1000 resultados para Ultra-morfologia


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Ultra-fine NaNbO3 powder was prepared by the use of polymeric precursors. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that this niobate nucleates from the amorphous precursor, with no intermediate phases, at low temperature (500°C). Studies by XRD and nitrogen adsorption/desorption showed that powders with high crystallinity ( ≈ 100%) and high surface areas (>20 m2/g) are obtained after calcination at 700°C for 5 h. Compacts of calcined powders showed high sinterability reaching 98% of theoretical density when sintered at 1190°C for 3 h.


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Thirty piglets, weaned at an average age of 28 days, were used in experiment one. After weaning, 24 animals were transferred to the nursery in groups of two to each pen and fed simple or semi-complex diets ad libitum. On weaning day (day 0), six pigs were slaughtered. On days 7 and 21 post-weaning, one animal from each nursery pen was slaughtered to study mucosal thickness (MTD and MTJ) and villi heights (VHD and VHJ) in the duodenum and jejunum. The average values observed for MTD, VHD, MTJ, and VHJ were not influenced by type of diet. MTD, MTJ, and VHJ increased from days 7 to 21 post-weaning. Polynomial regression spanning days 0, 7, and 21 showed a linear effect for MTJ and a quadratic effect for VHD and VHJ. In experiment two, 16 piglets weaned at an average age of 28 days were used in two metabolic trials carried out during two periods of the initial phase (days 5 to 14 and days 19 to 28 postweaning), to determine the nutritional value of simple and semi-complex diets. There were no differences among treatments in apparent digestibility of crude protein and dry matter and the values for digestible or metabolizable energy of the diets. It was concluded that composition of the starter diet did not influence the intestinal morphology of piglets, the digestibilities of dry matter and crude protein, or the digestible and metabolizable energy contents of the diets.


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A linearly-tunable ULV transconductor featuring excellent stability of the processed signal common-mode voltage upon tuning, critical for very-low voltage applications, is presented. Its employment to the synthesis of CMOS gm-C high-frequency and voiceband filters is discussed. SPICE data describe the filter characteristics. For a 1.3 V-supply, their nominal passband frequencies are 1.0 MHz and 3.78 KHz, respectively, with tuning rates of 12.52 KHz/mV and 0.16 KHz/m V, input-referred noise spectral density of 1.3 μV/Hz1/2 and 5.0μV/Hz1/2 and standby consumption of 0.87 mW and 11.8 μW. Large-signal distortion given by THD = 1% corresponds to a differential output-swing of 360 mVpp and 480 mVpp, respectively. Common-mode voltage deviation is less than 4 mV over tuning interval.


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BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography (US), Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MR) were compared for the staging of renal tumors. The differences between these imaging techniques were also studied for their ability to detect adenopathies, vascular invasion, distant intra-abdominal metastases, and particularly adjacent organ invasion. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with solid or complex renal masses were prospectively studied using US, CT, and MR. Differences between the results obtained were studied using the COCHRAN G test and the McNEMAR test. The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic technique were compared against a gold standard of the surgical and histopathological findings. RESULTS: The following sensitivities were obtained: For the detection of adenopathy, US 63.6%, CT and MR 90.9%. For vascular invasion, US 42.8%, CT and MR 85.7%. For the adjacent organ invasion, US 28.5%, CT 85.7%, and MR 71.4%. Some of the criteria that suggest invasion of adjacent structures include: the envelopment of the adjacent structures by the tumor, tumor extension into the adjacent structures with an irregular appearance, and alterations in shape, size, and density of adjacent structures. Loss of fat planes between the tumor and adjacent structures is not a sign of tumor invasion. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences were found in the detection capacity of US in relation to CT and MR, which were similar. All three techniques were highly sensitive and specific only in the detection of distant abdominal metastases. In addition to the accuracy of these diagnostic modalities for the detection and staging of tumors, invasiveness, risks and cost should be considered in relation to relative costs and benefits.


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This study aimed to relate embryonic/fetal vesicle diameter (EVD) and crown-rump length (CRL) to gestational age in ewes from the 15 th to the 45 th day of pregnancy. Nineteen adult Bergamácia ewes with synchronized estrus were mated by the same male. Ultrasonographic evaluations were performed every 24 hours from the 15 th to the 30 th day after mating and every five days from the 30 th to the 45 th day using 5.0 and 7.5MHZ linear transducers. Average daily growth of EVD and CRL were 1.40mm and 1.33mm, respectively. The inverse calibration obtained for EVD was: Days = -11 + 50(0.1 + 0.04log EVD) 1/2 with R 2 = 0.85, and for CRL was: Days = 13.63 + 12.5(- 0.71 + 0.16CRL) 1/2 with R 2 = 0.93. Both EVD and CRL obtained by ultrasonography are useful measurements that allow the prediction of gestational age in Bergamácia ewes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper studied the morphology of oocytes of Brycon orbignyanus, (Osteichthyes, Characidae), through observation in Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Fragments of the ovaries from adult females were collected. During the reproductive period, a hormonal induction in females was carried out to collect the oocytes after extrusion. The samples were fixed and processed for observation in SEM. Results showed that the oocytes of B. orbignyanus had a follicular epithelium formed by a single layer of cells with compressed shape, covering the whole radiatta zone that showed a smooth and regular surface with innumerable pores. The micropyle had a funnel-shaped, containing several furrows. The oocyte surface around the micropyle presented pores closer of each other than the other surface areas of radiatta zone.


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the phenotypical plasticity of external morphology of Lippia alba in response to two luminosity level and four organic-mineral fertilization level. The morphological plasticity was quantified by the phenotypic variation intensity of the morphological characters (ramifications, leafs, inflorescences, flowers, height, stem diameter, leaf blade length, foliar blade breadth and space between branches). It was possible to verify significant effect as a consequence of luminosity and substratum variations. However, the interaction between these factors was not observed suggesting that they act independently. The majority of characters revealed high magnitude of phenotypical plasticity. The results obtained suggest that luminosity intensity and substratum quality contribute to amplify the phenotypical expression of Lippia alba.


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A novel hybrid high power rectifier capable to achieve unity power factor is proposed in this paper. Single-phase SEPIC rectifiers are associated in parallel with each leg of three-phase 6-pulse diode rectifier resulting in a programmable input current waveform structure. In this paper it is described the principles of operation of the proposed converter with detailed simulation and experimental results. For a total harmonic distortion of the input line current (THDI) less than 2% the rated power of the SEPIC rectifiers is 33%. Therefore, power rating of the SEPIC parallel converters is a fraction of the output power, on the range of 20% to 33% of the nominal output power, making the proposed solution economically viable for high power installations, with fast pay back of the investment. Moreover, retrofits to existing installations are also possible with this proposed topology, since the parallel path can be easily controlled by integration with the already existing de-link. Experimental results are presented for a 3 kW implemented prototype, in order to verify the developed analysis.


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The Brazilian Cartography presents great deficiency in cartographic products updating. This form, Remote Sensins techniques together Digital Processing Images - DPI, are contributing to improve this problem. The Mathematical Morphology theory was used in this work. The principal function was the pruning operator. With its were extracted the interest features that can be used in cartographic process updating. The obtained results are positives and showed the use potential of mathematical morphology theory in cartography, mainly in updating.


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The objective of this work was to study the macroscopic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic aspects from the newly formed cicatricial tissue at the site of the partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon in 10 equines at the moment of functional restoration of the limb with the animal in walk locomotion. The macroscopic exam was performed every 48 hours, the planimetric mensuration every 10 days, the ultrasonographic exam every 15 days and the histopathologyc exam at the end of the study. The wounds showed granulation tissue in retraction, without total lesion epithelization, and the aspects ultrasonographics revealed wound healing with newly formed tissues with variable density and high neovascularization without tendon structural reorganization. The histopathology showed newly formed vascularized tissue, with leukocytic infiltrate and collagenous deposition without full epithelization. The cicatrization tissue formed in the resection region of the tendon, immature and without the structural organization of the normal tendon, showed to be able to functional restoration of the operated limb.


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The objective of this work was to verify the effect in the skin of male swines gel (G) containing hyaluronidase (H) associated or not to ultrasound (US). In different areas was applied G; G+US; G+H; G+H+US and mesotherapy (M). Skin fragment was processed in paraffin. To evidence hyaluronic acid (HA) coloration with Alcian Blue (AB) was used and coloration with Hematoxilin/Eosin for morphometry. It was observed that G+H and G+H+US did not reduce coloration for the AB nor presented significant differences for the morphometry. When H was applied mesoteraphycally coloration for the AB diminished. Then, the use of H associated or with US did not seem efficient in the HA reduction.


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The goal of this research was to determine the density distribution in medium density fiberboard (MDF), manufactured with polyurethane derived from castor oil using, ultrasonic wave technique. The equipment used in this test is Steinkamp BP7 with plan and exponential transducers, both with 45 kHz frequencies, located in several zones on the plate in order to determine wave ultrasonic velocity. The Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus grandis fiberboard were manufactured in the quality control and products development laboratory of Duratex with 500 mm long, 500 mm large, 8 and 15 mm of thickness. Three MDF for each fiber specimen and thickness were fabricated, totalizing twelve plates tested. The MDF were produced with 5% polyurethane addition, in temperature of 160°C, tension press of 53 bars and addition of moisture content of 12%. For determination of fiberboard density, samples were extracted from the same zones where the wave ultrasonic velocity was determined. In this case, DAX-Ray equipment was used. Statistical analysis shows good agreement with wave ultrasonic velocity and the density profile, validating the application of non-destructive technique in order to determine the density profile of MDF's.


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The morphology of 20 species of weeds that occur in the most common crops in Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil and adjacent regions were described at early developmental stages, in order to identify the species in the field and provide information for taxonomic and ecological works. Sixteen species featured epigeal-foliaceous seedlings. The seedling in Cardiospenuum halicacabum is epigeal-fleshy; in Cenchrus echinatus and Digitaria horizontalis it is hypogeal and in Commelina virginica is epigeal-cryptocotyledonar. The differentiation of the first eophyll occurred within ten (Digitaria horizontalis) to 35 days (Bidens pilosa) and the first metaphyll appeared within 22 (Commelina virginica) to 49 days (Acanthospenuum australe). The number of eophylls varied from one to four, and the phyllotaxis varied from alternate to opposite.


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The present paper deals with the evaluation of morphological and morphometric alterations of slow-twist (I) and fast-twitch (II) fibers of rectus abdominis muscle of adult female dog during pregestational phase, at 30 and 60 days of pregnancy and at 30 days after the parturition. At the every phases, using the open biopsy technique, muscle samples were collected. The samples were plunged. Histological sections were cut in a microtome. For general morphology, some sections were stained with HE. Subsequent sections were reacted for myofibrillar ATPase (m-ATPase), after alkaline (pH 10.4) and acid (pH 4.4) pre-incubations, in order to identificate type I and II fibers. In the pre-gestational phase, muscle tissue revealed to be composed by fibers with different diameters, presenting polygonal outlines and one or more periphery nuclei. At 30 days of pregnancy, muscle fiber characteristics were similar. At 60 days, in addition to the existence of normal fibers, polymorphic and small diameter fibers were frequent. At 30 days after the parturation, the morphology of muscle fiber were similar to that observed in the pre-gestational phase. In the four phases, type II fiber diameters were lager than type I. The diameters of both fiber types showed a significant reduction in the 30 days phase and a significative increasing at 60 days. The expansion of the abdominal wall during the pregnancy represents a chronic stimulus, induced changes in the morphology and in the fiber type diameters.