992 resultados para Tratado, França, 1895-1899
dargest. von W. Giese
Enth. außerdem: Meyer, Frau Martin: Prolog zur Feier des 200jährigen Bestehens der israelitischen Gemeinde zu Rendsburg und der vor 50 Jahren erfolgten Einweihung des neuerbauten Gotteshauses Rendsburg 1895
Majer Balaban
Majer Balaban
von Leon Kellner
The presentation proposed here shall focus on international (and as far as possible some cases of national) legal protection of civilians and refugees between the first Hague Convention of 1899 and the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Refugees in 1951. An analysis of international legal texts as well as, if possible, some exemplary national constitutions will form the core of the presentation, which will try to find out, to what extent not only the civilian population remaining close to front-line fighting, but also under occupation was supposed to be protected by legal norms, but also to what extent the issue of forcing civilian to leave their homes became part of the international legal discourse as well as of international legal norms.
[Hannah Luise Freiin von Rothschild]