919 resultados para Violin music (Violins (2))
My dissertation presented seven violin concertos in three recital programs. Three of these concertos are acknowledged masterpieces performed in established concert venues throughout the world. They are the concertos of Mozart, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. The other four are less standard and are composed by Viotti, Kreutzer, Rode and Spohr. These less standard concertos were popular during their time yet they seem not to have stood the test of time. A curriculum devoted exclusively to the standard concertos creates problems for the young violinist. The Mozart violin concertos are often the first standard concertos that the young violin student encounters. They are considered to be the least technically demanding of the standard concertos. The next most advanced standard concertos that the student will usually encounter are Bruch’s G minor concerto, Wieniawski’s D minor concerto and Barber’s concerto. The trouble is that the work on Mozart concertos does not adequately prepare a student for the next most advanced standard concerto. There is a discontinuous leap in the progression of technical difficulty between the Mozart concertos and the next most advanced concertos. Likewise the standard concerto repertoire provides no smooth historical or stylistic progression between the Mozart concertos and the next most advanced concertos. If the young violinist is limited to the standard repertoire then she has no smooth progression either technical, historical or stylistic. I seek to demonstrate that, by adding concertos of Spohr, Viotti, Kreutzer, and Rode to the standard violin curriculum, one could remedy this problem. The first and third recitals were performed in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall and the second recital in the School of Music’s Smith Lecture Hall, both at the University of Maryland. All three recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
Este estudo teve como grande finalidade conhecer as percepções de alunos do 2° Ciclo do Ensino Básico de uma escola da periferia de Lisboa e dos respectivos professores e encarregados de educação, relativamente à disciplina de Educação Musical. No estudo foi utilizado um desenho metodológico de cariz naturalista, com aproximação ao estudo de caso, em que a técnica de recolha de dados de suporte foi o inquérito por questionário, aplicado aos três elementos da comunidade educativa antes referidos. Os principais objectivos do estudo foram, entre outros, os seguintes: #) Conhecer a importância que é dada à Educação Musical, enquanto disciplina integrante do currículo escolar, por alunos, professores e encarregados de educação; #) Contribuir para uma tomada de consciência, por parte da comunidade educativa em geral, sobre a importância da Educação Musical na formação integral do cidadão. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu chegar a diversas inferências e conclusões, destacando-se, entre outras, as seguintes: - Em relação aos alunos, a Educação Musical foi por eles considerada uma disciplina razoavelmente importante para a sua formação face à qual afirmaram nutrir algum interesse, sobretudo quando nela são promovidas actividades práticas; - No que diz respeito aos professores, estes consideraram, na sua maioria, que a disciplina, apesar das suas potencialidades formativas, acaba por não ser aproveitada na sua plenitude; - Os encarregados de educação tenderam a considerá-la uma disciplina importante, parecendo estar informados sobre as actividades e as funções a ela associadas. A música pareceu, além disso, fazer parte da vida da maior parte dos inquiridos dos três grupos participantes no estudo, tendo os mesmos indicado que ouviam música todos os dias e que já haviam assistido a, pelo menos, um concerto ao vivo. ABSTRACT; The aim of this study was to acknowledge the perceptions of students of the fifth and sixth grades of a Basic school in Lisbon periphery, their parents and teachers, about the subject of Musical Education. ln that purpose, we are in front of a naturalist investigation, approaching the case study, were the support instrument of data collecting was the questionnaire, applied to the three members of the educative community we have already referred to. This study had, as main goals, the following, among others: #) To know the importance that is given to Musical Education, as a subject which is part of the school curriculum, by students, parents and teachers; #) To contribute for the acknowledgement, by the general educative community, of the importance of Musical Education, for the growth and formation of the individuals. The analisys of the results allowed us to reach, among others, several conclusions and inferences: - Concerning the students, musical education was considered a subject of reasonable importance for their formation, and by which they showed some interest, especially when teachers promote practical activities; - The majority of the teachers considered that the subject was very important for the formation of the individual. However, and in spite of its formative potentialities, musical education is not applied and used as much as it should be; - Parents seem to consider it an important subject and also seem to be well informed about the activities and functions associated to it; Music seemed to be part of the lives of all the inquiries, who revealed listening to music every day and, in the majority of cases, have already been to a live concert.
Sergei Rachmaninoff and Nikolai Medtner occupy a special place in the history of Russian music. Both composers were exceptional pianists and left us some of the greatest works in the piano repertoire. Although these composers shared many similarities, and were often compared, their musical languages and views on composition were very different. Unfortunately, Medtner’s music, which Rachmaninoff admired greatly, has remained neglected for several generations of performers and listeners. In my dissertation I will explore the similarities and contrasts in Rachmaninoff’s and Medtner’s music. Through these performances, I hope to encourage other musicians to discover the imaginative power of Medtner’s music. Of course, no such encouragement is needed for Rachmaninoff’s extremely popular music; however, the technical and musical challenges of performing that repertoire are an invaluable part of every pianist’s education. This dissertation project was presented in three recitals which were performed in Gildenhorn Recital Hall at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center of the University of Maryland on May 8, 2014, December 5, 2014 and March 21, 2016. The following pieces comprised the survey of Rachmaninoff music: Vocalise Op. 34, Variations on a Theme of Corelli Op. 42, Piano Concerto No 2 Op. 18, Selected Songs Opp. 4 and 8, and two Moments Musicaux Op. 16 - Nos 3 and 4. The following pieces were included to represent Medtner: Sonata for Violin and Piano Op. 57 in E minor “Epica”, Fairy Tales for solo piano Op. 20 No 1, Op. 26 No 3 and Op. 51 No 1, and Selected Songs Op. 6 and 15. My partners in this project were Lilly Ahn, soprano, Jennifer Lee, violin and Nadezhda Christova, piano. All three recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
Cette thèse présente une théorie de la fonction formelle et de la structure des phrases dans la musique contemporaine, théorie qui peut être utilisée aussi bien comme outil analytique que pour créer de nouvelles œuvres. Deux concepts théoriques actuels aident à clarifier la structure des phrases : les projections temporelles de Christopher Hasty et la théorie des fonctions formelles de William Caplin, qui inclut le concept de l’organisation formelle soudée versus lâche (tight-knit vs. loose). Les projections temporelles sont perceptibles grâce à l’accent mis sur les paramètres secondaires, comme le style du jeu, l’articulation et le timbre. Des sections avec une organisation formelle soudée ont des projections temporelles claires, qui sont créées par la juxtaposition des motifs distincts, généralement sous la forme d'une idée de base en deux parties. Ces projections organisent la musique en phrases de présentation, en phrases de continuité et finalement, à des moments formels charnières, en phrases cadentielles. Les sections pourvues d’une organisation plus lâche tendent à présenter des projections et mouvements harmoniques moins clairs et moins d’uniformité motivique. La structure des phrases de trois pièces tardives pour instrument soliste de Pierre Boulez est analysée : Anthèmes I pour violon (1991-1992) et deux pièces pour piano, Incises (2001) et une page d’éphéméride (2005). Les idées proposées dans le présent document font suite à une analyse de ces œuvres et ont eu une forte influence sur mes propres compositions, en particulier Lucretia Overture pour orchestre et 4 Impromptus pour flûte, saxophone soprano et piano, qui sont également analysés en détail. Plusieurs techniques de composition supplémentaires peuvent être discernés dans ces deux œuvres, y compris l'utilisation de séquence mélodiques pour contrôler le rythme harmonique; des passages composés de plusieurs couches musicales chacun avec un structure de phrase distinct; et le relâchement de l'organisation formelle de matériels récurrents. Enfin, la composition de plusieurs autres travaux antérieurs a donné lieu à des techniques utilisées dans ces deux œuvres et ils sont brièvement abordés dans la section finale.
This chapter discusses some possibilities of gamification and remixing processes for music education. It also analyzes the concepts of gamification, mashup/remix and presents its possible usage in education—music teaching—through the development of the project/educational game FLAPPY CRAB. The chapter begins with a brief introduction to the concepts listed above, trying to consider them in the school context. After that, we will make the summary presentation of the music educational game FLAPPY CRAB, a clone of the GEARS Studios Flappy Bird, developed for mobile devices and other platforms with the UNITY 3D© game engine. In this chapter we’ll talk yet, albeit briefly, about the game engine used in the development of this educational application. This educational game aims to assess the possible impacts that its use has on learning and skill development related to auditory memory, qualitative discrimination of musical sound height (pitch—in the range of an octave with a central point in 440 Hz), visual identification of musical notation symbols and its relative organization according to the grammar rules of traditional music spelling. The game has been tested by a group of approximately 30 teenagers over a period of about 6 months, over which data was collected. In this chapter, we will present a review of the preliminary data collected to date.
Music is a hidden stimulus for retailers. Not much has been researched on Indian luxury stores. This paper attempts to study the composition of music on perception of buyers at luxury stores. A research on customer’s buying intention was done to study their perception of music in the luxury store formats. This study uses exploratory factor analysis to find the significant different factors which constitute music to be played so as to induce buying in a luxury store. The composition of music depends upon music attractiveness, age of the customer and a desire to listen to the music.
Staff detection and removal is one of the most important issues in optical music recognition (OMR) tasks since common approaches for symbol detection and classification are based on this process. Due to its complexity, staff detection and removal is often inaccurate, leading to a great number of errors in posterior stages. For this reason, a new approach that avoids this stage is proposed in this paper, which is expected to overcome these drawbacks. Our approach is put into practice in a case of study focused on scores written in white mensural notation. Symbol detection is performed by using the vertical projection of the staves. The cross-correlation operator for template matching is used at the classification stage. The goodness of our proposal is shown in an experiment in which our proposal attains an extraction rate of 96 % and a classification rate of 92 %, on average. The results found have reinforced the idea of pursuing a new research line in OMR systems without the need of the removal of staff lines.
In this LBD, we present several Apps for playing while learning music or for learning music while playing. The core of all the games is based on the good performance of the real-time audio interaction algorithms developed by the ATIC group at Universidad de Ma ́laga (SPAIN).
Sonata for Solo Violin in G-minor, J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Adagio Fuga Siciliana Presto Sonata for Violin and Piano in G-major, L. Beethoven (1770-1827) Allegro assai Tempo di Menuetto Allegro vivace Sonata for Violin and Piano in A-major, G. Faure (1845-1924) Allegro molto Andante Allegro vivo Allegro quasi presto Jennifer Snyder, piano
Music of Today Series presents The 21st- Century Piano with Cristina Valdes, piano February 26, 2013
Concert Program
Concert Program
Este artigo é o resultado de uma pesquisa exaustiva que tenho desenvolvido em torno do Manuscrito 242 da Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra (P-Cug MM 242). Este valioso manuscrito do século XVI destaca-se pela importância crucial para o estudo da música instrumental em Portugal, no Renascimento tardio e nas primeiras décadas do século XVII. Neste manuscrito estão reproduzidos alguns dos primeiros exemplos de tento e fantasia, como o atestam as obras para tecla de António Carrreira (c.1530c. 1594). Para além de um grande número de cópias de motetes, andamentos de Missa, canções e madrigais escritos por diversos compositores europeus de meados do século XVI, identificados e inventariados por Owen Rees, este manuscrito inclui também diversas peças instrumentais de autoria desconhecida, que ainda não receberam a atenção que merecem. Deste conjunto, seleccionei dois grupos de obras que reúnem pequenas peças instrumentais, as quais irei aprofundar neste artigo. O primeiro grupo, que representa o objecto central deste estudo, é constituído por um conjunto de obras para tecla com melodias em cantochão que proponho incluir nos géneros verso e/ou fabordão para órgão. Pretendo discutir estas obras a partir das suas características formais, estilísticas e performativas, assim como a sua inclusão nas práticas de alternatim instrumental no Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra durante esse período.
Este artigo é o resultado de uma pesquisa exaustiva que tenho desenvolvido em torno do Manuscrito 242 da Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra (P-Cug MM 242). Este valioso manuscrito do século XVIdestaca-se pela importância crucial para o estudo da música instrumental em Portugal, no Renascimento tardio e nas primeiras décadas do século XVII. Neste manuscrito estão reproduzidos alguns dosprimeiros exemplos de tento e fantasia, como o atestam as obras para tecla de António Carrreira (c.1530c. 1594). Para além de um grande número de cópias de motetes, andamentos de Missa, canções emadrigais escritos por diversos compositores europeus de meados do século XVI, identificados einventariados por Owen Rees, este manuscrito inclui também diversas peças instrumentais de autoriadesconhecida, que ainda não receberam a atenção que merecem. Deste conjunto, seleccionei dois grupos de obras que reúnem pequenas peças instrumentais, as quais irei aprofundar neste artigo. O primeirogrupo, que representa o objecto central deste estudo, é constituído por um conjunto de obras para teclacom melodias em cantochão que proponho incluir nos géneros verso e/ou fabordão para órgão. Pretendodiscutir estas obras a partir das suas características formais, estilísticas e performativas, assim como a suainclusão nas práticas de alternatim instrumental no Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra durante esse período.