908 resultados para WATER-SOLUBLE DRUGS


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The sudden appearance of calcified skeletons among many different invertebrate taxa at the Precambrian-Cambrian transition may have required minor reorganization of preexisting secretory functions. In particular, features of the skeletal organic matrix responsible for regulating crystal growth by inhibition may be derived from mucous epithelial excretions. The latter would have prevented spontaneous calcium carbonate overcrusting of soft tissues exposed to the highly supersaturated Late Proterozoic ocean [Knoll, A. H., Fairchild, I. J. & Swett, K. (1993) Palaios 8, 512-525], a putative function for which we propose the term "anticalcification." We tested this hypothesis by comparing the serological properties of skeletal water-soluble matrices and mucous excretions of three invertebrates--the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis and the bivalve molluscs Mytilus edulis and Mercenaria mercenaria. Crossreactivities recorded between muci and skeletal water-soluble matrices suggest that these different secretory products have a high degree of homology. Furthermore, freshly extracted muci of Mytilus were found to inhibit calcium carbonate precipitation in solution.


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Extensive proteolytic digestion of Na+,K(+)-ATPase (EC by trypsin produces a preparation where most of the extramembrane portions of the alpha subunit have been digested away and the beta subunit remains essentially intact. The fragment Gln-737-Arg-829 of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha subunit, which includes the putative transmembrane hairpin M5-M6, is readily, selectively, and irreversibly released from the posttryptic membrane preparation after incubation at 37 degrees C for several minutes. Once released from the membrane, the fragment aggregates but remains water soluble. Occlusion of K+ or Rb+ specifically prevents release of the Gln-737-Arg-829 fragment into the supernatant. Labeling of the posttryptic membrane preparation with cysteine-directed reagents revealed that Cys-802 (which is thought to be located within the M6 segment) is protected against the modification by Rb+ while this fragment is in the membrane but can be readily modified upon release. Cation occlusion apparently alters the folding and/or disposition of the M5-M6 fragment in the membrane in a way that does not occur when the fragment migrates to the aqueous phase. The ligand-dependent disposition of the M5-M6 hairpin in the membrane along with recent labeling studies suggest a key role for this segment in cation pumping by Na+,K(+)-ATPase.


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The market of flowers and ornamentals such as croton (Codiaeum variegatum) and petunia (Petunia×hybrida Vilm.-Andr) have been created new technologies to constantly development, as one of the most promising segments of horticulture. Fertilization providing adequate nutrition and less leaching to the environment is the objective of numerous studies around the world. Therefore, two studies were conducted to evaluate the use of controlled release fertilizer (CRF) on the growth of two ornamental species, and N loss by leaching. The first experiment aim to evaluate sources and rates of CRF and water soluble fertilizer (WSF) on croton growth and nitrogen concentration on drained solution. Results showed that treatments with WSF and low rates of CRF provided higher plants growth, and the amount of N leached was higher for WSF treatments. The second experiment objective to compare plant performance and cost for strategies that potentially provide adequate nutrition during both the production and consumer phases for container-grown Petunia plants. In addition, two experiments were conducted to evaluate nutrient release in sand containers inside of the greenhouse and under controlled temperature conditions without plants. Results showed that during production phase all fertilizer treatments produced high quality plants, and during consumer phase, plants grown with WSF only during the production phase were nutrient-deficient, while plants receiving CRFs were still growing vigorously, especially in a high rate. The release rates of all CRF products were temperature-dependent. In conclusion CRF provided plant growth at the same rate that WSF, with less N leaching and extra cost less than U$0.065 per plant with CRF during production.


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Wildfires produce a significant release of gases and particles affecting climate and air quality. In the Mediterranean region, shrublands significantly contribute to burned areas and may show specific emission profiles. Our objective was to depict and quantify the primary-derived aerosols and precursors of secondary particulate species released during shrubland experimental fires, in which fire-line intensity values were equivalent to those of moderate shrubland wildfires, by using a number of different methodologies for the characterization of organic and inorganic compounds in both gas-phase and particulate-phase. Emissions of PM mass, particle number concentrations and organic and inorganic PMx components during flaming and smouldering phases were characterized in a field shrubland fire experiment. Our results revealed a clear prevalence of K+ and SO42- as inorganic ions released during the flaming-smouldering processes, accounting for 68 to 80% of the inorganic soluble fraction. During the residual-smouldering phases, in addition to K+ and SO42-, Ca2+ was found in significant amounts probably due the predominance of re-suspension processes (ashes and soil dust) over other emission sources during this stage. Concerning organic markers, the chromatograms were dominated by phenols, n-alkanals and n-alkanones, as well as by alcohol biomarkers in all the PMx fractions investigated. Levoglucosan was the most abundant degradation compound with maximum emission factors between 182 and 261 mg kg-1 in PM2.5 and PM10 respectively. However, levoglucosan was also observed in significant amounts in the gas-phase. The most representative organic volatile constituents in the smoke samples were alcohols, carbonyls, acids, monocyclic and bicyclic arenes, isoprenoids and alkanes compounds. The emission factors obtained in this study may contribute to the validation and improvement of national and international emission inventories of this intricate and diffuse emission source.


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Perylene bisimides (PBIs) are n-type semiconducting and photogenerating materials widely used in a variety of optoelectronic devices. Particularly interesting are PBIs that are simultaneously water-soluble and liquid-crystalline (PBI-W+LC) and, thus, attractive for the development of high-performing easily processable applications in biology and “green” organic electronics. In this work, singular temperatures connected to charge transport mechanism transitions in a PBI-W+LC derivative are determined with high accuracy by means of temperature-dependent photocurrent studies. These singular temperatures include not only the ones observed at 60 and 110 °C, corresponding to phase transition temperatures from crystalline to liquid-crystalline (LC) and from LC to the isotropic phase, respectively, as confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), but also a transition at 45 °C, not observed by DSC. By analyzing the photocurrent dependence simultaneously on temperature and on light intensity, this transition is interpreted as a change from monomolecular to bimolecular recombination. These results might be useful for other semiconducting photogenerating materials, not necessarily PBIs or even organic semiconductors, which also show transport behavior changes at singular temperatures not connected with structural or phase transitions.


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In the present study, two low generation triazine-based dendrimers, G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer, were synthesized and their cytotoxicity were tested by using the NIH 3T3 and the A2780 cell lines. In the synthesis process of the G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer, cyanuric chloride (CAC) which has high reactivity chlorine atom was connected to the terminal of triethylene glycol (TEG) via nucleophilic substitution by controlling temperature. The prepared G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer was purified by silica gel column chromatography. Then the four chlorine atoms in the G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer were substituted by diethanolamine (DEA) to give dendrimer with the hydroxyl terminal group G1.5(OH)8. The starting materials, CAC, G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer were analyzed by one-dimensional NMR, FTIR and MS techniques. The two dendrimers, G1.0(Cl)4 and G1.5(OH)8, showed perfect stability in the air environment at room temperature. However, G1.0(Cl)4 is not soluble in water while the G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer is a water soluble compound. Furthermore, cell biological evaluation at the studied concentrations showed that the CAC, as well as the prepared G1.0(Cl)4 and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimers, have no cytotoxicity towards the NIH 3T3 and A2780 cell lines.


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Chloroform extracts of water-soluble organic matter collected in the water column from the surface to the bottom were studied by C-13 and H-1 NMR chromatographic mass spectrometry, and phthalate concentrations were determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. More than 14 compounds were found including diethyl phthalate, ethyl butyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, phthalates with normal C4-C12 chains, phthalates partially esterified with methanol, and others, at total concentrations up to 0.4 mg/l. Possible reasons for presence of phthalates in oceans, sometimes in high concentrations, are discussed.


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Serpentinized abyssal peridotites sampled by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209 along the mid-Atlantic Ridge near the 15°20'N Fracture Zone have been analyzed for oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine isotope compositions in order to determine isotopic behavior under a wide range of serpentinization conditions and place constraints on fluid history. Oxygen and hydrogen thermometry suggests peak serpentinization temperatures of 300-500°C. Serpentine separates have low deltaD values possibly due to a magmatic fluid component or low-temperature exchange during seafloor weathering. Chlorine geochemistry focused on three holes: 1274A and 1272A (serpentinized peridotites) and 1268A (serpentinite locally altered to talc). Concentrations of both, water-soluble chloride (WSC) and structurally bound chloride (SBC) are significantly lower at Hole 1268A compared to Holes 1274A and 1272A. The delta37Cl values for WSC and SBC of serpentinites in Holes 1274A and 1272A are slightly positive (avg. WSC = 0.20 per mil, n = 22 and avg. SBC = 0.35 per mil, n = 22), representing typical seawater-hydration conditions commonly determined for abyssal peridotite. The SBC of serpentinites from Hole 1268A are also positive (avg. = 0.63 per mil); whereas, the SBC in talc-dominated samples is negative (avg. = -1.22 per mil). The WSC of both talc- and serpentine-dominated samples are also negative (avg. = -0.15 per mil). We interpret the chlorine isotope data to preserve a record of multiple fluid events. As seawater hydrated the peridotite, 37Cl was preferentially incorporated into the forming serpentine and water-soluble salts, yielding similar delta37Cl values on a regional scale as sampled by Holes 1268A, 1274A and 1272A. The resultant pore fluid was left depleted in 37Cl. Locally (Hole 1268A), this evolved fluid was remobilized possibly due to the initiation of hydrothermal circulation in response to emplacement of a mafic magma body. The low delta37Cl pore fluids attained elevated SiO2 and sulfur concentrations due to interaction with the gabbroic intrusion and, when ascending through the surrounding serpentinite, caused formation of isotopically negative talc. This secondary fluid also flushed the preserved serpentinite of its previously formed salts, resulting in negative delta37Cl WSC values. The delta37Cl SBC values of the serpentinite samples remained unmodified by reaction with the secondary fluid.


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Owing to their pathogenical role and unique ability to exist both as soluble proteins and transmembrane complexes, pore-forming toxins (PFTs) have been a focus of microbiologists and structural biologists for decades. PFTs are generally secreted as water-soluble monomers and subsequently bind the membrane of target cells. Then, they assemble into circular oligomers, which undergo conformational changes that allow membrane insertion leading to pore formation and potentially cell death. Aerolysin, produced by the human pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila, is the founding member of a major PFT family found throughout all kingdoms of life. We report cryo-electron microscopy structures of three conformational intermediates and of the final aerolysin pore, jointly providing insight into the conformational changes that allow pore formation. Moreover, the structures reveal a protein fold consisting of two concentric β-barrels, tightly kept together by hydrophobic interactions. This fold suggests a basis for the prion-like ultrastability of aerolysin pore and its stoichiometry.


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Published polymer distribution data for aqueous poly(ethylene glycol)/dextran mixtures have been reassessed to illustrate the feasibility of their quantitative characterization in terms of the Flory-Huggins theory of polymer thermodynamics. Phase diagrams predicted by this characterization procedure provide better descriptions of the experimental data than those based on an earlier, oversimplified treatment in similar terms. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The Solieriaceae, has the largest number of genera (16-18) of any family in the carrageenophyte order Gigartinales. One of these genera, Meristotheca, consists of three or four species of foliose, erect to prostrate plants sporadically recorded from the tropics of both hemispheres. The hot-water-soluble polysaccharides from Australian representatives of the type species, M. papulosa, and M. procumbens from Lord Howe Island have been characterized by compositional assays, linkage analysis, and Fourier transform infrared and C-13-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results show that polysaccharides from both species are similar, being predominantly composed of 4-linked 3,6-anhydro-alpha-D-galactopyranose 2-sulphate alternating with 3-linked beta-D-galactopyranose 4-sulphate, as is typical of iota-carrageenan. Small proportions of the 3-linked units occur as the pyruvated residue 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)-beta-D-galactopyranose, and other minor variations from idealized iota-carrageenan were also detected. The polysaccharides from representatives of Meristotheca are comparable to those of other solieriacean algae analysed to date, but the minor structural variations suggest a closer chemotaxonomic affinity with noneucheumoid genera of the Solieriaceae, such as Sarconema, Solieria, and Tikvahiella, than to the eucheumoid genera Eucheuma, Kappaphycus and Betaphycus (tribe Eucheumatoideae) from which most kappa- and iota-carrageenans are commercially extracted.


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Edaphic factors affect the quality of onions (Allium cepa). Two experiments were carried out in the field and glasshouse to investigate the effects of N (field: 0, 120 kg ha(-1); glasshouse: 0, 108 kg ha(-1)), S (field: 0, 20 kg ha(-1); glasshouse: 0, 4.35 kg ha(-1)) and soil type (clay, sandy loam) on onion quality. A conducting polymer sensor electronic nose (E-nose) was used to classify onion headspace volatiles. Relative changes in the E-nose sensor resistance ratio (%dR/R) were reduced following N and S fertilisation. A 2D Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the E-nose data sets accounted for c. 100% of the variations in onion headspace volatiles in both experiments. For the field experiment, E-nose data set clusters for headspace volatiles for no N-added onions overlapped (D-2 = 1.0) irrespective of S treatment. Headspace volatiles of N-fertilised onions for the glasshouse sandy loam also overlapped (D-2 = 1.1) irrespective of S treatment as compared with distinct separations among clusters for the clay soil. N fertilisation significantly (P < 0.01) reduced onion bulb pyruvic acid concentration (flavour) in both experiments. S fertilisation increased pyruvic acid concentration significantly (P < 0.01) in the glasshouse experiment, especially for the clay soil, but had no effect on pyruvic acid concentration in the field. N and S fertilisation significantly (P < 0.01) increased lachrymatory potency (pungency), but reduced total soluble solids (TSS) content in the field experiment. In the glasshouse experiment, N and S had no effect on TSS. TSS content was increased on the clay by 1.2-fold as compared with the sandy loam. Onion tissue N:water-soluble SO42- ratios of between five and eight were associated with greater %dR/R and pyruvic acid concentration values. N did not affect inner bulb tissue microbial load. In contrast, S fertilisation reduced inner bulb tissue microbial load by 80% in the field experiment and between 27% (sandy loam) and 92% (clay) in the glasshouse experiment. Overall, onion bulb quality discriminated by the E-nose responded to N, S and soil type treatments, and reflected their interactions. However, the conventional analytical and sensory measures of onion quality did not correlate with %dR/R.


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Three water-soluble carboxy nitroxide antioxidants, 5-carboxy-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl, 4-carboxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yloxyl, and 3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidin-1-yloxyl, show significant impact on the postirradiation survival rates of ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) cells compared to normal cells, an assay which represents a model for understanding the impact of ROS damage on the A-T phenotype. The effects of these antioxidants are much more significant than those of vitamin E or Trolox (a water-soluble vitamin E analog), studied using the same cell survival model. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A phase diagram of the pseudoternary system ethyloleate, polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan mono-oleate/sorbitan monolaurate and water with butanol as a cosurfactant was prepared. Areas containing optically isotropic, low viscosity one-phase systems were identified and systems therein designated as w/o droplet-, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions using conductivity, viscosity, cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy and self-diffusion NMR. Nanoparticles were prepared by interfacial polymerization of selected w/o droplet, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions with ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Morphology of the particles and entrapment of the water-soluble model protein ovalbumin were investigated. Addition of monomer to the different types of microemulsions (w/o droplet, bicontinuous, solution) led to the formation of nanoparticles, which were similar in size (similar to 250 nm), polydispersity index (similar to 0.13), zeta-potential (similar to-17 mV) and morphology. The entrapment of the protein within these particles was up to 95%, depending on the amount of monomer used for polymerization and the type of microemulsion used as a polymerization template. The formation of particles with similar characteristics from templates having different microstructure is surprising, particularly considering that polymerization is expected to occur at the water-oil interface by base-catalysed polymerization. Dynamics within the template (stirring, viscosity) or indeed interfacial phenomena relating to the solid-liquid interface appear to be more important for the determination of nanoparticle morphology and characteristics than the microstructure of the template system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nanocomposites of general layered clays and metal sulfides could be produced from reactions of the layered clay aqueous suspensions and water-soluble metal-thiourea complexes. The clay could be saponite, montmorillonite, hectorite and laponite, while the metal sulfide could be cobalt sulfide, nickel sulfide, zinc sulfide, cadmium sulfide, and lead sulfide. In the nanocomposites, the clay could be incorporated with the metal sulfide pillars and metal sulfide nanoparticles. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.