995 resultados para Total column moisture


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The present study combines field and satellite observations to investigate how hydrographical transformations influence phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal during the peak Southwest Monsoon/Summer Monsoon (July-August). The intrusion of the Summer Monsoon Current (SMC) into the Bay of Bengal and associated changes in sea surface chemistry, traceable eastward up to 90 degrees E along 8 degrees N, seems to influence biology of the region significantly. Both in situ and satellite (MODIS) data revealed low surface chlorophyll except in the area influenced by the SMC During the study period, two well-developed cydonic eddies (north) and an anti-cyclonic eddy (south), closely linked to the main eastward flow of the SMC, were sampled. Considering the capping effect of the low-saline surface water that is characteristic of the Bay of Bengal, the impact of the cyclonic eddy, estimated in terms of enhanced nutrients and chlorophyll, was mostly restricted to the subsurface waters (below 20 m depth). Conversely, the anti-cyclonic eddy aided by the SMC was characterized by considerably higher nutrient concentration and chlorophyll in the upper water column (upper 60 m), which was contrary to the general characteristic of such eddies. Albeit smaller phytoplankton predominated the southern Bay of Bengal (60-95% of the total chlorophyll), the contribution of large phytoplankton was double in the regions influenced by the SMC and associated eddies. Multivariate analysis revealed the extent to which SMC-associated eddies spatially influence phytoplankton community structure. The study presents the first direct quantification of the size structure of phytoplankton from the southern Bay of Bengal and demonstrates that the SMC-associated hydrographical ramifications significantly increase the phytoplankton biomass contributed by larger phytoplankton and thereby influence the vertical opal and organic carbon flux in the region. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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QR decomposition (QRD) is a widely used Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) kernel with applications ranging from SONAR beamforming to wireless MIMO receivers. In this paper, we propose a novel Givens Rotation (GR) based QRD (GR QRD) where we reduce the computational complexity of GR and exploit higher degree of parallelism. This low complexity Column-wise GR (CGR) can annihilate multiple elements of a column of a matrix simultaneously. The algorithm is first realized on a Two-Dimensional (2 D) systolic array and then implemented on REDEFINE which is a Coarse Grained run-time Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA). We benchmark the proposed implementation against state-of-the-art implementations to report better throughput, convergence and scalability.


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PWM waveforms with positive voltage transition at the positive zero crossing of the fundamental voltage (type-A) are generally considered for PWM waveform with even number of switching angles per quarter whereas, waveforms with negative voltage transition at the positive zero crossing (type-B) are considered for odd number of switching angles per quarter. Optimal PWM, for minimization of total harmonic distortion of line to line (VWTHD), is generally solved with the aforementioned criteria. This paper establishes that a combination of both types of waveforms gives better performance than any individual type in terms of minimum VWTHD for complete range of modulation index (M). Optimal PWM for minimum VWTHD is solved for PWM waveforms with pulse numbers (P) of 5 and 7. Both type-A and type-B waveforms are found to be better in different ranges of M. The theoretical findings are confirmed through simulation and experimental results on a 3.7 kW squirrel cage induction motor in an open-loop V/f drive. Further, the optimal PWM is analysed from a space vector point of view.


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The current study presents an algorithm to retrieve surface Soil Moisture (SM) from multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The developed algorithm is based on the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) transformation of multi-temporal RADARSAT-2 backscatter coefficient (BC) to obtain relative SM values, and then converts relative SM values into absolute SM values using soil information. The algorithm is tested in a semi-arid tropical region in South India using 30 satellite images of RADARSAT-2, SMOS L2 SM products, and 1262 SM field measurements in 50 plots spanning over 4 years. The validation with the field data showed the ability of the developed algorithm to retrieve SM with RMSE ranging from 0.02 to 0.06 m(3)/m(3) for the majority of plots. Comparison with the SMOS SM showed a good temporal behaviour with RMSE of approximately 0.05 m(3)/m(3) and a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.9. The developed model is compared and found to be better than the change detection and delta index model. The approach does not require calibration of any parameter to obtain relative SM and hence can easily be extended to any region having time series of SAR data available.


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Reactive interlayers consisting of zero valent iron and copper nanoparticles have been successfully incorporated into Surlyn films to fabricate moisture barrier materials with reduced water vapor permeabilities. The reactive nanoparticles dispersed in stearic acid were employed as the interlayers due to their ability to react with moisture. The water vapor transmission rates through the fabricated barrier films with reactive iron and copper interlayers decreased by over 4 orders of magnitude when compared to neat Surlyn. The flexibility and transparency of the barrier films have been evaluated by tensile and UV-visible experiments. Moreover, the accelerated aging studies conducted in accordance with the ISOS-III protocol confirmed the increased lifetimes of the organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices encapsulated with these reactive barrier films.


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This paper presents the development and testing of an integrated low-power and low-cost dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) soil-moisture sensor in view of the electrical power consumed and affordability in developing countries. A DPHP sensor has two probes: a heater and a temperature sensor probe spaced 3 mm apart from the heater probe. Supply voltage of 3.3V is given to the heater-coil having resistance of 33 Omega power consumption of 330 mW, which is among the lowest in this category of sensors. The heater probe is 40 mm long with 2 mm diameter and hence is stiff enough to be inserted into the soil. The parametric finite element simulation study was performed to ensure that the maximum temperature rise is between 1 degrees C and 5 degrees C for wet and dry soils, respectively. The discrepancy between the simulation and experiment is less than 3.2%. The sensor was validated with white clay and tested with red soil samples to detect volumetric water-content ranging from 0% to 30%. The sensor element is integrated with low-power electronics for amplifying the output from thermocouple sensor and TelosB mote for wireless communication. A 3.7V lithium ion battery with capacity of 1150 mAh is used to power the system. The battery is charged by a 6V and 300 mA solar cell array. Readings were taken in 30 min intervals. The life-time of DPHP sensor node is around 3.6 days. The sensor, encased in 30 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm sized box, and integrated with electronics was tested independently in two separate laboratories for validating as well as investigating the dependence of the measurement of soil-moisture on the density of the soil. The difference in the readings while repeating the experiments was found out to be less than 0.01%. Furthermore, the effect of ambient temperature on the measurement of soil-moisture is studied experimentally and computationally. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Climate change in response to a change in external forcing can be understood in terms of fast response to the imposed forcing and slow feedback associated with surface temperature change. Previous studies have investigated the characteristics of fast response and slow feedback for different forcing agents. Here we examine to what extent that fast response and slow feedback derived from time-mean results of climate model simulations can be used to infer total climate change. To achieve this goal, we develop a multivariate regression model of climate change, in which the change in a climate variable is represented by a linear combination of its sensitivity to CO2 forcing, solar forcing, and change in global mean surface temperature. We derive the parameters of the regression model using time-mean results from a set of HadCM3L climate model step-forcing simulations, and then use the regression model to emulate HadCM3L-simulated transient climate change. Our results show that the regression model emulates well HadCM3L-simulated temporal evolution and spatial distribution of climate change, including surface temperature, precipitation, runoff, soil moisture, cloudiness, and radiative fluxes under transient CO2 and/or solar forcing scenarios. Our findings suggest that temporal and spatial patterns of total change for the climate variables considered here can be represented well by the sum of fast response and slow feedback. Furthermore, by using a simple 1-D heat-diffusion climate model, we show that the temporal and spatial characteristics of climate change under transient forcing scenarios can be emulated well using information from step-forcing simulations alone.


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The derivation of a quasi-geostrophic system from the rotating shallow-water equations on a midlatitude -plane coupled with moisture is presented. Condensation is prescribed to occur whenever the moisture at a point exceeds a prescribed saturation value. It is seen that a slow condensation time-scale is required to obtain a consistent set of equations at leading order. Further, since the advecting wind fields are geostrophic, changes in moisture (and hence precipitation) occur only via non-divergent mechanisms. Following observations, a saturation profile with gradients in the zonal and meridional directions is prescribed. A purely meridional gradient has the effect of slowing down the dry Rossby waves, through a reduction in the equivalent gradient' of the background potential vorticity. A large-scale unstable moist mode results on the inclusion of a zonal gradient by itself, or in conjunction with a meridional moisture gradient. For gradients that are are representative of the atmosphere, the most unstable moist mode propagates zonally in the direction of increasing moisture, matures over an intraseasonal time-scale and has small phase speed.


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In order to monitor multiple protein reaction processes simultaneously, a biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry operated in the total internal reflection mode is proposed. It could be realised as an automatic analysis for protein interaction processes with real-time label-free method. Its principle and methodology as well as a demonstration for its applications are presented.


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La presente investigación estuvo dirigida a determinar la viabilidad, que sobre el desempeño productivo del pollo de engorde, podía ejercer la sustitución parcial o total del porcentaje de aceite de palma (Elaeís guínensis, Jacq) por aceite de fritura como fuente de energía en la ración alimenticia. La sustitución parcial o total se hizo con base en el 6% de aceite que se incluye en la fórmula alimenticia, ajustada a los requerimientos de los pollos de engorde. El ensayo experimental fue realizado en la granja avícola "La Trinidad", propiedad de la empresa TIP-TOP INDUSTRIAL S.A. Se utilizaron 700 pollos de engorde para producción comercial, del híbrido Peterson-Hubbard, de un día de edad y mantenidos en evaluación durante un periodo de 42 días. Estos fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en cuatro tratamientos, conformados cada uno de cinco unidades experimentales, y éstas a su vez con 35 pollos cada una, quedando de la forma siguiente: Tratamiento T1 (testigo): 6% aceite de palma; tratamiento T2 : 2% aceite de palma y 4% aceite de fritura; tratamiento T3: 1% aceite de palma y 5% aceite de fritura; tratamiento T4 : 6% aceite de fritura. El resto de los ingredientes que conformó la dieta alimenticia fue igual para todos los tratamientos; así como también el manejo de los pollos se realizó al igual que lo hace la Empresa para toda su producción. Las variables estudiadas fueron consumo de alimento, peso vivo final y conversión de alimento. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de estas variables fueron analizados a través de un Diseño Completamente Aleatorio y sometidos a la Prueba de Tukey, el que proporcionó la superioridad existente entre tratamientos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre tratamientos para la variable conversión alimenticia, con índices de conversión para el final de período experimental, de 1.8050, 1.7829, 1.7550 y 1.7310 para los tratamientos T1, T2, T3 y T4, respectivamente. Las variables consumo acumulado de alimento y peso vivo final no presentaron diferencias estadísticas a un nivel de significancia de p<0.05. El análisis financiero demostró que el tratamiento T4 tiene un menor costo de alimentación, siendo este de C$3.35/kg peso vivo. Encontrándose los tratamientos T1.T2 y T3 con costos de C$3.8210, C$3.5624; y C$3.4527/kg peso vivo, respectivamente. El mayor beneficio neto por kilogramo de peso vivo lo obtuvo el tratamiento T4, con C$0.47. Siendo el beneficio neto para los tratamientos T2 y T3 de C$0.26 y C$ 0.37, respectivamente. La mortalidad presentada por los tratamientos T1, T2, T3, y T4 para el final del período experimental fue de 5.13, 3.99, 2.85 y 3.99 (%), respectivamente.


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El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de cuatro intervalos de medición de leche (diario, cada 7, 14 y 28 días) sobre la producción de leche total, la repetibilidad y la forma de la curva de lactancia. Para lo cual se utilizaron los registros productivos y reproductivos del hato criollo Reyna de la Finca San José ubicada en Masatepe, Nicaragua. Se estudiaron 105 lactancia provenientes de 28 vacas durante el periodo de 1982 - 1990. Las características estudiadas fueron PLTOT, repetibilidad y la forma de la curva de lactancia. Todos los análisis estadísticos fueron realizados con el procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados y máxima verosimilitud establecido en el paquete estadístico LSMLMW total, obteniéndose las siguientes medias de mínimos cuadrados: 1,655.23±77.79 para el tratamiento 1 total. Los valores encontrados para los indices de Repetibilidad para cada uno de los tratamientos fueron de: 0.46±0.11, 0.50±0.11, 0.48±0.11 y 0.50±0.11 para los tratamientos 1, 2, 3, 4 respectivamente Los valores para los parámetros y variables estudias en la curva de la lactancia fueron 3.2±2.5, 0.47±0.32, 0.01± 0.06, 51.81±29.10, 9.45±3.49 y 6.97±1.02 para a, b, c, Tp, Rp y S respectivamente Al estudiar el efecto de los tratamiento sobre las variables y parámetros de la curva de lactancia se determino que solamente la variable (S) que determina la persistencia fue afectada significativamente


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Extended horizontal cracks have! been observed experimentally in a vertical column of saturated sand when a flow of water is forced to percolate upward through it. This paper provides a theory for this phenomenon. It will be shown that the presence of inhomogeneity in permeability along the length of the column is essential for such cracks to develop. It will also be shown that small initial inhomogeneity may be magnified through the transport of the finer component of the sand by percolation. Under certain conditions liquefaction takes place at a section of the sand column causing a crack to initiate and grow there. This theory is found to be in good qualitative agreement with the experimental findings.


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Dimensional and finite element analyses were used to analyze the relationship between the mechanical properties and instrumented indentation response of materials. Results revealed the existence of a functional dependence of (engineering yield strength sigma(E,y) + engineering tensile strength sigma(E,b))/Oliver & Pharr hardness on the ratio of reversible elastic work to total work obtained from an indentation test. The relationship links up the Oliver & Pharr hardness with the material strengths, although the Oliver & Pharr hardness may deviate from the true hardness when sinking in or piling up occurs. The functional relationship can further be used to estimate the SUM sigma(E,y) + sigma(E,b) according to the data of an instrumented indentation test. The sigma(E,y) + sigma(E,b) value better reflects the strength of a material compared to the hardness value alone. The method was shown to be effective when applied to aluminum alloys. The relationship can further be used to estimate the fatigue limits, which are usually obtained from macroscopic fatigue tests in different modes.


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Se realizó un muestreo de suelos en parcelas experimentales de un ensayo de campo, con el fin de evaluar los efectos de la aplicación de tres dosis de Abonos Orgáníeos (AO), combinadas con fertilizante químico, sobre la densidad aparente (á) y el espacio poroso total (FPT) de un suelo volcánico nicaragüense. El ensayo se realizó durante la época de Postrera (Septiembre -Diciembre) de 1989, en la Finca Experimental La Compañía, Carazo, Nicaragua; sobre un suelo franco - arenoso derivado de cenizas volcánicas (Typic Durandepts). Se utilizó un experimento Bifactorial en diseño de parcelas divididas en Bloques completos al azar, con cuatro réplicas. Los AO empleados fueron Gallinaza, Compost y Pulpa de café, siendo las dosis ensayadas de 5, 10 y 15 ton.ha 1 de cada uno, combinadas con Fosfato Díamónico a razón de 64.8 kg.ba· 1• Se observó una disminoción de la d y un aumento del EPT con la aplícacion de los AO, siendo este efecto influido por las dosis incorporadas. Las parcelas que presentaron la menor d y el mayor EPT, fueron aquellas donde se incorporó el Compost.