873 resultados para Tratamento de efluentes


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The present work had as objective to apply an experimental planning aiming at to improve the efficiency of separation of a new type of mixer-settler applied to treat waste water contaminated with oil. An unity in scale of laboratory, was installed in the Post-graduation Program of Chemical Engineering of UFRN. It was constructed in partnership with Petrobras S.A. This called device Misturador-Decantador a Inversão de Fases (MDIF) , possess features of conventional mixer-settler and spray column type. The equipment is composed of three main parts: mixing chamber; chamber of decantation and chamber of separation. The efficiency of separation is evaluated analyzing the oil concentrations in water in the feed and the output of the device. For the analysis one used the gravimetric method of oil and greases analysis (TOG). The system in study is a water of formation emulsified with oil. The used extractant is a mixture of Turpentine spirit hydro-carbons, supplied for Petrobras. It was applied, for otimization of the efficiency of separation of the equipment, an experimental planning of the composite central type, having as factorial portion fractionary factorial planning 2 5-2, with the magnifying of the type star and five replications in the central point. In this work, the following independents variables were studied: contents of oil in the feed of the device; volumetric ratio (O/A); total flowrate ; agitation in the mixing chamber and height of the organic bed. Minimum and maximum limits for the studied variables had been fixed according previous works. The analysis of variance for the equation of the empirical model, revealed statistically significant and useful results for predictions ends. The variance analysis also presented the distribution of the error as a normal distribution and was observed that as the dispersions do not depend on the levels of the factors, the independence assumption can be verified. The variation around the average is explained by 98.98%, or either, equal to the maximum value, being the smoothing of the model in relation to the experimental points of 0,98981. The results present a strong interaction between the variable oil contents in the feed and agitation in the mixing chamber, having great and positive influence in the separation efficiency. Another variable that presented a great positive influence was the height of the organic bed. The best results of separation efficiency had been obtained for high flowrates when associates the high oil concentrations and high agitation. The results of the present work had shown excellent agreement with the results carried out through previous works with the mixer-settler of phase inversion


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The generation of wastes in most industrial process is inevitable. In the petroleum industry, one of the greatest problems for the environment is the huge amount of produced water generated in the oil fields. This wastewater is a complex mixture and present great amounts. These effluents can be hazardous to the environmental without adequate treatment. This research is focused in the analysis of the efficiencies of the flotation and photo-oxidation processes to remove and decompose the organic compounds present in the produced water. A series of surfactants derivated from the laurilic alcohol was utilized in the flotation to promote the separation. The experiments have been performed with a synthetic wastewater, carefully prepared with xylene. The experimental data obtained using flotation presented a first order kinetic, identified by the quality of the linear data fitting. The best conditions were found at 0.029 g.L-1 for the surfactant EO 7, 0.05 g.L-1 for EO 8, 0.07 g.L-1 for EO 9, 0.045 g.L-1 for EO 10 and 0.08 g.L-1 for EO 23 with the following estimated kinetic constants: 0.1765, 0.1325, 0.1210, 0.1531 and 0.1699 min-1, respectively. For the series studied, the most suitable surfactant was the EO 7 due to the lower reagent onsumption, higher separation rate constant and higher removal efficiency of xylene in the aqueous phase (98%). Similarly to the flotation, the photo-Fenton process shows to be efficient for degradation of xylene and promoting the mineralization of the organic charge around 90% and 100% in 90 min


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The tanning industries are those which transform animal hide or skin into leather. Due to the complexity of the transformation process, greater quantities of chemicals are being used which results in the generation of effluents with residual solids. The chromium in the residual waters generated by tanning tend to be a serious problem to the environment, therefore the recovery of this metal could result in the reduction of manufacturing costs. This metal is usually found in a trivalent form which can be converted into a hexavalent compound under acidic conditions and in the presence of organic matter. The present study was carried out with the objective to recover chromium through an extraction/re-extraction process using micro emulsions. Micro emulsions are transparent and thermodynamically stable system composed of two immiscible liquids, one forming the continuous phase and the other dispersed into micro bubbles, established by an interfacial membrane formed by surface active and co-surface active molecules. The process of recovering the chromium was carried out in two stages. The first, an extraction process, where the chromium was extracted in the micro emulsion phase and the aqueous phase in excess was separated. In the second stage, a concentrated acid was added to the micro emulsion phase rich in chromium in order to obtain a Winsor II system, where the water that formed in the micro emulsion phase separates into a new micro emulsion phase with a higher concentration of chromium, due to the lowering of the hydrophiles as well as the ionisation of the system. During the experimental procedure, a study was initiated with a synthetic solution of chromium sulphate passing onto the effluent. A Morris extractor was used in the extraction process. Tests were carried out according to the plan and the results were analysed by statistical methods in order to optimise the main parameters that influence the process: the total rate of flow (Q), stirring speed (w) and solvent rate (r). The results, after optimization, demonstrated that the best percentuals in relation to the chromium extraction (99 %) were obtained in the following operational conditions: Q= 2,0 l/h, w= 425 rpm and r= 0,375. The re-extraction was carried out at room temperature (28 °C), 40 °C and 50°C using hydrochloric acid (8 and 10 M) and sulphuric acid (8 M) as re-extracting agents. The results obtained demonstrate that the process was efficient enough in relation to the chromium extraction, reaching to re-extraction percentage higher than 95 %.


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The oil and petrochemical industry is responsable to generate a large amount of waste and wastewater. Among some efluents, is possible find the benzene, toluene, ethilbenze and isomers of xilenes compounds, known as BTEX. These compounds are very volatily, toxic for environment and potencially cancerigenous in man. Oxidative advanced processes, OAP, are unconventional waste treatment, wich may be apply on treatment and remotion this compounds. Fenton is a type of OAPs, wich uses the Fenton s reactant, hydrogen peroxide and ferrous salt, to promove the organic degradation. While the Photo-Fenton type uses the Fenton s reactant plus UV radiation (ultraviolet). These two types of OAP, according to literature, may be apply on BTEX complex system. This project consists on the consideration of the utilization of technologies Fenton and Photo-Fenton in aqueous solution in concentration of 100 ppm of BTEX, each, on simulation of condition near of petrochemical effluents. Different reactors were used for each type of OAP. For the analyticals results of amount of remotion were used the SPME technique (solid phase microextraction) for extraction in gaseous phase of these analytes and the gas chromatography/mass espectrometry The arrangement mechanical of Photo-Fenton system has been shown big loss by volatilization of these compounds. The Fenton system has been shown capable of degradate benzene and toluene compounds, with massic percentage of remotion near the 99%.


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Teve-se o objetivo de avaliar as formas de se misturar o lubrificante sólido grafite nas sementes de milho, as dosagens e a influência desse na distribuição longitudinal e na germinação, em sementes sem e com tratamento fitossanitário, em mecanismo dosador com disco perfurado horizontal. Os fatores analisados foram: distribuição longitudinal das sementes (espaçamentos falhos, múltiplos e aceitáveis) e a porcentagem de germinação aos 7 e aos 14 dias após a instalação no germinador. Concluiu-se que o tratamento fitossanitário aumentou os espaçamentos falhos e múltiplos e reduziu os espaçamentos aceitáveis. O emprego de grafite reduziu os espaçamentos falhos e múltiplos e elevou os espaçamentos aceitáveis. A melhor forma de mistura do grafite ocorreu na máquina de tratamento fitossanitário de sementes. A distribuição longitudinal alcançou seu ponto ótimo com a dosagem de grafite de 3,37 g kg-1 de semente. As variáveis tratamento fitossanitário, mecanismo dosador e grafite não influíram na germinação das sementes de milho.


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The soil contamination with petroleum is one of the major concern of industries operating in the field and also of environmental agencies. The petroleum consists mainly of alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons. The most common examples of hydrocarbons polyaromatic are: naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, benzopyrene and their various isomers. These substances cause adverse effects on human and the environment. Thus, the main objective of this work is to study the advanced oxidation process using the oxidant potassium permanganate (KMnO4) for remediation of soils contaminated with two polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): anthracene and phenanthrene. This study was conducted at bench scale, where the first stage was at batch experiment, using the variables: the time and oxidant dosage in the soil. The second stage was the remediation conducted in continous by a fix column, to this stage, the only variable was remediation time. The concentration of oxidant in this stage was based on the best result obtained in the tests at batch, 2,464 mg / L. The results of degradation these contaminants were satisfactory, at the following dosages and time: (a) 5g of oxidant per kg soil for 48 hours, it was obtained residual contaminants 28 mg phenanthrene and 1.25 mg anthracene per kg of soil and (b) for 7g of oxidant per kg soil in 48 hours remaining 24 mg phenanthrene and anthracene 0.77 mg per kg soil, and therefore below the intervention limit residential and industrial proposed by the State Company of Environmental Sao Paulo (CETESB)


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The oil industry has several segments that can impact the environment. Among these, produced water which has been highlight in the environmental problem because of the great volume generated and its toxic composition. Those waters are the major source of waste in the oil industry. The composition of the produced water is strongly dependent on the production field. A good example is the wastewater produced on a Petrobras operating unit of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará (UO-RNCE). A single effluent treatment station (ETS) of this unit receives effluent from 48 wells (onshore and offshore), which leads a large fluctuations in the water quality that can become a complicating factor for future treatment processes. The present work aims to realize a diagnosis of a sample of produced water from the OU - RNCE in compliance to certain physical and physico-chemical parameters (chloride concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, TOG (oil & grease), nitrate concentration, turbidity, salinity and temperature). The analysis of the effluent is accomplished by means of a MP TROLL 9500 Multiparameter probe, a TOG/TPH Infracal from Wilks Enterprise Corp. - Model HATR - T (TOG) and a MD-31 condutivimeter of Digimed. Results were analyzed by univariated and multivariated analysis (principal component analysis) associated statistical control charts. The multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and turbidity (-0.55) and positive correlations between salinity and chloride (1), conductivity, chloride and salinity (0.70). Multivariated analysis showed there are seven principal components which can explain the variability of the parameters. The variables, salinity, conductivity and chloride were the most important variables, with, higher sampling variance. Statistical control charts have helped to establish a general trend between the physical and chemical evaluated parameters


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Naphthenic lubricating oils are used in transformers with the purpose of promoting electrical insulation and dissipating heat. The working temperature range of these oils typically lies between 60°C and 90°C and their useful life is 40 years in average. In that temperature range, the oils are decomposed during operation, whereby a small fraction of polar compounds are formed. The presence of these compounds may induce failure and loss of physical, chemical and electrical properties of the oil, thus impairing the transformer operation. By removing these contaminants, one allows the oxidized insulating oil to be reused without damaging the equipment. In view of this, an investigation on the use of surfactants and microemulsions as extracting agents, and modified diatomite as adsorbent, has been proprosed in this work aiming to remove polar substances detected in oxidized transformer oils. The extraction was carried out by a simple-contact technique at room temperature. The system under examination was stirred for about 10 minutes, after which it was allowed to settle at 25°C until complete phase separation. In another experimental approach, adsorption equilibrium data were obtained by using a batch system operating at temperatures of 60, 80 and 100°C. Analytical techniques involving determination of the Total Acidity Number (TAN) and infrared spectrophotometry have been employed when monitoring the decomposition and recovery processes of the oils. The acquired results indicated that the microemulsion extraction system comprising Triton® X114 as surfactant proved to be more effective in removing polar compounds, with a decrease in TAN index from 0.19 to 0.01 mg KOH/g, which is consistent with the limits established for new transformer oils (maximal TAN = 0.03 mg KOH/g). In the adsorption studies, the best adsorption capacity values were as high as 0.1606 meq.g/g during conventional adsoprtion procedures using natural bauxite, and as high as 0.016 meq.g/g for the system diatomite/Tensiofix® 8426. Comparatively in this case, a negative effect could be observed on the adsorption phenomenon due to microemulsion impregnation on the surface of the diatomite


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The city of Natal comprises an area of about 170 km² (65,63 squares miles). The Dunas-Barreiras Aquifer is the most important reservoir of the coastal basin of RN. It is being responsible for the water supplying of about 70% of the population, however, due to the sewage disposal system by cesspools and drains, it is presently affected in a great extent by nitrates contamination. Thus, the present work proposes to research the utilization of contaminated water by nitrates of this fountainhead and find cost of the potable water through the ionic exchange technology. This technology consists in the removal of mineral salts by the exchange of cations for one ion of hydrogen (H+), through the passage of water by cationic resin bed and, secondly, by the exchange of the anions for hydroxyl ions (OH-) through a anionic resin bed. The obtained results have showed the waters derived from fountains, big water holes and shallow wells were microbiologically contaminated, while the waters derived from deep wells (above 70 m 76,58 yards) were free of contamination. Thus, only these ones are suitable to the use of ionic technology. The experiments were conducted with the resin IMAC-HP-555 such as kinetic, thermodynamic, and adsorption by fixed bed studies, being obtained several project variables for the experimental column, as follow: work temperature of 25oC; resin maximum capacity maximum e mean of adsorption ==0,01692 g NO3-1/g R e 0,0110 g NO3-1/g R, respectively. On the experimental column were performed breakthrough tests which pointed for an average ideal average speed of work of 13.2 m / h, with an average efficiency of 45% of adsorption, an optimal concentration of NaCl desorption of 8%, and an ideal desorption time of 80 minutes for the equilibrium conditions of water from the Dunas-Barreiras aquifer. Scale projection for ion-exchange column for denitrification, for these variables, using a computer modeling programme, to project the column of ion exchange ROREX-420/2000, obtained a cost for the drinking water denitrified by this system of R$ 0,16 / m3


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This work study of solar distillation feasibility in effluent of petroleum industry: produced water, making possible your reuse for irrigation of oleaginous cultures or fodder crops or in steam generation, as well the transport phenomena involved. The methodology for development of this project was to characterize the effluent to be treated and to accomplish physical and chemical analysis in the distilled, to build distillation equipment, concomitant operation of both equipments and implementation of data processing and economical evaluation. The methodology used for all parameters is outlined in APHA (1998) and sampling of the type compound. The feeding of distillation equipment was performed with treated effluent from UTPF of Guamaré. The temperature was monitored throughout the distillers and during the time of operation. The distillers feed occur, as a rule, for sifon. The distillers were operated by a period of 17 months between July 2007 and February 2009, in which 40 experiments were performed. The radiation and temperature datas were acquired in the INPE s site and the temperature inside of the distillers was registered by DATALOGGER Novus. The rates of condensation (mL / min) were determined by measuring of the flow in a graduate test tube of 10 mL and a chronometer. We used two simple solar effect distillers of passive type with different angles in coverage: 20 ° and 45 °. The results obtained in this study and the relevant discussions are divided into six topics: sample characterization and quality of distilled; construction of distillers; operation (data, temperature profile), climatic aspects, treatment of data and economical analysis. Results obtained can be inferred that: the energy loss by the adoption of vessel glass was not significant, however, complicates the logistics of maintenance the equipment on a large scale. In the other hand, the surface of the tub with a glass shield on the equipment deterioration, both devices showed similar performance, so there is not justified for use of equipment 450. With regard to the climatological study it was verified that the Natal city presents monthly medium radiation varying in a range between 350 and 600 W/m2, and medium of wind speed of 5 m / s. The medium humidity is around 70% and rainfall is very small. The regime of the system is transient and although it has been treated as a stationary system shows that the model accurately represents the distillers system's 20 degrees. The quality of the distilled with regard to the parameters evaluated in this study is consistent with the Class 3 waters of CONAMA (Resolution 357). Therefore we can conclude that solar distillation has viability for treat oilfield produced water when considered the technical and environmental aspects, although it is not economically viable


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The development of research that aim to reduce or even eliminate the environmental impacts provided by anthropogenic actions. One of these main action is the discard of industrial waste in the biotic compartments such as soil, water and air, gained more space in academic settings and in private. A technique of phytoremediation involving the use of plants (trees, shrubs, creepers and aquatic) and their associated microorganisms in order to remove, degrade or isolate toxic substances to the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the potential for phytoremediation of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), wild crops suitable region of Rio Grande do Norte, to reduce concentrations of lead and toluene present in synthetic wastewater that simulate the characteristics of treated water production originated in the petrochemical Guamaré. The experiment was accomplished in randomized blocks in four replicates. Seeds of BRS Energy for the development of seedlings of castor beans and sunflower for Catissol 01, both provided by EMPARN (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte) were used. Lead concentrations tested were 250, 500 and 1000 mg/L called T2, T3 and T4, respectively, for toluene the concentrations used were 125, 256 and 501 μg/L, called T5, T6 and T7, respectively. The data for removal of lead in relation to sewage systems applied in castor bean and sunflower were 43.89 and 51.85% (T2), 73.60 and 73.74% (T3) and 85.66 and 87.80 % (T4), respectively, and toluene were approximately 52.12 and 25.54% (T5), 55.10 and 58.05% (T6) and 79.77 and 74.76% (T7) for castor and sunflower seeds, respectively. From the data obtained, it can be deduce that mechanisms involved in reducing the contaminants were of phytoextraction, in relation to lead and phytodegradation for toluene. However, it can be concluded that the castor bean and sunflower crops can be used in exhaust after-treatment of industrial effluents that have this type of contaminant


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The petroleum industry deals with problems which are difficult to solve because of their relation to environmental issues. This is because amounts of residue are generated which vary in type and danger level. The soil contamination by non aqueous liquid phase mixtures, specifically hydrocarbon petroleum has been a reason for great concern, mainly the aromatic and polycyclic aromatic, which present risk to human health due to its carcinogenic and mutagenic character. The Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOP) are efficient technologies for destruction of organic compounds of difficult degradation and, often, they are present in low concentrations. They can be considered clean technologies, because there is no formation of solid by-products or the transfer of pollutor phases. This work focuses on the study of the degradation of petroleum industrial waste, by Advanced Oxidation Processes. Treatments tackling petroleum residues, contaminated soil, and water occurring in the production of petroleum reached the following Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) degradation levels: solid residues 100% in 96 treatment hours; water residue - 100% in 6 treatment hours; soil contamination (COT degradation) - 50.3% in 12 treatment hours. AOP were effective in dealing with petroleum residues thus revealing themselves to be a promising treatment alternative


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The green bean has organoleptic and nutritional characteristics that make it an important food source in tropical regions such as the Northeast of Brazil. It is a cheap source of protein and important for nutrition of rural population contributing significantly in subsistence farming of the families from Brazil s northeast. It is consumed in entire region and together with the dry meat and other products composes the menu of typical restaurants, being characterized as an important product for economy of Northeast. The green bean is consumed freshly harvested and has short cycle, being characterized as a very perishable food, which hampers your market. The drying method is an alternative to increase the lifetime and provide a reduction volume of this product making easier your transportation and storage. However is necessary to search ways of drying which keep the product quality not only from the nutritional standpoint but also organoleptic. Some characteristics may change with the drying process such as the coloring, the rehydration capacity and the grains cooking time. The decrease of drying time or of exposure of the grains to high temperature minimizes the effects related with the product quality loss. Among the techniques used to reduce the drying time and improve some characteristics of the product, stands out the osmotic dehydration, widely used in combined processes such as the pretreatment in drying food. Currently the use of the microwaves has been considered an alternative for drying food. The microwave energy generates heat inside of materials processed and the heating is practically instantaneous, resulting in shorter processing times and product quality higher to that obtained by conventional methods. Considering the importance of the green beans for the Northeast region, the wastefulness of production due to seasonality of the crop and your high perishability, the proposal of this thesis is the study of drying grain by microwaves with and without osmotic pretreatment, focusing on the search of conditions of processes which favor the rehydration of the product preserving your organoleptic characteristics. Based on the analysis of the results of osmotic dehydration and dielectric properties was defined the operating condition to be used in pretreatment of the green bean, with osmotic concentration in saline solution containing 12,5% of sodium chloride, at 40°C for 20 minutes. The drying of green bean by microwave was performed with and without osmotic pretreatment on the optimized condition. The osmotic predehydration favored the additional drying, reducing the process time. The rehydration of dehydrated green bean with and without osmotic pretreatment was accomplished in different temperature conditions and immersion time according to a factorial design 22, with 3 repetitions at the central point. According to results the better condition was obtained with the osmotically pretreated bean and rehydrated at a temperature of 60°C for 90 minutes. Sensory analysis was performed comparing the sample of the green bean in natura and rehydrated in optimized conditions, with and without osmotic pretreatment. All samples showed a good acceptance rate regarding the analyzed attributes (appearance, texture, color, odor and taste), with all values above 70%. Is possible conclude that the drying of green bean by microwave with osmotic pretreatment is feasible both in respect to technical aspects and rehydration rates and sensory quality of the product


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The petroleum production is associated to the produced water, which has dispersed and dissolved materials that damage not only the environment, but also the petroleum processing units. This study aims at the treatment of produced water focusing mainly on the removal of metals and oil and using this treated water as raw material for the production of sodium carbonate. Initially, it was addressed the removal of the following divalent metals: calcium, magnesium, barium, zinc, copper, iron, and cadmium. For this purpose, surfactants derived from vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil, were used. The investigation showed that there is a stoichiometric relationship between the metals removed from the produced water and the surfactants used in the process of metals removal. It was also developed a model that correlates the hydrolysis constant of saponified coconut oil with the metal distribution between the resulting stages of the proposed process, flocs and aqueous phases, and relating the results with the pH of the medium. The correlation coefficient obtained was 0.963. Next, the process of producing washing soda (prefiro soda ahs ou sodium carbonate) started. The resulting water from the various treatment approaches from petroleum production water was used. During this stage of the research, it was observed that the surfactant assisted in the produced water treatment, by removing some metals and the dispersed oil entirety. The yield of sodium carbonate production was approximately 80%, and its purity was around 95%. It was also assessed, in the production of sodium carbonate, the influence of the type of reactor, using a continuous reactor and a batch reactor. These tests showed that the process with continuous reactor was not as efficient as the batch process. In general, it can be concluded that the production of sodium carbonate from water of oil production is a feasible process, rendering an effluent that causes a great environmental impact a raw material with large scale industrial use