893 resultados para Test of symmetry
A graphing method was developed and tested to estimate gestational ages pre-and postnatally in a consistent manner for epidemiological research and clinical purposes on feti/infants of women with few consistent prenatal estimators of gestational age. Each patient's available data was plotted on a single page graph to give a comprehensive overview of that patient. A hierarchical classification of gestational age determination was then applied in a systematic manner, and reasonable gestational age estimates were produced. The method was tested for validity and reliability on 50 women who had known dates for their last menstrual period or dates of conception, and multiple ultrasound examinations and other gestational age estimating measures. The feasibility of the procedure was then tested on 1223 low income women with few gestational age estimators. The graphing method proved to have high inter- and intrarater reliability. It was quick, easy to use, inexpensive, and did not require special equipment. The graphing method estimate of gestational age for each infant was tested against the last menstrual period gestational age estimate using paired t-Tests, F tests and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of similar populations, producing a 98 percent probability or better that the means and data populations were the same. Less than 5 percent of the infants' gestational ages were misclassified using the graphing method, much lower than the amount of misclassification produced by ultrasound or neonatal examination estimates. ^
Background: Motor symptoms are frequent phenomena across the entire course of schizophrenia1. Some have argued that disorganized behavior was associated with aberrant motor behavior. We have studied the association of motor disturbances and disorganization in two projects focusing on the timing of movements. Method: In two studies, we assessed motor behavior and psychopathology. The first study applied a validated test of upper limb apraxia in 30 schizophrenia patients2,3. We used standardized video assessments of hand gestures by a blinded rater. The second study tested the stability of movement patterns using time series analysis in actigraphy data of 100 schizophrenia patients4. Both stability of movement patterns and the overall amount of movement were calculated from data of two hours with high degrees of social interaction comparable across the 100 subjects. Results: In total, 67% of the patients had gesture performance deficits3. Most frequently, they made spatial, temporal and body-part-as-object errors. Gesture performance relied on frontal lobe function2. Poor gesture performance was associated with increased disorganization scores. In the second study, we found disorganization to be predicted only by more irregular movement patterns irrespective of the overall amount of movement4. Conclusion : Both studies provide evidence for a link between aberrant timing of motor behavior and disorganization. Disturbed movement control seems critical for disorganized behavior in schizophrenia.
BACKGROUND: Reproducibility of basic research investigations in homeopathy is challenging. This study investigated if formerly observed effects of homeopathically potentised gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth of duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) were reproducible. METHODS: Duckweed was grown in potencies (14x-30x) of GA3 and one time succussed and unsuccussed water controls. Outcome parameter area-related growth rate was determined by a computerised image analysis system. Three series including five independent blinded and randomised potency experiments (PE) each were carried out. System stability was controlled by three series of five systematic negative control (SNC) experiments. Gibbosity (a specific growth state of L. gibba) was investigated as possibly essential factor for reactivity of L. gibba towards potentised GA3 in one series of potency and SNC experiments, respectively. RESULTS: Only in the third series with gibbous L. gibba L. we observed a significant effect (p = 0.009, F-test) of the homeopathic treatment. However, growth rate increased in contrast to the former study, and most biologically active potency levels differed. Variability in PE was lower than in SNC experiments. The stability of the experimental system was verified by the SNC experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Gibbosity seems to be a necessary condition for reactivity of L. gibba to potentised GA3. Further still unknown conditions seem to govern effect direction and the pattern of active and inactive potency levels. When designing new reproducibility studies, the physiological state of the test organism must be considered. Variability might be an interesting parameter to investigate effects of homeopathic remedies in basic research.
Interactions between students and faculty outside of class appear to be linked to greater achievement during and after college (Anaya & Cole, 2001; Hathaway, Nagda, & Gregerman, 2002). However, sometimes there can be blurred personal boundaries and a lack of autonomy in relationships or what has been labeled enmeshment. The purpose of the current pilot study was to investigate the effect of race/ethnicity, gender, year in college, and college major on faculty-student relationships and teacher enmeshment. Teacher enmeshment was measured with the Teacher Enmeshment subscale of the Separation-Individuation Test of Adolescence (SITA; Levine & Saintonge, 1993). A sample of 165 undergraduate and graduate students from education and psychology classes at a small, private liberal arts institution in the Northeast participated. No significant differences among the different demographic groups were found on the total teacher enmeshment score. However, significant differences were found among students with different majors, by gender, and by race on individual items. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are provided.
Life expectancy continuously increases but our society faces age-related conditions. Among musculoskeletal diseases, osteoporosis associated with risk of vertebral fracture and degenerative intervertebral disc (IVD) are painful pathologies responsible for tremendous healthcare costs. Hence, reliable diagnostic tools are necessary to plan a treatment or follow up its efficacy. Yet, radiographic and MRI techniques, respectively clinical standards for evaluation of bone strength and IVD degeneration, are unspecific and not objective. Increasingly used in biomedical engineering, CT-based finite element (FE) models constitute the state-of-art for vertebral strength prediction. However, as non-invasive biomechanical evaluation and personalised FE models of the IVD are not available, rigid boundary conditions (BCs) are applied on the FE models to avoid uncertainties of disc degeneration that might bias the predictions. Moreover, considering the impact of low back pain, the biomechanical status of the IVD is needed as a criterion for early disc degeneration. Thus, the first FE study focuses on two rigid BCs applied on the vertebral bodies during compression test of cadaver vertebral bodies, vertebral sections and PMMA embedding. The second FE study highlights the large influence of the intervertebral disc’s compliance on the vertebral strength, damage distribution and its initiation. The third study introduces a new protocol for normalisation of the IVD stiffness in compression, torsion and bending using MRI-based data to account for its morphology. In the last study, a new criterion (Otsu threshold) for disc degeneration based on quantitative MRI data (axial T2 map) is proposed. The results show that vertebral strength and damage distribution computed with rigid BCs are identical. Yet, large discrepancies in strength and damage localisation were observed when the vertebral bodies were loaded via IVDs. The normalisation protocol attenuated the effect of geometry on the IVD stiffnesses without complete suppression. Finally, the Otsu threshold computed in the posterior part of annulus fibrosus was related to the disc biomechanics and meet objectivity and simplicity required for a clinical application. In conclusion, the stiffness normalisation protocol necessary for consistent IVD comparisons and the relation found between degeneration, mechanical response of the IVD and Otsu threshold lead the way for non-invasive evaluation biomechanical status of the IVD. As the FE prediction of vertebral strength is largely influenced by the IVD conditions, this data could also improve the future FE models of osteoporotic vertebra.
Over the last decade European democracies have been facing a challenge by the rising force of new populist movements. The emergence of the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Europe created new fertile soil for the strengthening of old-established – and the development of new – populist parties in several EU-member states. José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, emphasized his increased unease concerning these developments when he was speaking at the annual Brussels Think Tank Forum on 22. April 2013: “I am deeply concerned about the divisions that we see emerging: political extremes and populism tearing apart the political support and the social fabric that we need to deal with the crisis; […]” (Barroso 2013). Indeed, European elites seem to be increasingly worried by these recent developments which are perceived as an impending stress test of the Union and the project of European integration as a whole (Hartleb 2013). Sure enough, the results of the recent European Parliament Elections 2014 revealed a great support for populist political parties in many societies of EU-member countries. To understand the success of populist parties in Europe it is crucial to first shed light on the nature of populist party communication itself. Significant communicative differences may explain the varying success of populist parties between and within countries, while a pure demand-side approach (i.e. a focus on the preferences of the electorate) often fails to do so (Mudde 2010). The aim of this study is therefore to analyse what different types of populist communication styles emerge during the EP election campaign 2014 and under which conditions populist communication styles are selected by political parties. So far, the empirical measurement of populism has received only scarce attention (Rooduijn & Pauwels 2011). Besides, most of the existing empirical investigations of populism are single case studies (Albertazzi & McDonnell 2008) and scholars have not yet developed systematic methods to measure populism in a comparative way (Rooduijn & Pauwels 2011). This is a consequence of a lack of conceptual clarity which goes along with populism (Taggart 2000; Barr 2009; Canovan 1999) due to its contextual sensitivity. Hence, populism in Europe should be analysed in a way that clarifies the concept of populism and moreover takes into account that the Europeanization of politics has an influence on the type of populist party communication, which is intended in the course of that study.
BACKGROUND: We developed a canine model of acute atopic dermatitis to evaluate the potential of compounds to treat pruritus and skin lesions induced in Dermatophagoides farinae (Df)-sensitized dogs. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of long-term recording activity monitors to assess pruritus induced by allergen challenges. ANIMALS: Thirty-two Df-sensitized laboratory dogs. METHODS: In two blinded crossover studies, 28 Df-sensitized dogs were challenged on 3 days with a Df slurry applied to clipped abdominal skin. Dogs were treated with a positive control (prednisolone 1 mg/kg once daily for 5 days, starting 1 day before challenge) or left untreated; all were fitted with activity monitors. To confirm pruritus, a parallel study with four dogs was conducted, filming the dogs before and during challenge and assessing the film for pruritic behaviour. RESULTS: The activity of dogs treated with prednisolone was significantly lower between 00.00 and 03.00 h and between 03.00 and 06.00 h compared with untreated dogs (repeated-measures ANCOVA; P < 0.0001). To determine whether the recorded night-time activity corresponded to pruritic manifestations, we compared activity monitor and video recordings of four dogs for two periods (16.30-20.30 and 24.00-03.00 h) before and during a Df challenge. The correlation between night-time activity monitor activity and observed pruritic behaviour was highly significant (test of correlation coefficient versus zero: r = 0.57, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Determination of night-time activity with activity monitors after allergen challenge appears to be an objective and practical way to assess pruritus in this experimental model of canine atopic dermatitis.
In synaesthesia, stimuli such as sounds, words or letters trigger experiences of colors, shapes or tastes and the consistency of these experiences is a hallmark of this condition. In this study we investigate for the first time whether there are age-related changes in the consistency of synaesthetic experiences. We tested a sample of more than 400 grapheme-color synaesthetes who have color experiences when they see letters and/or digits with a well-established test of consistency. Our results showed a decline in the number of consistent grapheme-color associations across the adult lifespan. We also assessed age-related changes in the breadth of the color spectrum. The results showed that the appearance of primary colors (i.e., red, blue, and green) was mainly age-invariant. However, there was a decline in the occurrence of lurid colors while brown and achromatic tones occurred more often as concurrents in older age. These shifts in the color spectrum suggest that synaesthesia does not simply fade, but rather undergoes more comprehensive changes. We propose that these changes are the result of a combination of both age-related perceptual and memory processing shifts.
Background Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibition is central to the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However, loss of response (LOR) is frequent and additional tests to help decision making with costly anti-TNF Therapy are needed. Methods Consecutive IBD Patients receiving anti-TNF therapy (Infliximab (IFX) or Adalimumab (after IFX LOR) from Bern University Hospital were identified and followed prospectively. Patient whole blood was stimulated with a dose-titration of two triggers of TLR receptors human: TNF and LPS. Median fluorescence intensity of CD62L on the surface of granulocytes was quantified by surface staining with specific antibodies (CD33, CD62L) and flow cytometry and logistic curves to these data permits the calculation of EC50 or the half maximal effective concentration TNF concentration to induce shedding [1]. A shift in the concentration were CD62L shedding occurred was seen before and after the anti-TNF agent administraion which permits to predict the response to the drug. This predicted response was correlated to the clinical evolution of the patients in order to analyze the ability of this test to identify LOR to IFX. Results We collected prospective clinical data and blood samples, before and after anti-TNF agent administration, on 33 IBD patients, 25 Crohn's disease and 8 ulcerative colitis patients (45% females) between June 2012 and November 2013. The assay showed a functional blockade of IFX (PFR) for 22 patients (17 CD and 5 UC) whereas 11 (8 CD and 3 UC) had no functional response (NR) to IFX. Clinical characteristics (e.g. diagnosis, disease location, smoking status, BMI and number of infusions) were no significantly different between predicted PFR and NR. Among the 22 Patients with PRF, only 1 patient was a clinical non responder (LOR to IFX), based on clinical prospective evaluation by IBD gastroenterologists (PJ, AM), and among the 11 predicted NR, 3 had no clinical LOR. Sensitivity of this test was 95% and specificity 73% and AUC adjusted for age and gender was 0.81 (Figure 1). During follow up (median 10 mo, 3–15) 8 “hard” outcomes occured (3 medic. flares, 4 resections and 1 new fistula) 2 in the PFR and 6 in the NR group (25% vs. 75%; p < 0.01). Correlation with clinical response is presented in Figure 2. Figure 1. Figure 2. Correlation clinical response - log EC50 changes: 1 No, 2 partial, 3 complete clinical response. Conclusion CD62L (L-Selectin) shedding is the first validated test of functional blockade of TNF alpha in anti-TNF treated IBD patients and will be a useful tool to guide medical decision on the use of anti-TNF agents. Comparative studies with ATI and trough level of IFX are ongoing. 1. Nicola Patuto, Emma Slack, Frank Seibold and Andrew J. Macpherson, (2011), Quantitating Anti-TNF Functionality to Inform Dosing and Choice of Therapy, Gastroenterology, 140 (5, Suppl. I), S689.
A measurement of the parity-violating decay asymmetry parameter, αb , and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Λ 0 b →J/ψ(μ + μ − )Λ 0 (pπ − ) is reported. The analysis is based on 1400 Λ 0 b and Λ ¯ 0 b baryons selected in 4.6 fb −1 of proton–proton collision data with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. By combining the Λ 0 b and Λ ¯ 0 b samples under the assumption of CP conservation, the value of α b is measured to be 0.30±0.16(stat)±0.06(syst) . This measurement provides a test of theoretical models based on perturbative QCD or heavy-quark effective theory.
Psychological assessment is a central component of applied sport psychology. Despite obvious and well-documented advantages of diagnostic online tools, there is a lack of a system for such tools for sport psychologists so far in Switzerland. Having the most frequently used questionnaires available online in one single tool for all listed Swiss sport psychologists would make the work of practitioners a lot easier and less time consuming. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to develop a diagnostic online tool system with the possibility to make available different questionnaires often used in sport psychology. Furthermore, we intend to survey status and use of this diagnostic online tool system and the questionnaires by Swiss sport psychologists. A specific challenge is to limit the access to qualified sport psychologists and to secure the confidentiality for the client. In particular, approved sport psychologists get an individual code for each of their athletes for the required questionnaire. With the help of this code, athletes can access the test via a secure website at any place of the world. As soon as they complete and submit the online questionnaire, analysed and interpreted data reach the sport psychologist via E-Mail, which is timesaving and easy applicable for the sport psychologist. Furthermore, data are available for interpretation with athletes and documentation of individual development over time is possible. Later on, completed and anonymised questionnaires will be collected and analysed. Bigger number of collected data give more insight in the psychometric properties, thus helping to improve and further develop the questionnaires. In this presentation, we demonstrate the tool and its feasibility using the German version of the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS, Schmid et al., 2010). To conclude, this diagnostic online tool system offers new possibilities for sport psychologists working as practitioner.
BACKGROUND Chronic haemodialysis patients are a high-risk population for meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization, which is a precursor of infection. AIM To summarize the effect of nasal (± whole-body wash) MRSA decolonization in haemodialysis patients by means of a systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS We identified eligible studies using Medline, Embase, the Cochrane database, clinicaltrials.org, and conference abstracts investigating the success of MRSA decolonization in haemodialysis patients. For the statistical analysis, we used Stata 13 to express study-specific proportions with 95% confidence intervals. A likelihood ratio test was used to assess inter-study heterogeneity. FINDINGS Six published prospective cohort studies and one study described in a conference abstract met our inclusion criteria. From 1150 haemodialysis patients enrolled in these studies, MRSA was isolated from nasal swabs of 147 (12.8%) patients. Six of the trials used mupirocin nasal ointment and combined it with chlorhexidine body washes for decolonization. The most widely used protocol was a five-day course of mupirocin nasal ointment application three times a day, and chlorhexidine body wash once daily. The pooled success rate of decolonization was 0.88 (95% confidence interval: 0.75-0.95). A likelihood ratio test of the fixed versus the random-effects model showed significant inter-study heterogeneity (P = 0.047). Four of seven studies determined subsequent MRSA infections in 94 carriers overall, two (2%) of which experienced infection. CONCLUSION The use of mupirocin together with whole-body decolonization is highly effective in eradicating MRSA carriage in haemodialysis patients. The current literature, however, is characterized by a lack of comparative effectiveness studies for this intervention.
On degeneracy and invariances of random fields paths with applications in Gaussian process modelling
We study pathwise invariances and degeneracies of random fields with motivating applications in Gaussian process modelling. The key idea is that a number of structural properties one may wish to impose a priori on functions boil down to degeneracy properties under well-chosen linear operators. We first show in a second order set-up that almost sure degeneracy of random field paths under some class of linear operators defined in terms of signed measures can be controlled through the two first moments. A special focus is then put on the Gaussian case, where these results are revisited and extended to further linear operators thanks to state-of-the-art representations. Several degeneracy properties are tackled, including random fields with symmetric paths, centred paths, harmonic paths, or sparse paths. The proposed approach delivers a number of promising results and perspectives in Gaussian process modelling. In a first numerical experiment, it is shown that dedicated kernels can be used to infer an axis of symmetry. Our second numerical experiment deals with conditional simulations of a solution to the heat equation, and it is found that adapted kernels notably enable improved predictions of non-linear functionals of the field such as its maximum.
In synesthesia, stimuli such as sounds, words or letters trigger experiences of colors, shapes or tastes. The consistency of these experiences is a hallmark of this condition. In a previous study we investigated for the first time whether there are age-related changes in the consistency of synesthetic experiences. Using a cross-sectional approach, we tested a sample of more than 400 grapheme-color synesthetes who have color experiences when they see letters and/or digits with a well-established test of consistency. Our results showed a decline in the number of consistent grapheme-color associations across the adult lifespan. We also assessed age-related changes in the breadth of the color spectrum. The results showed that the appearance of primary colors (i.e., red, blue, and green) was mainly age-invariant. However, there was a decline in the occurrence of lurid colors while brown and achromatic tones occurred more often as concurrents in older age. These shifts in the color spectrum suggest that synesthesia does not simply fade, but rather undergoes more comprehensive changes. These changes may be the result of a combination of both age-related perceptual and memory processing shifts. I will present the results of a second wave of data acquisition after a one-year interval to investigate the longitudinal age-related trajectory of the consistency of synesthetic experiences.