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Conclusion. The new Provox(R) NID (TM) non- indwelling voice prosthesis investigated in this study provides a good option for laryngectomized patients using non- indwelling voice prostheses and can potentially improve safety and increase patients' satisfaction with their voice and speech. Objective. To investigate the feasibility of and patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non- indwelling voice prosthesis. Material and methods. Pre- and post- study questionnaires were used to evaluate the patients' former voice prosthesis and the Provox NID voice prosthesis. In addition, measurements of pull- out force, maximum phonation time and loudness were made for both voice prostheses. In vitro measurements of airflow characteristics were also made. Following a 6- week trial, all patients provided feedback on the new voice prosthesis and the results were used to further improve the Provox NID. This final version of the new voice prosthesis was subsequently trialled and evaluated by 10 patients 6 months later. Results. Overall results showed that patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non- indwelling voice prosthesis was favourable. The pull- out force for the new prosthesis was significantly higher than that for the formerly used prosthesis and its aerodynamic characteristics were better.
The Centre for Native Floriculture (CNF) commenced in May 2003 at The University of Queensland, Gatton. The CNF is a joint initiative with the Queensland State Government, with funding for an initial 3-year period. The phase-out of bush-picking under the South East Queensland Forests Agreement was a catalyst for the Centres establishment. The CNF vision is: ‘to help create an internationally competitive and environmentally sustainable native floriculture industry that provides significant employment opportunities in Queensland’. The Centre is comprised of three research, development and extension programs. The Value Chain Program assists native floriculture industry groups in developing efficient consumer-orientated production, handling and marketing systems for select high potential species. These value chain systems will serve as models for realizing the market potential of and regional fiscal returns on other native ornamental species identified as crop ideotypes that are sought after by end-users (e.g. florists). The Floriculture Program supports the value chain by working to enhance germplasm for the native floriculture industry through selection and breeding, optimize cultivation protocols and overcome any technical barriers that arise. Such barriers include propagation constraints, disease problems and post-harvest limitations. The Capacity Building Program operates to transfer technology and other skills (e.g. value chain management principles) to industry members, train operatives for the industry and promote native floriculture. Conservation of native flora is encouraged through cultivation and community engagement. Protection of biodiversity is advocated via regional production systems that spare natural areas and educate the public as to the biological, floricultural and aesthetic values of native flora. Eco-agricultural tourism focused on wildflowers both in nature and in cultivation is also advocated by the CNF.
A presente pesquisa busca, a partir dos dois pólos fundamentais ao pensamento de Albert Camus, a saber, o absurdo e a revolta, discutir a relação do pensamento camusiano com a religião, no que tange fundamentalmente à sua recusa frente a um pensamento ou atitude que recorra a um sentido além da existência humana. Camus escritor franco-argelino e Prêmio Nobel de Literatura em 1959 concebeu o absurdo como a experiência resultante da consciência de assimetria vigente na existência humana. Esta assimetria se estabelece na polarização entre o anseio humano por felicidade, união e plenitude e a evidência expressa pela existência de dor, fragmentação e limite. A revolta subsiste neste cenário como resposta camusina: esta é concomitantemente reivindicação de justiça e insurreição contra a morte. No que concerne à religião, Camus compreende uma fuga fundamentada na esperança. Esta fuga negligencia e impede a consideração radical da condição humana. A esperança religiosa, em suma, anula a revolta como resposta legitima a condição existencial: pretende justificar o injusto com base em um mistério. Realizada a descrição do absurdo e da revolta, recorre-se ao pensamento do teólogo e filósofo alemão Paul Tillich, como referencial teórico para a análise específica da relação entre religião e pensamento camusiano. O conceito de religião e fé em Paul Tillich apresenta-se como elemento importante para a consideração desta relação ao salientar a vigência da ambigüidade na experiência religiosa, interpretada em Paul Tillich a partir da experiência dialógica entre o finito e o infinito, ou, em outros termos, entre o ser e o não-ser. A partir de Paul Tillich pergunta-se sobre a possibilidade da religião, mesmo em meio à afirmação da impossibilidade do eterno. Caminha-se, assim, para a consideração da efetividade da experiência religiosa em Camus como expressão de uma transcendência profana , onde a recusa a Deus comunga com uma perene reivindicação da perfeição e do eterno.
Ilusão e realidade em Ivaporunduva: a televisão na cultura quilombola. Análise a partir da Folkmídia
Este estudo de caso visa, a partir de pesquisa de campo, pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas abertas observar como a televisão, enquanto meio de comunicação de massa, transforma ou influencia a cultura de uma comunidade quilombola. O objeto desta análise é a comunidade quilombola de Ivaporunduva, na área rural da cidade de Eldorado Paulista, região do Vale do Ribeira, interior do estado de São Paulo. Seus modos de vida têm sido constantemente ameaçados pela intenção da construção de barragens na cabeceira do rio Ribeira de Iguape, na margem do qual localizam-se diversas comunidades quilombolas, inclusive Ivaporunduva; pela falta de políticas públicas que resguardem verdadeiramente seus direitos, e pela falta de trabalho, o que acarreta na saída dos jovens da comunidade em busca de novos horizontes. A televisão faz parte de um novo universo na realidade quilombola e entra na vida desses homens e mulheres do campo como veículo de entretenimento e porta para um mundo de ilusões e realidades onde buscam encontrar-se e muitas vezes se frustram. A cultura quilombola e suas transformações depois da entrada da televisão em Ivaporunduva serão analisadas a partir da Folkmídia, espaço teórico que analisa a maneira pela qual os meios de comunicação abstraem elementos da cultura popular e vice-versa. É o vice-versa que aqui nos importa.
O Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) determina que 50% das crianças de 0 a 3 anos tenham vagas garantidas em Creches Públicas e a Lei do Piso n. 11.738/08 apresenta, em seu parágrafo quarto, que na composição da jornada de trabalho do professor observar-se-á um terço destinado à formação. A determinação destas mudanças aumenta a preocupação e responsabilidade em qualificar a formação continuada nestas instituições, as quais ainda sentem o peso dos vários anos de negligência. Pela atualidade e importância temática, a presente abordagem investiga a trajetória formativa e profissional de educadores de Creche, com o objetivo de possibilitar a reflexão e a análise sobre as estratégias utilizadas na formação continuada, bem como um debate dialético entre as práticas e as teorias trazidas nos estudos e pesquisas. Através da metodologia da Pesquisa de Campo de Natureza Qualitativa, buscou-se, ao contatar profissionais de cinco creches do município de São Bernardo do Campo, investigar a seguinte questão: De que forma o Coordenador Pedagógico que atua em creche tem contribuído, ou não, com a formação de profissionais reflexivos, pesquisadores e autores da própria prática? No intuito de responder a questão, foram realizadas entrevistas com cinco Coordenadoras Pedagógicas (CPs), três Professoras e dois Auxiliares em Educação e, em vista de maiores subsídios necessários ao debate, também foram entrevistadas uma Coordenadora de um curso de Pedagogia, com a finalidade de ampliar os conhecimentos sobre o curso de Pedagogia na atualidade, e uma Gestora (Chefe de Região) de São Bernardo do Campo, a fim de entender o olhar que o município tem hoje para a Creche. É importante ressaltar que o foco das entrevistas foi o trabalho desenvolvido pelo CP e que o trabalho investigativo junto aos demais profissionais envolvidos auxiliam na busca e obtenção de respostas para os questionamentos que levaram à construção deste trabalho. Os referenciais teóricos, desenvolvidos através da metodologia da Pesquisa de Natureza Bibliográfica e Documental para a revisão da literatura disponível sobre o tema, estão ancorados em Almeida e Placco (2002; 2010; 2011) que observam o papel do CP sob diversos aspectos; Day (1999) que discute os desafios fundamentais a serem considerados na formação; Fullan e Hargreaves (2002) que apresentam questionamentos sobre as estratégias formativas; Nóvoa (2009) ao investigar sobre a formação permanente dos professores; Perrenoud e Thurler (2002) que destacam novos paradigmas na formação dos professores; Vasconcellos (2009) que observa as articulações necessárias ao trabalho do CP; Campos et al (2011) que mostram a qualidade da Educação Infantil no país, entre outros. A análise dos conteúdos das entrevistas realizadas indica que a formação continuada avança gradativamente e, este mérito é dado, em grande parte, à formação que os gestores vêm recebendo e às parcerias produtivas que se estabelecem no processo, porém, os estudos e pesquisas teóricas apontam que muito ainda precisa ser feito e sinalizam mudanças imprescindíveis e que sejam capazes de impulsionar a formação a sair do tradicionalismo, tornando-se mais voltada à reflexão e humanização.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir sobre as trajetórias formativas e profissionais de professores de inglês do ensino superior, aprofundando as reflexões acerca das dificuldades ou facilidades entre a formação e o início da prática docente. Além da realização da análise de conteúdo dos dados das entrevistas, a pesquisa teórica também se fez importante no intuito de buscar um pouco da história do ensino da língua inglesa no Brasil, bem como um estudo sobre os métodos e abordagens do ensino de inglês, a fim de que se pudesse analisar se a formação desses profissionais incluiu ou não o conhecimento dos mesmos e até que ponto foi ou não importante não só para sua formação como também para sua atuação em sala de aula. A partir de minha própria experiência co mo professora particular de inglês, com dificuldades de atuação, principalmente devido a uma má formação, busquei algumas respostas com estes docentes mais experientes que pudessem contribuir de algum modo para que os futuros professores de inglês sejam mais bem formados e preparados para superarem as dificuldades inicias da carreira bem como para que consigam reduzi-las, podendo assim exercer sua profissão com mais segurança e competência, já que também vão formar e preparar outros professores.(AU)
This empirical study examines the extent of non-linearity in a multivariate model of monthly financial series. To capture the conditional heteroscedasticity in the series, both the GARCH(1,1) and GARCH(1,1)-in-mean models are employed. The conditional errors are assumed to follow the normal and Student-t distributions. The non-linearity in the residuals of a standard OLS regression are also assessed. It is found that the OLS residuals as well as conditional errors of the GARCH models exhibit strong non-linearity. Under the Student density, the extent of non-linearity in the GARCH conditional errors was generally similar to those of the standard OLS. The GARCH-in-mean regression generated the worse out-of-sample forecasts.
Last year (2009) marked the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth and the sesquicentenary of The Origin of Species. This article examines the influence of Erasmus Darwin on Charles's evolutionary thought and shows how, in many ways, Erasmus anticipated his much better-known grandson. It discusses the similarity in the mindsets of the two Darwins, asks how far the younger Darwin was exposed to the elder's evolutionary thought, examines the similarities and differences in their theories of evolution, and ends by showing the surprising similarity between their theories of inheritance. Erasmus's influence on Charles is greater than customarily acknowledged, and now is an opportune time to bring the grandfather out from behind the glare of his stellar grandson.
Atomic ordering in network glasses on length scales longer than nearest-neighbour length scales has long been a source of controversy(1-6). Detailed experimental information is therefore necessary to understand both the network properties and the fundamentals of glass formation. Here we address the problem by investigating topological and chemical ordering in structurally disordered AX2 systems by applying the method of isotopic substitution in neutron diffraction to glassy ZnCl2. This system may be regarded as a prototypical ionic network forming glass, provided that ion polarization effects are taken into account(7), and has thus been the focus of much attention(8-14). By experiment, we show that both the topological and chemical ordering are described by two length scales at distances greater than nearest-neighbour length scales. One of these is associated with the intermediate range, as manifested by the appearance in the measured diffraction patterns of a first sharp diffraction peak at 1.09( 3) angstrom(-1); the other is associated with an extended range, which shows ordering in the glass out to 62( 4) angstrom. We also find that these general features are characteristic of glassy GeSe2, a prototypical covalently bonded network material(15,16). The results therefore offer structural insight into those length scales that determine many important aspects of supercooled liquid and glass phenomenology(11).
The article describes researches of a method of person recognition by face image based on Gabor wavelets. Scales of Gabor functions are determined at which the maximal percent of recognition for search of a person in a database and minimal percent of mistakes due to false alarm errors when solving an access control task is achieved. The carried out researches have shown a possibility of improvement of recognition system work parameters in the specified two modes when the volume of used data is reduced.
Optical solitons are important in the modern photonics. Passively mode locked erbium doped fiber lasers provide a neat platform to study soliton dynamics. Soliton interaction dynamics is important for various applications and has quite different manifestations, including e.g. such as bound state solitons [1], soliton rains [2]. Soliton interactions have been observed with different mode locking approaches such as figure-of-eight [3] and nonlinear polarization rotation [4]. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have recently been widely applied as an efficient saturable absorber for passively mode locked fiber lasers. We have recently studied the polarization dynamics in a CNT mode locked vector soliton erbium doped fiber laser [5]. So far, the polarization dynamics of bound state solitons have yet to be investigated. In this report, we present a wide range of polarization dynamics of bound state solitons generated in a CNT mode locked erbium doped fiber laser. The fiber laser consists of ∼ 2 m highly doped erbium fiber (Liekki Er80-8/125) as the gain medium, an optical isolator to ensure unidirectional oscillation anda 980 nm laser diode is used to pump the gain through the 1550/980 nm wavelength division multiplexer. A fused 10:90 coupler is used to couple 10 % of the light out of the laser cavity and two in-line polarization controllers (NewPort) are used to control the birefringence of the cavity and polarization of the pump light respectively. The total cavity length is ∼ 7.8 m indicating a 25.7 MHz fundamental repetition rate. © 2013 IEEE.
In this paper a full analytic model for pause intensity (PI), a no-reference metric for video quality assessment, is presented. The model is built upon the video play out buffer behavior at the client side and also encompasses the characteristics of a TCP network. Video streaming via TCP produces impairments in play continuity, which are not typically reflected in current objective metrics such as PSNR and SSIM. Recently the buffer under run frequency/probability has been used to characterize the buffer behavior and as a measurement for performance optimization. But we show, using subjective testing, that under run frequency cannot reflect the viewers' quality of experience for TCP based streaming. We also demonstrate that PI is a comprehensive metric made up of a combination of phenomena observed in the play out buffer. The analytical model in this work is verified with simulations carried out on ns-2, showing that the two results are closely matched. The effectiveness of the PI metric has also been proved by subjective testing on a range of video clips, where PI values exhibit a good correlation with the viewers' opinion scores. © 2012 IEEE.
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand what impact “heteronormativity” has on a lesbian teacher's perception of her instructional style, content, and context of curriculum taught. Through taped interviews with lesbian educators, this research examined the lived experience of the lesbian teacher. The framework for this study included theories related to historical, sociocultural, and psychosocial development while the methodology included a qualitative design using primary elements of a phenomenological study outlined without ignoring the influence associated with contextualism. Due to the sensitive nature of the study nine women who were the focus of this research were volunteers with the first serving as a “gatekeeper” to assist in the pilot study. The subsequent group evolved as a result of “snowballing” to gain more participants. ^ The data in the form of narrative derived from the interviews was transcribed, color-coded, and organized into four themes and associated sub-themes, based upon the perceptions of these educators. These themes characterized the coming out process of a lesbian, which directly paralleled the personal and professional development of the lesbian educator, emerged as a result of the analysis. They included: (a) self-acknowledgement; (b) self-indentification; (c) coming out to other lesbians by overcoming fear and establishing relationships; (d) coming out to others by overcoming heteronormativity by using support groups in defining a lesbian's role as a teacher. ^ The results of this study showed that the acceptance of the lesbian culture, shared with the acknowledgement, rather than compliance or defiance, of cultural hegemony can allow the lesbian educator to develop a curriculum and a classroom climate that will foster understanding and even generate social change among colleagues, parents, and students, one person at a time. ^
This thesis argues that forces of literary regionalism and postmodern culture are behind the explosion of crime fiction being written in and about South Florida by a growing number of resident authors. Research included four methods of investigation: 1. A critical reading of many of the novels that make up the sub-genre. 2. A study of the theories of regionalism, postmodernism and the genre of the crime fiction. 3. Interviews with a number of the authors and a prominent Miami book seller. 4. Sociological studies of Miami in terms of historical events and their cultural significance. Today's South Florida crime fiction authors cast their narratives in the old genre of the detective novel where characters are delineated according to traditional definitions of good and evil. Evil characters threaten established order. What makes South Florida crime fiction different from traditional detective fiction is its interest in the exotic, postmodern culture and setting of South Florida. Like the region, the villains are exotic and the order that they threaten is postmodern. There is less of an interest in attributing a larger social meaning to the heroes. Rather, there is an ontological interest in the playing out of good against evil in an almost mythical setting that magnifies economic, environmental and racial issues. There is a unique cultural diversity of the city due to the geographical location of Miami in relationship to Latin America and the Caribbean, and the political forces at work in the region. South Florida's subtropical climate, fragile ecosystem, and elements of frontier life in a cosmopolitan city work to support Miami crime fiction. The setting personifies the unpredictability and pastiche of a postmodern world and may call for a new definition for literature that relies on non-traditional regional characteristics.
A production of low velocity and monoenergetic atomic beams would increase the resolution in spectroscopic studies and many other experiments in atomic physics. Laser Cooling uses the radiation pressure to decelerate and cool atoms. The effusing from a glow discharge metastable argon atomic beam is affected by a counterpropagating laser light tuned to the cycling transition in argon. The Zeeman shift caused by a spatially varying magnetic field compensates for the changing Doppler shift that takes the atoms out of resonance as they decelerated. Deceleration and velocity bunching of atoms to a final velocity that depends on the detuning of the laser relative to a frequency of the transition have been observed. Time-of-Flight (TOF) spectroscopy is used to examine the velocity distribution of the cooled atomic beam. These TOF studies of the laser cooled atomic beam demonstrate the utility of laser deceleration for atomic-beam "velocity selection".