accessible to social work.


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Unhealthy food environments are known to be major drivers of diet-related non-communicable diseases globally, and there is an imperative for major food companies to be publicly accountable for their actions to improve the healthiness of food environments. This paper examines the prevalence of publicly available policies and commitments of major packaged food and soft drink manufacturers, and fast-food restaurants in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji with respect to reducing food marketing to children and product (re)formulation. In each country, the most prominent companies in each sector were selected. Company policies, commitments and relevant industry initiatives were gleaned from company and industry association websites. In Australia and New Zealand, there are a higher proportion of companies with publicly available marketing and formulation policies than in Fiji. However, even in Australia, a large proportion of the most prominent food companies do not have publicly available policies. Where they exist, policies on food marketing to children generally focus on those aged less than 12, do not apply to all types of media, marketing channels and techniques, and do not provide transparency with respect to the products to which the policies apply. Product formulation policies, where they exist, focus mostly on salt reduction and changes to the make-up of overall product portfolios, and do not generally address saturated fat, added sugar and energy reduction. In the absence of strong policies and corresponding actions by the private sector, it is likely that government action (e.g. through co-regulation or legislation) will be needed to drive improved company performance.


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Subjective and personal forms of nonfiction writing are enjoying exponential popularity in English language publishing currently, as an interested public engages with ‘true’ stories of society and culture. Yet a paradox exists at the centre of this form of writing. As readers, we want to know who the writer is and what she has to tell us. Yet as writers we use a persona, a constructed character, a narrator who is only partially the writer, to deliver the narrative. How is a writer able to convey ‘true’ stories that are inherently reliant on memory, within a constructed narrative persona?We find a ‘gap’ between the writer and the narrator/protagonist on the page, an empowered creative space in which composition occurs, facilitating a balance between the facts and lived experiences from which ‘true’ stories are crafted, and the acknowledged fallibility of human memory. While the gap between writer and writer-as-narrator provides an enabling space for creative composition, it also creates space for the perception of unreliability. The width of this gap, we argue, is crucial. Only if the gap is small, if writer and writer-as-narrator share a set of passionately held values, can the writer-as-narrator become a believable entity, satisfying the reader with the ‘truth’ of their story.


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A escola nas aldeias Guarani do Rio Grande do Sul é um acontecimento recente. Algumas TEKOÁ decidiram não abrigá-la em seu meio, considerando que a educação tradicional, assentada na cosmologia Guarani, é suficiente para o seu viver e, portanto, prescindem dos saberes escolares. Outras, evidenciando a necessidade de saberes que se relacionam à escola – como a escrita, a leitura, a Língua Portuguesa e o sistema monetário, entre outros –, a solicitam e a acolhem, iniciando processos e práticas de escolarização que afirmam o desejo de se apropriar de instrumentos que permitam um diálogo mais eqüitativo com a sociedade não indígena. Num movimento de interlocução com os gestores das políticas públicas, tensionam a Secretaria de Estado da Educação para criar condições de implementar a Escola Específica e Diferenciada nas aldeias. No entanto, experimentam a ambigüidade de uma aproximação e de um afastamento, de um querer e um não querer a escola em suas aldeias, pois intuem as mudanças que poderá desencadear no modo de vida tradicional. Para compreender os processos de implementação da escola do povo Guarani, e os significados que atribuem à educação escolar, dirigi o olhar e aprofundei o estudo em três aldeias do Rio Grande do Sul: TEKOÁ JATAÍTY (Cantagalo, município de Viamão), TEKOÁ ANHETENGUÁ (Lomba do Pinheiro, Porto Alegre) e TEKOÁ IGUA´PORÃ (Pacheca, município de Camaquã). Os movimentos de aproximação com a cosmologia Guarani e com o universo das aldeias, constituído através de um estar-junto sensível, e o com-viver com a totalidade cosmológica de cada lugar pesquisado possibilitou a elaboração de um contorno antropológico etnográfico que busca dizer dos Guarani desde si. A perspectiva teórica, assentada principalmente na aproximação da Educação com uma Antropologia Filosófica latino-americana, possibilitou a compreensão do pensamento indígena e da ambigüidade do “ser” europeu e do “estar” americano, presente nas aldeias e fora delas também. A pesquisa mostra que há nos preceitos educacionais da cosmologia Guarani um admirável mundo a ser desvendado, em que os significados de cada gesto, de cada ação mostram a integridade de um povo que sobrevive e se recria e a escola na aldeia poderá se inserir nesse universo e dialogar com todos os princípios que compõem a educação tradicional e a cosmologia Guarani.


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Sabe-se que o Brasil enfrenta um de seus maiores desafios no campo educacional. Projetos educacionais como o Programa Jovem de Futuro do Instituto Unibanco permitem uma investigação minuciosa a respeito de pressupostos amplamente estudados no meio acadêmico. A partir do apoio técnico em gestão e do incentivo financeiro das escolas atendidas pelo Programa pretende-se melhorar o rendimento escolar dos alunos em matemática e língua portuguesa. Com foco nas escolas de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro participantes do Programa entre 2010 e 2012, é possível verificar impactos médios significativos no rendimento escolar das escolas participantes, com exceção do grupo de escolas de São Paulo - Capital. A alocação de recurso financeiro pelos diretores das escolas permite uma associação com a função de produção escolar. Partindo-se da hipótese de que essa função teria como insumos as categorias atribuídas pela escola no que se refere a Gestão Escolar (infraestrutura), Incentivo Professor (bonificações e premiações aos professores) e Incentivo Aluno (bonificações e premiações aos alunos) pode-se estudar o comportamento do rendimento obtido em função dos insumos empregados. A análise da alocação indicou que a variável de Investimento no Incentivo Aluno é significativo para explicar o rendimento escolar pelos exames aplicados pelo Instituto Unibanco para o ano corrente. Quando analisado o efeito do investimento acumulado no tempo, a categoria de gestão escolar se mostrou significativo para explicar o rendimento obtido pelos exames aplicados pelo Instituto Unibanco. Os diretores das escolas parecem que conhecem a função de produção escolar e sabem que investimentos na categoria de Gestão Escolar (infraestrutura) dão resultado no longo prazo, enquanto que investimentos no Incentivo Aluno apresentam mais resultado no curto prazo.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo compreender as práticas e ações de organizar necessárias à produção/organização de um espetáculo de teatro musical em São Paulo, a fim de explorar como as relações e articulações materialmente heterogêneas o sustentam e permitem suas apresentações. O foco nas práticas está alinhado à preocupação dos Estudos Organizacionais (EO) acerca de como “as organizações acontecem”, e na compreensão dos processos e práticas de organizar do cotidiano organizacional, remetendo ao entendimento das organizações como processos (organising) em constante estado de (re)constituição. O campo das indústrias criativas apresenta ainda lacunas pouco exploradas, referentes aos bens e serviços criativos. Seu foco de estudos está mais voltado para o consumo de tais bens e poucas pesquisas dedicam-se à sua produção e/ou organização. A própria noção de criatividade é entendida apenas como um atributo humano, talento ou habilidade, sem se enfatizar que alguns bens e serviços criativos e culturais apenas são possíveis a partir das relações e ações entre humanos e não-humanos. Na literatura organizacional, o teatro é amplamente estudado como uma metáfora ou como uma ferramenta de intervenção em processos de mudança ou aprendizado, sendo ainda raros estudos dedicados a explorar um espetáculo teatral como forma particular de organização. O teatro musical, inserido nas indústrias criativas, parece se consolidar no Brasil, principalmente pelo aumento de montagens de grandes musicais oriundos da Broadway, NYC, EUA, e sua crescente profissionalização, sobretudo na última década e, especialmente, na cidade de São Paulo, SP. Sua produção difere de outros gêneros teatrais pelo número de profissionais, investimentos e presença da tecnologia evidenciada em seus projetos de som, luz, cenografia e gestão de palco, tornando-o um campo fértil para a exploração sobre como atores se reúnem e formam o espetáculo visível (visto pelo público no palco) e o invisível (oculto nos bastidores). Sobre tal aspecto, a Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR), aqui utilizada como referencial teórico-metodológico, fornece um repertório analítico para a compreensão da organização como efeito de uma rede heterogênea de elementos, com uma estabilidade temporariamente alcançada. Para concretizar meu objetivo de explorar a organização de um musical, realizei uma pesquisa qualitativa, com inspiração etnográfica, na qual permaneci em campo durante dez meses junto a uma companhia cujo espetáculo esteve em cartaz em São Paulo entre os anos de 2013 e 2014. Descrevo, assim, como ocorreram as associações a articulações entre atores humanos e não-humanos, permeadas por esforços no sentido de gerar uma estabilização, um ordenamento, mesmo que precário, o qual é aqui entendido o musical (macro-ator ou rede-de-atores) em si e suas mais de trezentas apresentações durante a temporada, resultantes de ações em contínua (re)constituição. Negociações referentes a aquisições de direitos autorais, aspectos particulares da língua portuguesa, do público brasileiro, dos corpos e vozes do elenco brasileiro, as restrições estruturais do teatro, a produção de documentos, a marcação na sala de ensaios, a união do espetáculo via sistemas de som e imagem, a aquisição de equipamentos específicos e o sistema que permite “chamar o show” durante a apresentação são alguns dos temas que exploro. Com esta pesquisa, busquei assimilar o crescente interesse dos EO em relação organising e algumas das possibilidades oferecidas pela TAR quanto à multiplicidade e heterogeneidade inerentes às práticas organizativas, com o intuito de enriquecer a discussão acerca da organização e produção de bens e serviços criativos, destacando como a organização “espetáculo de teatro musical” é múltipla e materialmente heterogênea, e não apenas uma ideia exclusiva à ação humana ou criatividade como insumo de produção, tal como apregoa a maior parte das descrições referentes às indústrias criativas.


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Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)


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The measurement of patient satisfaction can provide information about the success of the care provider in reaching the values and meeting the expectations of the patient. The purpose of this study was to translate into the Portuguese language and to culturally customize to the Brazilian population the instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy elaborated by Goldstein et al. The study sample was made up of 279 patients who were undergoing physical therapy treatment at 39 different private clinics in a middle-sized town in northeastern Brazil. For the translation of the survey instrument, the back-translation technique was employed, in association with the bilingual method. The reliability and validity of the Brazilian version of the instrument were both assessed. Reliability analysis, carried out with the computation of Cronbach alpha coefficients, showed that the measures obtained with the instrument have a high degree of internal consistency. The aspects dealing with the patient therapist relationship are the most important predictors of satisfaction, followed by those dealing with courtesy, privacy, and practical aspects such as efficiency of the facility in the patient admissions process, setting up of appointments, and waiting time in waiting room. Items dealing with aspects such as location of the facility and availability of parking facilities may underestimate the reliability of the instrument. This study translated, culturally customized, and validated an instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy originally developed in English. By so doing, this study has made this instrument available to the Brazilian society, and it has rendered it a useful parameter that can be utilized in our country in the field of physical therapy


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This work was developed in the research line: "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in the basic education of metropolitan area Natal" which is being developed with the support of CAPES by the Centre for Education. Acts, especially the problem of academic performance of students in basic education of the public in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN). Thus, the aim of this paper is to construct a typology of students in the 9th year of basic education, attending the public schools (state or municipal) of MRN, 2009, and assess, according to these profiles, what personal characteristics student and their families: economic, social and cultural capital as well as teaching practices create environments capable of favoring a good educational development as measured by the performance obtained in the assessments in mathematics and English language. The data used were provided through the microdata Brazil Exam 2009 held by INEP. We used the methods Grade of Membership (GoM) for construction of profiles relevance of students according to the characteristics already mentioned. With these profiles was verified, which were effectively generating good performance in school curriculum components evaluated. The findings indicate that students belonging to the profile considered good environment, able to achieve better school performance both in Portuguese as in Mathematics, compared to the extreme profiles and adverse deficit


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This research work deals with the compilation of a dictionary on clothing terminology intended to be used as a pedagogic tool as part of the teaching and learning process in the Textile Engineering Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The main terms were selected and assessed by a team of textile teachers and students with the objective to be structured as a conceptual body of information on the following sub-areas of clothing terminology: materials (fabrics and trimmings) and products (garments). This research comprises three main steps: (a) characterization and understanding of the technical vocabulary in the clothing area as well as the identification of a pedagogic demand for a dictionary on clothing terminology, clearly expressed by the textile lecturers and students involved in the assessment of the need and validation of this project development; (b) a proposal for a specific methodology for the compilation of the dictionary which could help the communication process in the lecturing of clothing terminology and (c) based on the terminological principles and the technique of focal groups the dictionary was assessed. The technique of focal groups was used in the first step. In the second step the technique used was that of the terminological methodology adapted to the teaching approach in the Textile Course. In the third step the technique of focal groups was again utilized. It was observed that the main concern of lecturers and students is the lack of a standardized vocabulary, which renders difficult the communication process in both the teaching and learning activities as well as the professional ones in the textile industries. Various aspects, which can overlap, cause this lack of standardization. The main ones pointed out by the study team in the focal groups are: usage of regional words or expressions, usage of foreign words or expressions, analogies, and the low level of formal education, mainly among the industry workers. Another aspect to be considered is the lack of textile literature written in the Portuguese language of Brazil. This evidence shows the importance of a clothing terminology dictionary which will benefit both the education and professional activties in this field of knowledge. This dictionary will also give a substantial contribution to terminological standardization in our research field. With view to fulfill this demand, a dictionary of clothing terminology was compiled with 760 main entries, according to the modern practice in terminology with the necessary modifications concerning our needs. The result of the dictionary assessment was very assertive regarding its structure, contents and possible use in various contexts. The team work emphasized their contribution to the standardization process of the terms that proved to be one of the most important and difficult aspects of this researh work. The significance of this structured terminological dictionary was confirmed by the focal group participants relating to its use for teaching and learning activities, as a reference book, as a source of technical information and also as a tool for pedagogic studies and planning, as well as a significant collaboration to the pedagogic practices in the textile engineering course at University or any other educational institution. Besides, this dictionary can also be used to supply information within the textile field. We are aware that the present work will not exhaust the objectives of this research due to its limitations in opposition to the vast complexity demanded by the compilation of a complete work including all the areas and sub-areas of textile engineering. However, it is an important source for dissemination of concepts on the field of clothing terminology and a tool to effective standardization of the terms used in this subject field


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The present work has as objective to reconstitute the biographical profile and pedagogical practices of the teacher Myriam Coeli de Araújo Dantas da Silveira, in the Professionalizing scholl of the Federal Net of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the 60 s years. The choice of the period is justified by being this the time of important changes in the Education, as an example we have the implementation of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, the 4.024/1961. This teacher contributed for the formation of the potiguar s society scholar, acting in the press, the journalism and the teaching, activity that I analyzed in this study. How the pedagogical practices of her had happened in the 60 s years? This question guided the research and, in the search to answer it I used as source the Public Archive of the Rio grande do Norte, the Historical and Geographic Institute of the Rio grande do Norte, the periodicals of the time, photographs, sketch books of Myriam Coeli and interviews with familiar, former-pupils and contemporaries of this master. I verified that her performance always was based in the educational changes lived deeply for her, carrying through a series of activities in the school as: elaboration of the annual program of Portuguese Language, organization of literary competitions and an practice based on the effective norms without leaving to unite respect and the understanding for the pupils. Of this form, the analysis is not summarized only to the practices of a teacher, but the configuration, in part, of the Rio Grande do Norte educational history in a determined period, the 60 s years


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The constitution of being a teacher of Portuguese occurs in a dynamic process involving various factors, such as the requirements of regulatory documents, the context of teacher formation, and the configuration of current society, per se. This study is aimed at reflecting on the initial formation of teachers of Portuguese and on official documents that face this formation, raising the following questions: (1) what does it mean to be a Portuguese teacher? (2) what is the vision of the subjects (teachers and students) involved with the formation of teaching the Portuguese Language? (3) how do these individuals deal with official documents? and (4) how do these subjects discourses relate? To understand the context of the formative processes and the knowledge inherent in them, first we take the studies of Garcia (1999) and Tardif (2002) as a theoretical framework, and to understand and interpret the utterances of the interviewees, we were grounded in the writing of Bakhtin (2003), for whom the object of the Humanities, the sciences of man, is the text, since man is, by nature, an expressive being. We situate this study in the framework of qualitative research. It is a multiple case study that focuses on two contexts: formation of teachers of Portuguese at the University of Minho, Portugal, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data that make up the research corpus come from documents elaborated by the Ministries of Education of Portugal and Brazil and were adopted by the two teacher formation institutions cited, from individual interviews involving eight trainer teachers (four from each university), and from two group-interviews (one in each institution), done with students in training. Our analysis is divided into three stages: first, document analysis; second, analysis of the discourse of the teachers in both contexts studied; and, third, analysis of the speech of the students in training. It is noteworthy that our purpose in this research was not to come out with a definition like being a teacher of Portuguese is X, but we are interested, above all, in discussing the issues surrounding initial formation, seeking different points of view, and hearing voices coming from different social positions for better understanding our object of study. Our analysis reveals that the initial formation of teachers of Portuguese, both in Portugal and Brazil, occurs in a complex way, under the influence of various factors, including: (a) difficulties in having the individuals involved adapt to the demands of regulatory agencies; (b) students and teachers adequacy to the organizational model of the post-secondary institution; (c) teachers difficulties to deal with the learning problems of students who have limited schooling basis and come from distinct socioeconomic realities; (d) a search for the establishment of methodologies for teaching and learning the Portuguese Language more adequate to reality; and (e) a search for a definition of professional knowledge needed for the teaching practice


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The study object of this thesis intertwines the history of deaf education in the last 30 years in three schools for the deaf in the cities of Campina Grande, Gado Bravo and Aroeiras, Paraiba, the life stories of six deaf teachers of brasilian sign language (Libras) that have formed and works in these educational institutions for the deaf and our own journey, as a teacher and researcher. The study was conducted on the theoretical-methodological principles of (auto)biographical research in education and socio-historical studies on the social formation of the human. The corpus used for analysis was consisted of six narrative interviews conducted in sign language and transcribed into portuguese, documents and personal files and institutional. The analysis allowed us to define three hinge moments of this story: the creation of the first school for the deaf, within the framework of oralism (1980 - 1991), the passage into the Total Communication (1991 - 1995) and, finally, the introduction of Bilingualism (1995 to today). The analyzes show that the trajectories of teacher formation of the research participants reflect the history of the three schools which have costituted bilingual social spaces of paramount importance to the subjects and the deaf community as a group of linguistic and cultural minority. The evolution of this trajectory has allowed to demarcate between the two generations of research participants. The generation of heirs of oralism, which had delayed access to the Libras and lived an education referenced in oralism, whose reminiscences of childhood and adolescence are strongly marked by suffering for the lack of communication, which hinders their social and professional career until today. And the generation of the sons of bilingualism, the youngest in age, who had childhood access to Libras and education within the framework of bilingualism, whose reminiscences are not marked by suffering and have a positive vision of the future. With respect to your teacher formation, three figures stand out as a teacher. The teacher's improvised, closer to the first generation of teachers who were called to teach without proper training. The figure of the teacher craftsman, which corresponds to the image that most of them have of yourself now, understanding that their knowledge are based on the exchange between peers. And finally the figure of the real teacher, which stands on the horizon of expectations as future graduates in Letters |Libras. The narratives allowed to realize that the evolution between these figures is based on the contributions of the other: hearing teachers of EDAC and the Federal University of Campina Grande and deaf teachers of the two generations who learn from each other. The analyzes and reflections allowed to defend the thesis of the centrality of bilingual environments for the establishment of the deaf person as a citizen with full rights, based on the voice of the deaf, muted by the history of education, conducted by listeners


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This paper treats confessional printings as a non formal space for the female education. It reflects on the importance of the woman s role to the diffusion of Protestantism in general, and its Presbyterian trend in particular, besides commenting on the proliferation of printings at the First Republic and its relation with education. In this study, Brazilian Northeastern is seen as a relevant space to the diffusion of Protestantism in Brazil; especially on what concerns the relations between Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. Thereby some fountains were fundamental, as the confessional printings, that is, newspapers, magazines, prospects and other materials recollected in archives located in Natal/RN and Recife/PE, and São Paulo. It was also provided a brief incursion on Portuguese confessional printings kept in Oporto, PT. New Cultural History was chosen as theoretic-methodological guide, franchising ways inside the history of book and reading with the help of concepts like Interdependence, Social Configuration (ELIAS, 1993, 1994) and Representation (CHARTIER, 1990), considering that the survey worked out culture-manufactured products that is, intentional materials. It is well known that publishing, or better, the dissemination of printed material used to be associated to Protestants missionary practices since Reform began and, as what concerns the investigated period, in Portuguese and Brazilian lands indistinctly. Printing material in general books, booklets, fragments, as well as the press itself played a central role in divulging reformed ideas, their social options and the means of being and intervening in the world. In this regard, the confessional printings established themselves as an educative, although non schooled, informal space, but, all considered, relevant, seen that they dialogue with another important demand of that social group: formal, literate education. Because it dealt with the diffusion of a printed culture supported by the written word, it required of that group a different modus operandi: formal education. The first letters schools at first, then the high schools later represented spaces established for the circulation of printing material in order that they should be read, divulged and comprehended. This survey intends at last to take a look at Protestantism which, in this context of self-affirmation, reserved a specific place to woman by working out a non formal educational proposal disseminated by printing material. Three models were highlighted in the reformed proposal: Christian education in itself, household education, whose references of motherhood and care towards the neighbor were present and, at last, education to the public space, with emphasis on the practice of teaching. This study also offers a brief dialogue between Brazil and Portugal because, when some periodic printing, book or something like that got to be published in one margin of the Atlantic Ocean, the other margin surely was affected by that feat, received it, divulged it, corroborating the argument in support of the circulation of these printings. It was not only the same language that survived in both maritime coasts; some protestant specificities also crossed out along that sea