958 resultados para Vascular smooth muscle cells


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Abstract Background The prostate stroma is a key mediator of epithelial differentiation and development, and potentially plays a role in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer. The tumor-associated stroma is marked by increased expression of CD90/THY1. Isolation and characterization of these stromal cells could provide valuable insight into the biology of the tumor microenvironment. Methods Prostate CD90+ stromal fibromuscular cells from tumor specimens were isolated by cell-sorting and analyzed by DNA microarray. Dataset analysis was used to compare gene expression between histologically normal and tumor-associated stromal cells. For comparison, stromal cells were also isolated and analyzed from the urinary bladder. Results The tumor-associated stromal cells were found to have decreased expression of genes involved in smooth muscle differentiation, and those detected in prostate but not bladder. Other differential expression between the stromal cell types included that of the CXC-chemokine genes. Conclusion CD90+ prostate tumor-associated stromal cells differed from their normal counterpart in expression of multiple genes, some of which are potentially involved in organ development.


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The aim of this study was to examine a case report of vascular leiomyoma located in the oral mucosa of the oral cavity. Vascular leiomyoma is a benign tumor arising from smooth muscle. One factor that makes vascular leiomyomas in the oral cavity rare is that there is little smooth muscle in the mouth. The most common histological subtype in the oral cavity is the vascular subtype. The greatest difficulty in histological diagnosis of this entity is the similarity in morphology with other malignancies, particularly of neural or fibroblastic lineage. Wide surgical resection is the only treatment reported in the literature with good results. The recurrence rate is very low if complete resection is achieved. The study of rare or unusual lesions is very important for the clinical diagnosis of vascular leiomyoma


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In mammalian species, profibrogenic cells are activated to become myofibroblasts in response to liver damage. Few studies have examined hepatic myofibroblasts and their role in liver damage in teleosts. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of myofibroblast-like cells in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with hepatic damage induced by aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses characterized alterations in the liver stroma during the carcinogenic process. Anti-human a-smoothmuscle actin (SMA) and anti-human desmin primary antibodies were used in immunohistochemistry. Only the anti-SMA reagent labelled cells in trout liver. In the livers of control fish, only smooth muscle in blood vessels and around bile ducts was labelled. In the livers from AFB1-treated fish, SMA-positive cells were present in the stroma surrounding neoplastic lesions and in areas of desmoplastic reaction. These observations indicate that in teleosts, as in mammals, the myofibroblast-like cell is involved in fibrosis associated with liver injury. Chronic liver injury induced in trout by aflatoxin may provide a useful model system for study of the evolution of such mechanisms.


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The aim of our study was to investigate the phenomenon of intussusceptive angiogenesis with a focus on its molecular regulation by vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)/platelet-derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFRβ) pathways and biological significance for glomerular recovery after acute injury. Glomerular healing by intussusception was examined in a particular setting of Thy1.1 nephritis, where the lysis of mesangial cells results in an initial collapse and successive rebuilding of glomerular capillary structure. Restoration of capillary structure after induction of Thy1.1 nephritis occurred by intussusceptive angiogenesis resulting in i) rapid expansion of the capillary plexus with reinstatement of the glomerular filtration surface and ii) restoration of the archetypical glomerular vascular pattern. Glomerular capillaries of nephritic rats after combined VEGFR2 and PDGFRβ inhibition by PTK787/ZK222584 (PTK/ZK) were tortuous and irregular. However, the onset of intussusceptive angiogenesis was influenced only after long-term PTK/ZK treatment, providing an important insight into differential molecular regulation between sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis. PTK/ZK treatment abolished α-smooth muscle actin and tensin expression by injured mesangial cells, impaired glomerular filtration of microspheres, and led to the reduction of glomerular volume and the presence of multiple hemorrhages detectable in the tubular system. Collectively, treatment of nephritic patients with PTK/ZK compound is not recommended.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of tyrosine-kinase inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor (VECF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDCF)-receptors on non-malignant tissue and whether they depend upon the stage of vascular maturation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PTK787/ZK222584 and CGP53716 (VEGF- and PDGF-receptor inhibitor respectively), both alone and combined, were applied on chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). RESULTS: On embryonic day of CAM development (E)8, only immature microvessels, which lack coverage of pericytes, are present: whereas the microvessels on E12 have pericytic coverage. This development was reflected in the expression levels of pericytic markers (alpha-smooth muscle actin, PDGF-receptor beta and desmin), which were found by immunoblotting to progressively increase between E8 and E12. Monotherapy with 2 microg of PTK787/ZK222584 induced significant vasodegeneration on E8, but not on E12. Monotherapy with CGP53716 affected only pericytes. When CGP53716 was applied prior to treatment with 2 microg of PTK787/ZK222584, vasodegeneration occurred also on E12. The combined treatment increased the apoptotic rate. as evidenced by the cDNA levels of caspase-9 and the TUNEL-assay. CONCLUSION: Anti-angiogenic treatment strategies for non-neoplastic disorders should aim to interfere with the maturation stage of the target vessels: monotherapy with VEGF-receptor inhibitor for immature vessels, and combined anti-angiogenic treatment for well developed mature vasculature.


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Inhibitors of angiogenesis and radiation induce compensatory changes in the tumor vasculature both during and after treatment cessation. To assess the responses to irradiation and vascular endothelial growth factor-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition (by the vascular endothelial growth factor tyrosine kinase inhibitor PTK787/ZK222854), mammary carcinoma allografts were investigated by vascular casting; electron, light, and confocal microscopy; and immunoblotting. Irradiation and anti-angiogenic therapy had similar effects on the tumor vasculature. Both treatments reduced tumor vascularization, particularly in the tumor medulla. After cessation of therapy, the tumor vasculature expanded predominantly by intussusception with a plexus composed of enlarged sinusoidal-like vessels containing multiple transluminal tissue pillars. Tumor revascularization originated from preserved alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive vessels in the tumor cortex. Quantification revealed that recovery was characterized by an angiogenic switch from sprouting to intussusception. Up-regulated alpha-smooth muscle actin-expression during recovery reflected the recruitment of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells for intussusception as part of the angio-adaptive mechanism. Tumor recovery was associated with a dramatic decrease (by 30% to 40%) in the intratumoral microvascular density, probably as a result of intussusceptive pruning and, surprisingly, with only a minimal reduction of the total microvascular (exchange) area. Therefore, the vascular supply to the tumor was not severely compromised, as demonstrated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha expression. Both irradiation and anti-angiogenic therapy cause a switch from sprouting to intussusceptive angiogenesis, representing an escape mechanism and accounting for the development of resistance, as well as rapid recovery, after cessation of therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) are a family of glycan-binding inhibitory receptors, and among them, Siglec-8 is selectively expressed on human eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells. On eosinophils, Siglec-8 engagement induces apoptosis, but its function on mast cells is unknown. OBJECTIVE: We sought to study the effect of Siglec-8 engagement on human mast cell survival and mediator release responses. METHODS: Human mast cells were generated from CD34+ precursors. Apoptosis was studied by using flow cytometry. Mast cell mediator release or human lung airway smooth muscle contraction was initiated by FcepsilonRI cross-linking with or without preincubation with Siglec-8 or control antibodies, and release of mediators was analyzed along with Ca++ flux. RBL-2H3 cells transfected with normal and mutated forms of Siglec-8 were used to study how Siglec-8 engagement alters mediator release. RESULTS: Siglec-8 engagement failed to induce human mast cell apoptosis. However, preincubation with Siglec-8 mAbs significantly (P < .05) inhibited FcepsilonRI-dependent histamine and prostaglandin D(2) release, Ca++ flux, and anti-IgE-evoked contractions of human bronchial rings. In contrast, release of IL-8 was not inhibited. Siglec-8 ligation was also shown to inhibit beta-hexosaminidase release and Ca++ flux triggered through FcepsilonRI in RBL-2H3 cells transfected with full-length human Siglec-8 but not in cells transfected with Siglec-8 containing a tyrosine to phenylalanine point mutation in the membrane-proximal immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif domain. CONCLUSION: These data represent the first reported inhibitory effects of Siglec engagement on human mast cells.


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A large number of studies utilize animal models to investigate therapeutic angiogenesis. However, the lack of a standardized experimental model leaves the comparison of different studies problematic. To establish a reference model of prolonged moderate tissue ischemia, we created unilateral hind limb ischemia in athymic rnu-rats by surgical excision of the femoral vessels. Blood flow of the limb was monitored for 60 days by laser Doppler imaging. Following a short postoperative period of substantially depressed perfusion, the animals showed a status of moderate hind limb ischemia from day 14 onwards. Thereafter, the perfusion remained at a constant level (55.5% of normal value) until the end of the observation period. Histopathological assessment of the ischemic musculature on postoperative days 28 and 60 showed essentially no inflammatory cell infiltrate or fibrosis. However, the mitochondrial activity and capillary-to-fiber ratio of the muscular tissue was reduced to 52.7% of normal, presenting with a significant weakness of the ischemic limb evidenced by a progressive decline in performance. Intramuscular injection of culture-expanded human endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) resulted in a significant increase in blood flow (82.0+/-3.5% of normal), capillary density (1.60+/-0.08/muscle fiber) and smooth muscle covered arterioles (8.0+/-0.6/high power field) in the ischemic hind limb as compared to controls (55.0+/-3.1%; 0.99+/-0.03; 5.0+/-0.2). In conclusion, chronic, moderate hind limb ischemia with consistently reduced perfusion levels persisting over a prolonged period can be established reliably in rnu athymic nude rats and is responsive to pro-angiogenic treatments such as EPC transplantation. This study provides a detailed protocol of a highly reproducible reference model to test novel therapeutic options for limb ischemia.


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The tumor microenvironment is comprised of a vast array of heterogeneous cells including both normal and neoplastic cells. The tumor stroma recruitment process has been exploited for an effective gene delivery technique using bone marrow derived MSC. Targeted migration of the MSC toward the tumor microenvironment, while successful, is not yet fully understood. This study was designed to assess the role of CD44 in the migration of MSC toward the tumor microenvironment and to determine the implications of CD44-deficient MSC within the tumor stroma. Inhibition of MSC migration was evaluated through a variety of methods in vitro and in vivo including CD44 receptor knockdown, CD44 antagonists, CD44 neutralizing antibodies and small molecule inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases. Blocking CD44 signaling through MMP inhibition was characterized by lack of intracellular domain cleavage and lead to the decrease in Twist gene expression. A functional relationship between CD44 and Twist expression was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Next, a series of murine tumor models were used to examine the role of CD44 deficient stroma within the tumor microenvironment. Labeled transgenic CD44 knockout (KO) MSC or wild type (WT) C57/B6 MSC were used to analyze the stromal incorporation within murine breast carcinomas (EO771 and 4T1). Subsequent tumors were analyzed for vessel formation (CD31), and the presence of tumor associated fibroblast (TAF) markers, α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), fibroblast activation protein (FAP), and fibroblast specific protein (FSP). The tumors with CD44KO MSC cells had less vessel formation than the tumors with WT MSC. The lack of fibroblastic TAF population as defined by FAP/FSP expression by the CD44KO MSC admixed tumors suggest that the bone marrow derived population of MSC were unable to contribute to the fibroblastic stromal population. Subsequently, a bone marrow transplantation experiment confirmed the endogenous migratory deficiencies of the CD44KO bone marrow derived stromal cells toward the tumor microenvironment in vivo. WT mice with CD44KO bone marrow had less CD44KOderived tumor stroma compared to mice with WT bone marrow. These results indicate that CD44 is crucial to stromal cell migration and incorporation to the tumor microenvironment as TAF.


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Angiomyolipomas are benign tumors of the kidney which express phenotypes of smooth muscle, fat, and melanocytes. These tumors appear with increased frequency in the autosomal dominant disorder tuberous sclerosis and are the leading cause of morbidity in adults with tuberous sclerosis. While benign, these tumors are capable of provoking life threatening hemorrhage and replacement of the kidney parenchyma, resulting in renal failure. The histogenesis of these tumors is currently unclear, although currently, we believe these tumors arise from "perivascular epithelioid cells" of which no normal counterpart has been convincingly demonstrated. Recently, stem cell precursors have been recognized that can give rise to smooth muscle and melanocytes. These precursors have been shown to express the neural stem cell marker NG2 and L1. In order to determine whether angiomyolipomas, which exhibit smooth muscle and melanocytic phenotypes, express NG2 and L1, we performed immunocytochemistry on a cell line derived from a human angiomyolipoma, and found that these cells are uniformly positive. Immunohistochemistry of human angiomyolipoma specimens revealed uniform staining of tumor cells, while renal cell carcinomas revealed positivity only of angiogenic vessels. These results support a novel histogenesis of angiomyolipoma as a defect in differentiation of stem cell precursors.


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Osteopontin (OPN) is a highly-phosphorylated extracellular matrix protein localized in bone, kidney, placenta, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, smooth muscle of the vascular system, milk, urine, and plasma. In ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] regulates OPN at the transcriptional level resulting in increased steady state mRNA levels and increased production of OPN protein, maximal at 48 hours. Using ROS 17/2.8 cells as an osteoblast model, OPN was purified from culture medium after three hour treatments of either vehicle (ethanol) or 1,25(OH)2D3 via barium citrate precipitation followed by immunoaffinity chromatography. ^ Here, further evidence of regulation of OPN by 1,25(OH)2D 3 at the posttranslational level is presented. Prior to the up-regulation of OPN at the transcriptional level, 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a shift in OPN isoelectric point (pI) detected on two-dimensional gels from pI 4.6 to pI 5.1. Loading equal amounts of [32P]-labeled OPN recovered from ROS 17/2.8 cells exposed to 1,25(OH)2D3 or vehicle alone for three hours reveals that the shift from pI 4.6 to 5.1 is the result of reduced phosphorylation. Using structural analogs to 1,25(OH) 2D3, analog AT [25-(OH)-16-ene-23-yne-D3], which triggers Ca2+ influx through voltage sensitive Ca2+ channels but does not bind to the vitamin D receptor, mimicked the OPN pI shift while analog BT [1,25(OH)2-22-ene-24-cyclopropyl-D 3], which binds to the vitamin D receptor but does not allow Ca 2+ influx, did not. Inclusion of the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine also blocks the charge shift conversion of OPN. Further analysis of the signaling pathway initiated by 1,25(OH)2D3 reveals that inhibition of the cyclic 3′,5′ -adenosine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase A, or inhibition of the cyclic 3′,5′-guanine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase G, also prevents the charge shift conversion. ^ Isolation of OPN from rat femurs and tibiae provides evidence for the existence of these two OPN charge forms in vivo, evidenced by differential migration on isoelectric focusing gels and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Peptide sequencing of rat long bone fractions revealed the presence of a presumed dentin specific protein, dentin matrix protein-1 (DMP-1). Western blot analysis confirmed the existence of DMP-1 in these fractions. ^ Using the OPN charge forms in functional assays, it was determined that the charge forms have differential roles in both cell surface and mineralization functions. In cell attachment assays and Ca2+ influx assays using PC-3 prostate cancer cells, the pI 5.1 charge form of OPN was found to permit binding and increase intracellular Ca2+ concentrations of PC-3 cells. The increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was found to be integrin αvβ3-dependent. In mineralization assays, the pI 4.6 charge form of OPN promoted hydroxyapatite formation, while the pI 5.1 charge form had improved Ca2+ binding ability. ^ In conclusion, these findings suggest that 1,25(OH) 2D3 regulates OPN not only at the transcriptional level, but also plays a role in determination of the OPN phosphorylation state. The latter involves a short term (less than three hours) treatment and is associated with membrane-initiated Ca2+ influx. Functional assays utilizing the two OPN charge forms reveal the dependence of OPN post-translational state on its function. ^


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A heterodimeric 760-kDa dermatan sulphate proteoglycan tentatively named PG-760 was characterized as a product of keratinocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts. The two core proteins of 460 kDa and 300 kDa are linked by disulphide bridges, and both carry one or only very few dermatan sulphate chains. Different antisera against PG-760 were used in the present study to investigate the distribution in selected murine tissues by light and electron microscopy. PG-760 immunostaining was observed in cornea (epithelium including basement membrane, stroma, and Descemet's membrane), skin, mucosa of the small intestine, Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS)-tumour (matrix and cells), and the smooth muscle layers of uterus, small intestine, and blood vessels. No staining was observed in capillaries, striated muscles, and liver parenchyma including the central vein. The expression of PG-760 in EHS-tumour was also demonstrated after extraction with 4 M guanidine and partial purification by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-chromatography. We conclude that this novel proteoglycan exhibits a unique tissue distribution being a constituent of some but not all basement membranes, of some other extracellular matrices, and additionally, of all investigated smooth muscle layers.


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INTRODUCTION Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and irreversible fibrotic lung disease, resulting in respiratory insufficiency and reduced survival. Pulmonary fibrosis is a result of repeated alveolar epithelial microinjuries, followed by abnormal regeneration and repair processes in the lung. Recently, stem cells and their secretome have been investigated as a novel therapeutic approach in pulmonary fibrosis. We evaluated the potential of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) conditioned media (iPSC-cm) to regenerate and repair the alveolar epithelium in vitro and improve bleomycin induced lung injury in vivo. METHODS IPSC-cm was collected from cultured iPSC derived from human foreskin fibroblasts and its biological effects on alveolar epithelial wound repair was studied in an alveolar wound healing assay in vitro. Furthermore, iPSC-cm was intratracheally instilled 7 days after bleomycin induced injury in the rat lungs and histologically and biochemically assessed 7 days after instillation. RESULTS iPSC-cm increased alveolar epithelial wound repair in vitro compared with medium control. Intratracheal instillation of iPSC-cm in bleomycin-injured lungs reduced the collagen content and improved lung fibrosis in the rat lung in vivo. Profibrotic TGFbeta1 and alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-sma) expression were markedly reduced in the iPSC-cm treated group compared with control. Antifibrotic hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) was detected in iPSC-cm in biologically relevant levels, and specific inhibition of HGF in iPSC-cm attenuated the antifibrotic effect of iPSC-cm, indicating a central role of HGF in iPSC-cm. CONCLUSION iPSC-cm increased alveolar epithelial wound repair in vitro and attenuated bleomycin induced fibrosis in vivo, partially due to the presence of HGF and may represent a promising novel, cell free therapeutic option against lung injury and fibrosis.


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Based on a single-case observation, the descriptive label "leiomyomatoid angiomatous neuroendocrine tumor" (LANT) has been tentatively applied to what was perceived as a possible novel type of dual-lineage pituitary neoplasm with biphasic architecture. We report on two additional examples of an analogous phenomenon encountered in male patients, aged 59 years (Case 1) and 91 years (Case 2). Both tumors were intra- and suprasellar masses, measuring 5.6 cm × 4.4 cm × 3.4 cm, and 2.7 cm × 2 cm × 1.7 cm, respectively. Histologically, Case 1 was an FSH-cell adenoma interwoven by vascularized connective tissue septa that tended to exhibit incremental stages of adventitial overgrowth. The epithelial component of Case 2 corresponded to an LH-cell adenoma, and lay partitioned by a maze of paucicellular to hyalinized vascular axes. Irrespective of architectural variations, perivascular spindle cells exhibited immunopositivity for vimentin, muscular actin, and smooth muscle actin. Conversely, negative results were obtained for CD34, EMA, S100 protein, GFAP, and TTF-1. Ultrastructural study failed to reveal metaplastic cell forms involving transitional features between adenohypophyseal-epithelial and mesenchymal-contractile phenotype. We propose that LANT be regarded as a peculiar reflection of maladaptive angiogenesis in some pituitary adenomas, rather than a genuine hybrid neoplasm. While no mechanistic clue is forthcoming to account for this distinctive pattern, hemodynamic strain through direct arterial - rather than portal - supply of the adenoma's capillary bed may be one such explanatory factor. The apparent predilection of the LANT pattern for macroadenomas of the gonadotroph cell lineage remains unexplained.


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To meet the requirements for rapid tumor growth, a complex array of non-neoplastic vascular, fibroblastic, and immune cells are recruited to the tumor microenvironment. Understanding the origin, composition, and mechanism(s) for recruitment of these stromal components will help identify areas for therapeutic intervention. Previous findings have suggested that ex-vivo expanded bone marrow-derived MSC home to the sites of tumor development, responding to inflammatory signals and can serve as effective drug delivery vehicles. Therefore, we first sought to fully assess conditions under which MSC migrate to and incorporate into inflammatory microenvironments and the consequences of modulated inflammation. MSC delivered to animals bearing inflammatory insults were monitored by bioluminescence imaging and displayed specific tropism and selective incorporation into all tumor and wound sites. These findings were consistent across routes of tumor establishment, MSC administration, and immunocompetence. MSC were then used as drug delivery vehicles, transporting Interferon β to sites of pancreatic tumors. This therapy was effective at inhibiting pancreatic tumor growth under homeostatic conditions, but inhibition was lost when inflammation was decreased with CDDO-Me combination treatment. Next, to examine the endogenous tumor microenvironment, a series of tissue transplant experiments were carried out in which tissues were genetically labeled and engrafted in recipients prior to tumor establishment. Tumors were then analyzed for markers of tumor associated fibroblasts (TAF): α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), nerve glia antigen 2 (NG2), fibroblast activation protein (FAP), and fibroblast specific protein (FSP) as well as endothelial marker CD31 and macrophage marker F4/80. We determined the majority of α-SMA+, NG2+ and CD31+ cells were non-bone marrow derived, while most FAP+, FSP+, and F4/80+ cells were recruited from the bone marrow. In accord, transplants of prospectively isolated BM MSC prior to tumor development indicated that these cells were recruited to the tumor microenvironment and co-expressed FAP and FSP. In contrast, fat transplant experiments revealed recruited fat derived cells co-expressed α-SMA, NG2, and CD31. These results indicate TAF are a heterogeneous population composed of subpopulations with distinct tissues of origin. These models have provided a platform upon which further investigation into tumor microenvironment composition and tests for candidate drugs can be performed. ^