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Background: Visceral artery aneurysms (VAA), although uncommon, are increasingly being detected. We describe a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured IMA aneurysm associated with stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac trunk, successfully treated with surgery. Methods: A 65-year-old man presented with abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock. Abdominal CT scan showed an aneurysm of the inferior mesenteric artery with retroperitoneal hematoma. In addition, an obstructive disease of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac axis was observed. Results: Upon emergency laparotomy a ruptured inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm was detected. The aneurysm was excised and the artery reconstructed by end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusions This report discusses the etiology, presentation, diagnosis and case management of inferior mesenteric artery aneurysms


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és integrar a la plataforma Starviewer ( plataforma informàtica de processament i visualització d’imatges mèdiques creada fruit de la col•laboració del Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge (GILab) de la Universitat de Girona i l’Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI) de l’hospital Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona) per donar suport al diagnòstic un entorn de suport a la inserció de pròtesis, que permeti automatitzar al màxim les operacions que actualment es realitzen de forma manual. Hem de tenir en compte que, tot i que, la imatge més usada pel radiòleg es la radiografia (Rx) també treballa amb tomografia computada (TAC). El TAC dona una visió 3D de l’organisme, mentre que la Rx és 2D


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BACKGROUND Functional brain images such as Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) have been widely used to guide the clinicians in the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) diagnosis. However, the subjectivity involved in their evaluation has favoured the development of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Systems. METHODS It is proposed a novel combination of feature extraction techniques to improve the diagnosis of AD. Firstly, Regions of Interest (ROIs) are selected by means of a t-test carried out on 3D Normalised Mean Square Error (NMSE) features restricted to be located within a predefined brain activation mask. In order to address the small sample-size problem, the dimension of the feature space was further reduced by: Large Margin Nearest Neighbours using a rectangular matrix (LMNN-RECT), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Partial Least Squares (PLS) (the two latter also analysed with a LMNN transformation). Regarding the classifiers, kernel Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and LMNN using Euclidean, Mahalanobis and Energy-based metrics were compared. RESULTS Several experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the proposed LMNN-based feature extraction algorithms and its benefits as: i) linear transformation of the PLS or PCA reduced data, ii) feature reduction technique, and iii) classifier (with Euclidean, Mahalanobis or Energy-based methodology). The system was evaluated by means of k-fold cross-validation yielding accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values of 92.78%, 91.07% and 95.12% (for SPECT) and 90.67%, 88% and 93.33% (for PET), respectively, when a NMSE-PLS-LMNN feature extraction method was used in combination with a SVM classifier, thus outperforming recently reported baseline methods. CONCLUSIONS All the proposed methods turned out to be a valid solution for the presented problem. One of the advances is the robustness of the LMNN algorithm that not only provides higher separation rate between the classes but it also makes (in combination with NMSE and PLS) this rate variation more stable. In addition, their generalization ability is another advance since several experiments were performed on two image modalities (SPECT and PET).


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El 18F-ML-10 és un radiofàrmac utilitzat com a traçador de cèl·lules apoptòtiques mitjançant la tècnica del PET (Positron Emission Tomography). En el present treball de recerca s’ha dut a terme la síntesi de dos precursors del 18F-ML-10, i del producte final no marcat isotòpicament, el ML-10. S’ha plantejat una síntesi convergent per l’obtenció del compost final 3, partint del malonat de di-tert-butil i l’1,5-pentandiol. Tant el precursor tosilat 1 com el mesilat 2 s’han sintetitzat en 3 etapes amb un 29% i un 36% de rendiment, respectivament. El compost 3, utilitzat com a referència en la síntesi del 18F-ML-10, s’ha sintetitzat en 2 etapes a partir del precursor 2 amb un rendiment total de la síntesi del 31%. El procés de radiomarcació s’està portant a terme a l’Institut d’Alta Tecnologia – Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (IAT–PRBB), on posteriorment es faran estudis neurològics i oncològics on el seguiment de processos apoptòtics és clau.


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Dada la fuerte presión por parte de los pacientes a la hora de conseguir buenos resultados visuales tras la cirugía de cataratas, se considera de gran importancia la correcta evaluación del fondo de ojo para el diagnóstico de posibles maculopatías que puedan ensombrecer el pronóstico postoperatorio. Por ello, con este trabajo se pretende valorar si la tomografía de coherencia óptica macular es un método diagnóstico más fiable y eficiente que la tradicional exploración funduscópica realizada por el propio oftalmólogo, y si debe convertirse en una prueba complementaria imprescindible en las visitas preoperatorias.


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During the last decade, we have been developing new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of renal cancer, based on knowledge derived from molecular biology. We report a case of long-term renal metastatic cancer progression despite therapy with sunitinib and interleukin, which are the most active drugs in renal cancer. Disease stabilization for 58 weeks was achieved upon sequential use of temsirolimus, following the occurrence of disease progression during angiogenic therapy. The patient demonstrated excellent tolerance without marked symptoms for 10 months. Hypothyroidism and mumps-related adverse events were present. The survival time from diagnosis to lung metastasis was 8 years. Thus, this case demonstrates promising therapeutic effects of the sequential use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors during different stages of the disease.


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INTRODUCTION Metastatic tumors account for 1.4-2.5% of thyroid malignancies. About 25-30% of patients with clear cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) have distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis, being the thyroid gland a rare localization [5%]. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE A 62-year woman who underwent a cervical ultrasonography and a PAAF biopsy reporting atypical follicular proliferation with a few intranuclear vacuoles "suggestive" of thyroid papillary cancer in the context of a multinodular goiter was reported. A total thyroidectomy was performed and the histology of a clear cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) was described in four nodules of the thyroid gland. A CT scan was performed and a renal giant right tumor was found. The patient underwent an eventful radical right nephrectomy and the diagnosis of CCRC was confirmed. DISCUSSION Thyroid metastasis (TM) from CCRC are usually apparent in a metachronic context during the follow-up of a treated primary (even many years after) but may sometimes be present at the same time than the primary renal tumor. Our case is exceptional because the TM was the first evidence of the CCRC, which was subsequently diagnosed and treated. CONCLUSION The possibility of finding of an incidental metastatic tumor in the thyroid gland from a previous unknown and non-diganosed primary (as CCRC in our case was) is rare and account only for less than 1% of malignancies. Nonetheless, the thyroid gland is a frequent site of metastasis and the presence of "de novo" thyroid nodules in oncologic patients must be always considered and studied.


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El estudio del hiperparatirodismo es una indicación cada vez más frecuente en Medicina nuclear debido a la incorporación de técnica híbrida SPECT-TC, que añade a la gammagrafía planar convencional de doble trazador (MIBI y Pertecnetato) y doble fase (10 minutos y 2 horas) información sobre localización, fundamentalmente. El sistema de procesado convencional (reconstrucción iterativa OSEM) presenta buenos resultados, no obstante, existen limitaciones como son la resolución espacial y ruido. El sistema de reconstrucción Wide Beam Reconstruction WBR™ mejora fundamentalmente estos aspectos. Con este objetivo, se ha realizado una comparación entre ambos métodos, en pacientes con sospecha de hiperparatiroidismo.


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Un dels aspectes més importants en el procés del tractament del porc és com determinar la seva qualitat. En la Unió Europea es determina mitjançant la dissecció, s’utilitza el contingut de magre en la carn com a referència comú per determinar la qualitat de la canal. Aquest procés és totalment manual, per la qual cosa resulta laboriós i costós, tant pel que fa referència al temps que implica com per la seva depreciació. La solució a aquests problemes es podria obtenir a partir de l’automatització de la dissecció. Per això seria necessari obtenir les dades del porc mitjançant tècniques d’adquisició no invasives, com la Tomografia Computeritzada, i disposar de tècniques de segmentació i visualització d’imatge que permetessin processar les dades per tal de determinar el contingut de magre en la carn amb una precisió similar a la dissecció. Així doncs, l’objectiu del projecte és implementar un entorn informàtic que integri les eines bàsiques que permetin automatitzar al màxim aquest procés de determinació de la qualitat porcina


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The Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) Path nder project got the 4 year European Research Council FP7 grant in 2010 to prove the feasibility of using CdTe detectors in a novel conceptual design of PET scanner. The work presented in this thesis is a part of the VIP project and consists of, on the one hand, the characterization of a CdTe detector in terms of energy resolution and coincidence time resolution and, on the other hand, the simulation of the setup with the single detector in order to extend the results to the full PET scanner. An energy resolution of 0.98% at 511 keV with a bias voltage of 1000 V/mm has been measured at low temperature T=-8 ºC. The coincidence time distribution of two twin detectors has been found to be as low as 6 ns FWHM for events with energies above 500 keV under the same temperature and bias conditions. The measured energy and time resolution values are compatible with similar ndings available in the literature and prove the excellent potential of CdTe for PET applications. This results have been presented in form of a poster contribution at the IEEE NSS/MIC & RTSD 2011 conference in October 2011 in Valencia and at the iWoRID 2012 conference in July 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal. They have been also submitted for publication to "Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)" in September 2012.


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Tässä insinöörityössä tutkittiin hitsausohjeiden (WPS) laatimista ja niiden hyväksymistä metallisille materiaaleille. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli hitsausosaamisen kehittäminen ja alustavan hitsausohjeen (pWPS) laatiminen hydraulisylintereille Polarteknik PMC Oy Ab:n Nastolan tehtaalle. Työssä pyrittiin löytämään oikeat hitsausparametrit erilaisille vakiokappaleille, mm. JKV2300- sylinterisarjan nimellissuuruuksille NS50 ja NS80. Projektissa perehdyttiin hitsausohjeiden hyväksymisvaiheisiin kuvaamalla standardisarjan SFS-EN 288 kaikki tärkeät kohdat. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin myös MAG/ MAG-täytelankahitsauksen hitsausliitosten parannusehdotuksia sekä sitä miten niiden hitsausvirheet voitaisiin estää. Tämän jälkeen valmistettiin ja hitsattiin koekappaleita sekä menetelmäkokeisiin että hitsausliitosten ongelmien selvittämiseksi. Koekappaleet hitsattiin Polarteknik PMC Oy Ab:n Nastolan tehtaassa, jossa hitsausprosessina oli MAG/MAG-täytelanka ja koemateriaalina oli rakenneteräs Fe 52 / S355K2. Koekappaleiden hitsaussaumat tarkastettiin ja ne testattiin menetelmäkokeella, makrohietutkimuksella, jolla saatiin näkyviin niiden tunkeumat, muutosvyöhykkeet (HAZ), hitsausvirheet ja niiden vakavuudet. Tämän projektin oli tarkoitus selvittää hitsausarvot ja laskea niiden mukaan hitsausenergi-at ja lämmöntuonnit. Lisäksi työn oli tarkoitus selvittää testausten tulokset menetelmäkoe-pöytäkirjan laatimista varten. Näiden pohjalta oli tarkoitus hyväksyä alustava hitsausohje, esimerkiksi Polartest Oy:llä.


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Árvores, arbustos, subarbustos ou lianas, raramente ervas, glabros ou com pêlos simples. Folhas alternas, raramente opostas, simples, geralmente pecioladas; limbo inteiro, dentado, serrado ou trenado, peninérveo ou com 3-5 nervuras desde a base; estípulas em regra presentes, algumas vezes espinescentes, f caducas. Inflorescências axilares, mais raramente terminais, com as flores em cimeiras, racemos ou fascículos, por vezes, unifloras. Flores brancas, esverdeadas ou amareladas, actinomórficas, periginicas ou epigínicas, bissexuadas raramente unissexuadas. Receptáculo de cónico a obcónico. Sépalas (4) 5, valvadas. Pétalas (4) 5, por vezes nulas, com frequência unguiculadas, muitas vezes cuculadas cobrindo parcial ou totalmente os estames, alternadas com as sépalas e geralmente menores que estas. Disco nectarífero em regra presente e bem desenvolvido, geralmente soldado ao hipanto, intrastaminal, livre ou unido ao ovario, muito variável na forma. Estames (4) 5, epipétalos; filetes livres, soldados à base das pétalas; anteras (1) 2-tecas, introrsas, longitudinalmente deiscentes. Ovário sincárpico, séssil, livre e súpero ou imerso no disco e ínfero ou semi-ínfero, (1) 2-3 (5)-locular; lóculos 1-ovulados com placentacão basilar; óvulos erectos, anatrópicos; estilete 2-4lobado ou 2-3-fido. Fruto urna drupa, cápsula septicida ou esquizocarpo, por vezes alado. Sementes em regra com albúmen pouco abundante, por vezes nulo; embrião grande, direito. Familia com cerca de 55 géneros e 900 espécies, distribuidas pelas regiões tropicais e subtropicais de África, América, Ásia e Austrália.


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A Ciência do Solo procura compreender e modelar os fenômenos ocorridos no solo, principalmente na zona não saturada. Como o entendimento de muitos desses fenômenos exige determinações em escalas que permitam incorporar aos modelos a variabilidade de poros e agregados, desenvolveu-se, na Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária, um tomógrafo de raios-X, de resolução micrométrica, com o objetivo de se obterem imagens, de forma não-destrutiva, de amostras de solo, com resolução espacial igual ou inferior a 100 μm. Foi possível projetar e construir um equipamento, de alta resolução, com baixo custo, comparativamente aos equipamentos comerciais disponíveis, cujos preços são proibitivos para aplicações em solo. Obtiveram-se imagens de amostras de solos com estrutura deformada, compostos por agregados de 212 a 250 μm, nos quais foram identificados poros medindo 100 μm ou menos. Poros dessas dimensões foram visualizados, também, em tomografias de amostras compostas de grãos de areia de 1 mm e capilares de vidro com diâmetros internos de 100, 200 e 300 μm. Tomografias de amostras não deformadas de solos evidenciaram, além de poros de 200 a 800 μm, partículas de alta densidade não-detectáveis com a tomografia de resolução milimétrica.


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The development and tests of an iterative reconstruction algorithm for emission tomography based on Bayesian statistical concepts are described. The algorithm uses the entropy of the generated image as a prior distribution, can be accelerated by the choice of an exponent, and converges uniformly to feasible images by the choice of one adjustable parameter. A feasible image has been defined as one that is consistent with the initial data (i.e. it is an image that, if truly a source of radiation in a patient, could have generated the initial data by the Poisson process that governs radioactive disintegration). The fundamental ideas of Bayesian reconstruction are discussed, along with the use of an entropy prior with an adjustable contrast parameter, the use of likelihood with data increment parameters as conditional probability, and the development of the new fast maximum a posteriori with entropy (FMAPE) Algorithm by the successive substitution method. It is shown that in the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and FMAPE algorithms, the only correct choice of initial image for the iterative procedure in the absence of a priori knowledge about the image configuration is a uniform field.


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The work presented evaluates the statistical characteristics of regional bias and expected error in reconstructions of real positron emission tomography (PET) data of human brain fluoro-deoxiglucose (FDG) studies carried out by the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) method with a robust stopping rule, and compares them with the results of filtered backprojection (FBP) reconstructions and with the method of sieves. The task of evaluating radioisotope uptake in regions-of-interest (ROIs) is investigated. An assessment of bias and variance in uptake measurements is carried out with simulated data. Then, by using three different transition matrices with different degrees of accuracy and a components of variance model for statistical analysis, it is shown that the characteristics obtained from real human FDG brain data are consistent with the results of the simulation studies.