981 resultados para Transcriptional regulator


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MyoD and Myf5 belong to the family of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors that are key operators in skeletal muscle differentiation. MyoD and Myf5 genes are selectively activated during development in a time and region-specific manner and in response to different stimuli. However, molecules that specifically regulate the expression of these two genes and the pathways involved remain to be determined. We have recently shown that the serum response factor (SRF), a transcription factor involved in activation of both mitogenic response and muscle differentiation, is required for MyoD gene expression. We have investigated here whether SRF is also involved in the control of Myf5 gene expression, and the potential role of upstream regulators of SRF activity, the Rho family G-proteins including Rho, Rac, and CDC42, in the regulation of MyoD and Myf5. We show that inactivation of SRF does not alter Myf5 gene expression, whereas it causes a rapid extinction of MyoD gene expression. Furthermore, we show that RhoA, but not Rac or CDC42, is also required for the expression of MyoD. Indeed, blocking the activity of G-proteins using the general inhibitor lovastatin, or more specific antagonists of Rho proteins such as C3-transferase or dominant negative RhoA protein, resulted in a dramatic decrease of MyoD protein levels and promoter activity without any effects on Myf5 expression. We further show that RhoA-dependent transcriptional activation required functional SRF in C2 muscle cells. These data illustrate that MyoD and Myf5 are regulated by different upstream activation pathways in which MyoD expression is specifically modulated by a RhoA/SRF signaling cascade. In addition, our results establish the first link between RhoA protein activity and the expression of a key muscle regulator.


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Induction of the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene and the consequent accumulation of FGF-2 in the nucleus are operative events in mitotic activation and hypertrophy of human astrocytes. In the brain, these events are associated with cellular degeneration and may reflect release of the FGF-2 gene from cell contact inhibition. We used cultures of human astrocytes to examine whether expression of FGF-2 is also controlled by soluble growth factors. Treatment of subconfluent astrocytes with interleukin-1β, epidermal or platelet-derived growth factors, 18-kDa FGF-2, or serum or direct stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or adenylate cyclase with forskolin increased the levels of 18-, 22-, and 24-kDa FGF-2 isoforms and FGF-2 mRNA. Transfection of FGF-2 promoter–luciferase constructs identified a unique −555/−513 bp growth factor-responsive element (GFRE) that confers high basal promoter activity and activation by growth factors to a downstream promoter region. It also identified a separate region (−624/−556 bp) essential for PKC and cAMP stimulation. DNA–protein binding assays indicated that novel cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors mediate activation of the FGF-2 gene. Southwestern analysis identified 40-, 50-, 60-, and 100-kDa GFRE-binding proteins and 165-, 112-, and 90-kDa proteins that interacted with the PKC/cAMP-responsive region. The GFRE and the element essential for PKC and cAMP stimulation overlap with the region that mediates cell contact inhibition of the FGF-2 promoter. The results show a two-stage regulation of the FGF-2 gene: 1) an initial induction by reduced cell contact, and 2) further activation by growth factors or the PKC-signaling pathway. The hierarchic regulation of the FGF-2 gene promoter by cell density and growth factors or PKC reflects a two-stage activation of protein binding to the GFRE and to the PKC/cAMP-responsive region, respectively.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe win1-1 mutant has a defect in the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. Although the defect is suppressed by wis1+ and wis4+, which are components of a stress-activated MAP kinase pathway that links stress response and cell cycle control, the molecular identity of Win1 has not been known. We show here that win1+ encodes a polypeptide of 1436 residues with an apparent molecular size of 180 kDa and demonstrate that Win1 is a MAP kinase kinase kinase that phosphorylates and activates Wis1. Despite extensive similarities between Win1 and Wis4, the two MAP kinase kinase kinases have distinct functions. Wis4 is able to compensate for loss of Win1 only under unstressed conditions to maintain basal Wis1 activity, but it fails to suppress the osmosignaling defect conferred by win1 mutations. The win1-1 mutation is a spontaneous duplication of 16 nucleotides, which leads to a frameshift and production of a truncated protein lacking the kinase domain. We discuss the cell cycle phenotype of the win1-1 cdc25-22 wee1-50 mutant and its suppression by wis genes.


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Silencing is a universal form of transcriptional regulation in which regions of the genome are reversibly inactivated by changes in chromatin structure. Sir2 (Silent Information Regulator) protein is unique among the silencing factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae because it silences the rDNA as well as the silent mating-type loci and telomeres. Discovery of a gene family of Homologues of Sir Two (HSTs) in organisms from bacteria to humans suggests that SIR2’s silencing mechanism might be conserved. The Sir2 and Hst proteins share a core domain, which includes two diagnostic sequence motifs of unknown function as well as four cysteines of a putative zinc finger. We demonstrate by mutational analyses that the conserved core and each of its motifs are essential for Sir2p silencing. Chimeras between Sir2p and a human Sir2 homologue (hSir2Ap) indicate that this human protein’s core can substitute for that of Sir2p, implicating the core as a silencing domain. Immunofluorescence studies reveal partially disrupted localization, accounting for the yeast–human chimeras’ ability to function at only a subset of Sir2p’s target loci. Together, these results support a model for the involvement of distinct Sir2p-containing complexes in HM/telomeric and rDNA silencing and that HST family members, including the widely expressed hSir2A, may perform evolutionarily conserved functions.


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Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar regeneration is accompanied by rapid induction of genes encoding a large set of flagellar structural components and provides a model system to study coordinate gene regulation and organelle assembly. After deflagellation, the abundance of a 70-kDa flagellar dynein intermediate chain (IC70, encoded by ODA6) mRNA increases approximately fourfold within 40 min and returns to predeflagellation levels by ∼90 min. We show by nuclear run-on that this increase results, in part, from increased rates of transcription. To localize cis induction elements, we created an IC70 minigene and measured accumulation, in C. reinhardtii, of transcripts from the endogenous gene and from introduced promoter deletion constructs. Clones containing 416 base pairs (bp) of 5′- and 2 kilobases (kb) of 3′-flanking region retained all sequences necessary for a normal pattern of mRNA abundance change after deflagellation. Extensive 5′- and 3′- flanking region deletions, which removed multiple copies of a proposed deflagellation-response element (the tub box), did not eliminate induction, and the IC70 5′-flanking region alone did not confer deflagellation responsiveness to a promoterless arylsulfatase (ARS) gene. Instead, an intron in the IC70 gene 5′-untranslated region was found to contain the deflagellation response element. These results suggest that the tub box does not play an essential role in deflagellation-induced transcriptional regulation of this dynein gene.


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We previously isolated the SKN7 gene in a screen designed to isolate new components of the G1-S cell cycle transcription machinery in budding yeast. We have now found that Skn7 associates with Mbp1, the DNA-binding component of the G1-S transcription factor DSC1/MBF. SKN7 and MBP1 show several genetic interactions. Skn7 overexpression is lethal and is suppressed by a mutation in MBP1. Similarly, high overexpression of Mbp1 is lethal and can be suppressed by skn7 mutations. SKN7 is also required for MBP1 function in a mutant compromised for G1-specific transcription. Gel-retardation assays indicate that Skn7 is not an integral part of MBF. However, a physical interaction between Skn7 and Mbp1 was detected using two-hybrid assays and GST pulldowns. Thus, Skn7 and Mbp1 seem to form a transcription factor independent of MBF. Genetic data suggest that this new transcription factor could be involved in the bud-emergence process.


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Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells respond to nutrient deprivation by altering G2/M cell size control. The G2/M transition is controlled by activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc2p. Cdc2p activation is regulated both positively and negatively. cdr2+ was identified in a screen for regulators of mitotic control during nutrient deprivation. We have cloned cdr2+ and have found that it encodes a putative serine-threonine protein kinase that is related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gin4p and S. pombe Cdr1p/Nim1p. cdr2+ is not essential for viability, but cells lacking cdr2+ are elongated relative to wild-type cells, spending a longer period of time in G2. Because of this property, upon nitrogen deprivation cdr2+ mutants do not arrest in G1, but rather undergo another round of S phase and arrest in G2 from which they are able to enter a state of quiescence. Genetic evidence suggests that cdr2+ acts as a mitotic inducer, functioning through wee1+, and is also important for the completion of cytokinesis at 36°C. Defects in cytokinesis are also generated by the overproduction of Cdr2p, but these defects are independent of wee1+, suggesting that cdr2+ encodes a second activity involved in cytokinesis.


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The trithorax gene family contains members implicated in the control of transcription, development, chromosome structure, and human leukemia. A feature shared by some family members, and by other proteins that function in chromatin-mediated transcriptional regulation, is the presence of a 130- to 140-amino acid motif dubbed the SET or Tromo domain. Here we present analysis of SET1, a yeast member of the trithorax gene family that was identified by sequence inspection to encode a 1080-amino acid protein with a C-terminal SET domain. In addition to its SET domain, which is 40–50% identical to those previously characterized, SET1 also shares dispersed but significant similarity to Drosophila and human trithorax homologues. To understand SET1 function(s), we created a null mutant. Mutant strains, although viable, are defective in transcriptional silencing of the silent mating-type loci and telomeres. The telomeric silencing defect is rescued not only by full-length episomal SET1 but also by the conserved SET domain of SET1. set1 mutant strains display other phenotypes including morphological abnormalities, stationary phase defects, and growth and sporulation defects. Candidate genes that may interact with SET1 include those with functions in transcription, growth, and cell cycle control. These data suggest that yeast SET1, like its SET domain counterparts in other organisms, functions in diverse biological processes including transcription and chromatin structure.


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The transcriptional activation potential of proteins can be assayed in chimeras containing a heterologous DNA-binding domain that mediates their recruitment to reporter genes. This approach has been widely used in yeast and in transient mammalian cell assays. Here, we applied it to assay the transactivation potential of proteins in transgenic Drosophila embryos. We found that a chimera between the DNA-binding bacterial LexA protein and the transactivation domain from yeast GAL4 behaved as a potent synthetic activator in all embryonic tissues. In contrast, a LexA chimera containing Drosophila Fos (Dfos) required an unexpected degree of context to function as a transcriptional activator. We provide evidence to suggest that this context is provided by Djun and Mad (a Drosophila Smad), and that these partner factors need to be activated by signaling from Jun N-terminal kinase and decapentaplegic, respectively. Because Dfos behaves as an autonomous transcriptional activator in more artificial assays systems, our data suggest that context-dependence of transcription factors may be more prevalent than previously thought.


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Phosphorylation of the regulatory (R) domain initiates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl− channel activity. To discover how the function of this domain is determined by its structure, we produced an R domain protein (R8) that spanned residues 708–831 of CFTR. Phosphorylated, but not unphosphorylated, R8 stimulated activity of CFTR channels lacking this domain, indicating that R8 is functional. Unexpectedly, this functional R8 was predominantly random coil, as revealed by CD and limited proteolysis. The CD spectra of both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated R8 were similar in aqueous buffer. The folding agent trimethylamine N-oxide induced only a small increase in the helical content of nonphosphorylated R8 and even less change in the helical content of phosphorylated R8. These data, indicating that the R domain is predominantly random coil, may explain the seemingly complex way in which phosphorylation regulates CFTR channel activity.


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Two-component regulatory systems require highly specific interactions between histidine kinase (transmitter) and response regulator (receiver) proteins. We have developed a novel genetic strategy that is based on tightly regulated synthesis of a given protein to identify domains and residues of an interacting protein that are critical for interactions between them. Using a reporter strain synthesizing the nonpartner kinase VanS under tight arabinose control and carrying a promoter-lacZ fusion activated by phospho-PhoB, we isolated altered recognition (AR) mutants of PhoB showing enhanced activation (phosphorylation) by VanS as arabinose-dependent Lac+ mutants. Changes in the PhoBAR mutants cluster in a “patch” near the proposed helix 4 of PhoB based on the CheY crystal structure (a homolog of the PhoB receiver domain) providing further evidence that helix 4 lies in the kinase-regulator interface. Based on the CheY structure, one mutant has an additional change in a region that may propagate a conformational change to helix 4. The overall genetic strategy described here may also be useful for studying interactions of other components of the vancomycin resistance and Pi signal transduction pathways, other two-component regulatory systems, and other interacting proteins. Conditionally replicative oriRR6Kγ attP “genome targeting” suicide plasmids carrying mutagenized phoB coding regions were integrated into the chromosome of a reporter strain to create mutant libraries; plasmids encoding mutant PhoB proteins were subsequently retrieved by P1-Int-Xis cloning. Finally, the use of similar genome targeting plasmids and P1-Int-Xis cloning should be generally useful for constructing genomic libraries from a wide array of organisms.


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The Bacillus subtilis pyr operon is regulated by exogenous pyrimidines by a transcriptional attenuation mechanism. Transcription in vitro from pyr DNA templates specifying attenuation regions yielded terminated and read-through transcripts of the expected lengths. Addition of the PyrR regulatory protein plus UMP led to greatly increased termination. Synthetic antisense deoxyoligonucleotides were used to probe possible secondary structures in the pyr mRNA that were proposed to play roles in controlling attenuation. Oligonucleotides predicted to disrupt terminator structures suppressed termination, whereas oligonucleotides predicted to disrupt the stem of antiterminator stem-loops strongly promoted termination at the usual termination site. Oligonucleotides that disrupt a previously unrecognized stem-loop structure, called the anti-antiterminator, the formation of which interferes with formation of the downstream antiterminator, suppressed termination. We propose that transcriptional attenuation of the pyr operon is governed by switching between alternative antiterminator versus anti-antiterminator plus terminator structures, and that PyrR acts by UMP-dependent binding to and stabilization of the anti-antiterminator.


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The Gfi-1 protooncogene encodes a nuclear zinc-finger protein that carries a novel repressor domain, SNAG, and functions as a position- and orientation-independent active transcriptional repressor. The Gfi-1 repressor allows interleukin 2 (IL-2)-dependent T cells to escape G1 arrest induced by IL-2 withdrawal in culture and collaborates with c-myc and pim-1 for the induction of retrovirus-induced lymphomas in animals. Here we show that overexpression of Gfi-1 also inhibits cell death induced by cultivation of IL-2-dependent T-cell lines in IL-2-deficient media. Similarly, induction of Gfi-1 in primary thymocytes from mice carrying a metal-inducible Gfi-1 transgene inhibits cell death induced by cultivation in vitro. The protein and mRNA levels of the proapoptotic regulator Bax are down-regulated by Gfi-1 in both immortalized T-cell lines and primary transgenic thymocytes. The repression is direct and depends on several Gfi-1-binding sites in the p53-inducible Bax promoter. In addition to Bax, Gfi-1 also represses Bak, another apoptosis-promoting member of the Bcl-2 gene family. Therefore, Gfi-1 may inhibit apoptosis by means of its repression of multiple proapoptotic regulators. The antiapoptotic properties of Gfi-1 provide a potential explanation for its strong collaboration with c-myc during oncogenesis.


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The Krüppel-associated box A (KRAB-A) domain is an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional repressor domain present in approximately one-third of zinc finger proteins of the Cys2-His2 type. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we report the isolation of a cDNA encoding a novel murine protein, KRAB-A interacting protein 1 (KRIP-1) that physically interacts with the KRAB-A region. KRIP-1 is a member of the RBCC subfamily of the RING finger, or Cys3HisCys4, family of zinc binding proteins whose other members are known to play important roles in differentiation, oncogenesis, and signal transduction. The KRIP-1 protein has high homology to TIF1, a putative modulator of ligand-dependent activation function of nuclear receptors. A 3.5-kb mRNA for KRIP-1 is ubiquitously expressed among all adult mouse tissues studied. When a GAL4–KRIP-1 fusion protein is expressed in COS cells with a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct with five GAL4 binding sites, there is dose-dependent repression of transcription. Thus, KRIP-1 interacts with the KRAB-A region of C2H2 zinc finger proteins and may mediate or modulate KRAB-A transcriptional repressor activity.


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Proteins of the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) family accelerate GTP hydrolysis by the α subunits (Gα) of G proteins, leading to rapid recovery of signaling cascades. Many different RGS proteins can accelerate GTP hydrolysis by an individual Gα, and GTP hydrolysis rates of different Gαs can be enhanced by the same RGS protein. Consequently, the mechanisms for specificity in RGS regulation and the residues involved remain unclear. Using the evolutionary trace (ET) method, we have identified a cluster of residues in the RGS domain that includes the RGS-Gα binding interface and extends to include additional functionally important residues on the surface. One of these is within helix α3, two are in α5, and three are in the loop connecting α5 and α6. A cluster of surface residues on Gα previously identified by ET, and composed predominantly of residues from the switch III region and helix α3, is spatially contiguous with the ET-identified residues in the RGS domain. This cluster includes residues proposed to interact with the γ subunit of Gtα's effector, cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDEγ). The proximity of these clusters suggests that they form part of an interface between the effector and the RGS-Gα complex. Sequence variations in these residues correlate with PDEγ effects on GTPase acceleration. Because ET identifies residues important for all members of a protein family, these residues likely form a general site for regulation of G protein-coupled signaling cascades, possibly by means of effector interactions.