946 resultados para Viral immunology
Insects encounter many microorganisms in nature and to survive they have developed counter measures against the invading pathogens. In Drosophila melanogaster research on insect immunity has mainly been focused on infections by bacteria and fungi. We have explored the immune response against natural infections of the parasite Octosporea muscaedomesticae and the Drosophila C virus as compared to natural infections of bacteria and fungi. By using Affymetrix Drosophila GeneChips, we were able to obtain 48 genes uniquely induced after parasitic infection. It was also clearly shown that natural infections led to different results than when injecting the pathogens. In order to search for the ultimate role of the lepidopteran protein hemolin, we used RNA interference (RNAi). We could show that injection of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) of Hemolin in pupae of Hyalophora cecropia led to embryonic malformation and lethality and that there was a sex specific difference. We continued the RNAi investigation of hemolin in another lepidopteran species, Antheraea pernyi, and discovered that hemolin was induced by dsRNA per se. A similar induction of hemolin was seen after infection with baculovirus and we therefore performed in vivo experiments on baculovirus infected pupae. We could show that a low dose of dsHemolin prolonged the period before the A. pernyi pupae showed any symptoms of infection, while a high dose led to a more rapid onset of symptoms. By performing in silico analysis of the hemolin sequence from A. pernyi in comparison with other Hemolin sequences, it was possible to select a number of sites that either by being strongly conserved or variable could be important targets for future studies of hemolin function.
Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infects oral epitelial cells, then spreads to the nerve endings and estabilishes latency in sensory ganglia, from where it may, or may not reactivate. Diseases caused by virus reactivation include mild diseases such as muco-cutaneous lesions, and more severe, and even life-threatening encephalitis, or systemic infections affecting diverse organs. Herpes simplex virus represents the most comprehensive example of virus receptor interaction in Herpesviridae family, and the prototype virus encoding multipartite entry genes. In fact, it encodes 11-12 glycoproteins and a number of additional membrane proteins: five of these proteins play key roles in virus entry into subsceptible cells. Thus, glycoprotein B (gB) and glycoprotein C (gC) interact with heparan sulfate proteoglycan to enable initial attachment to cell surfaces. In the next step, in the entry cascade, gD binds a specific surface receptor such as nectin1 or HVEM. The interaction of glycoprotein D with the receptor alters the conformation of gD to enable the activation of gB, glycoprotein H, and glycoprotein L, a trio of glycoproteins that execute the fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane. In this thesis, I described two distinct projects: I. The retargeting of viral tropism for the design of oncolytic Herpesviruses: • capable of infecting cells through the human epitelial growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), overexpressed in highly malignant mammary and ovarian tumors and correlates with a poor prognosis; • detargeted from its natural receptors, HVEM and nectin1. To this end, we inserted a ligand to HER2 in gD. Because HER2 has no natural ligand, the selected ligand was a single chain antibody (scFv) derived from MAb4D5 (monoclonal antibody to HER2), herein designated scHER2. All recombinant viruses were targeted to HER2 receptor, but only two viruses (R-LM113 and R-LM249) were completely detargeted from HVEM and nectin1. To engineer R-LM113, we removed a large portion at the N-terminus of gD (from aa 6 to aa 38) and inserted scHER2 sequence plus 9-aa serine-glycine flexible linker at position 39. On the other hand, to engineer R-LM249, we replaced the Ig-folded core of gD (from aa 61 to aa 218) with scHER2 flanked by Ser-Gly linkers. In summary, these results provide evidence that: i. gD can tolerate an insert almost as big as gD itself; ii. the Ig-like domain of gD can be removed; iii. the large portion at the N-terminus of gD (from aa 6 to aa 38) can be removed without loss of key function; iv. R-LM113 and R-LM249 recombinants are ready to be assayed in animal models of mammary and ovary tumour. This finding and the avaibility of a large number of scFv greatly increase the collection of potential receptors to which HSV can be redirected. II. The production and purification of recombinant truncated form of the heterodimer gHgL. We cloned a stable insect cell line expressing a soluble form of gH in complex with gL under the control of a metalloprotein inducible promoter and purified the heterodimer by means of ONE-STrEP-tag system by IBA. With respect to biological function, the purified heterodimer is capable: • of reacting to antibodies that recognize conformation dependent epitopes and neutralize virion infectivity; • of binding a variety cells at cell surface. No doubt, the availability of biological active purified gHgL heterodimer, in sufficient quantities, will speed up the efforts to solve its crystal structure and makes it feasible to identify more clearly whether gHgL has a cellular partner, and what is the role of this interaction on virus entry.
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) aktiviert Zielzellen durch Bindung an den Interleukin-6-Rezeptor (IL-6R) und anschließende Homodimerisierung von gp130. IL-6 alleine kann nur Zellen aktivieren, die IL-6R exprimieren, der Komplex aus IL-6 und löslichem IL-6R (sIL-6R) kann gp130 auf Zellen aktivieren, die keinen IL-6R exprimieren. Von gp130 gibt es eine lösliche Form (sgp130), die in Komplexen mit sIL-6R und IL-6 vorliegen kann.Es wurden rekombinante Versionen von sgp130 konstruiert, exprimiert und aufgereinigt. Die sgp130 Proteine inhibieren die sIL-6R-abhängige Stimulation von Zellen, nicht jedoch über membrangebundenen IL-6R vermittelte IL-6-Aktivitäten. sgp130 inhibiert also selektiv sIL-6R-abhängige Antworten und hat keinen Einfluß auf IL-6-Antworten über membrangebundenen IL-6R.Das Genom von Humanem Herpesvirus-8 kodiert für ein virales IL-6 (vIL-6). Um zu klären, ob vIL-6 direkt an IL-6R oder gp130 bindet, wurden Immunpräzipitationen mit radioaktiv markiertem vIL-6 durchgeführt. Dabei zeigte vIL-6 eine direkte Interaktion mit gp130, nicht jedoch mit IL-6R.Die biologische Aktivität von vIL-6 ist IL-6R-unabhängig. Es gibt keinen Unterschied in der Effektivität von vIL-6 bei der Stimulation von Zellen die nur gp130 oder gp130 und IL-6R exprimieren. Die Ergebnisse demonstrieren, daß vIL-6 das erste bekannte Zytokin ist, welches direkt gp130 binden und aktivieren kann.
Expression of antibodies in plant against essential viral proteins could provide an alternative approach to engineered viral resistance. Engineered single chain Fv antibodies scFV are particularly suitable for expression in plant because of their small size and the lack of assembly requirements. RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) function as the catalytic subunit of viral replicases required for the replication of all positive strand RNA viruses. By using Phage technology we selected scFvs from a phage library using purified E.coli expressed TBSV(Tomato bushy stunt virus) replicase as antigen. The scFvs mediated-inhibition of RdRp activity was studied in vitro and in planta. In vitro experiments showed the inhibition of CNV(Cucumber necrosis virus) and TCV(Turnip crinkle virus) RdRp. Transient in planta assays based on agroinfiltration and an infectious clone of TBSV demonstrated the inhibition of the replication of TBSV(Tomato bushy stunt virus). Epitope mapping showed that the selected scFvs target the motif E of RdRp which is involved in template binding.Moreover T1 plants of transgenic lines of N. benthamiana expressing different scFvs either in the cytoplasm or the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) showed a high level of resistance against infection with TBSV and RCNMV(Red clover necrotic mosaic virus) upon inoculation with virus particles. This is the first report that scFvs against a RdRp of a plant viruses can inhibit viral replication in vivo. The resistance is even efficient against viruses belonging to different virus families.
Chronic liver inflammation during viral hepatitis is a major health problem worldwide. The role of proinflammatory cytokines, like IL-12, in breaking hepatic immune tolerance, and inducing acute liver inflammation and virus clearance is not clear. Nor is clear its role in uncontrolled severe inflammatory response, leading to fulminant hepatitis and hepatic failure. This work, focused in the study of the role of endogenous produced IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammatory responses, demonstrates: In vitro, using adenovirus coding for IL-12, that hepatocytes stimulate CD4+ T cells in a tolerogenic manner, and that endogenous IL-12 is able to switch the immune response into Th1; and in vivo, that endogenous IL-12 induces hepatocyte damage and virus elimination in mice infected with adenovirus. In addition, and in order to study in vivo the relevance of IL-12 in acute inflammation, conditional IL-12 transgenic mice expressing IL-12 in the liver after cre-recombinase mediated induction were generated. For this purpose, an IL-12 fusion protein was created, which demonstrated high levels of bioactivity. Induction of IL-12 expression during embryonic development was achieved by crossbreeding with Act-Cre transgenic mice; induction of IL-12 expression in adult mice was achieved by a plasmid coding for the cre-recombinase. This study demonstrates that after induction, IL-12 is expressed in the liver of the transgenic mice. It also demonstrates that hepatic expression of IL-12 induces splenomegaly and liver inflammation, characterized by large infiltrations in portal tracts and veins, associated with hepatic damage, necrosis areas and lethality. Furthermore, constitutive hepatic IL-12 expression does not lead to abortion, but to total lethality, short after delivery. In conclusion, in this study, a transgenic mouse model has been generated, in which the expression of active IL-12 in the liver can be induced at any time; this model will be very helpful for studying hepatic pathologies. This study has also demonstrated that hepatic produced IL-12 is able of breaking liver tolerance inducing inflammation, virus elimination, severe hepatocyte damage, and lethality. These findings suggest IL-12 as a key cytokine in acute liver inflammation and fulminant hepatic failure. 5.1 Future studies Once the importance of IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammation and virus elimination was demonstrated in this study, understanding the mechanisms of the IL-12 induced liver damage, and more important, how to avoid it will be the main focus in the future. It is very important to achieve hepatic inflammation for a more effective and faster viral elimination, but avoiding the toxicity of IL-12, which leads to massive liver injury and lethality is obviously necessary to allow IL-12 as therapy. For that purpose, future studies will be mainly base on three different points: 1. The determination of different cell populations present in the hepatic infiltration, which of them are responsible for liver injury, and as well their state of activation. 2. The measure of other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which can play a role in IL-12-induced liver inflammation and hepatocyte damage. For these purposes, specific blocking antibodies (anti TNF-alpha, anti IL-12, anti IFN-g) will be used. The study with different transgenic mice: TNF-alpha Receptor knockout, TGF-b, will also help in determining the role of those cytokines during IL-12-induced liver damage and lethality. 3. The establishing of liver pathology models (viral infection, tumours, auto-antigens) in mice. Induction of IL-12 at any time of the pathology development will help in clarifying the role of IL-12 in those models. Finally, the transgenic mice expressing IL-23 in the liver will be generated.
A viral vector system was developed based on a DI-RNA, a sub-viral particle derived from TBSV-BS3-statice. This newly designed vector system was tested for its applicability in protein expression and induction of gene silencing. Two strategies were pursued. The first strategy was replication of the DI-RNA by a transgenically expressed TBSV replicase and the second was the replication by a so called helper virus. It could be demonstrated by northern blot analysis that the replicase, expressed by the transgenic N. benthamiana plant line TR4 or supplied by the helper virus, is able to replicate DI-RNA introduced into the plant cells. Various genes were inserted into different DI constructs in order to study the vector system with regard to protein expression. However, independent of how the replicase was provided no detectable amounts of protein were produced in the plants. Possible reasons for this failure are identified: the lack of systemic movement of the DI-RNA in the transgenic TR4 plants and the occurrence of deletions in the inserted genes in both systems. As a consequence the two strategies were considered unsuitable for protein expression. The DI-RNA vector system was able to induce silencing of transgenes as well as endogenous genes. Several different p19 deficient helper virus constructs were made to evaluate their silencing efficiency in combination with our DI-RNA constructs. However, it was found that our vector system can not compete with other existing VIGS (virus induced gene silencing) systems in this field. Finally, the influence of DI sequences on mRNA stability on transient GUS expression experiments in GUS silenced plants was evaluated. The GUS reporter gene system was found to be unsuitable for distinguishing between expression levels of wild type plants and GUS silenced transgenic plants. The results indicate a positive effect of the DI sequences on the level of protein expression and therefore further research into this area is recommended.
Zu den Immunevasionsmechanismen des murinen Cytomegalovirus, die sich im Laufe der Koevolution von Virus und Wirt entwickelt haben, gehört die Interferenz von drei viralen Regulatoren mit der Antigenpräsentation über MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle, wodurch die Aktivierung von zytotoxischen CD8 T-Zellen beeinflusst wird: Während m152/gp40 peptidbeladene MHC-Klasse-I-Komplexe im cis-Golgi-Kompartiment akkumuliert, führt m06/gp48 diese Komplexe der lysosomalen Degradation zu. Im Gegensatz dazu vermittelt m04/gp34 deren Transport an die Zelloberfläche, wurde in der Literatur bisher aber trotzdem als Inhibitor der CD8 T-Zellaktivierung beschrieben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss dieser viralen Proteine auf die Peptidpräsentation bzw. die T-Zellaktivierung zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde ein Set von Viren verwendet, das neben mCMV-WT aus mCMV-Deletionsmutanten besteht, die jedes der regulatorischen Proteine einzeln bzw. in allen möglichen Kombinationen exprimieren, einschließlich einer Mutante, die keines der Proteine besitzt. Entgegen der bisher gültigen Annahme konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass m04/gp34 die Antigenpräsentation nicht inhibiert. Wird es allein exprimiert, bleibt die T-Zellaktivierung unbeeinflusst. Wird es zusammen mit m152/gp40 exprimiert, stellt es die T-Zellaktivierung wieder her, indem es den herunter regulierenden Effekt von m152/gp40 antagonisiert. Dieser positiv regulierende Effekt von m04/gp34 wird wiederum durch m06/gp48 aufgehoben. Es konnte ebenfalls gezeigt werden, wie die verschiedenen Effekte dieser Virusproteine in vivo das Überleben im infizierten Wirt steuern. So wird im adoptiven Transfermodell die Infektion mit der Deletionsmutante, die m152/gp40 alleine exprimiert, schlechter kontrolliert als die Infektion mit der m152/gp40 und m04/gp34 exprimierenden Mutante. Dieser die CD8 T-Zellkontrolle verbessernde Effekt von m04/gp34 wird durch m06/gp48 wieder aufgehoben. Dass ein viraler Erreger nicht nur negative Regulatoren der Antigenpräsentation exprimiert, sondern auch einen positiven Regulator, der den Effekt eines negativen Regulators wieder aufhebt, ist in der Literatur beispiellos. Durch differentielle Expression dieser Regulatoren eröffnet sich damit dem Virus die Möglichkeit, die Antigenpräsentation gezielt zu modulieren.
Introduction: Antiviral therapy can prevent disease progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C . Transient Elastografy (TE; Fibroscan) is an accurate surrogate marker to liver fibrosis, by measuring liver stiffness (LS). LS decrease has been associated with sustained virologic response (SVR). Aim: to assess the changes of LS measurments in CHC patients during and one year after Interferon (IFN)-based antiviral therapy (IFN/ribavirin) or (telaprevir+IFN/ribavirin). Methods: consecutive 69 CHC patients (53.6% females, mean age 57.9 ± 11.4) who underwent antiviral therapy for at least 20 weeks were enrolled. LS was measured using FibroScan at baseline, after three months, at the end of treatment and one year after treatment discontinuation. Fibrosis was graded using METAVIR score. Results: twenty patients treated with triple therapy and 49 with IFN/ribavirin. Fifty patients had SVR and 19 were non-responders. SVR patients: F0-F1, F2 and F3 patients (39.1%, 7.2% and 17.4%; respectively) showed no significant LS decrease (P= 0.186, 0.068 and 0.075; respectively). Conversely, in F4 patients (36.2%) LS was significantly decreased (P=0.015) after one year of treatment completion. In all patients with no SVR, no significant decrease in LS was observed. Interestingly, all Patients with F4 fibrosis (even non-responders) showed an initial significant decrease in LS (P=0.024) at 3 months after the start of treatment. However, this decrease was not predictive of SVR; area under the ROC curve 0.369 (CI %: 0.145-0.592) P= 0.265. Conclusion: Our study showed that initial decrease in LSM, especially in patients with higher baseline fibrosis score is unlikely to predict an SVR. In addition no significant association was found between clinical or virological parameters and fibrosis improvement. Further studies are needed to delineate the most appropriate clinical scenarios for the LSM by Fibroscan in chronic hepatitis C and its role in monitoring the response to antiviral treatment.
The increase in aquaculture operations worldwide has provided new opportunities for the transmission of aquatic viruses. The occurrence of viral diseases remains a significant limiting factor in aquaculture production and for the sustainability. The ability to identify quickly the presence/absence of a pathogenic organism in fish would have significant advantages for the aquaculture systems. Several molecular methods have found successful application in fish pathology both for confirmatory diagnosis of overt diseases and for detection of asymptomatic infections. However, a lot of different variants occur among fish host species and virus strains and consequently specific methods need to be developed and optimized for each pathogen and often also for each host species. The first chapter of this PhD thesis presents a complete description of the major viruses that infect fish and provides a relevant information regarding the most common methods and emerging technologies for the molecular diagnosis of viral diseases of fish. The development and application of a real time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of lymphocystivirus was described in the second chapter. It showed to be highly sensitive, specific, reproducible and versatile for the detection and quantitation of lymphocystivirus. The use of this technique can find multiple application such as asymptomatic carrier detection or pathogenesis studies of different LCDV strains. The third chapter, a multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) and sleeping disease (SD) in a single assay. This method was able to efficiently detect the viral RNA in tissue samples, showing the presence of single infections and co-infections in rainbow trout samples. The mRT-PCR method was revealed to be an accurate and fast method to support traditional diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of major viral diseases of rainbow trout.
Adaptive immune responses are characterized by substantial restructuring of secondary lymphoid organs. The molecular and cellular factors responsible for virus-induced lymphoid remodeling are not well known to date. Here we applied optical projection tomography, a mesoscopic imaging technique, for a global analysis of the entire 3-dimensional structure of mouse peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), focusing on B-cell areas and high endothelial venule (HEV) networks. Structural homeostasis of PLNs was characterized by a strict correlation between total PLN volume, B-cell volume, B-cell follicle number, and HEV length. After infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, we observed a substantial, lymphotoxin (LT) beta-receptor-dependent reorganization of the PLN microarchitecture, in which an initial B-cell influx was followed by 3-fold increases in PLN volume and HEV network length on day 8 after infection. Adoptive transfer experiments revealed that virus-induced PLN and HEV network remodeling required LTalpha(1)beta(2)-expressing B cells, whereas the inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor-A signaling pathways had no significant effect on PLN expansion. In summary, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-induced PLN growth depends on a vascular endothelial growth factor-A-independent, LT- and B cell-dependent morphogenic pathway, as revealed by an in-depth mesoscopic analysis of the global PLN structure.
Toll-like receptors are a group of pattern-recognition receptors that play a crucial role in "danger" recognition and induction of the innate immune response against bacterial and viral infections. TLR3 has emerged as a key sensor of viral dsRNA, resulting in the induction of the anti-viral molecule, IFN- . Thus, a clearer understanding of the biological processes that modulate TLR3 signaling is essential. Previous studies have shown that the TLR adaptor, Mal/TIRAP, an activator of TLR4, inhibits TLR3-mediated IFN- induction through a mechanism involving IRF7. In this study, we sought to investigate whether the TLR adaptor, MyD88, an activator of all TLRs except TLR3, has the ability to modulate TLR3 signaling. Although MyD88 does not significantly affect TLR3 ligand-induced TNF- induction, MyD88 negatively regulates TLR3-, but not TLR4-, mediated IFN- and RANTES production; this process is mechanistically distinct from that employed by Mal/TIRAP. We show that MyD88 inhibits IKK -, but not TBK1-, induced activation of IRF3. In doing so, MyD88 curtails TLR3 ligand-induced IFN- induction. The present study shows that while MyD88 activates all TLRs except TLR3, MyD88 also functions as a negative regulator of TLR3. Thus, MyD88 is essential in restricting TLR3 signaling, thereby protecting the host from unwanted immunopathologies associated with the excessive production of IFN- . Our study offers a new role for MyD88 in restricting TLR3 signaling through a hitherto unknown mechanism whereby MyD88 specifically impairs IKK -mediated induction of IRF3 and concomitant IFN- and RANTES production.
Properdin, a serum glycoprotein, is an important component of innate immunity, the only known positive regulator of complement, acting as an initiation point for alternative pathway activation. As an X-linked protein, we hypothesized that properdin may play a modulatory role in the pathogenesis of viral wheeze in children, which tends to be more common and more severe in boys. We aimed to determine properdin levels in a community-based paediatric sample, and to assess whether levels of properdin were associated with childhood wheeze phenotypes and atopy. We studied 137 school-children aged 8-12 yrs, a nested sample from a cohort study. Properdin was measured by a commercial enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay. We assessed wheeze by questionnaire, validated it by a nurse-led interview and performed skin prick tests and a methacholine challenge in all children. Forty children (29%) reported current wheeze. Serum properdin levels ranged between 18 and 40 microg/ml. Properdin was not associated with age, gender, atopy, bronchial responsiveness, current wheeze (neither the viral wheeze nor multiple-trigger wheeze phenotype) or severity of wheeze, but was slightly lower in south Asian (median 21.8 microg/ml) compared with white children (23.3 microg/ml; p = 0.006). Our data make it unlikely that properdin deficiency is common in healthy children or that levels of properdin are a major risk factor for wheeze or atopy.
Functional disruption of dendritic cells (DC) is an important strategy for viral pathogens to evade host defences. In this context, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), a single-stranded DNA virus, impairs plasmacytoid DC (pDC) and conventional DC activation by certain viruses or Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. This inhibitory capacity is associated with the viral DNA, but the impairment does not affect all signalling cascades; TLR7 ligation by small chemical molecules will still induce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α secretion, but not interferon-α or IL-12. In this study, the molecular mechanisms by which silencing occurs were investigated. PP2, a potent inhibitor of the Lyn and Hck kinases, produced a similar profile to the PCV2 DNA interference with cytokine secretion by pDC, efficiently inhibiting cell activation induced through TLR9, but not TLR7, ligation. Confocal microscopy and cytometry analysis strongly suggested that PCV2 DNA impairs actin polymerization and endocytosis in pDC and monocyte-derived DC, respectively. Altogether, this study delineates for the first time particular molecular mechanisms involved in PCV2 interference with DC danger recognition, which may be responsible for the virus-induced immunosuppression observed in infected pigs.