996 resultados para Victorian era


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In 2000 a consortium headed by Deakin University was funded by the Victorian Department of Education, Employment and Training to develop a model of effective teaching and learning for science in schools from P-10. Initially working with 27 study schools, the Project has continued in 2001 with 126 participating schools. This paper will discuss the model for school and classroom change that we have been developing, with a particular focus on the change strategies being used by the research team and in the participating schools. Central to the model has been the appointment in each school of a SiS (Science in Schools) coordinator with time release and additional funding for resources. The Coordinator has used strategies including mapping each participating teacher against the eight components of effective teaching and learning (the SiS components); student preferences surveying; auditing of curriculum, resources and school policy; and team planning of priorities, actions, implementation and monitoring strategies. The emphasis has been on school ownership of the change process and the school leadership has been identified as central to its success. As well as focusing on actions in schools the paper will also discuss the research process from the research team's perspective.


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This paper maps the policy shifts around the education and training of youth that frame how schools respond to issues of youth' at risk'. These shifts have occurred with the move from the self managing schools marked by market discourses of competition, autonomy and image management that supplanted earlier discourses of welfare and community, through to recent policies in Victoria arising from the Kirby Review of Post compulsory Education and Public Education, the Next Generation undertaken by the Labor government. These reports, and the policies emerging out of them, are producing new discourses about youth and schooling focusing on wellbeing, learning networks and more systemic support for schools at the same time as there is increased accountability and expectations of schools. Drawing on the school exclusion literature from the U.K, and using Bourdieu's notion of habitus, we examine the findings from a recent study undertaken on the Geelong Pathways Planning project, funded through a Victorian government strategy, to discuss how schools respond to such initiatives. The project explored the ways in which students in the Geelong region understood and worked with the job planning pathways program, and how service providers (schools, community education facilities, job networks etc) coordinated to meet the needs of individual youth. There was a disjuncture in the participating schools between the discourses of care and welfare for students at risk, and the actual practices and policies that ignored or excluded such students. This paper concludes with a discussion of what might be required systemically, in schools and in their relations to other education providers, to build the capacity to respond more effectively to all students.


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to trial the Postpartum Depression Predictors Inventory (PDPI) as a checklist to assist nurses in identifying women at risk of postnatal depression at 28 weeks of pregnancy, with repeated assessment at 6-8 weeks postpartum.

Methods: A prospective cohort design was used to include a population of women >20 years of age who were attending an antenatal clinic at a Victorian regional hospital. All women who attended the clinic for their 28 week visit were invited to participate over an 8-week period. Five data collection measures were included, two in the antenatal period and three at 6-8 weeks postpartum. Based on nurse consultation at both times, clinical judgement, and use of the PDPI, nurses recorded three outcomes: no identifiable risk, non-directive counselling or referral to a psychiatric nurse. The Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Kanzas Marital Satisfaction Scales were used at 6-8 weeks postpartum to assess depression and marital satisfaction.

Results: 107 women were recruited in the antenatal period with 84 being followed up 8 weeks postpartum. Information will be presented on the proportion of women who were found to be depressed at both data collection periods, the intervention outcomes as determined by nurses. The use of the PDPI and PDSS as tools to assist nurses in identifying women at risk of postnatal depression will be discussed.

Conclusion: The PDPI is a useful checklist to identify women at risk of postnatal depression. The PDSS and the EPDS identified a similar number of women, although the PDSS is a much longer and more intensive scale.


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In Victoria, Australia, the potential of networks to respond to issues of risk for young people has been identified. Learning networks have become a means to reform resulting in a number of policy strategies by the Victorian Labour government since 2000 and including School Networks and Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs). At the same time organic learning networks continue to form at a ‘grass roots’ level as communities respond to perceived needs. This presentation draws on research into the foundation, formation and practice of the Smart Geelong Region Local Learning and Employment Network (SGR LLEN) and considers the opportunities and tensions when government policies take up and institutionalise solutions in ways that potentially work against the conditions that make them effective, viable and sustainable.


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The importance of riparian habitats to bird communities is well documented internationally, however the value of these habitats in largely intact landscapes is less well understood, particularly in Australia. Thirty paired riparian and adjacent non-riparian sites were selected within extensive forest mosaics of the Victorian Central Highlands and were surveyed over a two year period. Bird assemblages occurring within riparian habitats supported a significantly greater richness, abundance and diversity of species. These assemblages were also found to have species compositions significantly different from those occurring at adjacent non-riparian sites separated by a distance of approximately 750 m. Differences were attributed to a suite of distinctive species and significant contrasts in the densities of a range of species that occur in both habitat types. At the landscape level, there was a strong patterning of the avifauna centred on riparian habitats. Bird assemblages typically comprised four distinct suites of species: 1. species widespread in forests and woodlands of southeastern Australia; 2. riparian associated species (wet forest intruders); 3. riparian selective species, and; 4. riparian avoiding species. Both physiognomic and floristic differences between riparian and adjacent non-riparian habitats appear to drive responses in the structure of bird communities. There exists a distinctiveness and variability among the range of vegetation types and associated bird assemblages occurring throughout the forest matrix, including in riparian habitats. The occurrence of complimentary bird assemblages throughout the landscape mosaic highlights the importance of whole landscape planning for avifauna conservation.


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Information literacy has become an important skill for undergraduate students due to societal changes that have seen information become a valuable commodity, the need for graduates to become lifelong learners, and the recognition that information literacy is an underpinning generic skill for effective learning in higher education. This paper describes a sequence of purposefully designed activities to help students learn and practice information literacy skills that were integrated into a first-year engineering and technology study unit as a core element of the unit syllabus. A formal evaluation of these activities was planned and undertaken in semester 1 2003.


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White blister caused by oomycete Albugo candida (Pers. Ex. Lev.) Kuntze, (AC), is an important disease affecting many cruciferous hosts, including vegetable brassicas. The outbreaks of white blister in broccoli and cauliflower crops (Brassica oleracea var. italica and var. botrytis) in Southern Australia in the last three years led to restrictions on movement of fresh produce and seedlings from the disease-affected areas. Current classification of AC races is based on physiologic specialisation of this pathogen. Race 9 has been identified to cause white blister on B. oleracea in the USA. We report on specialisation of AC causing disease in Victorian broccoli crops and the use of molecular tools for the separation of AC races. In a glasshouse, 12 Brassicaceae species/varieties replicated 6 times, were inoculated twice at the fully developed cotyledon stage with a distilled water suspension of zoosporangia (1x104 per ml) collected from a single broccoli leaf. Two weeks after inoculation the incidence of white blister on cotyledons and seedling leaves of cauliflower, broccoli, black mustard and Indian mustard was 79.7, 78.4, 73.7 and 6.9% respectively. Cabbage plants were symptomless indicating that further specialisation of the pathogen may have occurred in Australia. High disease incidence among black mustard plants shows that the Australian isolate differs from overseas AC race 9. The interaction of a number of B. oleracea varieties to a range of AC isolates from various hosts will be investigated. Degenerate primers are now being used to amplify actin and β-tubulin genes to identify race specific polymorphisms in AC isolates from three different hosts (wild radish, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli). Differing PCR amplification efficiencies from broccoli and wild radish isolates using degenerate actin primers indicates sequence differences in the two isolates. The fragments are now being cloned and sequenced for race comparison.


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The following paper examines federally accredited and funded aged care provision in regional Victoria. Benchmarks that have been set by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing, are used to measure and compare the relative number of high and low level aged care positions and Community Aged Care Packages in six regional Victorian centres.
Using population forecasts, the additional aged care positions that each centre will require to meet the provision benchmarks in the year 2021 have been estimated. These figures are then translated into infrastructure requirements for the regional Victorian city of Greater Bendigo. This is done by surveying Greater Bendigo’s existing residential aged care facilities. Strategies for the provision of additional high and low level residential aged care infrastructure are explored using a matrix governed by size and configuration. Variations in these two aspects are shown to affect the location options for future facilities in Greater Bendigo. The implications of the benchmarks are also investigated in terms of facilities for the provision of Community Aged Care Packages.
The research is funded by a double ARC APAI grant between the Built Environment Research Group at Deakin University, The Centre for Sustainable Regional Centres at La Trobe University, the City of Greater Bendigo and the City of Warrnambool.


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The purpose of my research is to reinvigorate educational leadership through improved understandings of women primary principals in Independent schools, thereby rethinking the current directions. By 'reinvigorate' I mean investigate what serves as inspiration for current women primary leaders and explore how this might be better used to generate the kinds of educational change that lead to more dynamic primary school leadership. These 'improved understandings' are expected to suggest a reconceptualizing of primary school leadership by, what I coin 'response-ability'. By 'response-ability' I mean to expose untapped potentials in primary leadership performance so that the leader utilizes the full range of their knowledge, skills and values.

There are acknowledged gaps in the primary school Independent sector concerning women in leadership both theory and practice and in this instance the Victorian context. Considerable research surrounds educational leadership [Peter Hill (2003), Neil Cranston (2001), Frances Townsend (1999),Helen Telford.(1996) and Caldwell & Spinks (1992)]. In particular Jill Blackmore's, (1999) research analysed a number of projects focusing on women secondary principals. As a critique of leadership her research exposed the gendered influences reinforced through culture, values and language

However there has been limited research into women in primary leadership and the implications for the Independent sector. In summary this research aims to understand women in primary educational leadership and investigate the significance of their untapped knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Furthermore to propose what may constitute 'Response-able' leadership that could serve to highlight ethical principles, authenticity and creativity.


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The imperative for schools and teachers to understand and teach with a global perspective has been reiterated in Victoria recently with the release of the Victorian Curriculum Reform Consultation Paper (VCAA, 2004). This paper states that, "the purposes of schooling are to prepare students for a world which is global in its outlook and influences." (p.4).

The introductory paragraphs of selected states' and territories' Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE) curriculum statements include and reiterate 'global' in the rationale for teaching and learning. Teaching in SOSE is charged with responsibility for incorporating 'global' into classroom practice. What is the role and place of SOSE in this teaching and how can SOSE teachers be better equipped to teach in a time of internationalisation and globalisation? Are teachers prepared to meet this challenge?

This paper will position the importance of teachers' lived experiences, their capacity to reflect upon these experiences, to their preparedness and competency in teaching 'global education' both within a SOSE classroom and beyond. How can personal critical reflection sharpen the focus for teaching in and to this global world? What are the place of narrative and the lived experiences of teachers in sharpening this focus? The data for this paper is drawn from a self study of the author who is studying a Masters by Research and teaches Social Education and Education Studies at Deakin University.

The paper argues that pedagogy around teaching global education in the classroom cannot be isolated from the teacher's identities, background experiences, which influence and shape their approaches to teaching in a global education curriculum. The methodology in teaching global education needs to be further aligned to teacher narratives and the lived experiences of teachers in order to link local, national and global domains.

The paper will describe how teaching for a 'world which is global in outlook and influences' can be researched by examining a selection of personal stories and lived experiences. The paper will conclude with a draft framework of global education that acknowledges reflection on lived experiences and narratives.


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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) play an important role in conserving the marine environment. An integral part of managing MPAs is communicating to its users and the broader community the existence of the park and its regulations. In two studies looking at the Victorian Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries it was found that there was a low level of awareness of the parks existence [1]. Television news was found in both studies to account for the majority of respondents awareness yet television advertisements were the main media used to inform the community, along with signage at parks and sanctuaries [2].

Education and communication are the main ways that management agencies inform the broader community about the parks and the regulations governing their management. They are generally directed at two main groups: formal education within schools and universities and communication towards the wider community. Communicating to the broader community the existence of an MPA is achieved through signs, brochures, self guided or ranger walks. These are developed by education experts within management agencies. Yet little is known of the public’s level of knowledge about MPAs or the marine environment. Therefore, our research aims to discover the communities existing knowledge of MPAs and the marine environment and how this can help create effective communication strategies. This research focuses on the public who use MPAs and the wider community in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.


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One of the population health implications for Australia’s ageing population is that a larger proportion of the Australian community will be retired and have more time for leisure pursuits. Meaningful leisure activities for this group are thought to be a factor in promoting positive mental health. However, a search of health literature revealed a paucity of research on how older adults make use of their leisure time, what meaning these pursuits have to them, and whether their chosen leisure activities are health enhancing and promote wellbeing. Australia’s population is diverse with many cultures represented. As the population ages, mental health workers will be called upon to provide culturally-appropriate mental health services to clients from a range of ethnic groups. Literature on how people of culturally diverse backgrounds understand leisure activities is also limited. This paper reports on a study carried out in an Italian community in a large regional centre. The participants were selected based on the following criteria; aged 65 years and over, born in Italy, independently living in the community, ambulant, and retired from paid workforce. This study explored how a well-elderly group from an ethnic community derived meaning from their leisure activities and how this impacted on their mental health. Establishing the relationship between leisure and mental health in an ageing ethnic community is important because it sheds light on potential intervention strategies that can be used to maintain the mental health of people living independently in the community. Participants were interviewed using semi-structured questions about their perceptions of leisure, the meanings they derived from these activities, and their perceived impact of these activities on their health. Participant observation was also used to add trustworthiness to the data. Themes arising from the interviews and participant observation will be related to the participants’ sense of health. Results also revealed how older Italians engaged in leisure activities. Implications of the research findings will be directed towards mental health practice with older ethnic clients in community settings. The promotion of healthy lifestyles and positive mental health for Australia’s ageing population will also be discussed.


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SOSE curriculum structures have changed dramatically over the last few decades. Teachers who once taught history, geography and economics have found themselves teaching in the SOSE KLA which many perceive as a generic mish-mash of former school subjects. Some saw this as the death of their disciplines whilst others saw it as an opportunity to explore transdiciplinary and inter-disciplinary teaching and learning. Regardless of opinion, many teachers and tertiary education students often asked a familiar question - What am I supposed to teach and how am I supposed to teach it?

Whilst NSW retained a disciplinary structure for the teaching and learning of SOSE in secondary schools, all other Australian States and Territories adopted a Key Learning Area [KLA] approach. In recent years Victorian curriculum change has seen the re-emergence of a disciplinary approach to the teaching and learning of SOSE in upper primary schools and secondary schools and we can only wonder what curriculum change in other States and Territories will bring. In this paper we explore disciplinary, transdiciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to SOSE and critique these in relation to effective teaching and learning.


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The Victorian Marine Mapping Project will improve knowledge on the location, spatial distribution, condition and extent of marine habitats and associated biodiversity in Victorian State waters. This information will guide informed decision making, enable priority setting, and assist in targeted natural resource management planning. This project entails benthic habitat mapping over 500 square kilometers of Victorian State waters using multibeam sonar, towed video and image classification techniques. Information collected includes seafloor topography, seafloor softness and hardness (reflectivity), and information on geology and benthic flora and fauna assemblages collectively comprising habitat. Computerized semi-automated classification techniques are also being developed to provide a cost effective approach to rapid mapping and assessment of coastal habitats.

Habitat mapping is important for understanding and communicating the distribution of natural values within the marine environment. The coastal fringe of Victoria encompasses a rich and diverse ecosystem representative of coastal waters of South-east Australia. To date, extensive knowledge of these systems is limited due to the lack of available data. Knowledge of the distribution and extent of habitat is required to target management activities most effectively, and provide the basis to monitor and report on their status in the future.