981 resultados para US Treasury bill rate


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Multiple copies of a gene require enhanced investment on the part of the cell and, as such, call for an explanation. The observation that Escherichia coli has four copies of initiator tRNA (tRNA(i)) genes, encoding a special tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) required to start protein synthesis, is puzzling particularly because the cell appears to be unaffected by the removal of one copy. However, the fitness of an organism has both absolute and relative connotations. Thus, we carried out growth competition experiments between E. coli strains that differ in the number of tRNA(i) genes they contain. This has enabled us to uncover an unexpected link between the number of tRNA(i) genes and protein synthesis, nutritional status, and fitness. Wild-type strains with the canonical four tRNA(i) genes are favored in nutrient-rich environments, and those carrying fewer are favored in nutrient-poor environments. Auxotrophs behave as if they have a nutritionally poor internal environment. A heuristic model that links tRNA(i) gene copy number, genetic stress, and growth rate accounts for the findings. Our observations provide strong evidence that natural selection can work through seemingly minor quantitative variations in gene copy number and thereby impact organismal fitness.


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Na-ion batteries are currently the focus of significant research activity due to the relative abundance of sodium and its consequent cost advantages. Recently, the pyrophosphate family of cathodes has attracted considerable attention, particularly Li2FeP2O7 related to its high operating voltage and enhanced safety properties; in addition the sodium-based pyrophosphates Na2FeP2O7 and Na2MnP2O7 are also generating interest. Herein, we present defect chemistry and ion migration results, determined via atomistic simulation techniques, for Na2MP2O7 (where M = Fe, Mn) as well as findings for Li2FeP2O7 for direct comparison. Within the pyrophosphate framework the most favourable intrinsic defect type is found to be the antisite defect, in which alkali-cations (Na/Li) and M ions exchange positions. Low activation energies are found for long-range diffusion in all crystallographic directions in Na2MP2O7 suggesting three-dimensional (3D) Na-ion diffusion. In contrast Li2FeP2O7 supports 2D Li-ion diffusion. The 2D or 3D nature of the alkali-ion migration pathways within these pyrophosphate materials means that antisite defects are much less likely to impede their transport properties, and hence important for high rate performance.


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Shear induced crystallization in PVDF/PMMA blends, especially at higher fractions of PMMA, can be quite interesting in understanding the structure-property correlation and processing of these blends. In a recent submission (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 2693-2704), we clearly demonstrated, using dielectric spectroscopy, that the origin of segmental relaxations concerning the crystalline segments of PVDF in PVDF/PMMA blends in the presence of MWNTs (multiwalled nanotubes) was strongly contingent on the size of the crystallite. We now understand that the fraction of PMMA in the blends governs the origin of polymorphism in PVDF. This motivated us to systematically study the effect of shear on the crystallization behavior of PVDF especially in blends with different polymorphic forms of PVDF. Two model blends were selected; one with a mixture of alpha and beta crystals and the other predominantly rich in alpha crystals. Initially, physical ageing, at different oscillation frequencies (1 rad s(-1) and 0.1 rad s(-1)), was monitored by melt rheology and subsequently, the effect of steady shear was probed in situ without changing the history of the samples. Intriguingly, the rate of crystallization was observed to be significantly higher for higher oscillation frequencies, which essentially suggest that shear has induced crystallization in the blends. More interestingly, the effect of steady shear was more pronounced in the blends rich in alpha crystals (bigger crystallites as observed from SAXS) and at lower oscillation frequencies.


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The standard approach to signal reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) is to apply the inverse Fourier transform to the measurements. This technique offers limited resolution (due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle). We propose a new super-resolution reconstruction method based on a parametric representation. We consider multilayer specimens, wherein each layer has a constant refractive index and show that the backscattered signal from such a specimen fits accurately in to the framework of finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signal model and is represented by a finite number of free parameters. We deploy the high-resolution Prony method and show that high-quality, super-resolved reconstruction is possible with fewer measurements (about one-fourth of the number required for the standard Fourier technique). To further improve robustness to noise in practical scenarios, we take advantage of an iterated singular-value decomposition algorithm (Cadzow denoiser). We present results of Monte Carlo analyses, and assess statistical efficiency of the reconstruction techniques by comparing their performance against the Cramer-Rao bound. Reconstruction results on experimental data obtained from technical as well as biological specimens show a distinct improvement in resolution and signal-to-reconstruction noise offered by the proposed method in comparison with the standard approach.


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This article reports on analysis of fracture processes in reinforced concrete (RC) beams with acoustic emission (AE) technique. An emphasis was given to study the effect of loading rate on variation in AE based b-values with the development of cracks in RC structures. RC beams of length 3.2 m were tested under load control at a rate of 4 kN/s, 5 kN/s and 6 kN/s and the b-value analysis available in seismology was used to study the fracture process in RC structures. Moreover, the b-value is related to the strain in steel to assess the damage state. It is observed that when the loading rate is higher, quick cracking development lead to rapid fluctuations and drops in the b-values. Also it is observed that concrete behaves relatively more brittle at higher loading rates (or at higher strain rates). The average b-values are lower as a few but larger amplitudes of AE events occur in contrast to more number of low amplitude AE events occur at low loading rates (or at low strain rates). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A porous layered composite of Li2MnO3 and LiMn0.35Ni0.55Fe0.1O2 (composition:Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.22Fe0.04O2) is prepared by inverse microemulsion method and studied as a positive electrode material. The precursor is heated at several temperatures between 500 and 900 degrees C. The X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy studies suggested that well crystalline submicronsized particles are obtained. The product samples possess mesoporosity with broadly distributed pores around 10 similar to 50 nm diameter. Pore volume and surface area decrease by increasing the temperature of preparation. However, the electrochemical activity of the composite samples increases with an increase in temperature. The discharge capacity values of the samples prepared at 900 degrees C are about 186 mAh g(-1) at a specific current of 25 mA g(-1) with an excellent cycling stability. The composite sample also possesses high rate capability. The high rate capability is attributed to the porous nature of the material. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Irregular force fluctuations are seen in most nanotubulation experiments. The dynamics behind their presence has, however, been neither commented upon nor modeled. A simple estimate of the mean energy dissipated in force drops turns out to be several times the thermal energy. This coupled with the rate dependent nature of the deformation reported in several experiments point to a dynamical origin of the serrations. We simplify the whole process of tether formation through a three-stage model of successive deformations of sphere to ellipsoid, neck-formation, and tubule birth and extension. Based on this, we envisage a rate-softening frictional force at the neck that must be overcome before a nanotube can be pulled out. Our minimal model includes elastic and visco-elastic deformation of the vesicle, and has built-in dependence on pull velocity, vesicle radius, and other material parameters, enabling us to capture various kinds of serrated force-extension curves for different parameter choices. Serrations are predicted in the nanotubulation region. Other features of force-extension plots reported in the literature such as a plateauing serrated region beyond a force drop, serrated flow region with a small positive slope, an increase in the elastic threshold with pull velocity, force-extension curves for vesicles with larger radius lying lower than those for smaller radius, are all also predicted by the model. A toy model is introduced to demonstrate that the role of the friction law is limited to inducing stick-slip oscillations in the force, and all other qualitative and quantitative features emerging from the model can only be attributed to other physical mechanisms included in the deformation dynamics of the vesicle. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A simple ball-drop impact tester is developed for studying the dynamic response of hierarchical, complex, small-sized systems and materials. The developed algorithm and set-up have provisions for applying programmable potential difference along the height of a test specimen during an impact loading; this enables us to conduct experiments on various materials and smart structures whose mechanical behavior is sensitive to electric field. The software-hardware system allows not only acquisition of dynamic force-time data at very fast sampling rate (up to 2 x 10(6) samples/s), but also application of a pre-set potential difference (up to +/- 10 V) across a test specimen for a duration determined by feedback from the force-time data. We illustrate the functioning of the set-up by studying the effect of electric field on the energy absorption capability of carbon nanotube foams of 5 x 5 x 1.2 mm(3) size under impact conditions. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We address the problem of parameter estimation of an ellipse from a limited number of samples. We develop a new approach for solving the ellipse fitting problem by showing that the x and y coordinate functions of an ellipse are finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals. Uniform samples of x and y coordinate functions of the ellipse are modeled as a sum of weighted complex exponentials, for which we propose an efficient annihilating filter technique to estimate the ellipse parameters from the samples. The FRI framework allows for estimating the ellipse parameters reliably from partial or incomplete measurements even in the presence of noise. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method is compared with state-of-art direct method. The experimental results show that the estimated parameters have lesser bias compared with the direct method and the estimation error is reduced by 5-10 dB relative to the direct method.


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Flame particles are surface points that always remain embedded on, by comoving with a given iso-scalar surface within a flame. Tracking flame particles allow us to study the fate of propagating surface locations uniquely identified throughout their evolution with time. In this work, using Direct Numerical Simulations we study the finite lifetime of such flame particles residing on iso-temperature surfaces of statistically planar H-2-air flames interacting with near-isotropic turbulence. We find that individual flame particles as well as their ensemble, experience progressively increasing tangential straining rate (K-t) and increasing negative curvature (kappa) near the end of their lifetime to finally get annihilated. By studying two different turbulent flow conditions, flame particle tracking shows that such tendency of local flame surfaces to be strained and cusped towards pinch-off from the main surface is a rather generic feature, independent of initial conditions, locations and ambient turbulence intensity levels. The evolution of the alignments between the flame surface normals and the principal components of the local straining rates are also tracked. We find that the surface normals initially aligned with the most extensive principal strain rate components, rotate near the end of flame particles' lifetime to enable preferential alignment between the surface tangent and the most extensive principal strain rate component. This could explain the persistently increasing tangential strain rate, sharp negative curvature formation and eventual detachment. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Communication complexity refers to the minimum rate of public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) in the multiterminal source model of Csiszar and Narayan. Tyagi recently characterized this communication complexity for a two-terminal system. We extend the ideas in Tyagi's work to derive a lower bound on communication complexity in the general multiterminal setting. In the important special case of the complete graph pairwise independent network (PIN) model, our bound allows us to determine the exact linear communication complexity, i.e., the communication complexity when the communication and SK are restricted to be linear functions of the randomness available at the terminals.


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The nanoindentation technique was employed to examine the strain rate sensitivity, m, and its dependence on the structural state of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG). The free volume content in the BMG was varied by examining samples in the as-cast (AC), shot-peened (SP), and structurally relaxed (SR) states. Hardness values measured at different loading rates and over a temperature range of 300-423 K as well as the strain-rate jump tests conducted in the quasi-static regime at room temperature, show that m is always negative. All the load-displacement (P-h) curves in this temperature regime exhibit serrated load-displacement responses, indicating that the shear band mediated inhomogeneous plastic flow governs deformation. Such localization of flow and associated softening is the raison d'etre for the negative m. Significant levels of pile-up around the indents were also noted. The order in the average values of hardness, pile-up heights, and the displacement bursts on the P-h curves was always such that SR > AC > SP, which is also the order of increasing free volume content. These observations were utilized to discuss the reasons for the negative strain rate sensitivity, and its dependence on the structural state of metallic glasses. It is suggested that the positive values of m reported in the literature for them are possibly experimental artefacts that arise due to large pile ups around the indents which lead to erroneous estimation in hardness values. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In contemporary orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE), LTE-Advanced, and WiMAX, a codeword is transmitted over a group of subcarriers. Since different subcarriers see different channel gains in frequency-selective channels, the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) of the codeword must be selected based on the vector of signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs) of these subcarriers. Exponential effective SNR mapping (EESM) maps the vector of SNRs into an equivalent flat-fading SNR, and is widely used to simplify this problem. We develop a new analytical framework to characterize the throughput of EESM-based rate adaptation in such wideband channels in the presence of feedback delays. We derive a novel accurate approximation for the throughput as a function of feedback delay. We also propose a novel bivariate gamma distribution to model the time evolution of EESM between the times of estimation and data transmission, which facilitates the analysis. These are then generalized to a multi-cell, multi-user scenario with various frequency-domain schedulers. Unlike prior work, most of which is simulation-based, our framework encompasses both correlated and independent subcarriers and various multiple antenna diversity modes; it is accurate over a wide range of delays.


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In a system with energy harvesting (EH) nodes, the design focus shifts from minimizing energy consumption by infrequently transmitting less information to making the best use of available energy to efficiently deliver data while adhering to the fundamental energy neutrality constraint. We address the problem of maximizing the throughput of a system consisting of rate-adaptive EH nodes that transmit to a destination. Unlike related literature, we focus on the practically important discrete-rate adaptation model. First, for a single EH node, we propose a discrete-rate adaptation rule and prove its optimality for a general class of stationary and ergodic EH and fading processes. We then study a general system with multiple EH nodes in which one is opportunistically selected to transmit. We first derive a novel and throughput-optimal joint selection and rate adaptation rule (TOJSRA) when the nodes are subject to a weaker average power constraint. We then propose a novel rule for a multi-EH node system that is based on TOJSRA, and we prove its optimality for stationary and ergodic EH and fading processes. We also model the various energy overheads of the EH nodes and characterize their effect on the adaptation policy and the system throughput.


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A356 alloy melt solidifies partially when it flows down on an oblique plate cooled from bottom by counter flowing water. Columnar dendrites are continuously formed on the plate wall. Because of the forced convection, these dendrites are sheared off into equiaxed/fragmented grains and then washed away continuously by producing semisolid slurry at plate exit. Plate cooling rate provides required extent/amount of solidification whereas plate length enables necessary shear for producing semisolid slurry of desired quality. Slurry obtained is solidified in metal mould to produce semisolid-cast billets of desired microstructure. Furthermore, semisolid-cast billets are also heat-treated to improve surface quality. Microstructures of both semisolid-cast and heat-treated billets are compared. The effects of plate length and plate cooling rate on solidification and microstructure of billets produced by using oblique plate are illustrated. Three different plate lengths (200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm) associated with three different heat transfer coefficients (1000, 2000 and 2500 W/(m(2).K)) are involved. Plate length of 250 mm with heat transfer coefficient of 2000 W/(m(2).K) gives fine and globular microstructures and is the optimum as there is absolutely no possibility of sticking of slurry to plate wall.