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本文分另研究了H[DEHP]从不同酸性介质中萃取稀土(III)(Sc、Y、Ho、Er、yb、Lu)及Fe(III)、Zn(II)的机理及性能。一、H[DEHP]从 H_2SO_4介质中萃取Sc(III)的机理 1. H[DEHP]萃取H_2SO_4及其机理 2. H[DEHP]萃取Sc(III)的机理,用斜率法和饱和法确定了H[DEHP]的正庚烷溶液从H_2SO_4溶液中萃取Sc_2(SO_4)_3的机理及萃合物组成。研究表明,H[DEHP]萃取Sc(III)在高、低两种酸度范围内存在着两种不同的萃取机理。二、H[DEHP]从HCl介质中萃取Ln(III)和Fe(III)的性能及H[DEHP]萃取Ln(III)的机理研究了H[DEHP]的正庚烷溶液从HCl介质中萃取稀土(III)(Sc、Y、Ho、Er、Yb、Lu)和Fe(III)的性能,得出H[DEHP]在相同条件下萃取以上各金属离子的顺序是:Sc(III)>Fe(III)>Lu(III)>Yb(III)>Er(III)>Y(III)>Ho(III), 并计算了各金属离子之间的分离因素(β)。文中还讨论了Sc(III)、Fe(III)、Lu(III)之间的分离以及重稀土离子间的萃取分离,同时与相同实验条件下HEH[EHP]的萃取性能进行了比较,为新的萃取体系提供了一些参数。三、H[DEHP]从不同介质中萃取Fe(III)的机理,研究了H[DEHP]的正率烷溶液从Hcl介质中和H[DEHP]的正庚烷溶液从H_2SO_4介质中萃取Fe(III)的平衡规律;用斜率法、饱和法以及IR和NMR谱等讨论了低酸度下的萃取机理。四、H[DEHP]萃取Zn(II)的机理,研究了H[DEHP]的正率烷溶液从Hcl介中萃取Zn(II)的平衡,利用斜率法、饱和法及SR、NMR谱等讨论了低Hcl浓度下的萃取机理。
丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus, HCV)的全基因组序列测定,曾经由于许多方面 的条件限制而难于完成。但是,其对于研究HCV 分子病毒学、流行病学、进化和致 病性却至关重要,特别是在临床应用中,不同序列的基因型决定α-干扰素治疗的不同 效果。在本研究完成之前,HCV 基因型6 仅有6 个亚型有其全基因组序列。因此, 本研究的主要目的在于,测定HCV 变异株代表基因型6 其余的11 个亚型和新亚型的 全基因组序列,并深入分析。 本研究从样品分别来自于中国、泰国,和在美国及加拿大生活的东南亚国家移民 的HCV 感染者。因为样品有限,改良传统的PCR 方法,摸索出“桥”和“岛”DNA 全序列扩增法,从每例样品100μl 血清或从100μl 血清中获得的cDNA 中测定了13 个HCV 全基因组核苷酸序列。 以来源于Genbank 的已知基因型6 的七个全长序列为参考对所测定的13 个亚型 全序列进行共同分析显示,这些全基因组核苷酸的两两比较相似率变化范围为 71.9%--82.7%,著地, 这四对序列间的相同率高于标准定义的HCV 基因亚型之间的 范围值75%-80%。为了进一步理解和证实这些亚型间的遗传相似性,本研究还测定 了代表这4 对亚型的病毒原型株的全基因序列,结果显示了相同的核苷酸水平上的变 异范围,这为HCV 基因亚型的分类提供了新的认识,亦强调了全长序列对于分类的 重要性。 从系统发育方面的分析证实,本研究所测得的13 个分离株都属于基因型6。在系 统发育树上,每个病毒株代表一个独立的枝。并形成了高度分化的HCV 基因型6 分 枝,从而清楚显示,各亚型的独立分布。本研究至此完成了基因型6 中17 个亚型的 全序列测定,而km41 和gz52557 因缺乏其临床上和流行病学上的多个感染病例的证 实,而继续保留其亚型未命名状态。结合来源于Los Alamos HCV database 的基因型6 的已知部分序列的变异株进一步分析,发现各相近亚型变异株均来自东南亚或东南亚国家移民,这提示了这些HCV 的相同感染源。 为了探讨HCV 夫妻间传播的可能性,本研究还测定了来自于泰国的两位感染 HCV 的献血员及其感染HCV 的配偶。这4 个基因序列C-0044 和C-0046 之间核苷 酸相同率为98.1%,而C-0185 和 C-0192 之间为97.8%。文献研究感染HCV 的夫妇 间的部分亚基因序列的相同率为96.3%至100%,本研究结果与此范围相符,并第一 次用全基因组序列提示了HCV 在夫妻间传播的可能性。 本研究还测定了基因型6 的另一个变异株的全基因组序列:HK6554,香港的某患 者,与上文中的GX004 一起,均为静脉吸毒者,并共同感染了HCV 和HIV-1。分析 结果还表明了一种趋势,即是在中国南方,基因亚型6e 有从以前的地方性传播方式 转为现有的流行性传播方式。这种转变可能由于静脉吸毒感染HCV 的人群的网络传 播而加快。 综上,本研究用传统PCR、简并引物结合链特异引物的方法有效地测定了共21 个病毒株的全基因序列。该方法也可用于其它分子流行病学的研究,特别在测定珍贵 的病毒序列然而样品量又受限时。本研究所测定的全基因组序列代表HCV 中最古老、 分化最多、地方性传播、又可能动物源性的基因型6 的全套17 个亚型。这有助于进 一步理解HCV 基因亚型的分类意义、更准确评价HCV 的进化和起源,亦有助于发 现HCV 新的变异株和提高临床诊断、治疗,为将来HCV 的流行及公众健康的预测、 预防和疫苗的制备奠定了坚实的分子遗传学基础。
高功率激光二极管列阵广泛应用于抽运固体激光器.报道了17 kW GaAs/AlGaAs叠层激光二极管列阵的设计、制作过程和测试结果.为了提高器件的输出功率,一方面采用宽波导量子阱外延结构,降低腔面光功率密度,提高单个激光条的输出功率,通过金属有机物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)方法进行材料生长,经过光刻、金属化、镀膜等工艺制备1 cm激光条,填充密度为80%,单个激光条输出功率达100 W以上;另一方面器件采用高密度叠层封装结构,提高器件的总输出功率,实现了160个激光条叠层封装,条间距0.5 mm.经测试,器件输出功率达17kW,峰值波长为807.6 nm,谱线宽度为4.9 nm.
A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fe-N films containing the Fe16N2 phase were prepared in a high-vacuum system of ion-beam-assisted deposition (IBAD). The composition and structure of the films were analysed by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. Magnetic properties of the films were measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The phase composition of Fe-N films depend sensitively on the N/Fe atomic arrival ratio and the deposition temperature. An Fe16N2 film was deposited successfully on a GaAs (1 0 0) substrate by IBAD at a N/Fe atomic arrival ratio of 0.12. The gram-saturation magnetic moment of the Fe16N2 film obtained is 237 emu/g at room temperature, the possible cause has been analysed and discussed. Hysteresis loops of Fe16N2 have been measured, the coercive force H-c is about 120 Oe, which is much larger than the value for Fe, this means the Fe16N2 sample exhibits a large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A simple photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM) is described. Its lateral resolution (similar to 10nm with a maximal scanning range of 10 mu m x 10 mu m ) is much better than that of a conventional optical microscope. Its principle, the fiber optic tip fabrication and PSTM images of different samples such as mica, HDPE and LiNbO3 are presented.
Absence of gravity or microgravity influences the cellular functions of bone forming osteoblasts. The underlying mechanism, however, of cellular sensing and responding to the gravity vector is poorly understood. This work quantified the impact of vector-directional gravity on the biological responses of Ros 17/2.8 cells grown on upward-, downward- or edge-on-oriented substrates. Cell morphology and nuclear translocation, cell proliferation and the cell cycle, and cytoskeletal reorganization were found to vary significantly in the three orientations. All of the responses were duration-dependent. These results provide a new insight into understanding how osteoblasts respond to static vector-directional gravity.