978 resultados para Vitamin-K-antagonisten


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In vivo exposure to chronic hypoxia is considered to be a cause of myocardial dysfunction, thereby representing a deleterious condition, but repeated aeration episodes may exert some cardioprotection. We investigated the possible role of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in these mechanisms. First, rats (n = 8/group) were exposed for 14 days to either chronic hypoxia (CH; 10% O(2)) or chronic hypoxia with one episode/day of 1-hr normoxic aeration (CH+A), with normoxia (N) as the control. Second, isolated hearts were Langendorff perfused under hypoxia (10% O(2), 30 min) and reoxygenated (94% O(2), 30 min) with or without 3 microM glibenclamide (nonselective K(+)(ATP) channel-blocker) or 100 microM diazoxide (selective mitochondrial K(+)(ATP) channel-opener). Blood gasses, hemoglobin concentration, and plasma malondialdehyde were similar in CH and CH+A and in both different from normoxic (P < 0.01), body weight gain and plasma nitrate/nitrite were higher in CH+A than CH (P < 0.01), whereas apoptosis (number of TUNEL-positive nuclei) was less in CH+A than CH (P < 0.05). During in vitro hypoxia, the efficiency (ratio of ATP production/pressure x rate product) was the same in all groups and diazoxide had no measurable effects on myocardial performance, whereas glibenclamide increased end-diastolic pressure more in N and CH than in CH+A hearts (P < 0.05). During reoxgenation, efficiency was markedly less in CH with respect to N and CH+A (P < 0.0001), and ratex pressure product remained lower in CH than N and CH+A hearts (P < 0.001), but glibenclamide or diazoxide abolished this difference. Glibenclamide, but not diazoxide, decreased vascular resistance in N and CH (P < 0.005 and < 0.001) without changes in CH+A. We hypothesize that cardioprotection in chronically hypoxic hearts derive from cell depolarization by sarcolemmal K(+)(ATP) blockade or from preservation of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency (ATP turnover/myocardial performance) by mitochondrial K(+)(ATP) opening. Therefore K(+)(ATP) channels are involved in the deleterious effects of chronic hypoxia and in the cardioprotection elicited when chronic hypoxia is interrupted with short normoxic aeration episodes.


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Recently, several anonymization algorithms have appeared for privacy preservation on graphs. Some of them are based on random-ization techniques and on k-anonymity concepts. We can use both of them to obtain an anonymized graph with a given k-anonymity value. In this paper we compare algorithms based on both techniques in orderto obtain an anonymized graph with a desired k-anonymity value. We want to analyze the complexity of these methods to generate anonymized graphs and the quality of the resulting graphs.


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Volcanic flows and tuffs interbedded with ammonite-bearing sediments directly correlatable with the stratotype section of the Bajocian stage have been dated for the first time within the Caucasus area. Three samples, each from a different section, allowed separation of well-preserved brown hornblende; these are considered reliable geochronometers in a region where subsequent volcanic activity occurred. The dated separates are V139: a volcanic layer probably near the base, V142 another layer near the top of the Lower Bajocian substage; V141 a boulder from a latest Bajocian volcanic conglomerate. From bottom to top, apparent ages at 173.5 +/- 2.6, 164.8 +/- 2.5 and 167.1 +/- 1.9 Ma (analytical uncertainty, 95% confidence level) respectively, can be calculated. The consistency of the results is obtained if the dated boulder is interpreted as derived from an underlying layer, The Bajocian-Bathonian boundary is much younger than commonly accepted and younger than 164 Ma.


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Populações específicas de plantas e a época de semeadura podem promover interferências na absorção dos nutrientes. Assim, um experimento foi realizado, no ano agrícola de 1991/92, num Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro argiloso no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos/Embrapa, em Senador Canedo (GO), com o objetivo de determinar os teores e as quantidades absorvidas de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio na parte aérea da Crotalaria juncea: l., Crotalaria ochroleuca: G. Don, mucuna preta ( Mucuna aterrima (Piper & Tracy) Merr.) e guandu cv. Kaki (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.), em três épocas de semeadura (início, meados e final da estação chuvosa) e em dois espaçamentos entrelinhas (0,5 e 0,4 m). O delineamento experimental, dentro de cada época, foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. As espécies diferiram entre si quanto aos teores e quantidades absorvidas de N, P e K. Ao contrário das épocas de semeadura, não houve efeito significativo dos espaçamentos nos teores e quantidades absorvidas de N, P e K. A interação de espécies e épocas de semeadura foi significativa apenas para o nitrogênio e fósforo.


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O transporte de nutriente até à superfície das raízes pode ocorrer por fluxo de massa ou por fluxo de massa e difusão, dependendo da atividade do nutriente na solução do solo e da exigência nutricional da planta. Objetivou-se verificar a contribuição dos mecanismos de fluxo de massa e de difusão para o suprimento de potássio, de cálcio e de magnésio a plantas de arroz, em experimento realizado em casa de vegetação. Aplicaram-se em amostra de Latossolo Variação Una, os seguintes tratamentos: Na2CO3, K2CO3, CaCO3 e MgCO3. Aos 75 dias da semeadura, as plantas de arroz foram colhidas e determinadas as quantidades de potássio, de cálcio e de magnésio nelas acumuladas, bem como a concentração desses nutrientes na solução do solo. Essas concentrações, multiplicadas pelo volume de água transpirado, foram usadas para calcular o suprimento por fluxo de massa. A difusão foi estimada por diferença entre a quantidade do nutriente acumulado no vegetal e a transportada por fluxo de massa. Verificou-se que o potássio foi transportado predominantemente por difusão, exceto no tratamento com K2CO3, que gerou altos teores de K na solução de solo, tornando o fluxo de massa suficiente para atender à demanda das plantas. O cálcio e o magnésio foram transportados por fluxo de massa. Segundo os resultados, a difusão foi o principal mecanismo de transporte de potássio nas condições do experimento; todavia, o fluxo de massa pode satisfazer isoladamente a demanda nutricional da planta, quando a concentração de potássio na solução do solo for muito elevada.


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There is growing evidence that consumption of a Western diet is a risk factor for osteoporosis through excess acid supply, while fruits and vegetables balance the excess acidity, mostly by providing K-rich bicarbonate-rich foods. Western diets consumed by adults generate approximately 50-100 mEq acid/d; therefore, healthy adults consuming such a diet are at risk of chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis, which worsens with age as a result of declining kidney function. Bone buffers the excess acid by delivering cations and it is considered that with time an overstimulation of this process will lead to the dissolution of the bone mineral content and hence to reduced bone mass. Intakes of K, Mg and fruit and vegetables have been associated with a higher alkaline status and a subsequent beneficial effect on bone health. In healthy male volunteers an acid-forming diet increases urinary Ca excretion by 74% and urinary C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (C-telopeptide) excretion by 19% when compared with an alkali (base-forming) diet. Cross-sectional studies have shown that there is a correlation between the nutritional acid load and bone health measured by bone ultrasound or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Few studies have been undertaken in very elderly women (>75 years), whose osteoporosis risk is very pertinent. The EVAluation of Nutrients Intakes and Bone Ultra Sound Study has developed and validated (n 51) an FFQ for use in a very elderly Swiss population (mean age 80.4 (sd 2.99) years), which has shown intakes of key nutrients (energy, fat, carbohydrate, Ca, Mg, vitamin C, D and E) to be low in 401 subjects. A subsequent study to assess net endogenous acid production (NEAP) and bone ultrasound results in 256 women aged > or = 75 years has shown that lower NEAP (P=0.023) and higher K intake (P=0.033) are correlated with higher bone ultrasound results. High acid load may be an important additional risk factor that may be particularly relevant in very elderly patients with an already-high fracture risk. The latter study adds to knowledge by confirming a positive link between dietary alkalinity and bone health indices in the very elderly. In a further study to complement these findings it has also been shown in a group of thirty young women that in Ca sufficiency an acid Ca-rich water has no effect on bone resorption, while an alkaline bicarbonate-rich water leads to a decrease in both serum parathyroid hormone and serum C-telopeptide. Further investigations need to be undertaken to study whether these positive effects on bone loss are maintained over long-term treatment. Mineral-water consumption could be an easy and inexpensive way of helping to prevent osteoporosis and could be of major interest for long-term prevention of bone loss.


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BACKGROUND: Renal calcium stones and hypercalciuria are associated with a reduced bone mineral density (BMD). Therefore, the effect of changes in calcium homeostasis is of interest for both stones and bones. We hypothesized that the response of calciuria, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1.25 vitamin D to changes in dietary calcium might be related to BMD. METHODS: A single-centre prospective interventional study of 94 hyper- and non-hypercalciuric calcium stone formers consecutively retrieved from our stone clinic. The patients were investigated on a free-choice diet, a low-calcium diet, while fasting and after an oral calcium load. Patient groups were defined according to lumbar BMD (z-score) obtained by dual X-ray absorptiometry (group 1: z-score <-0.5, n = 30; group 2: z-score -0.5-0.5, n = 36; group 3: z-score >0.5, n = 28). The effect of the dietary interventions on calciuria, 1.25 vitamin D and PTH in relation to BMD was measured. RESULTS: An inverse relationship between BMD and calciuria was observed on all four calcium intakes (P = 0.009). On a free-choice diet, 1.25 vitamin D and PTH levels were identical in the three patient groups. However, the relative responses of 1.25 vitamin D and PTH to the low-calcium diet were opposite in the three groups with the highest increase of 1.25 vitamin D in group 1 and the lowest in group 3, whereas PTH increase was most pronounced in group 3 and least in group 1. CONCLUSION: Calcium stone formers with a low lumbar BMD exhibit a blunted response of PTH release and an apparently overshooting production of 1.25 vitamin D following a low-calcium diet.


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The Miocene Paine Granite in the Torres del Paine Intrusive Complex, southern Chile, is an extraordinary example of an upper crustal mafic and granitic intrusion. The granite intruded as a series of three sheets, each one underplating the previous sheet along the top of the basal Paine Mafic Complex. High-precision U/Pb geochronology on single zircons using isotope dilution-thermal ionization mass spectrometry yields distinct ages of 12.59 +/- 0.02 Ma and 12.50 +/- 0.02 Ma, respectively, for the first and last sheet of the laccolith. This age relationship is consistent with field observations. The zircon ages define a time frame of 90 +/- 40 k.y. for the emplacement of a >2000-m-thick granite laccollith. These precise U-Pb zircon ages permit identification of the pulses in a 20 k.y. range. The data obtained for the Paine Granite fill the gap between 100 k.y. and 100-1000 yr pulses described in the literature for crustal magma chambers.


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A variabilidade natural do solo dificulta a obtenção de valores que representem adequadamente as propriedades do solo em determinada área. O conhecimento do número mínimo de observações, que devem ser realizadas para representar, com um erro aceitável, uma propriedade ou característica do solo, é fundamental para que os resultados experimentais possam ser aplicados com segurança. No presente trabalho, comparou-se o método convencional (teste-t) com o método "bootstrap", com vistas em estimar o número de observações necessárias para calcular os parâmetros que caracterizam a relação entre a condutividade hidráulica e o teor de água do solo, determinada pelo método do perfil instantâneo. Realizou-se um experimento de drenagem num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo em Piracicaba (SP), numa parcela experimental com 45 pontos de observação distanciados de 1 m entre si. Observaram-se a umidade (com TDR) e o potencial mátrico (com tensiômetros) durante três semanas de redistribuição da água. Após processamento dos dados, o conjunto de valores mostrou uma distribuição não-normal, fazendo-se necessária a eliminação de "outliers" para a aplicação do método convencional, normalizando a distribuição. Assim, o uso do método tradicional só é recomendado após a confirmação da pertinência da eliminação dos "outliers". Ambos os métodos de análise requerem grande número de repetições, reafirmando que determinações da função condutividade hidráulica com poucas repetições não podem ser extrapoladas para áreas maiores.