887 resultados para Virtue Epistemology


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Procurou-se identificar as consequências mais importantes da concepção de ciência de Popper, que deu origem a um rico debate na Filosofia das Ciências, para o Ensino de Ciências. O acompanhamento deste debate permite perceber a riqueza do processo científico, reconhecendo as contribuições daqueles que debateram com Popper; bem como a importância dos aspectos da ciência que Popper valorizou e procurou preservar. As críticas e os debates em torno das abordagens de mudança conceitual contribuíram para a percepção da riqueza e complexidade desse processo. Quando considerados os objetivos institucionais das escolas e as expectativas sociais em torno da compreensão adequada e da procura de superação dos paradigmas vigentes a manutenção de certos aspectos, inerentes ao processo de mudança conceitual, pode se mostrar relevante. Neste sentido, a obra de Popper pode oferecer importante apoio para valorizar aspectos racionais que poderiam presidir o processo de aprender Ciências.


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We had as the problem of analysis in this research: what are the assumptions, principles and general content that based the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES). We started from the hypothesis that the general content of SINAES is essentially based on the assumptions and principles of a control/regulatory perspective of evaluation and a summative epistemology, objectivist and quantitativist, constituted by members who prioritize testing and classification of courses and institutions based on market values. The overall goal was to make a political evaluation of SINAES and the specific objectives were: a) apply the concepts of politics evaluation and meta-evaluation, b) identify the role of international organizations in education reform in the 1990s and its impact on superior education in Brazil c) redeem the concept of evaluation, especially in the field of studies in education; and d) investigate the evaluation policies of Brazilian superior education leading to SINAES. As for the technical procedures for collecting and analyzing data, the research was made with bibliography and documents, considering that it was developed by bibliographic sources and official publications. It was developed by crossing sources: texts or documents remitted to others; it was also concentrated: on the role of international organizations in educational and State reforms (in the 1990s); on the policies of evaluation of the Brazilian superior education (1980s and 1990s); on the proposal of the Comissão Especial de Avaliação (CEA); on the Law No. 10.861/2004; on the documents of CONAES; on the Decree No. 5.773/2006, and the MEC Regulatory Ordinances No. 4/2008 and No. 12/2008. It did not stop in the so called purely technical aspects, but in the ideological field itself. The research found that international organizations, notably the World Bank, played a political, intellectual and financial role determinant to the field of education, a fact that reflects in the legal framework. It was also found that the politics of evaluation of the superior education is historically marked by conflict, represented by two distinct perspectives of different natures and emphases. On one hand, the focus is on control / regulation, favoring efficiency, productivity and competitiveness benchmarking and prioritizing the punctual performance and measurement. On the other, it seeks to transform academic perspective in primarily formative / emancipatory, in order to support more institutional improvement. It was concluded that the CEA presented a conception evaluation predominantly formative and emancipatory, which emphasized the idea of system, centered around the institution and repudiated the rankings practices. In the post-formulation period, however, some of its principles were fragmenting and, gradually, the institution was giving way to the courses and the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE) grew in prominence. With the creation of the Conceito Preliminar de Cursos superiores (CPC) and of the Índice Geral de Cursos da Instituição de Educação Superior (IGC), it was redemeed the practice of evaluation as measurement and control, under the principles of efficiency and productivity. So, SINAES that seemed like a progressive evaluation method has assumed a setting that close resembles the Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC-Provão). Nevertheless, the survival of institutional formative evaluation, in the superior education evaluation policies, still an issue in dispute


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The performance of the State in the economic area is only legitimized when to be given in virtue of the protection of the principles established constitutionally. Thus, the economic intervention of the State prioritizes the formation of a joust economic order and in this context, it fulfills to us to define, to the long one of this work, the contours of the intervention of the State in the economic domain in the presence of the Federal Constitution of the Republic of 05 of October of 1988, and, more specifically, in the petroliferous economic sector by means of the interventive contribution instituted after the Constitutional amendment 33/2001, with Law 10.336/2001. With the creation of this institute, in Brazil, emerged innumerable quarrels concerning its constitutional legitimacy, directing uncurling of the research to the study of the state intervention through this contribution and its constitutional limits, in the purpose to demonstrate the parameters for its institution and application. In this way, the interventive contribution in the fuel sector (CIDE-Combustíveis) shows itself as an intervention instrument on the economic domain, acting in way to finance the indirect performance of the State, specially in what concerns to the promotion of the principle of sustainable development principle. Therefore, CIDE-Combustíveis is an able instrument to concretizes the mentioned constitutional principle. Thus, the division of its incomes promotes the consolidation of the principle of the cooperative federalism. In this direction, from premises of the environmental tax law, this intends to demonstrate the utility and constitutionality of this exaction tax, primordially with regard to the realization of the basic right to the balanced environment


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The Thesis weaved in the (auto) biographical boarding studies the existence of existential teaching, in the scope of Superior Teaching, guided in the experience and the (auto) formative scope as a theoreticianmethodological support present in the classrooms, being three the essential questions: Which the way of (auto) formation traveled by professors of Superior Teaching, what is, for these citizens, the teaching in Superior Teaching and what they understand from existential teaching according to their narratives. The epistemology of this work, based on Program of After-Graduation in Education of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Support of Research: Professionalization and Formation Lecturing emerges, especially, of the studies and research realized by Ramalho and Nuñez (2005, 2006), Morosini (2001), Pimenta and Anastasiou (2002), Nóvoa (2000), Josso (2004), Dominicé (1988), Catani (2002), and Souza (2004), among other authors, yonder the educational practice exercised by researcher and involved citizens in inquiryformation, what it is confirmed from the three methodological tools that given support to the covered way: Eight topic narratives, a participantcomment and seven laboratories or parallel meeting of formation (EPF's) experimented with licensed teachers that actuate in superior teaching institutions (IES), public and private, localized in the city of Natal/RN. The Thesis points out, in this way, existential education in the guideline of viable and concrete methodological alternatives amongst the problematic of the (auto) formation faced for the professors in Superior Teaching


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Utilizing a great part of the works by Japanese educator Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and the register of fragments of his life, this thesis affirms that knowledge emerges from peoples` experience as they go about their daily lives. Facts, events, genetic inheritance, cultural patrimony, family history, the place where one was born and lived, and psychological predispositions nurture and form a vision of the world and of life in general. In Makiguchi s case, this multi-causal constellation led him to conceive the system of the value-creating pedagogy of good, gain and beauty; discussing the importance of cognition and evaluation in the experience of the human being. His life is exemplary in demonstrating that these aspects are inter-connected and, in a recursive movement between knowledge and self-knowledge, they can generate creative systems for understanding the world and introducing, essentially, the author into the epistemological problematic of complexity. The Makiguchian system and Edgar Morin s complexity approach suggest a pragmatic, paradigmatic reform of education and a thought reformation in the direction of the complex pedagogy, and that it creates a web that connects master-disciple, subject-object, human-world, local-global and singular-universal


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This study - Biologist s formative speech about death. Nuances and metaphors from knowing that the subject of do not want to know - shows a marginal cognitive construction in scientific education from biologist - death. It considered as obvious that death is a theme that covers both the scientific education from biologist and the division of the subject, and concerns the splitting of the double life-death and the principles of inclusion and exclusion of the subject. Part of sensitive question: What is the epistemological weave who supports biologist's speech about death? It is constituted an object of study of the biologist s speech on death. It is advocated the thesis that: Death is an epistemological obstacle announcing for something always aims to escape from the perspective of knowledge, especially of scientific knowledge because, since it is understood as cognitive learning about the disruption of biological phenomenon life which is involved on weave of imaginary and symbolic constructions about the finiteness of life; it has constituted a metaphorical knowing - encouraged by the noisy silence - which does not allow to know in full, mobilizing hence subject in searching for transitional truths that reduce the ontological being-mortal anguish centered in subjective dimension involved in the act of knowing. From this movement of search that the object mental life after death wins a symbolic value that requires a real-looking multi-referential for the study of biology - life - and its implications: the finiteness of life, especially by moving the omnipotence of scientific objectivity expressed by signs and symbols that seek say the completeness of scientific knowledge-, signaling thus the existence of the dynamics of incompleteness implicit in subjectivity that supports knowledge relating to the double, life and death, and to the temporality of the existence of Homo sapiens sapiens, with the axis guiding the desire of the subject, do not want to know about death, implicit in the mechanisms objective-subjective founded by non-said of death is the epistemology of the existence of objective-subjective subject, whose core is the negation of death. The theoretical methodological knowing web is anchored in the multi-reference which favors a transit by theoretical current, as the Psychoanalysis, bachelardian philosophy, the epistemology of complexity, the Thanatology, the Social Psychology, and Etnocenology, and Understanding Interview. The unveiling of the study object from the analysis of oral speech of eleven biologists who serve in high school, from three main guiding: Death in the history of life,Death in biologist s academic education and, Conceptions about concepts


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This thesis proposes that the idea expressed in Juvenal s quotation Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, produced in the Ancient Greek-Roman civilization includes undestandings of body, heath and education that were reapropriated and reorganized by scientific and pedagogical theories in the XIX and XX centuries. These theories, especially the ones that received contributions from the biomedical sciences, have influenced Physical Education in the search of becoming a science. In order to realize this reapropriation, we have analyzed the transformations in the concepts of body, health and education produced in the area discourse, aiming at pointing out elements to the configuration of a theory that is being called Corpore Sano. The theory constitutes in possible systematization of scientific, philosophical and pedagogical concepts, and as such, an understanding of the scientific fundaments of Physical Education. The corpus of this analysis was composed by 148 articles that were published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte digitalized in the period between 1979 and 2003 and selected according to theme: body, biology, physical activity, effort physiology and health. The analysis of the content and the referential interpretation allowed the combination of philosophical reflection with attention to the empiric field as a comprehensive dimension. Based on the corpus of the analysis it is possible to configure meta-arguments about the concepts of body, health and education in the scientific production of Physical Education. As a metaresearch. Our study did not intend to judge the analyzed production, but look for theoretical elements that may generate a reflection about the scientific rationality in Physical Education and developments in the pedagogical field and in body practices. Such a reflection might be recognized as a theory of the living body, susceptible to modifications and interrogations that are proper of knowledge and practices of Physical Education. It is a theory rejects the idea of the complete truth and holds the comprehension that the truth is built historically through relations among different kinds of knowledge and Physical Education practices


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Célestin Freinet was one of the most memorable educators of the twentieth century. He presented some educational alternatives that had the objective of stimulating the construction of pedagogic actions to promote the social development of the student based upon a work centered on the free expression as the way to self-structure the knowledge. With a permanent proposal of research based on the enquiry-based learning, Freinet set human capacity (cognitive, social-affective, psychometrical) taking cooperation in consideration on the processes of knowledge construction. Based on this referential, this present work has the objective to show Freinet s pedagogy in a continuous teaching action from 2nd to 5th grade focusing the teacher s discourse and also the educative practice of the students of a city public school in Natal. The observed work revealed the teacher s discourse and educative experience and delineated the students development while immersed into Freinet s educational practice. By virtue of the nature and specificity of the theme that guided our research, we chose a qualitative approach to it, as a way of conducting ourselves during our investigative process. We observed and analyzed the method that was used to conduct the activities in the classroom, as well as the ways of expression that the children used through drawings, words (oral text), or through writing. We highlight, among the written texts, the individual and collective texts, and also letters and notes, which during some moments served as a base to express a diversity of languages. The results, after a analyzing the research data, point towards a teaching practice that favors the construction of a significant learning process through the grasping of the school environment, on which all these factors are based: society, knowledge acquisition, abilities, attitudes and values. This learning process also strengthens human solidarity bonds and mutual tolerance, on which the student s social life is seated.


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The rational construction necessary to systematize scientific knowledge in physics, introduces difficulties of understanding in some of its concepts. One of these concepts which exemplify properly this difficulty in learning or teaching is entropy. This thesis propose the construction of a didactic route which constitute itself a historical and epistemological course to entropy, intending to contribute for teaching this concept as well as other physics concepts. The basic assumption to build this route is that through the historical review of the development of this concept in the way suggested by Bachelard s (1884-1962) epistemology it is possible to make subjects, to be taught and learned, more meaningful. Initially I composed a brief biographical note to give the reader an idea about the issues, interests and reflections, related to science, and how I dealt with them in my private and professional life, as well as the role they played to lead me to write this thesis. The strategy to construct the route to entropy was to split the usual contents of basic thermodynamics in three moments in a way they can constitute epistemological units , which can be identified by the way of thinking in the corresponding moments of scientific knowledge production: a technical and empiricist moment, a rationalist and positivist moment and a post-positivist rationalist one. The transition between each moment is characterized by a rupture with the former way of thinking; however the progress in the construction of knowledge in the area is evident. As the final part of this work I present an analysis based on elements of Bachelard s epistemology that are present in each moment. This analysis is the basic component of the didactic route that I propose myself to build. The way I made this route guide to entropy could contribute to the construction of other didactic routes in physics and other sciences, in a way to unveil hidden meanings and as a tool to humanize scientific knowledge.


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This project goes beyond the interfacial field of cinema, History and education. We take as our object the epistemological potential of the cinema at the educational scenario, specifically the use of films integrated to the practices of History teachers and educative processes in which we have taken part as a builder. Our objective is to map, initially, the knowledge around this use to search a synthesis and its empirical application. From the methodological point of view, we have made use of different perspectives: (a) interviews with the educator subjects; (b) observation of their practices and formative circumstances; (c) filmic analysis and the relation of the cinema s epistemology with the other areas ones (initially History and further Journalism). Our analysis allowed us to portrait the film such as an epistemological-troubling category, what makes the cinema rather a builder technology and not simply a complementary and illustrative technological resource. Therefore, we have realized that the restriction to the cinema s educational function is linked to the restrictions to the theoretical categories to an only interfacial aspect: historical film as a film which portraits the past (at the historical field) and film on journalism as a film which approaches a single object of Journalism (at the journalistic field). These discussions happen, consequently, at the arena of the nature of cinema s genres (fiction and documentary), which are understood in a naïve way, simpler than its epistemological possibilities, boosted at this research when we analyze the confluence between fiction and reality. The reflections on educative practices and in formation related to the cinema had occurred in three empirical realities: research with professors in performance, practices docent s and accompaniment of students of history. Have to do with our personal career as a teacher and researcher and, when analyzed other practices, have become, unavoidably, the subject and object of this project


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This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitória da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective


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This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitória da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective


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This research seeks to identify views of the body and learning the authors Boris Cyrulnik and Merleau - Ponty, thus tracing reflective for the educational field in several areas, with emphasis on physical education paths . We notice that the above authors present a wide collection of books, needing to develop this theoretical construct a limitation in their works. Therefore , on the theme of the body , were used mainly books The Sixth Sense , Boris Cyrulnik and Phenomenology of Perception , Merleau- Ponty , as both present in their organizational context a specific chapter on this subject . The phenomenological approach is included as path to be taken to devise this study because it is based on daily reflections that the human being perceives through his experiences with his peers and mainstream culture. The phenomenological reduction was carried out from the readings and interpretations of texts, writers and commentators, as well as approaching with life aspects of experience as a police officer and professor of ethics. The interpretation points to the understanding of body and learning that can be propagated within the Physical Education and as a way to understand and learn the constructs lived through sensitivity. The design of the body, feelings and affections of Boris Cyrulnik firm the empathetic bonds between human beings, bringing confidence to explore the world, learning through the new link with the other. This notion is close to the notion of expressive body Merleau Ponty, who holds intentions in their gestures (movements), entwining in time and space. Boris Cyrulnik and Merleau-Ponty expressed as the human being is enigmatic, lying embedded in a social and cultural world, so the experiences to traçarem existential trajetória and learning need in order to enaltercer freedom of expression as a mechanism that can be deployed in the appropriation of concepts and the criticality of the subject facing widespread theories (biological, social, anthropological , etc.) . From the reflections of the research is that recomneda Physical Education , as epistemological working area apprenticeships stemmed body movements should enable reflection on their practice, other do be done, but enabling the creation of different senses and meanings each body attitude


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This dissertation describes the use of new Technologies of the Areas of Telecommunications, Networks and Industrial Automation for increase of the Operational Safety and obtaining of Operational Improvements in the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore. The presented solution represents the junction of several modules of these areas, making possible the Supervision and Contrai of the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore starting from an Station Onshore, in way similar to a remote contral, by virtue of the visualization possibility and audition of the operational area through cameras and microphones, looking the operator of the system to be "present" in the platform. This way, it diminishes the embarked people's need, increasing the Operational Safety. As consequence, we have the obtaining of Operational Improvements, by virtue of the use of a digital link of large band it releases multi-service. In this link traffic simultaneously digital signs of data (Ethernet Network), telephony (Phone VoIP), image and sound


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In the scope of this work Agroecology is considered as a science that demands and seeks a different epistemology from that used by conventional science in order to build its methodological approaches. Within this context, this paper presents the results of a theoretical effort to systematize the state of the art of the debate on this subject. It establishes that Agroecology requires a transdisciplinary approach to deal with the socio-environmental crisis currently experienced in the rural environment. At the end, it is indicated that the theory of complex thinking, proposed by Edgar Morin, can constitute an interesting philosophical framework wherein Agroecology can be based with the aim of establishing a new paradigm for addressing rural areas.