919 resultados para Tracing


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Conditional mutagenesis using Cre recombinase expressed from tissue specific promoters facilitates analyses of gene function and cell lineage tracing. Here, we describe two novel dual-promoter-driven conditional mutagenesis systems designed for greater accuracy and optimal efficiency of recombination. Co-Driver employs a recombinase cascade of Dre and Dre-respondent Cre, which processes loxP-flanked alleles only when both recombinases are expressed in a predetermined temporal sequence. This unique property makes Co-Driver ideal for sequential lineage tracing studies aimed at unraveling the relationships between cellular precursors and mature cell types. Co-InCre was designed for highly efficient intersectional conditional transgenesis. It relies on highly active trans-splicing inteins and promoters with simultaneous transcriptional activity to reconstitute Cre recombinase from two inactive precursor fragments. By generating native Cre, Co-InCre attains recombination rates that exceed all other binary SSR systems evaluated in this study. Both Co-Driver and Co-InCre significantly extend the utility of existing Cre-responsive alleles.


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Fetal antigen 1/delta-like 1 homologue (FA1/dlk1) belongs to the epidermal growth factor superfamily and is considered to be a non-canonical ligand for the Notch receptor. Interactions between Notch and its ligands are crucial for the development of various tissues. Moreover, FA1/dlk1 has been suggested as a potential supplementary marker of dopaminergic neurons. The present study aimed at investigating the distribution of FA1/dlk1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the early postnatal and adult midbrain as well as in the nigrostriatal system of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned hemiparkinsonian adult rats. FA1/dlk1-ir cells were predominantly distributed in the substantia nigra (SN) pars compacta (SNc) and in the ventral tegmental area. Interestingly, the expression of FA1/dlk1 significantly increased in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-ir cells during early postnatal development. Co-localization and tracing studies demonstrated that FA1/dlk1-ir cells in the SNc were nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons, and unilateral 6-OHDA lesions resulted in loss of both FA1/dlk1-ir and TH-ir cells in the SNc. Surprisingly, increased numbers of FA1/dlk1-ir cells (by 70%) were detected in dopamine-depleted striata as compared to unlesioned controls. The higher number of FA1/dlk1-ir cells was likely not due to neurogenesis as colocalization studies for proliferation markers were negative. This suggests that FA1/dlk1 was up-regulated in intrinsic cells in response to the 6-OHDA-mediated loss of FA1/dlk1-expressing SNc dopaminergic neurons and/or due to the stab wound. Our findings hint to a significant role of FA1/dlk1 in the SNc during early postnatal development. The differential expression of FA1/dlk1 in the SNc and the striatum of dopamine-depleted rats could indicate a potential involvement of FA1/dlk1 in the cellular response to the degenerative processes.


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Context. During the most recent perihelion passage in 2009 of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), ground-based observations showed an anisotropic dust coma where jet-like features were detected at similar to 1.3 AU from the Sun. The current perihelion passage is exceptional as the Rosetta spacecraft is monitoring the nucleus activity since March 2014, when a clear dust coma was already surrounding the nucleus at 4.3 AU from the Sun. Subsequently, the OSIRIS camera also witnessed an outburst in activity between April 27 and 30, and since mid-July, the dust coma at rh similar to 3.7-3.6 AU preperihelion is clearly non-isotropic, pointing to the existence of dust jet-like features. Aims. We aim to ascertain on the nucleus surface the origin of the dust jet-like features detected as early as in mid-July 2014. This will help to establish how the localized comet nucleus activity compares with that seen in previous apparitions and will also help following its evolution as the comet approaches its perihelion, at which phase most of the jets were detected from ground-based observations. Determining these areas also allows locating them in regions on the nucleus with spectroscopic or geomorphological distinct characteristics. Methods. Three series of dust images of comet 67P obtained with the Wide Angle Camera (WAC) of the OSIRIS instrument onboard the Rosetta spacecraft were processed with different enhancement techniques. This was made to clearly show the existence of jet-like features in the dust coma, whose appearance toward the observer changed as a result of the rotation of the comet nucleus and of the changing observing geometry from the spacecraft. The position angles of these features in the coma together with information on the observing geometry, nucleus shape, and rotation, allowed us to determine the most likely locations on the nucleus surface where the jets originate from. Results. Geometrical tracing of jet sources indicates that the activity of the nucleus of 67P gave rise during July and August 2014 to large-scale jet-like features from the Hapi, Hathor, Anuket, and Aten regions, confirming that active regions may be present on the nucleus localized at 60. northern latitude as deduced from previous comet apparitions. There are also hints that large-scale jets observed from the ground are possibly composed, at their place of origin on the nucleus surface, of numerous small-scale features.


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Aims. The OSIRIS camera onboard the Rosetta spacecraft obtained close-up views of the dust coma of comet 67P. The jet structures can be used to trace their source regions and to examine the possible effect of gas-surface interaction. Methods. We analyzed the wide-angle images obtained in the special dust observation sequences between August and September 2014. The jet features detected in different images were compared to study their time variability. The locations of the potential source regions of some of the jets are identified by ray tracing. We used a ring-masking technique to calculate the brightness distribution of dust jets along the projected distance. Results. The jets detected between August and September 2014 mostly originated in the Hapi region. Morphological changes appeared over a timescale of several days in September. The brightness slope of the dust jets is much steeper than the background coma. This might be related to the sublimation or fragmentation of the emitted dust grains. Interaction of the expanding gas flow with the cliff walls on both sides of Hapi could lead to erosion and material down-fall to the nucleus surface.


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The interactions employed in the “linear” reaction A(g)+BC(g) -> AB(g) + C(g) in a “one dimensional world” can be used to illustrate the “reaction coördinate”, using Maple, in a manner which allows students to inspect potential energy surfaces, make contour maps of those surfaces, and conceptually construct the “reaction coördinate” by tracing the local minimum path on the surface created.“one dimensional world” can be used to illustrate the “reaction coördinate”, using Maple, in a manner which allows students to inspect potential energy surfaces, make contour maps of those surfaces, and conceptually construct the “reaction coördinate” by tracing the local minimum path on the surface created.


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During CO2 storage operations in mature oilfields or saline aquifers it is desirable to trace the movement of injected CO2 for verification and safety purposes. We demonstrate the successful use of carbon isotope abundance ratios for tracing the movement of CO2 injected at the Cardium CO2 Storage Monitoring project in Alberta between 2005 and 2007. Injected CO2 had a d13C value of -4.6±1.1 per mil that was more than 10 per mil higher than the carbon isotope ratios of casing gas CO2 prior to CO2 injection with average d13C values ranging from -15.9 to -23.5 per mil. After commencement of CO2 injection, d13C values of casing gas CO2 increased in all observation wells towards those of the injected CO2 consistent with a two-source end-member mixing model. At four wells located in a NE-SW trend with respect to the injection wells, breakthrough of injected CO2 was registered chemically (>50 mol % CO2) and isotopically 1-6 months after commencement of CO2 injection resulting in cumulative CO2 fluxes exceeding 100000 m**3 during the observation period. At four other wells, casing gas CO2 contents remained below 5 mol % resulting in low cumulative CO2 fluxes (<2000 m**3) throughout the entire observation period, but carbon isotope ratios indicated contributions between <30 and 80% of injected CO2. Therefore, we conclude that monitoring the movement of CO2 in the injection reservoir with geochemical and isotopic techniques is an effective approach to determine plume expansion and to identify potential preferential flow paths provided that the isotopic composition of injected CO2 is constant and distinct from that of baseline CO2.


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Glacier inventories provide the basis for further studies on mass balance and volume change, relevant for local hydrological issues as well as for global calculation of sea level rise. In this study, a new Austrian glacier inventory has been compiled, updating data from 1969 (GI 1) and 1998 (GI 2) based on high-resolution lidar digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthophotos dating from 2004 to 2012 (GI 3). To expand the time series of digital glacier inventories in the past, the glacier outlines of the Little Ice Age maximum state (LIA) have been digitalized based on the lidar DEM and orthophotos. The resulting glacier area for GI 3 of 415.11 ± 11.18 km**2 is 44% of the LIA area. The annual relative area losses are 0.3%/yr for the ~119-year period GI LIA to GI 1 with one period with major glacier advances in the 1920s. From GI 1 to GI 2 (29 years, one advance period of variable length in the 1980s) glacier area decreased by 0.6% yr?1 and from GI 2 to GI 3 (10 years, no advance period) by 1.2%/yr. Regional variability of the annual relative area loss is highest in the latest period, ranging from 0.3 to 6.19%/yr. The mean glacier size decreased from 0.69 km**2 (GI 1) to 0.46 km**2 (GI 3), with 47% of the glaciers being smaller than 0.1 km**2 in GI 3 (22%).


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This X-ray mineralogy study of Tertiary samples recovered from Rockall sites permitted the definition of four mineralogical units and the tracing of the paleoenvironmental evolution in this region.


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Siguiendo los pasos de la narrativa latinoamericana del siglo XIX, en los años 30 y 40 en Venezuela, la literatura canónica propuso un trazado más o menos claro de los lugares de heroísmo y villanía involucrados en la refundación nacional. La apuesta iniciada por la intelectualidad del país, desde diciembre de 1935, se dirigía a la construcción de una nación moderna cuya imagen se solidificaba no sólo por medio de la narrativa de ficción, sino también en los registros masivos fundamentados en la oralidad, en los medios de comunicación en general y, particularmente, en fotografías e imágenes reproducidas por revistas de alta circulación, periódicos e, inclusive, en proyecciones audiovisuales. Como ocurre en estos ejercicios de organización nacional, inevitablemente, salieron a la luz por entonces, ciertas subjetividades nómades que generaron su propia discursividad ética y estéticamente ajena a las demandas del canon. Escrituras que crearon, en su interior un espacio de resistencia frente a todos los esfuerzos de normatización propuestos desde el poder. Aquí se inscribe el texto Mujeres (1943), de Isolda Calzadilla, una suerte de novela guión cinematográfico donde se deja en evidencia no sólo la conciencia en el uso del lenguaje de parte de la autora, sino además, la necesidad de replantearse los márgenes del centro urbano, de abrir las posibilidades de desarrollo subjetivo a las mujeres y de mostrar el envés de un mapa modernizante que llega a borrarse por completo detrás de la fachada.


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Mendoza es, por sus condiciones climáticas, una zona de muchos alérgenos. Esto determina que de los niños y adolescentes que llegan a nuestro consultorio con distintas maloclusiones, un gran porcentaje de ellos sea portador del Síndrome de Respiración Bucal (SRB). Nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar al paciente portador de ese síndrome en nuestra provincia. El estudio realizado fue del tipo descriptivo correlacional, estudiando a 150 pacientes portadores del SRB entre los 7 y 17 años. Se llevó a cabo la anamnesis, un exhaustivo examen clínico facial, bucal y funcional y se estudiaron los trazados cefalométricos. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados para obtener una caracterización completa. Se determinaron los rasgos clínicos que más caracterizan a estos pacientes. Se considera beneficiario al grupo de profesionales del área salud y a la población en general, ya que el SRB es una de las disfunciones más frecuentes en nuestro medio.


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El argumento de contigüidad ontológica, utilizado en varios pasajes de la Opera Omnia tomasiana, expresa la existencia de una afinidad metafísica entre los seres del universo, según la cual la realidad es comprendida jerárquicamente como una analogía de entes que se ordenan en cascadas descendentes hasta el último grado, en la cual la naturaleza inferior, en lo superior de sí “toca" a lo inferior de la naturaleza superior («Natura inferior secundum supremum sui attingit infimum naturae superioris») cada nivel tiene su origen en la atenuación del grado superior inmediato. El rastreo de este principio y su análisis permitió estructurar la tesis según el esquema expuesto en este trabajo.