940 resultados para User experience based approaches


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the gender and social disparities existing in the agricultural and rural sector in Caribbean economies. In this context, agricultural transformation as occasioned by the dismantling of preferential trading arrangements is analysed to identify the most relevant gender discriminatory measures in the current agricultural development policy and programmes. The analysis seeks to provide the basis for enhancing understanding among policy makers, planners and rural development practitioners of the gender and social dimension involved in the formulation of agricultural policy and more specifically in relation to the new policy and institutional arrangements for agriculture in the region. The paper also provides insights regarding what changes should take place to create an enabling environment for more gender-based approaches to policy-making and strategic planning in agricultural development and trade in the Caribbean. The methodology centred on the review of secondary sources that provide references on the new challenges, opportunities and constraints faced by the agricultural sector, in particular small farmers, in the context of globalization and agriculture transformation. Much of the literature for this assignment was obtained from FAO Headquarters in Rome and the FAO Subregional Office in Barbados, as well as the OECS Secretariat in St. Lucia. In the process of the review exercise, due consideration was given to changes in agricultural production patterns, resources allocation and rural livelihoods. Efforts to examine the most relevant policy measures and mechanisms in-place in support to agricultural development in the region were constrained, in the main, by the absence of gender disaggregated data. Documentation as regards the situation of women and men in relation to agricultural labour, rural income and food security situation in regions were limited. The use of the internet served to bridge the communication gap between countries and institutions. The preliminary draft of the paper was presented and discussed at the FAO/ECLAC/UNIFEM regional workshop on mainstreaming gender analysis in agriculture and trade policies, for Caribbean countries, in November 2003. The second draft of the paper was informed by comments from the workshop and additional information acquired through field visits to Barbados, St. Kitts and St. Vincent in March 2004. The three day visits to each of these three countries entailed a review/appreciation of the resource, constraints and institutional capacities for gender mainstreaming within the agricultural sector at the national level. This included visits to some of the major agricultural projects and interviews with farmers (where feasible) in respect of their perspective of the current situation of the agricultural sector and the viability of their farm enterprises. As well, meetings were held with relevant/available officials within the respective ministries of agriculture to discern the gender consideration as regards agricultural policy and planning at the country level. The internet was invaluable to the task of sourcing supplementary information to satisfy the aim of the paper; in respect of the identification of concrete policy measures and actions to formulate and develop more gender/social-responsive agricultural development policies. The final revision, though thwart with resource and communication constraints, was ultimately completed in compliance with the structure and approach proposed in the terms of references for this FAO/ECLAC assignment.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O volume de tráfego de dados em redes celulares está crescendo exponencialmente. A explosão do uso de dispositivos e aplicações móveis nos últimos anos, tem levado a uma sobrecarga da infraestrutura da rede responsável pelo escoamento desse tráfego, afetando tanto o desempenho da rede quanto a experiência do usuário. Um dos elementos-chave nas redes LTE (Long Term Evolution) é a possibilidade de implantação de múltiplas femtocells para a melhoria de cobertura e taxa de dados. No entanto, as sobreposições arbitrárias na cobertura dessas células tornam a gestão do mecanismo de handover complexo e desafiador. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação propõe uma metodologia para o estudo do impacto do handover em redes LTE com femtocells. A partir de uma abordagem de simulação discreta, os efeitos da implantação de femtocells foram avaliados. Objetivou-se com isso, mensurar os impactos e a correlação do uso de femtocell nos parâmetros de QoS (Quality of Service) e indicadores de desempenho de handover.


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Currently, a lot of visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the life of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the most used sense. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this small development projects in the area. It is noted the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of project, making them accessible to the comprehension of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specialized in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the brands allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand for the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and Gestalt design in visual identities.


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Since the beginning, some pattern recognition techniques have faced the problem of high computational burden for dataset learning. Among the most widely used techniques, we may highlight Support Vector Machines (SVM), which have obtained very promising results for data classification. However, this classifier requires an expensive training phase, which is dominated by a parameter optimization that aims to make SVM less prone to errors over the training set. In this paper, we model the problem of finding such parameters as a metaheuristic-based optimization task, which is performed through Harmony Search (HS) and some of its variants. The experimental results have showen the robustness of HS-based approaches for such task in comparison against with an exhaustive (grid) search, and also a Particle Swarm Optimization-based implementation.


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Currently, applications for smartphones and tablets, called apps, are becoming increasingly relevant and attract more attention from users and finally the developers. With the Application Stores, services provided by the company that maintains the platform, access to such applications is as or more simplified than to web sites, with the advantage of anenhanced user experience and focused on the mobile device, and enjoy natives resources as camera, audio, storage, integration with other applications, etc. They present a great opportunity for independent developers, who can now develop an application and make it availabl e to all users of that platform, at free or at a cost that is usually low. Even students may create their applications in the intervals of their classes and sell them in stores. Making use of tools and services, free or at low cost, anyone can develop quality applications, that can be marketed and have a large number of users even in adverse situations in which the application is not the focus of developer productivity. However, such to ols do not seem to be well used, or are unknown, or its purpose is not considered important, and this paper tries to show the real importance of these tools in the rapid development of quality software. This project presents several tools, services and practices, which together make it possible to develop an application for various mobile platforms, independently and with a team of a few people, as demonstrated. However, this paper aims not to say that the development of software today it is easy and simple, but there are currently a large set of tools, for various platforms, that assists and enhances the work of the programmer


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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In the outline of communication epistemology, the article discusses the fluid and complex delimitations of the field of social communication and its intersections with the world of aesthetics. It includes the question of aesthetic experience and its presence in the epistemological debates on communication in Brazil. It tries to identify possible contributions of the phenomenology of aesthetic experience, based upon the teachings of Mikel Dufrenne and the theoretical references proposed by John Dewey, Paul Valéry, Luigi Pareyson and Jacques Rancière, to the studies on communication. To contextualize the articulations between communication and aesthetics in the debates developed in the Working Group on Communication Epistemology, the article briefly explores the works that discussed that intersection over the last ten years.


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This paper presents part of the results of a post-doctoral research project which is called "Hypermedia Design involved with the User Experience". The discussion will be undertaken in this article assumes that the use of a hypermedia environment facing the field of Design can facilitate the process of teaching and learning in an undergraduate degree in Design. The theme that guides the paper of the following question: if the education and training in design does not allow access, involvement and knowledge of the technologies in its primary base that practitioners and researchers are forming for the near future? For both this study focuses on the use of a digital environment by reporting of an experiment of using hypermedia digital book "Design, Education and Technology" as a teaching tool in undergraduate courses in design, results and notes on issues involving interactivity and user experience. The methodology has a qualitative bias, developed along the lines of exploratory research in the form of a case study, lectures, and workshops for the dynamic observation, a questionnaire and analysis of results were applied


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the pretest probability of Cushing's syndrome (CS) diagnosis by a Bayesian approach using intuitive clinical judgment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Physicians were requested, in seven endocrinology meetings, to answer three questions: "Based on your personal expertise, after obtaining clinical history and physical examination, without using laboratorial tests, what is your probability of diagnosing Cushing's Syndrome?"; "For how long have you been practicing Endocrinology?"; and "Where do you work?". A Bayesian beta regression, using the WinBugs software was employed. RESULTS: We obtained 294 questionnaires. The mean pretest probability of CS diagnosis was 51.6% (95%CI: 48.7-54.3). The probability was directly related to experience in endocrinology, but not with the place of work. CONCLUSION: Pretest probability of CS diagnosis was estimated using a Bayesian methodology. Although pretest likelihood can be context-dependent, experience based on years of practice may help the practitioner to diagnosis CS. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):633-7


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Nell’ambito dell’analisi computazionale delle strutture il metodo degli elementi finiti è probabilmente uno dei metodi numerici più efficaci ed impiegati. La semplicità dell’idea di base del metodo e la relativa facilità con cui può essere implementato in codici di calcolo hanno reso possibile l’applicazione di questa tecnica computazionale in diversi settori, non solo dell’ingegneria strutturale, ma in generale della matematica applicata. Ma, nonostante il livello raggiunto dalle tecnologie ad elementi finiti sia già abbastanza elevato, per alcune applicazioni tipiche dell’ingegneria strutturale (problemi bidimensionali, analisi di lastre inflesse) le prestazioni fornite dagli elementi usualmente utilizzati, ovvero gli elementi di tipo compatibile, sono in effetti poco soddisfacenti. Vengono in aiuto perciò gli elementi finiti basati su formulazioni miste che da un lato presentano una più complessa formulazione, ma dall’altro consentono di prevenire alcuni problemi ricorrenti quali per esempio il fenomeno dello shear locking. Indipendentemente dai tipi di elementi finiti utilizzati, le quantità di interesse nell’ambito dell’ingegneria non sono gli spostamenti ma gli sforzi o più in generale le quantità derivate dagli spostamenti. Mentre i primi sono molto accurati, i secondi risultano discontinui e di qualità scadente. A valle di un calcolo FEM, negli ultimi anni, hanno preso piede procedure di post-processing in grado, partendo dalla soluzione agli elementi finiti, di ricostruire lo sforzo all’interno di patch di elementi rendendo quest’ultimo più accurato. Tali procedure prendono il nome di Procedure di Ricostruzione (Recovery Based Approaches). Le procedure di ricostruzione qui utilizzate risultano essere la REP (Recovery by Equilibrium in Patches) e la RCP (Recovery by Compatibility in Patches). L’obbiettivo che ci si prefigge in questo lavoro è quello di applicare le procedure di ricostruzione ad un esempio di piastra, discretizzato con vari tipi di elementi finiti, mettendone in luce i vantaggi in termini di migliore accurattezza e di maggiore convergenza.